PAGE BIX THE DAILY NF77H EVERYBODY CAN British Columbia from the ravages of fire, but not everybody does. Elaborate and far-reaching measures are being employed to control the annual cut, but the general public can do the most to eliminate the annual' waste. BE CAREFUL WITH FIRE-AT-ALL TIMES AND EVERY- WHERE. Prevent Forest Fires You Can Help! BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippe rs BREAKFAST FOOD - SfflPKed Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. II PIUNCE ItUPEKT. B.C. MMWlTIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. '. 20,000-TON FLOATING DIIYDOCK En gin vers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. .ELECTIUC AND ..ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of 'MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 . oooioooooocioooaoooooaooooaoooaoocKiooooapooooooooooooo 8 g I Wanf Arlc s Let Them Be Your Broker in Buying and Selling Somebody is waiting to buy that house or bedroom set, or coat you liave to sell. Somebody Is waiting to sIl that car, or typewriter, or whatever else It Is you are in the market for. Get the' 'habit of shopping through the Want Ads. You'll find undieamed of bar-gains undreamed of opportunities. Do your shopping through these columns and see how profitable and pleasant it Is. .BEAD and USE PRINCE RUPERT - DAILY NEWS' CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 98 "If it's fully told it's quickly sold" OOOOOOOOOOOOlDaOOOOOOOOOOOOOOlOOOOO0OOOOOOOOUUOOOOO If you lose anything, try a classified ad. Induction of Rev. P. Kelly at Bella Coola BELLA COOLA, Aug, HWThe Rev. Peter R. Kelly was duly Induc ted to the pastoral charge at Bella Coola on Friday evening, August 1, in McKenzie United Church. Rev. Capt. R. C. Scott B.A., presided and conducted the devotional exercises. He called upon Rev. W. H. Olbson of Bella Bella Indian Mission to give the address to the minister. This was done in a very appropriate manner. Mr. Gibson's lone period of experience gave weight 5md 1 wls-dom to his message. , Following this address the prcsl-1 dent of the B. C. Conference of the United Church, Rev. O. M. Sanford, SPECIALS ! I Quick Quaker Oats J. Or with China, pkg. m, Jif Soapf lakes 2flf per large pkg ivl Nabob Malt & White Ofijo Vinegar per bottle OK Pure Rock Maple Syrup, 16-oz. bot. BOYSCOUTS WERE HERE Spent Sunday in City and Then Left For Terrace The Ariyox Troop of Boy $couts with some of the local boys paraded to the First United Church last evening.' The Lesson was read by Scoutmaster P. C. Miller and later Scoutmaster Roland Oale of the Anyox troop gave a most Interesting and practical talk on the Scout Mr. Gale, who was introduced by Aid. P. H.- Llnzey who was in the pulpit hi the absence of the pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, now on his way to England, thanked Mr. Llnzey for his kind words of welcome and assured him that the boys had had gave an interesting and gracious nothing but the most generous message to tne people outlining treatment and unbounded nospi- thelr duties, responsibilities and tallty since their arrival here. For privileges In supporting the church many of the boys It was their first In all its activities in order to make time out of Anyox and for nearly for the highest success. all the first time they had heard the After .this interesting service a "talkies" so that they felt quite social hour was spent. Coffee and civilized. cake was served in the hotel and a The Scout Law was not a mere program consisting of -.songs, music theory but was practical and the and addresses given. Rev. Peter living up to it developed the highest Kelly thanked the people for the class of boyhood and later man-kindly reception given to h'lmself hood. It called for trustworthiness arid "Mrs. Kelly. and loyalty. The Jamboree held last On Saturday morning the ser- year in Enclahd, attended by 55,000 1 vices were continued in thCrJndlan Scouts from all over the world wasi Rev. Capt R. C. Scott of Ocean other Scout. They were polite, a Falls gave Interesting messages In- quality that was at a discount in troduclng their new minister, Mr. these days of hurry ana speed. They Kelly, who was pleased with the were humane, obedient, thrifty and cordial reception given him by the clean In thought, word and deed. people of the two congregations Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert G. T. Williams who attempted to Critics were asked to