Page 4 @TORK’ SELL TOVE Gurneys commenced mak- ing stoves in 1843. Still in the same line of business 1919. Hundreds in use in Prince Rupert. ee ON SALE AT Fred Stork’s Hardware SECOND AVENUE Phone Black 114 NEARLY DOUBLE PRESENT DOCK © ACCOMMODATION Will be About 1,100 Feet Long. SOUNDINGS TAKEN IN READINESS FOR WORK Although definite plans for the new addition to be made west of the present Grand Trunk wharf, ire not yet completed a fairly lefinite idea as to the extent of these improvements may be given. An addition of 1,100 feet is to be put on which will nearly double he present wharfage, it being now 1,500 feet long. Large sheds SMITH & MALLETT PLUMBING AND HEATING ENGINEERS Estimates furnished. Address, 3rd Avenue, head of Second Street. Phone 174 -— P.O. Box 274 Joe Brown’s Motor Transfer and Passenger Service Stand, Empress Hotel Phones 176, Black 334 SEND FOR JOE PPP LD ‘ i ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ FOR SALE. Seven-roomed house with bath and finished basement. Newly painted. 8th Ave., W. $2875.00 Very Easy Terms. DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND i 523 Third Ave. will be erected on the new wharf. When the new dock is com- pleted it will provide more ac- sommodation for the heavy ship- ments of salmon that are passing through here at the present time and are taxing the available ac- ommodation to the utmost. It will also allow more room for gther kinds of freight if neces- sary. The new slips being built for the Whalen pulp will elimin- ite any handling of that com eodity at the docks and with the new wharfage, the freight and storage situation shuold not be so congested another season. Active operations have not yet vegun on the wharf proper, but sounding has been going on for some time, in order to ascertain the exact depths for the drivine f piles. It is much more eco- 1omical and convenient to know ‘he depths beforehand so that the viles can be cut about the righ! ength before the driving begins. BANQUET AT ALICE ARM Much Progress at Camp, Makes People of the District The second annual banquet of the Alice Arm Commercial Club s to be held on Thursday night. L. C. EBY _— BUILDER AND. CONTRACTOR Alterations and_Repairs Plans and Estimates furnished Phone Green 450 JamesF. Marten SIGNWRITING PAINTING DECORATING Phones 544 and Black 507 P.O. Box 514 Workshop: 329 Second Avenue banquets were instituted ast fall and the first one was veld about a year ago. At that time, though, the people didn't iave much to rejoice about as it just followed the closing down of sperations after the Dolly, Varden ‘o. had defaulted on its payments to the Taylor Engineering Com- pany, throwing the latter into liquidation. At that time things ‘ertainly did look pretty blue. However, this year the famous amp has made a complete re- covery and activities have been coing on stronger and more con- fidently than ever before. The Dolly Varden has been shipping iigh grade ore for some time and he Taylor Mining Co., which have vecome possessors of all the solly Varden property, have very bright plans for the future. Capital from all parts of the ‘ountry is flowing in for develop- nent epurposes and many new nines will soon be steady ship- vers. The second annual ban- These juet promises to be a big affair FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Geo. Waddel 336 2nd Ave. PLACK 367 — GREEN 304 Save Money In Lampe. ind certainly it is now backed up vith actual accomplishment and prospects instead of disap- ointment and a cold, lonesome inter staring the guests in the face. osy PTOMAINE POISONING | (Special via 6.7. . Telewrapns.) TORONTO, Oct. 26.—Forty or ifty people, among them the Rev. Phon® Green 607 1017 Grd Avenue Dalgaruo & Watts BUSLDERS AND CONTRACTORS Specialists in Light and Heavy Con- struction, Repairs and Alterations. Fiest Class Staircase Work and Finishing. Estimates Gieerfully Given Erick AND CONCRETE BUILDING CONTRACTORS George and Mrs. Balfour, are suffering from Ptomaine poison- ing as a result of a Thanksgiving supper in North Parkdale Meth- odist Chureh last night. Miss Matilda Smith, of Alice Arm, left last evening for Seattle. She will remain there for two or three months and will meet Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lothgren who are well known in the north. Mr. Lothgren has just recently been discharged from the U, 8. army and he*and Mrs. Lothgren