oe | “We Hurry oe Axl Nd 99 Open Day and Night New Management Asesory OATININTBO-] Che Daily Netws PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper ELECTRIC |HOTCRITICISM SMALLBOATS Kr Tut me FALL ASSIZES LIKELY T0 BE INVESTIGATED jing Lawyers Advise that the public Utilities Commission Has Jurisdiction Over Fares. Telegraphe.) Legal gpecial via GO. T. P October 27. mnecuver, one hen s, 8. Taylor, K.C., ‘4 n. T. Elliott are published sing that the B. C, Eleetrie vilway 6o, is mot removed from diction of the British Co- e jut ’ : utilities commis- mbia public ner. Commissioner ftetallack reeent- held that only jegislation of the Parliament passed last minion ssion prevented him from pro- Jing with an investigation into ro charged by the tram pany. Messrs. Taylor and jott hold that the amendment the Railway Act is ultra vires mRY LOAN (ANPAIGN HERE ng of Members of the Com- ittee to Take Place Wednes- day Afternoon. the meeting of the committee ihe Vielory Loan was this ming postponed until Wed- day afternoon at 4:30, At that (ng @ canvassing committee J be appointed and a thorough ass of the eity will be made. n most cities the active can- scommenced today, but it will be dificult for the loeal or- ation to cover the ground ¢in less than the three weeks for the campaign. ayor McCGlymont anized most of the outside ts with the exeeption of wart and that lively little town | be lined up within a few days. has already SENTATION TO SUPERINTENDENT -and irs, Matheisun Recipients of Valuable Presents From Cold Storage Staff. At the noon hour today J. F. theison, superintendent of the bd Storage Company's plant, Siade the necipient of a pres- ‘from the staff of the Cold rage, on the oecasion of his Mitting office. Mr. Mathieson leaving this week for Portland, Here hye Will take up business. ~ presentation was made by . ’ ‘al’ Casey, whe in a felici. — hl, expressed the regret Ue staff at the loss they would the departure of Mr. and c Mathieson, and on behalf of oa Workers he presented to ‘Mathieson a club bag and a : ind to Mrs. Matheison a d nugget brooch, (TOR BERCER MAY HAVE TO GET OUT is Peeial vig g Ns \ SHENG '. P. Telegraphs.) leboy nen Vel, 26, That 4, sho a Milwaukee Social- Nise of ~ The Prince Rupert had a very light passenger list on her arrival here at 10:30 Saturday night. It was mostly made up of the Fisher, Folly Girls who gave a short per- formance on the first night out. * * ’ The returned soldiers of the Presbyterian congregation in this city are to be entertained.at a dinner at the Presbyterian church hall tomorrow evening. . * * Alex Gray, the populan pianist, eft for Vancouver last night to receive medical treatment at the veterans’ hospital to his right eye which he lost overseas. * . . ©. H, Sawle, the pioneer editor of Prince Rupert and founder of The Optimist which was later changed to the Daily News, ar- rived from New Hazelton last night, where he now publishes the Omineca Herald. Ee was accom- panied by Mrs, Sawle. B. C. Undertakers. Phone Victory Loan The Members of the Local Com- mittee will meet in the Councu. CHAMBER, CITY HALL, on WEDNESDAY at 4.30 p.m. = “79. » . ae »* > h | = ye ll = a 4, ~*~ Buet>