ffedntaday, July 2. 1030. CAMERA I B.C. COAST ISTEAMSHIPS rjVTruN nuu JW FREE ;ni5l . We have just received another lot of ;thesc) cameras from the Granby Store, Anyox. AH children born in 1918 arc entitled to one. Qrmes Lid. Z7fic Pioneer Druggists THIRD AVE. 6 SIXTH !T. TELEPHONES 8?tv20C Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hilllnti I'iimii ITInre Bupert For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Buledale. Alert Bay. etc TueadaT. 3 30 pjn tor VAXroiJtMt. VICTOUH. Ilutrdale. Alert IU. He.. Friday inldntaht tor ALICE AKM. ANYOX, BTK.VVAIIT. Nuui Klvtr, Purl HIiniiMia. bun- da, 8:00 o.m. For tKKT 8IMPSON and WAI.EB ISLAND. Thundny p.m. 123 tnd Atenue K M SMITH Ant Prince Rupert, D C. TlroaKh ticket told Ut Victoria aod Seattle And baccate checked through to destination B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan. Wrangell. Juneau, Skagway Tune 9. 16, 20, 23, 27 30. To Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle June 4, 14, 21. 25. 28. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m Atrnls For All Steamship Lines W. C. Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, I'hui.c SI vrl ROUND TRIP $48.85 from any point on the Triangle (Inc. Meals and Derth on Steamar) Canada's Finest Scenery ... on this TRIANGLE TOUR This year take a real vacation I Explore the roaiestie Roddeal Golf, ride, swim ... at Jajper. Enjoy tpo octal gayetiea in Vancouver. Cruise home throuch the Inaide Passage . . . or make the complete tour in the opposite direction. . . . and that long-promised trip East! Why not NowT Summer (area are much lower- liberal stopovers, too. Traloa leave daily at 1 p.m., except Sunday. Connections with de luxe transcontinental flyers tor Prairie noiets, Toronto, Montreal and everywhere In Eastern Canada and United States. w-st aixiLOim-ai For ifnrmatUm It. F. McNavohton, XJ.IM., I'rinet liupcrt, U. K. F. McNauguton, District Passenger Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. I'EMHINA EfiG-Delivered, Per Ton $12.00 MINEIIEAI) EGG Delivered, Per Ton 12.50 MINEIIEAI) LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE .580 PHONE 580 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE ItUPEUT, B.C. Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's store. y, (Money to loan on imprdved" city property, -Ilelcgerson. Mrsrtf'firQdweii- left on the Prince William' .Monday night for! a holiday at Home Farm, Tlell. Mra'-fJohrv-Bremner'', and O. son, Jimmy after spending a week; In Terrace,, ieturjied to the city on last knight's Especial train. for one of his periodical business trips to Skeena River cannery points. Miss L. Halllwell left on the ss. Prince William Monday night for Tlell where she wll spend a holiday before visiting her parents in Terrace. Miss Kate McKay of the Dorden Street school staff has gone to! Vancouver and will later proceed to Calgary where she will spend most of her holiday. C. O. Rowe, who. went to Terrace last Saturdaywlth a Loyal Orange Lodge party, returned to the citjy from the interior on last night s special train. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ratchford and family, who have been spending the week-end at Usk, returned to the city on last night's special train from Terrace. Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE 1MIONE 575 IJESNER BLOCK DENTIST V"' ft, THE DAILY NEWS PAOE THREP Was Constipated. Bilious Jired; Now Well, New Woman ' Years- df-MiserEiided ''FRUIT-A-TIYES I .!sSBBBBBBBi&iBYH 1 "Wag always' 'constipated, billpua, tired, out of sorts. Since taking 'Fruit-tlves' feel like new woman, perfect health. Constipation all gone." Muriel McHendrr. Montreal. Host ot men and women write ear-old constipation and liver trouble ended overnight with "Frult-a-tlvea." Biliousness, Indigestion, W. Johnstone, of Stewart fit I 2? Vfi?!