Tomorrow's 1 High Low Thursday, July a.rV, 'o y rt m r' Vi a. I.U B.m. 10.1 Vol. XXI., No. 123. ANYOX IS 9.48 p.m. 18.6 ft. V , 1.07 a.m. 0.9 ft. Tv- J ; 13.14 p.m. 8.1 ft. CONFIDENT: Liberals There Convinced That Olof Hanson Hill Get Big Majority Officers Elected ANVOX. July 2:-At the an nual meeting of the Anyox Liberal jtance would be given. Ablation, which was held recent- The proposal of Mr. Benentt t Olnf would have large majority in Skti na riding at the forthcoming ledi rai election. Thb spirit was expressed in a number of speeches. Th election of officers resulted as follows: Honorary president, Rt. Hon. William Lyon Mackenzie King. Honorary vice-president, Thomas Dufferln Pattullo. President, Charles Harmon. Vice-president, Wallls Henderson. Secretary-treasurer, Joseph Mc-Gilligan. ExecuUveJ. Murdoch, E. Cam-piniill, C. Maclntyre, D. Campbell, Moyd McKay, J. Evans, P. Oalderonl, W Boyce, Mr. Nicholson, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Peterson. A. Wardrope, L. hm, H. McCartney. C. King, C. Knixick, J. Martin. 8. Down, B. I'ruzick and W. Simpson. Party Leaves For Ketchikan Local ExcurslonUts Off Today For Fourth of July Celebration on Friday A party of some 50 persons. Including baseball team and supporters, left here this afternoon on the steamer Prince Rupert for Ketchikan where a series of ball games will be played In connection with the Fourth of July celebration on Friday. A plan will be here on Friday to take north such people as may wish to travel by that means. nwnpl mm 9mVi Declares Conditions in Canada Better Than States and Bennett Attempts to Exploit Situation a good one. the Premlr declared. He said that such a session would cost $2,000,000 and that the money jut1! kit KaHav svvrsit wt e rrl nlnit ! I SEVEN HOUR SPEECH BY SOVIET HEAD Russia Willing to Pay Tart of Old Debt to Nations Trading With Her the republic is likely to be main talned. VANCOUVER WHEAT Government Has No Desire to Evade Responsibility and amendment to b. n. Will Assist Any Province That Asks For i ACT act PASSED passed BV by i Help, He Promises PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 2. 1D30 REMIEK TALKS A. LORDS . LONDON. July 2:-Amend- BRANDON, July 2: Premier King last night opened t mcnt? to. lhe ?ritl?h North t his western campaign before a hrgeudience here. As ex-t TXl t pected, the Premior devoted a considerable part of his the Canadian government and speech to unemployment, the vital consideration in this I the pratri provinces and Bri- part of Canada. He asserted that conditions were better mh Columbia for the return L Pnnnrln fVinn in ti,n tt;,i i :t.i r: of natural resources Dassed in i .iiiuiiii liuiii lis 1. 1 1 1- i inn I'll 11 .1 1 rx ,iiiii i'i i iiii i urn niu ifi support of the declaration. He declared that Mr. Bennett, i ( onservative leader, was "eager to exploit the present situation for political advantage." The Premier attributed fsuch unemployment as existed to the partial failure of the wheat i crop last year, curtailment of wheat j exports with the inevitable con traction of purchasing power and I uie skjck martlet lauurc. The Premier insisted that there was no desire or effort on the part of the government to evade its proper responsibility In respect to unemployment. If any province would notify the Dominion government that the problem had become too great for it to meet, federal assis- through all stages in the House of Lords without opposition. DETAILS OF SHOOTING Samuel Terpenlng, 57, Victim of Bullet From BrotherVflUn In Hunting Fatality ' of the provincial poHef -here 'front Sergeant Greenwood of Pouce Coupe in connection with a shoot- ngfatelltythre lwV3uBa.rn a man was shot in the bush by his brother. The dead man is Samuel Advening, agvu ill, uu wic 'ii.Rii Mlirvnl who uiu me &uuuluij . uruigc 1 rect relief to the unemployed. The MnfhM by lhe on a fcrence to canvass the whole mat- j ter and out of the conference it was i hoped would grow "a practical con-' servative co-operative effort" to solve the unemployment problem. ..'kB . I S . S Ing up forreljnfttiarj Ujtffa remanded for eight days. The two brothers' Were locaUng boundaries on their homestead near Tupper Creek and had decided to hunt a moose for food. They Jumped a quarry and George proceeded to follow It while Samuel circled around. The former Jumped the animal again but was unable to get a shot at it. A few minutes later he saw a movement In the bush and fired. He then discovered that it had been his brother, Samuel, at whom he had shot and that a bullet had entered his body four Inches below the shoulder blade, coming out below the cellar bone. Death is said to have beenPinstantaneous. Oeorge carried the "body of his MOSCOW, July 2: President brother Into Pouee Coupe and re- Stalln, the strongest political fl- ported the tragedy to the police. gure in Russia, made a seven-hour speech in which he stated that Russia was ready to pay part of the old debt to nations that will trade with this country. He declared, however, that propaganda in other countries would be continued. LOST LIFE I IN CRASH The speech seems to have made a profound Impression and Stalin's .ul .. .t in Major John each Killed at Tort Arthur When Enxlne of Plane Stalled PORT ARTHUR. July 2: Major John Leach of Sault Stc. Mario was . . .... n . t rt. 4 ...a ti - 1 t Charlotte was quoted on the local exchange to the water after the engine ihad the city on the Princess Saturda'y afternoon. today at 05c. feifSSf S! James Bremner Is Still Leading in Daily News Campaign; Gold Watch Now on View in Cameron's With only a "little more than two Weeks to go, James Brcmn6r is sllU and is making a big bid for the leading in tho Daily News campaign nrst prize. Several of the candidates arc a little dilatory In reporting. In order that the books of the Every candidate should report regularly contest may be kept In good order. The fine solid gold Waltham watch to be given to some subscriber either new or renewal, is now at who subscribes during the campaign, Cameron's Jewellery storo and will be on exhibit in the window for a fewdovs This IS the time for active work. Very soon It Will be too late. till OVA IVV ill V4V W aav n connected with the provincial air service, f . Stewart Wharf .... Tenders Called i)l. .Ilih'i -iLu. Bids 'AiU IrtvliM By Federal Tubllc Works Department For Improvements at Doek Tenders are being called by the federal department of public works for wharf Improvements at Stewart Among other places plans may be seen at the post-oHiccs In Prince Rupert and Stewart. The tenders are returnable at noon, July 16. OF BUILDING PERMITS Amounted to ToUl of S36.2G0 Dur ing Month Jut Past The following building permits were issued at the city engineer's office during th month of June: Lome McLaren. Borden St, repair foundation,' $300. Thomas Sllverildes, Borden SL repair foundation. $90, T. McMeekln, Fifth Ave. W re- oalr foundation, $250. Wm. Duff, Dunsmulr 6t, shingle roof. $100. Mrs. Inglls, Park Ave, raise and ,iovc bulldbg, $590. J. Bergman, Ninth Ave, repair foundation, $100. J. Brenner, Fifth Ave. E, addition to residence, $1000. Kuo-min Tang, Third Ave. W, htmlp walls. $2. Rihop mnm, Fifth Ave. w, re- mlr fniinHallnn tun Mrt-sn Mrs. Wil'lam Albee, p finH Kirih a, v. MnFiA walls residence. $75. 'JJI' , Z 7 JTZ ilA 1L,F'1 Scadden. Third Ave received at divisional' headquarters. , . t"lrtn W WILL CASE HASFAILED .Superior Court ii'tt Refuses to Remove Eiecutors of Estate of Sir Mortimer Davis MUNTKEAU JUiy 2 An . ! 