>” ‘ , Monday October £7, ios ———— ees ET 4 “jut Arrived - Fresh and Crisp CHRISTIE'S MARVEN'S t. lce Wafers Cocoanut Bar Cocoanut Bal Cocoanut Fingers cocoanut Brittle Phuted Vanilla swiss Chocolate Ginger Wafers Fig Bar Social Tea Ginger Nut Fig Bar > Fancy Wine Creams iced Animal Rusks Sultanas Peach Bar \rrowroot Ginger Bar \est. Fruit Sandwich Honey lingers Apricot Wafers Lemon Snaps Hoyal Milk Luneh Chocolate Drops Abernethy Acst, Biscuits Apple Blossom Cherry Rings Cafe Noir Popular Mixed Jelly Wafers Sultanas Lemon Snaps Special \sst, Marshmalbow Apple Blossom Us= COW =D Marshmallow Fingers Honey Fingers oval Canadian Afternoon Tea SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Christie’s Assorted Tims, per tin............. $2.00 Christie's Sodas, per @is.................... .65 Rumsay’s Sodas, cartons ............... 3 for 1.00 NT Ce Foe can ne ee a Ls 25 Christie’s Biscuits in packages:---Arrowroot, Graham Wafer, Water Wafer, and Social SO Sy iiss wad ceca ccs cde ki . ho See ALBERT @ McCAFFERY 7 before you purchase | Anything in the Building Line er We handle Prince Rupert Spruce Co.’s Lumber B. C. Mill’s Fir Lime Cement Plaster Brick Shingles Laths Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. = Z — Se INSURANCE David H. Hays General Real Estate Agent Cor. Second Avenue and Second Street. NOTARY PUBLIC Royal Insurance Company, Limited. Northern As urance Co., Limited. London @ Lancasitire Fire Ineurance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Guarantee & Accident Co. Figolity-Phenix Fire ineurance Co. THEO COLLART, Notary Public | have several buyers for houses from $1,500.00 up. What have yeu to offer? MARINE INeU FIRE INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Phone Rea 69 P. Oo. Box 1 Westhoime Theatro Biook Advertise in “The Daily News” The Paper that gets Quick jResults} THE DAILY News | 2S Make Your = (Fig) Cake With It arte latdy Adlen was at an noon tea where a partion nice cake was served. She got the recipe next day and imstead of using fresh milk she used Pacifie as she does in all her baking. Mrs. Adlen says it eame out so well she sent @ piece to her tea hostess who telephoned to Know what she had done to make the cake so fine in texture. | Pacific Milk Co. Limited FACTORY AT LADNER, 8B. ©. BY-ELECTION AT VICTORIA TODAY Barnard, the Labor Gandidate, is Making Good Shewing Against Minister of Agriculture. RESULT IN DOUBT BUT TOLMIE IS FAVORITE VICTORIA, Oetober 27.—Much more than the usual by-election interest is being taken in the eon- test bere. Barnard, the soldier Labor candidate, is being baeked by a large section of the more radical element in the Liberal party and some of the Conserva- tives, led by Richard Burde, M. P. P. for Alberni, seem to have de- serted the Unien and are with Barnard. On the other hand there is a large Liberal following for Tolmie and it seems pretty certain that he will be elected, especially since one or two of the ultra-ned friends of the labor candidate took the platform in his behalf. Joshua Kinkham is rallying the Liberal Unionist forces and the drydock promise is having some influence on the property ownime part of the electorate. The B. C. Federationist in a re- cent number sums up the situa- tion pretty well as follows: It is quite evident that things do not look good for the Unionist gevernment ih the by-election in the city of Vieteria. The press admits that there is a doubt as to whether Dr. Polmie will be re- elected, and Barnard’s chanees seem to be excellent. Judging from the press in Victoria, the Unionist forees are up against a bigger fight than they expected. All the old politieal dodges are being used to defeat the Labor nominee, and every thing that hr ean be aceused of from Bolsheviki [to Nihilist, is being wsed. Not content with this, the press is at- tacking any speaker that appears on his platform,.and some that they are afraid will speak on his behalf. “Meetings have been held every evening at diffefent places to fur- ther the interests of the Labor neminee, and packed meetings have been the rule, and at no election ever held in the province has there been such a variety of speakers on ‘behalf of a Labor candidate. That the wonkers of Victoria realize the importance of the election, is manifested by the yastinted support, both financial ly and by the number of workers available. And if enthusiasm and work can win elections, then Bar nard will be elected. he feeling against the Union ist government is so strong that men who have been closely