l(!ny. September 15, 1930 THE DAILY NEWS TAXTA FTV1 SHERIFF'S SALE I THE PRINCE COUNTY RUPERT COURT OF CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE. FOR RENT. LOST & FOUND K, John Green Ryan, vs. "ubstltuted Marmot Consolidated for Joseph THIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPL E READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS lNTERESTTOGDqLD. Mines Limited. p i miant to Judgment against the nflant tn the above action by II!-oril' Honor, F. McD. Young, and by : of the Court, I will sell at A!" mi on rnaay, uie n uay r.i iiivr. 1930, at the Cour' I'Miice Rupert. B.C., in i,h J-'M' :,;!'s Office at three o'clock pi ," the estate, right, title am' of thu derenuant Marmot rhiu d Mines, Limited, In ho .iofi premises rmro ;iarticu ri scribed as those certu.'w ! claims kn;wn as Hpq B. ir-nth, Crawford, Ivy. Blue E B: iy Ooat, Deny. Daisy Iron tf Silver Sprint!, Lloyd George, i L;nk, Patricia, Pat. King r l ooks Fraction, Wire Ooid, r;o!ri No 2, Wire Ooid No 3, Gold No. 4, Flossey. Sure . . Primrose, Ealr. Eaale Fnic-i;ii.abeth, Cupid No. 1, Moun- Boy, Mountain Boy No. 1 ' mi Boy No. 2, Mountain Boy Victor, Mountain Tap, Mint,! Ci , it Point. Greenstone, Galena,; J ii ,uid Mvide, all of which; .ire locartSftn the Marmot ii.. : ir the PorUsiiKd Cunal Mining V ii of the Province of British t- ,',ibia. ( j i. ' i ii :it Prince Rupert this 12th (! . ; ,! Hept 1930. 8. A. mcKsnsoN. Sheriff. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver Sdj,uy -as. Tr. Rupert 10 p.m. - .,!iy -re. Prince Charles p.m. T' ' day ss. Catala .... 350 pjn. 1: i'sday -ss. Pr. Oeorge 10 pjn. 1: d:ty 8, Fxi. Maqulnna 10 p.m jf. Cardcna. 12 midnigh Si pt. If sfi Prin. Louise p.m. Sf-pt. 1-4 sjLggLpuise pjn. From Vancouffflsw $ Sunday ss. Catjal 4 -p.m. W. (i ss. Pr. Oeonfe 10.30 am. Tlnir day-ss. Cardcna . p.m. F: ulay ssPrt. alaqulnnaL 4 pro, s.iiur ss. Pr. Rupert. 10:30 a.m. S' i it. 10- ss. Princess Louise a.m S- pi. 20 ss. Prtaeesw Louise ajn. For Naas River and Tort Simpson Sunday ss. Catala t pjn. From Naas River tand. Tort Simpson ' ' T .ii -day ss. Catala .... 11 JO a.m. For Stewart and Premier s inday ss. Catala. 8 pjn. W' iinesday e. P. George 4 pjn. s 'urday as. Pr. Rupert 4 p.m. From Stewart and Premier ' mday as. Prince Rupert 8 pra. Tuesflay ss. Catala 1U0 a.m : fins -ss. Prince Oeorge 8 p.m. Tor Ocean Falls in ss. Prince Rupert 10 p.m " iiirs ss. Prince Oeorge 10 p.m. PHOTO FINISHING 11V EX1TRTS Sfiiil vour lllm and I'hotoWork To Vvrnthall I'holn I'lnlohlni Prinre Kuperl. B.C. Quality Ouaraatued. Prloa Reaaonanle MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Cryslal Reading White House 25 Second Ave. Telephone 767 75 TAXI 75 BAY AND NIGHT SBRVICE Careful and Courteous Drivers LUXURIOUS CARB-- C. M. RRYANT A. R. S. M. Eng. ASSAY OFFICE Jr 1 Results guarant turned by n Stewart Bri tisfiBrmbla As W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass. Wallpaper. Wallfclts, Murcsco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes. Oils, Painters' and 1'aperli.ingcrs' Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O, Box 4S9 330 Second Avcs, Prince Rupert DANCING! DANCING! Craig School of Dancing PRINCIPAL - NAN CRAIG Medsllfat Miss Craig, who has returned fnm a'teivlint; dancing studios at Chicago and Hollywood. i. now ready to resume classes in "very typr of dancing and physical culture. STTDIO 217 Hays Rid?. Second Ave. Phone Black 72? A BIG OPPORTUNITY for those who want Tailor Made Suits See our windows for special low prices Regular Prices Reduced $5.00 to $15.00 finest qui lily and latest patterns. Come in and see us today before it ia too late. 8UTTS 8pecial order complete and Onlaned in three nay. See IJaf the Cittter Ling, the Tailor Second Avenue Phone 619 A. MACKENZIE FURNITURE CbMtavffeM SKea; Dining Suites; BeUwm Stritea; ' Ctrfasa and linoleum Rugs Rrerything for the Heme We win make an allowance lor your old furniture on the new rbawf TW Drivurself Taxi Why not enjoy a nice drive this evening or tomorrow? If you cannot drive now, why not learaT There'll be a day when