r v . ..W paoe Foun THE DAILY NEWa,lf J. " ; iv Wednesday, July a, uso RECITAL ON PIANO Punili of ?.IIss W. A. Way Acquitted Themselves Splendidly in Program The spacious auditorium of First United Church was practically fil led by a very appreciative audience on Monday evening when pfano pupus or miss M. A. way appeared in tneir annual recital. The chll ' ren acquitted themselves remark ably well In a program which was rendered practically all by memory. There were many outstanding numbers on the program which was as follows: "Allegro" (M. dementi), Hugh McKenzie. v "Rondolettb (Mozart), Helen BeveriJge. "Seherelno" ( j. Haydn), qor- opn uiwapn. "The Booklet" (J. H. Rogers), flelen preen. "Minuet in O." (Bach), Rose Cox. "Skating" (glelp), Robert Man- son. "Merry Mood- (C. Motor), Lor ralng Jabour, . . "Slumber Song'" (C. Huerter), Phcdejla Stergl, "GQblln's Frolic" (Heller). Doro thy Bush. "A Tol" (Pennington), Peggy Steen, , "FaJry PJpcra" H, A. Brewer), uuiapa vyooas. "Sonatina" (Dussek), Lea Basso? Bert. "Bcrnlce" (Williams), Ruby ureen. . "Remembrance" (F. Gray), Ell cen Green. "Danpe of the Sunbeams" (Cad man), Rosemary "Duncan. "At Evening" (Sartorial, Marcel Jabour. "Sonatina" (Dussek), EJdlth Smith., t A) "In Dublin Town" (Theo. Dutton), (b) "Bobby Plays Horsey"' i uiesenieid), Kitty Brady. Selecte, Katherire McMeekln. "Sonatina" (Beethoven), B. Moorenouse. "La Cinquantaine" (Gabriel-Marie), Eileen Hamblln. "Spring Song" (Mendelssohn) Venetia Feero. "Intermezzo" (F, Dellbes), Grace Watkinson. aipsy Rondo" (J. Haydn), Mary casey. "Butterflies- (wilhelm Lege), E Wilkinson. "Rigandon" (E. Macdowell), Jean McLean. (A) "Valse Op. 70 No. I" (Chopin) (b) "Song of the Rivulet" (Penlng- ton, Marybelle Stiles. ?Alr de Ballet" (Chamlnade) Ruth Nelson. "Prelude Op. 28, No. 3" (Chopin) Isobel Sturgeon. "The Two Larks" (Leschetlsky) Owen Brady. "Berceuse" (Godard), Archie Tnompson. Duet, "The British Empire" (Read), Beatrice Berner and Jean Ritchie. POLICE COURT FINES ARE UP Total For This Year to Date $3,918 , as AJalnst $3,99 1 JO in Corresponding: Period In 1929 Fines collected in city police court here during the month of June totalled $1040, as against $550 In the same month last year,bringlng the total for this year to date up to $3,918 as against $2,994.50 in the first halt of 1929. During the month Just passed, the provincial police paid $16 for keep of provincial prisoners In the city Jail. K. S. McQuaig, formerly pf P. Burns butcher shop here wlq left at the first of the year for the south is now with the meat department of the Pacific Mills Store at Ocean Falls. HAVE YOU TRIED A CLASSIFIED? More and more people are turning to the classified columns of Ue Dally yews to find what thpy want. Usee cars, furniture for sale, lost and found houses to rent or for sale, positions wanted. AH sorts of things are advertised 'here. If you do not read the classified page, get the habit now. Try it today. Of ates Undent Modern The pirate of old preyed pn legitimate commerce. His black flag flying sinister in the breeze, he plundered honest merchantmen and despoiled them of the trade they had acquired through fair dealing and an equitable exchange of values. To-day the pirate of business flies the false colors of "Something Just as Good". An outlaw 'he robs manufacturers of their weUrinerifed trade and foists on the public goods of uncertain quality. He works in the dark because he fears the light. Under the cover of substitution he proffers "something else" in lieu of branded advertised goods asked for. He dare not place his merchandise in the spotlight of advertising. Advertising reveals the true character of goods. Manufacturers or merchants who trade-mark and advertise their products condbciUlicir business in the open. They welcome inspection of-their-goods for they insist on the best of quality before the name goes on. Nationally advertised goods are leaders in quality and value. For only goods of the highest standards of excellence can thrive under the searching scrutiny of advertising, Trade-marked gflods must be as advertised, because every time a merchant or manufacturer advertises his products he places at stake the whole reputation of his business, 'And daily newspapers are the outstanding medium through which . the .. buying public are informed of the merits oj these trustworthy products, r . 4 U I - --mmm r mmw , The Daily Newspapers of Canada . . . This advertisement is published under the allspices of the Canadian Daily Newspapers Association v 7