identi- fied with the old political partie- ie supporting Barnard, and while ———— = ——— Une of Pisher’s “Polly Girls” appearing at the Westholme Theatre this week ATHLETIC CLUB WORKERS MEET Gathering Conight at Beard of Frede Rooms te Organize for Drive “Tomerrow. Phere wiht be @ meeting in the Board of ‘Veade rooms tonight at % @elock of all those interested in the formation of an Athletic Association in this city. The veling is for the purpese of or- @anizing the forces for the big Grive for funds which is to take Place tomorrow. Bwo thousand dpfars ts the amennt required to tt! up a dressing noom and pro- Vide peraphernatia for the new association. Everyone is to be atked to subseribe for this worthy mirpose and doubtiess there will bP oa @eed response An estimate on building a dressing room in the basement of the big building was secured from Corrie and Nelson, contractors. If is proposed to put in showers and heating apparatus and to build a chimney which may be used by the Agricultural Associa- ton in connection with their work. The reom which is ta be 30 feet by 30 feet will be conkected with the upstains by a stair inside the building. MAN BADEY INJURED AT TERRACE M1) \ mas by the name of ©. P. Warwick was injured, probably fatally, at Geo. Little’s sawmill at Terrace on Saturday. He was working at the planer when the blade broke and steuek him in the head practieally sealping him. He was taken at once to the Hazelton Hospital, but little hopes ane held for his reeovery. He has a wife and two children whu arrived from the Old Country ten days ago. the poll may not represent the working class entirely, yet it will represent the disgust of the citi- zens of the Capital City, at th antocracy and incompetence of the present government. E. H. SHOCKLEY | GENERAL CONTRACTOR Office and Shop Fraser St. Sash, doors, mouldings and all interior finish lumber al- ways in stock. Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's hardwood. Estimates Given. REPAIR WORK UNDERT Phone Green 269. ROYAL Pool ‘Room moved to 721 Third Ave. Opposite The Empress Hotel CIGARS SODA « Two per cent. Beer JOHN PELLICANO - Page 3 RAG SAW The Originaé Light Weight, Portable, Gasoline Operated Drag Saw and Power Piant. Frequently imitated—Never Equatied. coréwood, shingle bolts, land -bucking in the woods or on tion and under alb conditions— anywhere--the “WE MacGREGOR” is without an equal. The free working clutch, expanding metal band type, on the engine Shaft, positive will not elip. It does away with all bric band linings Which are ex- pensive and unsatisfagtory. Use oll freely on it. ; 4 For eutti 7 clearing—to replace the water—in an = Sum 310 Granville Street DOLUUNOODANADAGDOOUOAAOONARSASSRNNOORS > JOQOOOBOOO0O Millinery Clearing VERY LADY in- tending to pur- chase a hat will save money by taking advantage of this sale. All HATS will be sold at cost Come early, while the selection is good. INDIVIDUALITY! IS THE MARK{OF SUC- CESSFUL. BUSINESS AND IS SHOWN IN FOOTWEAR AS IN OTHER THINGS. You can obtain Individu- ality and distinction in the SHOES AT OUR STORE, l You will be convinced by examining our steek. McARTHUR’S Shoe Store THIRD AVE. Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 130 ang 423. _ P. O. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central 8. 0. FISH BQXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Gonsuit Us. Frisbie Engines FRISBIE the old, leaky, bolted-on manifolds. and 6" « 6". your hardest teste. Frisbie Motore give iong, uninterrupted service with practically no repairs except occasional grinding of valves. Valves in cages; aceessibie in a few seconds. An “all muscle!” construction throughout, every part designed for hard work. opening direstly into combusticn chambers. No pockete or orevices to gather carbon, and waste fuel. This type of con- 7 struction effects a gain of ” ” 15 to 20 per cent.more power than ie posefRie with L or T-Head designe. manifolds ape cast integral with the cylinder; miles ahead of charge on the intake and a complete, clean exhaust. 1 to @ GVLINDERS—-5 to 76 HORSEPOWER Frisbie Motore are made in following sizes: t-cy!., 6 and 7 H. P.; 2-oyl., 10 and 16 H.P.; @ cyl., 18 and 25 H.P.; 4-cyl., 30 and 40 H.P.; G-oyl., GO and 76 H. P.—-Bore and Stroke, 4%" « 5" For work or play, the Frisbie will measure up to Lipsett Cunningham Co., Ltd. the friendly motor Overhead vaives, 5 Horse Power, $450 10 eo ” 16 ” ” $900 a a » $1400 Ask the Man who has used one $700 Large valves inaure fuli r Lk: " € * _ i ae 5 %