remember 'Via fVio Ryniitu uprc nnt nerfpet. not proven. surrender. The armor of Ood In Police Magistrate Carss has rc- steamer Quadra Is carrying a gang and supplies for erecting a lighthouse on North Island and at the extreme -northerly end of Graham Island and on Dixon x Rev. A. M. Ross officiated at the! terwards. Aid. Llnzey felt the great possibilities and rare, potentialities as he looked at the young men in front of him. He spoke on the text: "Wherefore talce on to you the whole armor of God." The boys were m lire w nis rooming nousc some at ftge whejl had to make time ago was sentenced to ten a deion M to whether they would years in New Westminster Peni-, foUow road of self indulgence or tentlary. A plea of .insanity was ; one ot gadf ice . .-rvice and self cluded the gtrple qf truth and the breastnlate of righteousness. It turned to the city and resumed ; provided protection from all sides, his duties in the local police court. I The hymns for the service were 'chosen by he Scouts and Mrs. A. The Dominion Government Wilson presided at the organ. Man in the Moon weddlnir of Miss Edith Olive of Hullo rolM! ive Been maicing Vancouver and Ocdree fortune at fishing lor tne past Prlestman. second engineer of the week and Just ran In at the week Dlsrtlbutor of this city. T. S. Boggs is again taking over the B. C. Bakery. The City of Seattle arrived in port with thirty-five tons of freight this morning. Special Pack Nabob Orange tell him to get up as ail were like Marmalad large jar Korean Crab, the leading brand, tin 45c 35c Eagle Brand Lobster A ffp 1-28, per tin tn' Eagle Brand Lobster Off i A- Z Of 'V tilt .... Nabob Fruits assor ted, per 8-oz. tin Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Arriving Every Boat Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-113 Sth Avenue East PHONE lk AND 81 end to see If you were all asleep. The other day I wrote a verse Twas not so bad But might been worse To tell about Miss Sally Snow Who always said "I told you so." A friend who reads Without being sore Takes pen In hand To write "some more Says how about Miss Julia Plum Who never uses Chewing gum? But there's a heroine We all know Wears dresses shtrt When long they grow. Another man I know was going across to the Queen Charlotte Is lands and the sea was very rough. Suddenly the ship struck a rock and the steward came running to ly to be 'drowned. What was the surprise of the steward to hear the seasick passenger send up a cheer. But perhaps you were never seasick and don t know what he " meant. It was the day "before yesterday heard someone commiserating over the deplorable position or (wir Mr nnntt' TlnA nf fh hvm IJJfl slanders remarked' "Aye, but for J"' .the grace of Ood there too might have been Mr. Brady." Jake says he understood Mr, Bennett was opposed to appointing envoys 10 ioreign countries ana now he makes himself minister of foreign affairs. A Jake also remarked that all lh Anglicans at Terrace Give Pastor Welcome Rev. E. A. McCarthy and Mrs. McCarthy Guests of Honor at Interesting Event TERRACE, Aug. 11: A very pleasant social evening and garden party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Little on Thursday to give a cordial welcome to Rev. E. A. Law. i McCarthy, the new Anglican clergy man. Mr. Halllwell presided and briefly voiced the welcome of the church and congregation. Both Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy responded with telling speeches and the Rev. H. T. Allen of the United Church also Joined In giving a warm hand to Mr. and Mrs. McCarthy. Delightful solos were sung by Mrs. R de Kergommeaux, Rev. McCarthy and Rev. II. Allen, and Mrs. A. At-tree gave a very welcome recitation. WATERFRONT VERY BUSY Some Congestion Saturday Evening Owing to Delay of Prince Henry Church, Bella Coola when the lead- a wonderful exemplification of the ; . ing men of the Church were pres- international value of the move-; ent. All were delighted to hear the ment and all were loyal to their waterfront and wharfs pre- words from the president, Rev. O. law. It was a movement to end war. : wulcu d" " "" p- M Rnnfnrrt H.vplnr. hmfhorhnnrf The Rwiut .."