you u wish you could. We will teach you Our charges are reasonable. Walker Mote r Co., Ltd. Dwtrmutora of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS To Whom K may ooncern: This is to warn arty party or par ties contemplating purchasing or chartering gasoline liumeh "Bull ken" roistered No. 1M44, now In ! prince Rupert. B.C.. that they will j have to deal direct with the owner H. H. Hogan, Bella Bella, DC. The I authority of any agent to sell or 'charier said gasoline launch has i this Say been withdrawn. H. I lOO AN, t BeUa Bella, B.C. BRINGING UP Holiday Resorts DOUGLAS LODGE ItAIVIWNV TROI'T are plentiful this moon In the Stuart Lake district, they take either fly er spoon In ttato wide virgin country there are hundreds of miles of waterways in lake and strmm with 31 any pleasant bay and wooded 'ales, unexplored by white mam. Now '.ha really jj.-od accrmmedation is provided and mccrn camping equrpanetit la obtatnatte. many are taking ftsMng I 'pV I Another important attraction there ! is a ride or hike to the top of Mount i tape, from which a wenderful riteture i la seen- 100 miles of lake and woods !n I eeery direction. apply to C.N.B. or by wire or letter ! to Douglas I wis, art M. iim, I1.C. 3m i M JITNEY SERVICE timtM Port Oknaaae and Qnn Charlotte Otty. uoaday i M flatwday. I-iir iwrt Clrmrntd. SJO a.m. 4 1 aeeti rbnrMte I ja.p.m. 11m as eaeh. nennd trip SO. 1 IITMIN, I-wrt flrmenf Stage & Taxi Service Queen Charlotte Is. Oars meet all boats at Port elements and at Queen Charlotte Clt agular trips to Port elements etr Tueaday and Thursday leaving Q. C. City at s a-m. returning from Port Oe- mavts at S pjn. Hat ni faeen CftarhiUe City to IlH-t tfrsnrHts S4..X rSS retora or vlre vrraa. bitrrmMllate pls, 10c. a mile. Ride In comfort, tt costs no more. Phone 2 short. 1 long. Wire or phone our expense. EliMI'KIl STEVENS - lYnprlrtor Prince Rupert School of Music Fall Term Begins September 2 II. Al'BREY PRYCE Professor and Teacher of Yiolin and Piano. Orchestra Practice Tuesdays and Fridays. Telephone 674 Silversides Bros. WALLPAPRRS PAINTS Window Glass rieture Frame Mouldings THIRD AVENUE - THOSE tt Spirella Service Supporting Garments made to meet your personal needs. MRS. ISABELLA PETERS Resident Corsetiere Phone Red 103 Hunts Furniture & Upholstry "The Store of Quality" Complete House furnishings Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Phone Red 637 The Elite Rcauty Parlor MRS. SUTHERLAND Expert Marcellng. Finger and Water Waving Telephone 499 FATHER FOR RENT FOR RENT 4-room flat with bath. Phone 543. tf FLAT FOR RENT Wallace Block. Enquire store. tf FURNISHED FLAT, 4 rooms and bath, Phone'547. tt FOR RENT Modern Flat, kitchen range. Westenhaver Bros. tf FOR RENT Five roomed flat furnished. Phone Blue 345. tf FOR RENT Furnished suite, two rooms. Phone Mussallem Grocery. (tf) FOR RENT $5.00 a montn pats t piano In your home, walker's Music Store FOR RENT nine-room flat close hi Bath, moderate rental. Westen-haver Bros. tf IOR RENT Two bedrooms, elose in, good view. Board If desired. Phone Black 261. 21(1 FOR RENT Three room furnished suite with bath. Palmer Apart ments, phone Red 444. tf FOR RENT Extra warm modern nouse, o oea rooms, aiso smaiier houses fumkhed. Apply 215; Fourth Avenue East. tf ! I HOUS8S for Rent Two bed rooms. living room; klteaen and bath. Three bed rooms. Wing room, dining room, kitchen and bath. Good location. Will rent reasonably for a lease. Phone 64 or 180. 220 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tf AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART , We buy, srll or exchange anyj kind of furniture or household j goods, musical Instruments ma-j chtnery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. . Workmanship guaranteed. Just I phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, Federal Block. tt SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 339 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Room 10 Smith Block Courses in Technical and Engineering Training. Write or Phone Local Agent for information. Box 153 F. J. Boutell