1 il Lady Eleanor Davis i.irt M di ner D. Davlsi lr. to .cnou Lordl fl'River anoMMri. William Albee. Anglican Mls4n'. Sixth Ave. itf? Am hsy uple addition to NlUtng. $300. for, ?MyJ T!'' ITT sul .Uam thsiM suit Mat InrA fhs mil. s uuiiuniivii H. Nelson. Ninth roof. $100. Ave, shingle fe al a tst on the Flnlay River. according to word received here. Ambrose Ave, altera I Uons to residence, $500. . "ff. Moen, Tenth Ave repair foun-j ' pTred Scadden, Third Ave. panels, $200. Tom Lee, Third Ave, new $300. II. McEachern. Beach Place, erect residence. $400 They plan on exploring the upper Tehs of the Flnlay River before crossiiig over to the Liard. roof. in rvinrifTPPrrv o MM NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER BOSTON GRILL i LARGE CAIUUET Speclii Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays Danclnt Erery Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Halt fit ZUr Accommodations tor Pr.aU Parties nioxE in ! various points concerning the appeal. MANY POLES Points Despite the fact that most lines of the lumber business are very quiet at present, there Is much activity In the pole business all around Terrace as well as at. other Interior points. Several camps are 1 now attacking the largest stands of Outlet to rstlflcfoaU Is .Mentioned cedar In the Terrace district and n Rvlw.toH.hUi Ave W al- rl'tfon TStm' Vancouver PUfforms .there are big piles of the timber In teratlon ration to residence, sw i Uk. the storage nb yards although nithnnh several .v.rat Jas. MePhee, Borden St, shingle mnt 1t and in Press Jas. MePhee. English Hill, shingle fc JT 11 BUU'VVfc Vi mut4 uimussvu vis rOOf $100 Provincial Oovemment. Third PUDllc J ' v Ave., erect liquor store. $50,000. r.;"T"" . I lion. Ian Mscnediie, uocrai cii-; Z, Y 'dWat for Vancou"r Ctrt In the' v v.rii r i lYNNrANAI forthcoming foderal election, in the! Li 1 1111 VniinLi course of a campaign speejsh last C V(XQ 17 QT CJR V wck- a,d that Pfln Ruprt apd - r UIvLjJ 1 l 1IL Stewart would have their own out- let In Uroe but that. If ltwasafeai- W he believe there was a JUNEAU, July 2:-A forest fire. started bv the sKnal of a sick pros- moral oougauon w nave me i n-.inr u. rinir aiori the north He Oreat Eastern a factor tn the side of the Katchene River, west of ,uUn of the question. : Haines on Lynn Canal. Monday. , W ine reace lurer o- irici 09 not iwwi me iu vt u inc7f ciivc 'outlet to the coast through Stewart i jaiisahna ,but ralhM g clty wh)tn provide Canadian ' ready market for produce, Paul P. Dorreen, 7.000, Cold Storage, Suaor, French consul for Western ll.Sc and 7c. Canada, said on his return to Van- Alktn. 600. BooUi. 11.3c and 7c. couver after a tour of the Peace Tramp, 11.000, Cold Storage. River. 10.9c and 8c. 1 A dispatch to the Vancouver Pro- Relief. 12,500, Atlln. 115c and vlnce from Prince Oeorge says that 7,5c. T. C. McNabD, ci)i engineer m me Impereuse. 2.000, OUd Storasc Canadian Pacific Railway, is now He and 7c. observing all possible passes In tho Pair of Jack. 6,500. Cold Storage, northern territory ana also the 11.2c and 75c. , 'country lying between the Peace ! River and Stewart. American Yakutat, 40,000. Paelflc-l 1.4c and 6c. j Spray,. 32,000. Cold Storage, 10.0c and 6c. Happy, 12.000, and Tuscan, 0,000, Royal, 11.2c and 7c. Lumen, 9,000. AUln, 13c and 7c, Slrlus, 8,500, Booth, 12.6ci and 7i. Pierce. 12,000, AUlrv 13.2c nd 7c. Solloway-Mills Grain Accounts VVINNIPEO. July 2:-Tho grain accounts of Solloway, Mills & Co. Ltd. have been taken over by the N. Bawlf Drain Co. at western points. VANCOUVER FATALITY Alleied Altactfn?& Station sulU in Death of Middle-Aged j Man-Ywth It Held VANCOUVER. July J: Philip Parsons, aged 55. died, following Injuries received in an alleged attack in a gas station on Main Street at First Avenue. I Jlerbcrt Perry, aged 19. is ' bring , held by the police In connection with Parsons' death. i Parson was for 30 years a resident of Vancouver. Vol. I. PKICE FIVE CENTS UNEMPLOYMENT LATIMER CASE REFERRED BACK Farmer hh'v-.