r PAOE SIS THE DAILY NEWS KEEP YOUNG in a Modern Kitchen Pay Only $500 down for a guaranteed ELECTRIC RANGE Save endless footsteps, time, worry. Just snap the switch for perfect even cooking heat. No weary round in an overheated kitchen. No disappointments over spoiled dishes. Electric cooking is so much easier and so much better. It makes each dish a treat, retaining all flavors and nourishment values. Choose YOUR Electric Range now. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WILL SOON REACH GOLD Islander Diving Party Here Today En Route to Seattle Have Entered Wrecked Ship Capt. C. A. Hayes and crew, who have been endeavoring to salvage the gold-filled safe of the steamer Islander which sank near Juneau nearly 30 years ago were passengers aboard the Prince George Monday bound for Seattle whence they plan on returning north soon to resume diving operations. By use of special 'equipment, they have now been lable to reach the Islander and go Inside the wreck. They have been able to bring up barnacle-covered pitchers and other pieces of furniture and have reached within a few feet of the purser's office which contains the safe and the treasure. They expect to be able to salvage the gold shortly. FISHING AGAIN The American halibut boat Arne, which sustained considerable damage a few weeks ago when struck by giant seas on the fishing banks, was In port at the week-end bound for the grounds again after having undergone repairs at Seattle. SPECIAL FELS NAF1HA SOAP Qftp CU per carton SODAS, DOLLAR SIZE Kp per wooden box JELLY POWDERS 9fZn tJl Assorted, 4 pkts. for EMPRESS STRAW JAM So l's, per tin SKIPPER SARDINES Ain iKAIHvtUC 2 tin for ,'TiWr - PwED RIVER CEREAL tDl 0(J per pkt ROYAL CITY PEAS Q-f (A No. 5, 6 tins for V ! J FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES ARRIVING EVERY BOAQC Mussallein , firoceryGd Limited c 417-423 5th, Avnue Fast, -? PHONE It AND 84 DOOOKlOOOOOOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOCH3OOOOOHjOOaOCH3OOO)CH3OOOOOOQDOOOOOOOOO0OOlKJOOOOOa- OaNOaOOWJOWOCHWOWWoWHJOMOOOO BE SURE TO GET YOUR r MONEY'S WORTHS IT'S your money. You've earned it. It will be spent. For-' fuel, clothes, furniture, food, all sorts of necessities . . . and if there's any left, for luxuries. Trig way to make that hard-earned money, go farthest ' is to purchase products of certain value. Products backed by well-known manufacturers. Products that are widely bought and used, that are carefully and painstakingly kept to high standards of quality, and that have been found over and over again to give full worth. Advertised products 1 When you buy a suit of clothes, a pair of shoes, or a household necessity, that is advertised in this paper, you are buying a product vhosemaker is willing to talk about it, tell about it, put what hfTkVowjs' about it in print and sign his name to it. When you buy advertised merchandise by name, you get the utmost of purchasing value from every dollar. Read over the grocery lists that appear weekly in the Daily News and note the savings you will make by purchasing from these Hjtg ; Because it doesn't pay to advertise poor products, It docs pay to buy those advertised. DoaoooooaooaaooaaoaooaooooooooooooiooocH3ooDOoooboooaooooooooDDDoooaaaeidaDOiaCK Canada Dry Expands by New Edmonton Building Architect's drawing of new plant being built for Canada Dry Ginger Ale Limited at Edmonton. It Is an exact replica of the model Maywood Chicago Canada Ory plant, conceded to be the finest on the North American continent Construction is starting with plans for beginning loperations in the new quarters in September. Capacity of 600 dozen bottles hourly expected to care for growth of demands for company' beverages throughout the Western Provinces. WINNIPEG BAND WON Transcona Shop Pipers Take Premier Honors in Canadian Civilian Competition TORONTO. July 2: The Cana ii tf.n...i n.iiRIA..i. Din. D.nrt of the Transcona shops. Winnipeg, won the civilian pipe band cham- plonshlp of Canada here recently and the D. B. Hanna cup for com- oetlticsLamong the pipe bands of th" Canadian National Railways. Five bands competed In the con-1 test, Edmonton and Montreal also being represented. Pipe Major Cameron, veteran leader of the Winnipeg band, tlecr In the contest for premier honors in strathspays and reels while Pipj Major Steve McKlnnon of the Montreal CNJt. band took first place for marchlpg. Mrs. Reed Made . Speedy Flight V i. Was in Shelton, Wash, 800 Miles From Here, in 12 Hours j Mrs. William O. Reed, who came north last Tuesday aboard the rac ing yacht Buccaneer amd received the tragic news Immediately upon Arrival here that her elder son'HHd been murdered, leaving at dawn he next morning, for thasouthiof oard Pilot Clayton Scott's Gijfa Mr TransDort flying boat, reached Seattle before nopn -Wednesday on the plane which, after taking ten minutes to refuel, pushed off Im mediately for Vancouver, Wash., where the woman disembarked en route to her home at Shelton where the murder occurred. She was in Shelton in little more than 12 hours after leaving here. ANNUAL RODEO JASPER PARK Many Visitors From Continent Present at Resort Yesterday JASPER PARK LODGE. July .2: Visitors from Eastern Canada and ihe United States were present In arge numbers for the annual rodeo which took place in Jasper yester iav on Dominion Day In which cowboys and guides from various parts of Western Canada competed In bucking contests, races and fan cy riding exhibitions. The display of horsemanship, un der the auspices of the Jasper Horsemen's Association, was held '.his year in the new grounds below Whistler Mountain. Above a wide jottonwood flat, hillsides were ter raced and stands erected to provide a vantage point for onlookers. Sir Heory