Phone 768 To Rent Cosy Two & Three Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light and washer Rentals $10 to $16 monthly OYIiR APARTMENTS 3RD AVE. Get the Ad. reading habit ii pays. ! MOW WHAT t'OH'.'TOO ARE SO 1 3tt- THS RiiHLPut;- I rZ MATTER? iiiil EVHrVf OMS lb 1) f J iiffl PLAVlKlfj I WA V POOL. . asaassa 5 Ml MINIATURE aouF ! "WHEM I 'MAWiaO fwyjasrjerC '""T i r Inc Pits! ai-itsm is' ftw sl FOR SALE FOR SALE Oak buffctt, child1 two wheel cycle. Phone Bluo 714. ' 213 FOR SALE Bargain Launch Owen in good condition. Pullen Daily News. If f FOR SALE Piano cased .Doherty Organ, good tone and condition. Phone N. Dalglish, Blue 232. 219 FOR Sale McClary Electric Range and electric water heater, complete with switches. Phone Red 345. tf FOR SALE - 1927 Ford touring, Rnxtell Axel, motor perfect, 5! tires. Giving away, $225 cash at Terrace, Box 8. FOR SALE-'-Regtotered pedigreed! police dogs, male and female, 743 9th and Fultori" Street. Phone ' Blue 909. 21b FOR SALE Speedboat newly bujlt! this year 24 ft, 6 in. long, C it.', baam. 18 In. draft, 60 h.p. Reo engine, speed 16 to 18 miles. En-, quire Kiy Boat Shop, Cow Bay. 213 equipment mining machl nery for sale. Entire equipment 2 seml-deiesel compressors, drill sharpener, hoist, track, pipe, etc. compiete, can be loaded direct on scows Anyox. 20 of cost. Inventory and price on application. II. W. lieiaman, i (au William tl., ' Vancouver vmicuuvct, BO o.v. 220 PLASTERING GEO. MACKLIN Expert Plastering 'Artistic work of all kinds, stucco, chimneys built, calsomlning. Phone 437 3.30 STEAM BATHS 201 6th Street Phone Black 761 Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel from 2 pjn. to 9 p.m. Gents, from .... 10 ajn. to ltf pjn. vim VIGOROUS HEALTH that lively, animating feeling of physical well-being Is the rightful heritage df every normal man and woman. To lack your fair share of vim and vitality Is to be deprived of life's most precious gift the boon of perfect health) Chiropractic adjustments in such cases frequently work wonders. W. C. ASPINALL Exchange BIk. Phones Black 283 and Green 211 BejCA,0aE I FELT 1 s II TX-am' LI AGENTS WANTED CALENDER Salesman. Full part time. Good contract, high-, est Commissions, exclusive lln?, .ht lowing oX-crlbed toreahore. situ- and territory Apply .tatlng '"rC qualifications, to Box 520, Lon-A lyM punted on the east aide of Naas don Ont 220 Harbour, tbenoe west IS ehalm, more or ' ; . to the opposite shors; thence rinv-r irniipv wutlwrly. easterly, and northerly, fol-UU.11-1 V UltUI aWtog nign wain- mark, to the point of SALARY increased SeUfetg Imper-1 -cmnxneemeru. and containing twenty-ial Art 'Made-In-Canatia' ChrU-:'rtJZH:J!'cyJ??;. . mas u reeling uaraa. eoeewnn, entirely new. Novelty and baatnty combined, at prices uneqaaUed i elsewhere. Sample book sent on ; approval to rettabk men and; women only. Write "feprir:' Art", 51 Wellington WcU. Toronto, tf WAN-TEH . WANTED to Rent small mode n i house, furnished or unfurnlsh?1. No children. Phone Orcen 399. ' 216 SITUATIONS VACANT ARN money now taking orders for Personal Christmas Greeting Cards. Finest line ever shown.' Easy to sell Write for particu - : ars. Regal Art Co, 310 Spadina . . Ave., Toronto. 1 tr , ; SITUATIONS "WANTED l AnvrnTTeiFR u rrntinr tn invent i. 7 TT , V . he small sum in local business if can secure employment them. Apply Box 48 Daily News. 220 LOST LOST Gold Earing between Watt's Grocery and Post Office on Saturday. Finder please return to Daily New Ofifce. ...s 218 SALVAGE ANn TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do If ! 1 Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. j. , I r uny cquippea lor unuif una General Salvage Work Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engines Agents for EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 564 P.O Box 154! RAKOE 3 COAST OISTRirr Recording District of Prince Rupert TAKE NOTICE that Frederick ttusseb Bartlstt of Vancouver. DC, Secretary. Intends to apply for permission to Imm IK follnwlB0 HAtAPlhAri fAaahnM i lands: Commencing at a poet planted! Xoce of Application far Convnt to on the south shore of Swindle Island Transfer of Beer Urenre about 20 chains south and- 180 chain . . 