& "!! Mobley Co. left on yesterday's train ' 'ad away quick. Nerves quiet, wjuua sii twice, ttneumauvn, neuralgia, neuritis, alck headaches decamp In hurry. Complexion clears. Ten of nature's greatest remedies combined In bandy tablet. Marvelous discovery b famous Canadian doctor. Bpeedy results amaze all. Quit being Ie1c tired, weak. Oct "Frult-a-Mves" from druggist today. LIBERAL WOMEN 4 Baptist Sunday School Picnic to Dlgby Thursday, July 3rd. Boats leave Cow Bay 1 . p.m. and 2 p in Adults 50c. Scholars free. Other children 25c. 153 An interesting article on cruls 1LIW n A IMtrH nt rtnnlh ROhnnl'lng On LilLS COaSl DV uapi. J. W, left yesterday on the Catala tor!Hobbs appears in the magazine Vancouver. She has severed her section 01 xne lasi Vancouver oun 'connection with the local schools !aay Province and In the fall will go to Callfor- :nia All women, who desire to aupert the Liberal Party in thip election ' are Invited to ' the; Liberal Committee rooms Friday at 3 o'clock. ih 154. fa'.' 4 4 4 4 '- '4 Mr. and Mrs. John Dybhavn left Monday night for Old Masset Mr onH Mf. w w ci otmaiii where Mr. .JDybhavn will have i . I, . ii. . i noon on the Catala for Vancouver where they will sty?ndtheistannS7 1 vacation. Mr. QNettffistittJc-rxin-) cipal of Borden Street Srhoobherei. j andMrs. JarrWpcrjholme of aiis werei passengers on 4 1, a Tlv4nAA Xfl11l4m Hftvtrtav ntott. Mr. Justice W. A. MaedohaW. hi . JV" "JJZ , 1 am feat- o sa ClNlHsMT'itxtlfTViotf o ro nlan. Supreme Cewt at Vanwuver. his ' " l V.u-wl rr Jj.i, ..u,,.... ..., nine td'suend 8rrrmnth'with',Mrs. granita Aimnie itansen. Jsw-warr - , lt 8 raotn,at lrome FaTO-divorce seamstress, an absolute decree or 2,w?,hoIme iIl from Wll'iam Ilarisien. Ste-j wart miner, whom s'hiarVletf ' lrtl Seattle on JanuaryKtfjft! son Mrl and Mrs. J. K. SmltH. who a.ava. ii.a.vi. 1 . ... ... -a - . r .ZoV rf3T vr,v,, were married recently in vancou-' a5fj! , vfiti the bride having formerly bee IMiM' EdithfIJean Yates, were vi :!-j!-:tf. Jtors in the city within the pas Mrs.H.a.i-amer win be ieavin:few days ,n the course oi thelr on ouray. ju.y o. on an wtena-. honeymoon tour. They will resldf og inn easi w.ncn win taac ner as far as Halifax. NJS. She will visit her old home in Hantsport. US., and Boston. Mass., before proceeding to New York where she will do her fall buying in the La-dies'-Ready-to-Wear, returning via TotC-to. Montreal and the Great Lakes. During Mrs. Parker's absence The Exclusive Ready-to-Wear Stors, will be in charge of 1 Miss Pauline Fumes and Mrs.. Louis Miller. 153 llllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllillililililll You're missing - a lot, if you don't use Anlteuer-Buh Darley-Malt Syrup LIGHT OR DARK RICH IN BODY NOT BITTER in Vancouver. v ANNOUNCEMENTS Canadian Legion plcn'c- Digby Island July 0. Moose Basaar, October 16. 17. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel VMir.lt NKW MANAIJn.MENT Htritm llratrd; TravrllrrV Sample KiMinia: Hot and Told Water Free litis Merit All Trains and linau Rates $1.00 and Up HI'ECIAI. MONTHLY KATfcS C. K. BIGOAKT & A. DONALD I'roprlrlors PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. rUUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy Miss Lillian Fraser, Miss Jean Fraser and Miss Alice Clare, New Westminster; J. Owen, McBrlde; E. Hcnrlc'keson and O. Olson, C.N.R.; Q. Fraser. city; J. H. Brownlce, Vancouver. 'K Royal Dinnerware, china, crockery, glassware. Ileilbroner's Store. Liberal workers will please turn out this evening at Committee Rooms. it United States Consul G. C. Wood ward' made a" brief-trip" yesterday tq, Sunnyslde Cannexy Mr. and Mrs, . HlrofipHarl' "of Anyox were passengers aboard the Catala yesterday bound for Van Mrs. Charles Larson of Stewart arrived In the city from the north on the Catala yesterday mcmlng. Ted Kergln, after a brief visit at his home at Alice Arm, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday morning. - ,J. M'.jlockin returned to the city pn the Catala yesterday morning from a' business trip to Anyox and proceeded to the Interior by train. couver on a Holiday .visit, i John n Morean arrive,! In Mm rltv nt thp flrat nf fho trpelr trnm Al Small Of the Swift Canadian his ntimshewa Inlet Inline rnmii Co. left on yesterdays train for a and leU yesterday for the BUlmor uusmess trip to lerrace wnere lie jjjjjj wm proceed to other intenor.points Deiween nere ana simmers. ui winnifroH nihh nf Prin . . 