- Rev. W. II. Gibson of Bella Bella, was a friend to all and to every and Prince Rupert looked very much like a metropolis of shipping. The C. N. R. Prince Henry was delayed with her load of 13,000 cases of cans for the canneries and was not cleared till 6 pan. In the meantime the Prince John had docked and then the Prince Rupert .they were boys first and Scouts af- a"lv1ed;TneJatKler d mit Imitlmtt-tAhn out In the harbor rkAn till till the tha UAnn Henry pulled out. -With the Prince William expected on her return trip from the Skeena and the dock accomodation already taxed to the limit. At the same tii&e the Pacific Coyle Navigation Company's tug Cape Scott with the distinctive log-barge Biscayne sailed down the harbor. She was bound for Powell River with a lull cargo or spruce logs of approximately 700,000 feet loaded from the Big Bay Lumber Company. Later the tug Chieftain of the same company sailed with two empty scows for Union Bay. At the government wharf the C Pit. Princess Mary arrived at 2.30 from the Skeena where she had been delayed by heavy loading from the canneries and fog. She left at 4 pjn. At 330 p.m. the Princes Louise was in from the north with a largi passenger list and left at 5 p.m. for Vancouver a large number or boats were In from the halibut banks and many salmon and flahpaekers ar rived owing to ui dose season over the weekend. Addd to thaw were many local gaaboats going to or from the Salt Lakes while an additional touch of color was ad-dad by a solitary canoe very no ticeable on account of its bright red hull contracted with the white of Its occupants. District News TERRACE Thomas McMeekln, broker and commUskm agent, spent two days In town on business on his way to Vancouver via Prince George. He will meet Mrs. McMeekln in Vancouver for a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry and children of Smlthers have returned to their home after a holiday at LakeUe Hot Springs. Mr. Henry I mueh improved in health. The Spring Creek bridge work is being commenced under the supervision of John Pearson which will Improve the Kalum Lake road. E. T. Kenny left on Wednesday ! for Smlthers where he will Join an- otner party motoring together over the Cariboo to Vancouver, He will also vislt'Victorla. , The Prince Rupert .'Boy Scouts, after two happy weeks at Lakelse jLake camp, have returned to their homes. They were given tests by Scoutmaster , Miller and William Colllson of Smlthers. Mrs. F. Nosh, Jessie and Freddy, accompanied Mrs. Nash's sister to big gas bags were now out of the Prince Rupert and the Queen Char-pubic eye excepMhe R-100. jloUe Islands on Wednesday. I SALVAGING PLANEPARTS Tarty Just Returned From Butedale Where Work Has Been .Completed The Darty that mis been at BUlti- dale dismantling the plane Uuiti crashed there recently returned?! the city on the Union ss. Catala yesterday evening. The plane, a Simpson Detrolter monoplane on which a party of officials of the Canadian Fishing Company were passengers, was a complete wreck but the parts Including the fuselage F wings, and pontoons were brought! through the-'bush after a road had been cleared and are now at the Butcdate. dock whence they will be taken to Vancouver on the Catala on her next southbound trip. Philip M. Ray, Lloyd's sub-agent here, has had charge of the salvage Monday v,. Ej Mon. & Tues, H TU'fl Slln,,,. mKxiKtmiKZMiM.imxMi Kiaiuuwi mux mxmi m hi H USclI,nglnScctc 'IUI)5 9: WILLIAM POWELL i, H Krndtlnnal All.T .11. . m " vim v n 8 I B : - of the Gay White Wy 'Street of Cha With Jean Am i . and Rn.i COMEDY "MarchlnR Thi r NOVELTY P . PARAMOUNT : Feature Starts at 10 Admission - Ki i2i inm nri: nee a tin in FIVE ROSES FLOUR i.'-V'v A l i i We take pleasure in KA PRODUCT Of BRITISH COIUKBIA HESTLE'S EVAPORATED MILK IU tllcU' tl f . VI SB I I" if is now a product of Brit isli CoIiiinI$i3 TSeslles liviijxtralwl 'Milk h pure,'fU milkcomingfroin the finest of British l uliiit dairy herds. Tlio milk is srlrctwl with cxi o care, carerully Inspected, pasteurized, steril'' ; ond evaporated. Uelirious for tea, CfH' cocoa and all asking and taking in which rii :' creamy milk is desired. Wrilo today fr ' 1 free Neslld's Milky Wayllrcipo Hook, containing over a 100 trmpting tretctl recipes. NESTLES FOOD CO. OF CxVNADA LIMITED Toronto Onto'0 i i S Al al J Di All III I I Always me pesi ana Best an nays1 For For For For I Bread Cakes 'Puddings Pastries m l World Famous Flour In All Your Ba! il l i B ' Every Bag Guaranteed By I S t i r ! nr i nmi? n i . 1 ! - i nira er rna wnnnc iviiiiinrr i n m iaivc; ui nit; uuuuo iimiiug VU Liiu. ' 1 TII0S. McMEEKIN PRINCE KUPEPT. L( j jj Local Representative Fli sie es carry kness clean smcilii rr u Coprrwti too Mivo m