1 west of the south west oorner of Lot NOTICE Is hereby given that at the 389, tbence easterly and northerly alon eiplrntlon of four weeks from the first High Water Mark to thi south west i publication hereof, the undersigned In-Kwner oi Lot 33. these to Low Wa-1 tn" to apply to the Liquor Oontrtl ter Mark, thence southerly and west- Board for consent to transfer of Beer arty . along Low Water Mark, thence i Licence No. 1839. and issued la resfeet north I chains to point of commence- premises known as the "PORT meat, and enalosing all tidal ruts and CXJBMSMTS HOTEL," situate at Port lagoons, and eoatauilnc 80 acres more Cli-menta B.C.. on the lands described or leas. l"t T end . Mock 47. District Dated July 6th, 1980. , 1x11 7- Queen Charlotte District, Plan Prederlek Russell Battlett. 1079 from Herbert Hampton, Oaetano Jamas T. UnderhUI. Asent. Ciccone and Theodore Moseonl to John " Pyper. -- - - Daily News "Want Ads- bring thu 810 joU'pYrkR' quick results. Applicant. mow yoo've QOT EVrTt' OOY I I POR ME frr" J A I ' f I I I I !kef.na land recordino niSTRict Take notice that the British Colum-OTibta Fishing ii Faeklnc Company, Ltd, oi Vancouver. B.C. oecupatton, fish Li' ker lntenU u KDniv (or a leam 3t PACtaKQ co, ltd. j h BaahneU, Ajent August, ireo. RAXOU 3 COsWT DISTRICT according District of Prince RuarrV : KE NOTICE tiiai Richard Walter : J' lV.i! of VancuvCT. B.C . Aocoun-r. . mtpnds to apply for permission to -i-e 'iie allowing d:icrlbed toreshM'e c;:;nujnci: . a post planted ' Kl-,h W:rr Mark about 1-2 mile uth - r.H l-' mile eat of the south in corner of Lot 836. Swindle Island. 'hunne :,,uth ."i chains to Mand, thence ...s: 7 rhalnn to shore, tbenoo nortb- rly wcKierly and outberly along High Watnr Mark to point of osmmence- :i:!nt and containing M acres more or ."SI. liaUd July 6th, 1930. Richard Walter Underbill. Jsmes T. nnderhlTL Asent. KANUt S COAST DISTRICT according Diftrtct of Prince Rupert, TSWR Mirill'R that Wrarierir "1r TTn rterhUl ol Vancouver, a C. Land Sur- ' lntfnf " JfJS lon to lease the foUowlng described fore- fhore lands: Commencing at a pout piinum on tte South ah ore of small Imy on North End of Price Island about i u oi the SJUth t cornef of Lot 3SC. Schooner P.-vssaet, thane North 10 chains to op- note. tbenoe westerly, southerly " aastarly along High Water Mart pcln-. t: commencement and enelos- Inn the bay iuw containing 12 acres more or lass. Hated Jul 4th. 1930. Prederla ar I-Dravrtim. Jamoa X. qpsihin. Agent RANDS S CeT DiSTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert. TAKE ROTTCE that John Edward Underbill of Vancouver. B.C., Engineer. Intend.' to apply for permlesloo to lease 'he foTlprv ijg oVvribed foreshore lands: -Cs 3i.-nei.cing at a post planted at the west end of small bay about 1 1-2 miles south and 2 miles east of the south cast corner of Lot SSS Swindle Island. u'h. ? 1"' trance to bay. thenoe casterlv. norther- ly and weterlj along High Water Mark to point of commencement and con- ttning se seres mom ., Dated July 4th. ISM. John Edward rjaderhtll, James T Underbill. Agent. RANOB 3 COA3T DISTRICT Recording District of Prince Rupert, TAKE NOTICE that Norman Hill of Vancouver. B.C.. Clerk. Intends to apply for permission to lease the following described foreshore lands: Commencing at a post planted on the south shore of Swindle Island about 20 chains .cjth and 100 chains west of the south west corner of Lot SSS thence westerly along High Water Mark about 140 chains to a point behind Double Island, thence i chains more or leas to Low Water Mara, thence easterly along Low Water Mark, thence north to point f commencement and enclosing all tidal fists and lagoon and containing ISO aerea more or less. Dated July 8th. 140. Norman Bill James T. Cnderhftt, Acent. VEnVMEJit 'LfcjUfYu ACT' By George McManus OID 1 CUIMQ UP I HERE TO 5fT AWA FROM KIAGijlt?-1! I KIM aEE TErsJ MINIATURE JesW ill? MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS