1 f. I. 7t' now-i bnn. -Mb PAGE FOUR Seven '.'.Dials Mystery By Agatha Christie Copyright by Public 7.edger NINSTALMENT XXXIII. served' Jimmy covertly: She thoughtj tnTt biscuits. But did our hero flinch? (Contlped) no. he did not." "Old Pongo's a cautious player "Oh, Jimmy," said Loralne re- he takes no risks. Now, with proachfully, and he softened, me It's neck or nothing. And a "What do you really want to fine motto through life, don't you know?" agree, Lady Eileen?" j "Oh, everything. Didn't we do it "Hasn't it ever landed you in!we11? 1 mean- the way we keP trouble?" asked Bundle, laughing. (Pongo and Terence O'Rourke in she had noticed an unusual note of exultance In his voice. She had the feeling that things had gone well. After lunch they took a polite leave of Lady Coote, -and Jimmy volunteered to run them. down to the garage in his car. As soon as they had started the same word burst simultaneously from both girls' Hps: "Well?" Jimmy chose to be provoking "Well?" "Oh, pretty hearty, thanks. Slight indigestion owing to overhw dulgence In dry biscuits." ., ... . But what has happened?",. I tell you. Devotion to the cause made me eat too many' dry you on the O'Rourke was probably a sitter but Pongo Is made of other stuff. There's only one word for that lad It was in the Sunday Newsbag cross-word puzzle last week. Word of ten letters meaning everywhere at once. Ubiquitous. That describes Pongo down to the ground. You can't go anywhere without running Into him and the worst of it is you never hear him coming." "You think he's dangerous?" "Dangerous? Of cause he's dangerous. Fancy Pongo being dangerous. He's an ass. But, as I said Just now, he's a ubiquitous ass. He doesn't even seem to need sleep like ordinary mortals. t, bluntly the TYi fellow's . a nuisance." . h And, In a somewhat aggrieved manner, Jimmy described the An f P tf f Via nrAvlnitt I v r Bundle was not very sympa- thetic. j. don.t know what you think you're doing anyway, mouchlng around here." times. But I'm still going strong. L congratulate a,r ifii tnu. h- tin .; handling of Pongo. noose to defeat Terence O'Rourke." Just then Jimmy Theslger strolled around the corner of the house. "Bundle by all that's wonderful!" he exclaimed, "You've missed competing In the autumn meeting," said O'Rourke, "I'd gone for a stroll," said Jimmy. "Where did these girls drop from?" "We came on our flat feet," said Bundle. "The Hlspano let us down." And she narrated the circum stances of the breakdown. Jimmy listened with sympathe- tie , attention. t.H, lit "Hard luck," he vouchsafed. "If j it's going to take some time, 111! 1 I a is my C" lunch' I I After Lunch A gong sounded at that moment and they all went In. Bundle ob- 0OWOOfiHeHKHKHXHKHKKKH N ALERT A dull newsboy, on a. day when ; newsnvas and sales wero?few, turned to the advertising pages for inspiration. ; , . "Read about the big reduction salei" he shouted. ;!Kine quality tea sets at $3:50.anU"$4. Fan$;china-ware sacrificed." His stock of papers' was sold out very quickly; v ' '.'. .The case r to the fact closest 10 you furniture you you buy, the News else you because whether want the best and you newest and 4i is, of course, exceptional. that advertising is news-andiimportant anu tnose about you. It is news of the sit in, the books you read, the bonds automobile you use, the flashlight, talk-inginiachine and food product that give you satisfaction. that concerns you more vitally than anything read. News that is essential to you, you purchase a piano or a pin, you your money can buy. can always be sure you are; getting the best when you read the advertisements. Theiadvertisemen ts, contain pocketbook news and that's important I When Babies CRY Bibles will cry, often for no apparent reasoa You may not know what's wrong, but you can always give Castoria. This soon has your little one comforted; if not, you should call a doctor. Don't experiment with medicines intended for the stronger systems of adults I Most of those little upsets are soon soothed away by a little of this pleasant-tasting, gentle-acting children's remedy that children like. It may be the stomach, or may be the little bowels. Or in the case of'older children, a sluggish, constipated condition. Castoria is still "No. 7," said Jimmy crisply. "That's what I'm after. No. 7." "And you think you'll find him In this house?" 1 "I thought I might find a clue." "And you didn't?" "Not last night no." "But this morning," said Loralne, breaking in-suddenly. "Jimmy, you did find something this morning. I can see It by your face." "Well, I don't know If it Is anything. But during the course of my stroll" "Which stroll didn't take you far from the house. I imagine." "Strangely enough, It didn't. Round trip In the interior, we might call it. Well, as I say, I don't know I whether there's anything In it or I not. But I found this." With the celerity of a conjuror he KKI 551 Bufeltf'poinW - mt 1 7HE DAILY NEWS intf a Mt tJ IIP! i (IV thtirtr M" TEl V OnttJmiilt& l Mtatr.lNOT Nakcotk rjj V tumtJumm' HI i StJ I J ConStiirftM"' gl V nmtor4Htom m P, & the thing to give. It is almost certain to clear up any minor ailment, and could by no possibility do the youngest child the slightest harm. So it's the 6rst thing to think of when a child has a coated tongue; won't play, can't sleep, is fretful or oat of sorts. Get the genuine; it always has Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on the package. JlUUUUCU (ft UIWU UVVWV 14 WOOW It over to the girls. It was half full of.a white powder. "What do you think It is?" asked Bundle. "A white crystalline powder, that's what It Is," said Jimmy. "And to any reader of detective flctkm those words are both familiar and suggestive. Of course, If It turns out to be a new kind of patent tooth powder, I shall be chagrined and annoyed." "Where did you find it?" asked Bundle- sharply. (To i Be Continued Tomorrow) is -r, : : n f os m i aflrrtil ONE DRESS A YEAR FOR THIS BALKAN PRINCESS Princess E.-dnxu' si ror oi Regf n Bon.s wiio owing to unfavorable natin ial economy which h u placed Bulgarian royal fam-ll.v on financial stringency basis buys fewer frocks than a shop girl. A WEEK-FNI) SHOOT Lady Melcbett tells an amusing ihoot at beautiful residence of Romsay, Hants, Eng. Peace Outlet Committee Is Still Working Map-Being SentTo Be Published In Peace River Newspapers At a meeting of the Peace River outlet committee last evening, it was decided to send an engraving of the map showing the suggested route to Prince Rupert to be used In the Peace River newspapers. This was in reolv to a request from C W. Frederick, proprietor of three Peace River papers. The letter received from Mr Frederick stated that he expected to go to Ottawa to take up the mat. ter of the Peace outlet with the government and he heped the trip would coincide with that of the Prince Ruoert delegation. He want ed to know when the delegation would go. Several other, minor matters were brought before the board at th meeting, there being present Aid srman Collart, Alderman Macdon aid. Bx-Ald. Prank Dibb and Aid Pullen. NOW CHAMBER. OF COMMERCE The Board of Trade here went out of existence last night and in its ! place has come a Chamber of Com merce. This was done by motion of the board and without any discus sion. Henceforth there will be no Prince Rupert Board of Trade, but O. P. Tinker will be president of the Prinee Rupert Chamber of Commerce. AT RlELCHfcTT COURT story while attending recent Lord and Lady Melchett, near , v? Tile Honor J. D. McQrecor. liuUnant-R vcrr - h and Brlg.-Oen. Anderson, leaving th pi" buildings after the opening ceremonies oq J.. Board of Trade Asked To Help In Entertaining Large Party of United Church l'eo pic to Be Here in July For Few Hours At the meeting of the "Board of Trade last evening, Rev. Hugh Dob-son, accompanied by Dr. Large of Port Simpson, told the board of the proposed excursion of United Church people from the Kast. who were to visit Prinee Rwpert July 11. The excursion was for the purpose of acquanUng the people of the eust with the country. The party would arrive here at 10:30 and leave at 1 p.m., but he suggested that this tune might be extended. He also suggested that the board should undertake to entertain them while here by showing them something of the city and surroundings. President Tinker promised that the hoard would co-operate in this matter, as soon as It was definitely known wha,'ah$l -lrj many were timing, ;He,wi Uitd tfcat about 250 lo 6ob were expected. Mrs. Storrie Laid To Rest Interment in Fairvlew Cemetery Today Following Service in 11. O. Chapel The chapel of the B. C. 'Undertakers was crowded this afternoon with friends and sympathisers, when funeral rtes were conducted for the late Mrs. Daisy Storrie, wife of Alex Storrie. who died suddenly this week from the effects of pneumonia. The service was conducted by Canon W. F. Rushbrook of St. Peter's Anglican Church, who spoke words of respect for the deceased and comfort for her family. W. Vaughan Davles presided at the organ and hymns were "Lead Kindly Light" and "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." After the service, a long concourse followed the cortege to its final resting place In Fairvlew Cemetery, Canon W. F. Rushbrook again officiating at the graveside. Pallbearers were J. W. Durran.'IIarry Men-rle, L. J. Dell, V. Menzle, J. Anderson and II. B. Stiles. There .were many floral tributes. Asks Slight Fee From The Boar ! last night ci-gwonunem men system : ot $1 each .ii fishing vcn!- . Prince Fun ; 1 - CI .iieaiis ci ii. the tiarbor ni V.eportl J K. Ilfor: tint In Al ; 1 ('aaadiai, , viiile at i"-kunert if leans. T toe asked ' oi 11 00.0. master Hair II. I 1 I J L J I No one can do having the hn P,I;VW' best suite.! Mueb of tho unless tho Han lustrous. A million ! l:, tfff know the cu- in perfect ci n ' ' The first api ' ! how marvtl'n oil from the lift H ! it sparkle wni Its so simpi' you do is put a ach timo you nr ... --Jaflfll F : vail"-, m consistent ub solve the soothe, heal growth of Ion j)andcrinc wikcltM.1:. doesn't show '' -l.f! to manaee; h 1 ' 1 -, 1W "Set" your ' how much lonjrtr 7 I BQ llclCl I'1 I lie uneAiinu f i At All Oruo 6K!"