'Rupert Is spending a few week Miss Ellen Hart, school teacher , the cltv th .,.. of M, at Klncollth. was a passenger 0race Eff0M vanpnuver Pro- aboard the Catala yesterday bound vmce xor ner nome in victoria wnere sne will spend the summer vacation. Seymour Simpson, who arrived i at Premier recently, was honored .Rfteri- cnarK" or w cannery tn which hei -? ocean Falls with a ,i mieresiea. rnex pian Wfspens";"' tOMTM passengers it.. . it. j ti . j -E- si. rjiir an ( vfh l rti:tv iniirii iiilt i rrirri tne summer on tsianos; u ti 2.30 this afternoon New'Koyiil rtofdi I. Ziirflll. Prop. Till', IIOTi:i, ttOUTII WHILE Hot it Cold Water; Steam Heat 75c PER DAV AND UP Trlrplmiif 281 I v. marunsun, usk, u. ii. ouiuuei. Illaysport; A. Eustachlo and F. Turks, Calgary; C. H. Underwood, C.N.R.; V. R. Orlcr and W. O. Val-py, Falls River. v, - Rev. J. H. Matthews, transferred 'rom Skldegate to Langley Prairie, i I aU. ftll. J t I I . Angelo Eustacchio, who has been on a trip to Calgary, returned to the city on Monday. F. 8. Walton, C.N.R. roadmaster, returned to the city on today's train from a trip up the line as far as Pacific on official duties. A. D. Matheson, manager of Carlisle Cannery, arrived In the city on today's train from the Skeena River for a brief visit In town. Mrs. George Hill, Jr., who has been relieving in char;; of the Driftwood Creek school near Sml-thers, arrived in the city on "today's train from the Interior. W. O. Fulton returned to the city on today's train after having spent since last Saturday at Lakelse where Mrs. Fulton and family have taken up residence In their summer home. Rev. and Mrs. Henry Flores and D. and Mrs. D. R. Learoyd and before leaving Vancouver with a family of Aiyansh. who have been family of Anyox were passengers . urnrise nartv at the home of Mr. spending the past couple of weeks aboard the Catala yesterday bound !and Mrs H Woodley. lin the city, will sail on the Prince for Victoria In which district they will spend the summer vacation. ! William Friday morning for Mill Mrs. Jefferles, wife of the mana-'Bay enroute back up the Naas eer nf the meat denartment of the I River. H. A. DeWolf, local manager Of nranhv atm at Anvnr wa ft na- I the W. H. Malkln Co. Ltd., returned , Knr ahnard th. ratal irri Father Cocola. OMJ.. veteran to the city on the Catala yesterday bound for a nonday trJp to Van-1 northern priest and principal of xixi lua&uig uic iuuiiu nip vj nu' cOUVer vox and Stewart on comoanv busi ness. Mrs. H. B. Rochester and.daueh- er Janet accompanied by 'Mrs the native school at LeJac on Fra- ser Lake arrived in the city on J. A. Anderson, road iuperinten-' today's train from the interior and dent for Atltn District, arrived In will spend the next few days in the city on the Catala yesterday town. morning for a brief visit to pro- Rochester's sister, Miss May Don-; vinc,al pubHc work3 department Mrs. O. A. Edgcumbe, who has au... j,i.uaj, ui a i nead(,uarters here. i been receiving medical treatment at Vancouver and will reside while there at Devonshire Hotel. Mr. Rochester will Join them later. , ln the south as a result of wnlcn Rev. Manley F. Eby, transferred her health Is much Improved, re-from Port Simpson to Union Bay turned to the city on the Prince Vancouver Island. In the ministry Rupert this morning from Van- of the United Church., was a pas- couver. senger aboard the Catala yesterday in me Ulllieu Uliurcil milllSiry, . .. . ... . . V n Tntnn.tnn manawnr nf In. was a passenger bound south from verneM canncry( arrlved In the the Islands on the Prince John yes-i city on the Prince Rupert this terday He was accompanied by c N R steamer Prlnce nutwrt m0mlng after a trip to the Rivers Mrs. Matthews and their three VAaiarA w,hh, nrriv-A , inlet district. He renorts that Rlv- children. 1 . . 1 c ui. . r . Tnlof cvlrv en far Viavo nnt AriyoxjI'Stewart; and other north ers points and sailed at 3.30 pm. vessel had a fair sized southbound "xi Mender list First United Church here, who will 'cave abottthe end Of this month '0 attend XSeneral Council in London Ontario, while away will pay t visit to JftTnltfve home in De- nn. En?l VIJ f. .. . expects to be fnnx eR sxpt way about two months. Mr. knM Mrs. Reginald Beaumont entertained at dinner on Tuesday evening In honor of Mr. md Mrs. J. C. Clarke whose marriage took -pce on Thursday mornln. Mrs. Clark was formerly Miss S. B. Milne and is a cousin of Mrs. Beaumont and a niece of Mrs. John Leys. C. N. R. steamer Prince John. Cspt. Dan McKlnnon, arrived in -rt at 8.40 Monday night from Vancouver via the south end of the Queen Charlotte Islands and sailed Mterday afternoon for Vancouver via Alert Bay and Englewood. The Vancouver. Powell River and been up. to the usual standard al- and other Alaska points. large list of though there will probably be an and sailed at Improvement. for Skagway Rev. C. E. Motte left on yester- i nava train ior tsunnvsiae wnere ne fV,avCTer.'a,nd,Wa,y Th!' A picture In connection with the will make his headquarters dur- recent naming of the plane "Prince 'ng the summer in special mlssion-Lpeorge," which Is being operated ary work at ths Skeena River can-lin commercial service in that in- nerles. His Church. Rupert East Rev. Alfred Wilson, pastor of j terlor district, appears in the last United has been closed for two Vancouver Sunday Province. Am-'montns. ait. woiie came into town ong those to be seen on the plane today to attend his church's Sun- are Mayor A. M. Ptterson and hLs.day School picnic tomorrow. daughter and Pilot W. A. Joerss. A picture of the schooner Effie) Prof. O. Klotz of the medical Miss Lenora Irwin, daughter of faculty of the University of Tor-Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Irwin, and Miss onto and Mrs. Klotz were In the Marlon Macdonald have left for city this morning in the course of Ashville, North Carolina, where a western tour, having arrived on they will attend the convention of the Prince Rupert this morning Delta Gamma Society. Miss Irwm Jrom Vancouver. Dr. Klotz and Dr. will return home in about a month W. T. Kergln of this city were col-travelling by way of Jasper Park lege mates and they had an Inter-and Prince Rupert. Vancouver estlng meeting while the former Province. was here. A party of thirty-one members of Morrlssey in command of Capt. the International Zonta Club, af- Bob Bartlett as she sailed on East ter having attended a convention River. New York, recently for a In Seattle, arrived in the city on voyage to the north coast of Qren- the Prince Rupert this morning land appears in the illustrated sec- from the south, eleven of them tlon of a recent Vancouver Pro- proceeding East by train and ths vlncc. The Effle Morrlssey, in com- remainder going north to make mand of Capt Bartlett, was here the round trip to Skagway whence vessel had a light passenger list ; two years ago with the Stoll-Mc- they will return here next Monday but considerable freight. 'cracken Arctic exploration party, and proceed East by train. GOLD WATCH GIVEN AWAY FREE ! To Some Person Subscribing to the Daily News During the Present Campaign Those who subscribe to the Daily News during the presenfi campaign have an opportunity of winning a solid 14-carat Wal-tham Watch, 17-jew0lled, purchased by the Daily News from IS, W. Cameron. This ii a-present to one of those who subscribe in addition to the valuable prizes given to the candidates. The watch is a splendid one, guaranteed by the makers, and will be on view in Cameron's window in the next few days. The campaign receipt for a subscription to the News gives a chance on the watch. Be sure you keep your receipt. ? 7 t u : life -..aVlafaK.lat !! P. t