Thornton, president and chairman of the Canadian National Railway's, and Hon. Charles Stewart, mlnlstergof the Interior, assisted In the opening ceremonies. Aerial Fishery Patrol Base Is i;at Swanson ' Bay To institute the aerial fisheries patrol in District No. 2, Pilot W. N. Cummlng arrived at Swanson Bay latfl last week with a Western Canada Airways flying boat. As was the case last year, Swanson Bay will again be made the base this season for the fishery patrol In the southern part of the district, the Western Canada Airways has a contract for 400 hours of flying on fishery patrol this summer. GREAT FUN FOR DOUBLE Miss Betty Sanford Smith Likes Movie Business JASPER PARK LODGE, July 2: Moving picture arusis are a nap- nv nprmlo wVinrirn thrnimh tViA frlnlv an sombtlmW'4he perils .of their profession with good humor and zest," said Betty Sanford Sriilth of Toronto, who returned to Jasper Park Lodge from Mount Robson, where during four day she saw "the other side" xf-acting on the screcrt -and fuilvt It to her liking." Doubling for Lois Moran, star of "Thi Red Sky," sound movie being taken in Jasper Park and at Mount Robson by the Fox Film Company, Miss Sanford Smith, blonde and vivacious, entered Intimately Into the life of a film party on location. She rode with the Hargreaves Bros, pack pony outfit, 18 miles from the Canadian National Railways to Bprg Lake? saw a.grlaly bear and gqtaj otiLUiQiinountaln side and ,wtojiejl great; ,massM of ice tumble qtlthpftobson Glacier. Former Local Operators For peter, Daylesi ..formerly wireless operator sabpard the lighthouse tender, Newington and for the past year or so a member of the staff of Dlgby Island wireless station. Is about to leave for Vancouver where he will embark on the Hudson Bay Co.'s steamer Baychlmo for Coronation Qulf on the Arctic Ocean where he will be stationed for the next two years. Herbert Holt, a former member of the local wireless station staff and for the past few months loca ted at Victoria. left Vancouver last Friday aboard the Royal Canadian Mounted Police patrol boat St. Roch on which he will spend the next year in the Arctic Winnipeg Naval Reservists Are At Esquimalt VICTORIA, July 2:-Under com mand of Lieut. F. J. Kelly, a party of thirty-five Winnipeg boys, members of the Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, have just arrived here for three weeks' training at Esquimau Naval Station. Fdr many of the boys, It was the first sight of salt water. FLOATS ARE INUSENOW Several Boats Are Already Tied Up at New Moorinjs Just East of Dry Dock The new flshinalfJoali'5ust cast of the ,drJ&rioVCjlise and quite a few boats are already moored there. These fine floats are a real acquisition to the local wa- terfront facilities and a credit to ' their builders, John Currie it Son. I Full use, however, will not be , made of the floats until a road has been built to connect them with ' the city. At present, there Is no j semblance of a road but it is un-I derstood that the city Is taking the , necessary steps with as little delay as possible toward having the road provided. WHITE BEAR AT JASPER Freak Bruin Was Taken at First For Mountain floal " JASPEU PARK LODGE, July 2:-A black bear that is completely s white has been found a few miles g beyond Jasper Park Lodge on the a motor road above- Maligne Canyon The bear, apparently In excellent condition and preserving all the characteristics of the ordinary black bear, sighted crossing the road In a heavy spruce forest was 3 taken at first for a ghost or a mountain goat by a party of riders. ) I R. H. Knight, superinendent of the park, stated that It Is the first time in his experience that he has heard of such a freak. "A white, bear," he said, "was reported to be ' somewhere within the park someiji time ago. It is a freak, but no ac- jn tlon will be taken to capture it for 2 a museum or zoo." 5 In the last Vancouver Sundav Province appears a picture of a crnnn at the recent nicnic at Van- derhoof in connection with the! 5 visit 'there of members of the Br!-1 J tlsh Columbia Dairymen's Assocla- JJ lion, a numDer oi prominent, peg pie are to be seen In the picture. Don't Wednesday, July 2, 1030 Swat! Here's the sure, quick, easy way to kill all mosquitoes indoors and keep 'em away outdoors! pray 1 1 OopnvM I'M V U. LI CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS '. Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD , OPERATING (J. T. 1. 20,000-TON FLOATING DUVDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 38S LUMBE KILN DRIED SPKUCE, FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. jj Specialties jj Edge Grain Iloat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edge Grain 3 Hemlock Spruce and Cedar Shlpiap, Boards, Dimensions and Timbers Doors, Windows, Shinties, Etc. 'I 71, 'Odd lots off-grade material at reduced prices. BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. Lumber Manufacturers Prince Itupert, B.C. CANNERY TENDER The American halibut boat Yellowstone, which will be operated this summer as a cannery tender, was In port at the end of the week bound for Alaska. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY 3 TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 I'Al. LAWRENCE TIBBETT The World's Greatest Baritone -In- THE Irogue SONG From the Opera, "Gypsy Love" ALL TALKING, SINGING AND ALL IN TECHNICOLOR Talking Comedy "Whispering Whoopee" Admission 20c & C3c Flit Is sold only in this ytllow can with tht blick band. ii . kuoco lac n CEDAR AND IIEMLOCR ! Flooring ill a a a m s a Chief Justice Hunter reserved decision In the case of Moreton Frewen vs. O.T.P. Development Co. which Involves the ownership of 1000 lots in Prince. Jtupert. Twenty Years Ago Column, Vancouver Province.