-'n Jin Regard to Appeal shanghnewr and Aiexed,' MMr. Justice W. A. Macdonald Will Set New Date For Fur- Reaper K.c. from the office as e-i cutors and trustees of theesUte tinder the will of the late Sir Mortimer D. Davis failed in Superior Court here whtn Mr. Justice E. Fabre, the surveyor, rendered Judgment The Judgment will be appealed, It was indicated. Young American of Doctor Is Wanted thcr Hearing of Matter In Supreme Court of British Columbia VANCOUVER, July 2:-The appeal of Dr. Victor Latimer of Penticton against the action of the council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia in erasing his name from the register of the College for alleged unprofessional conduct has been referred back to the medical council by Mr. Justice W. A. Macdonald who intimated that another date would be set for continuing r...J A - the hearing in the Supreme Court of Imtish Columbia. He VUUpit m c ualc said that he required further information in regard For to SENTENCES IMPOSED r Pro3tlIon Is Active a'rTTmstelisf TwoVvtelT aftn J&rgSt ' W'tll as st Other Interior Road For Five Years VICTORIA, July 2: Sentences aggregating 19 years concurrently in New Westminster, of which five years will be served, were imposed upon Stanley E. Wallls by Mr. Justice Gregory here on Wednesday. The prisoner, had pleaded guilty tn two chanzM of foraerv and was convicted on hrr charges of ob taining money by false pretences. . John Kershaw was sentenced tot five ydurs In penitentiary for theft; cars are loaded out dally. i of $750 from the Sisters of St. Anne.; The Political Corner Wednesday. July 2. 1930 Wanton Foolhardiness No. 18 Hon. R. B. BennetC leader of the Conservative party, hi his speech at Vancouver as reported in the "Province of June 18th, called the MackenUe King preferential tarjjf to. Oreat Britain, "wanton fool hardiness" and "meaningless prodigality." In face of the encomiums and praise heaped upon thlsvJJberal fiscal policy by the newspapers and statesmen of the old lanjl It sounds-very strange to hear the above expressions of opinion from the Canadian Tory party, a party which hxt always laid claim to be the slmon pure custodians of loyalty to that land. Robbed by Mackenzie King of their divine right to wave the old flag at election time, it would almost appear as If they have determined to vent their spleen upon the Innocent mother country. How many Englishmen and Scotsmen in Canada today, knowing that Britain now purchases from us three times what we buy from her, believe It wanton foolhardiness to give a measure of preference to her wlUiWeJtsjttlrtir something In -return"? How many Canadians knowing that this balance of trade witl England has .always been overwhelmingly in our fav6r and realising moreover our great Indebtedness to the mother land, think it "wanton foolhirdlne"" and "meaningless prodigality" to extend to her a trade preference at a time when her industries are in such a bad way? iiO ttr.M!Dtl King had gone oyer there bargaining, it la very, doubtful If he In tho face of their traditional free trade policy could have convince them pf the wisdom of putting up tariff walls against other nations In order to give Canada a preference in return, but they have appreciated so much the spirit of his gift that they are now prepared to go a long way upon this road, and the economic conference this fall between the various units of the Empire will unoubtcdly bring tho mother country a step nearer to granting us thU concession. The Dally Expross-Conservatlvo put the English reaction to our preferential tariff In a nutthell when It said: "The Dunning budget constitutes the greatest advanco in Imperial relations wo have seen since the war." m 3