will soon return to Alice Anm where a DENTISTRY OFFICE HOURS: 8 om. t 12; 1:30 p.m. te 6:80 p.m. OR. J. 8. BROWN DENTIST Orce: Smith Block, Third Avenue. Phone 454. Mr. Lothgren is interested with Salinas Bros. in the Esperanza Mines. Bruce, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Hancock of Alice Arm, is making a very satisfactory re- covery from an operation in the General Hospital. Mrs. Hancock will return to Alice Arm as soon as the little boy ean travel. ; New Structure to be Built Here THE DAILY NEWS “COLDS thas The throat, breath! and lungs are the w nts at which colds strike. And these are the very ns most diffi- cult to treat, use only a breatheable remedy is capable of reaching the troublelodged there. Peps provide a breatheable remedy, and their superiorit over remedies which are swal- lowed into the stomach Is there- fore obvious. For convenience, this breatheable remedy is con- densed into tablet form. To teke the treatment, merely dis- solve Peps in your mouth, and the medicin vapor that is released is carried by the breath to the remotest parts of the breathing and tungs, healing, soothing and strength- ening every part with which it comes in contact. At the same time, by destroying all disease germs, these medicinal fumes prevent the development of colds, coughs and serious chest trouble. Carry Peps with you, and when you from an over- heated building to the bitter cold of outdoors, put a pastille in your mouth. Also as a pro- tection against ms, keep a Pepin your mouth, when breath- ing the impure air of a crowded theatre or store. Rich have slrecay develogeas Pees whic ave air v are comity iavelus Bios alee S broechitis, sore throst, etc. All dealers, 56c. box. ——_—_—_—_—— ee MINERAL ACT. Certificate of improvements. NOTICE. Silver Tip’ and “Monarch” Mineral laims, situate in the Naas River Mining vision of Cassiar District. Where located:—About four miles from wed of Alice Arm on its West side. TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore, ¥. M. €. No, 31018-C, agent for B. H Ty whitt Drake, Registrar of the Supreme court of British Columbia, B. C., Free Miner's Certificate No. 33583-C, intend, ‘ix'y days from the date hereof, to apply © the Mining Recorder for a Certificate f improvements, for the purpose of ob aining a Crown rant of each of the ibove claims. \nd further take notice that action, un ler section 85, must be commenced before the issuance of sach Certificate of improve- ments : coves this 18th day of September, 19149. A.D. WATER NOTICE DIVERSION AND USE TAKE NOTICE that Northern B. C. Pish- eres Limited whose address is Winch Bullding, Vancouver, B. C., will apply for 4 licence to take and use 4 cubic feet per second of water out of un Un-Hu ereck which flows north and drains into Steamer Passag,e about 200 feet west of west boundary Lot 4954. The water will be diverted from the stream at @ point about 180 feet N.W. of oe SL a Lot 4954 and will be used or industrial power urpose upon the aot Swaes as Lot 40h, Range 5, Coast siriet. This notice was posted on the ‘ound mm the 6th day of September, 1919. copy f this notice and an lication pursuant thereto and to the “Water Act, 1914,” will be fled in the oMece of the Water Re cider at Prince Rupert, B. C. Objections to the application may be ‘ied with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights,’ Pariia- ment Butidings, Victoria, B.C., within itty days after the first appearance of this notice in @ local news r. NORTHERN B. C. FISHERIES LIVITEn Applicant. By W. A. Bauer, Agent The date of the first publication of this notlee is 8th September, Dally News, Prince Rupert LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Port Clements, Graham Island TAKE NOTICE that we, the Graham ts. and Spruce & Cedar Co., Limfted, of Port Clements, occupation lumbermen, intend to apply for permission to lease the fol lowing described lands Commencing at a post planted at the N.W. corner of Block 53, townsite of Port Clements; thence N. 70 deg. W.-—540 ft.; thence south 33 deg. W.—455 ft.; thence ‘uth 237.77 ft.; thenee east 472.95 ft.; thence following the shore line in a north easterly direction to the point of com- mrncenees and containing 7.1 acres, more w less. GRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR ci . ED LIMITED. Dated August 12th, 1919. NOTICE IN THE MATTER of an application for the issue of a fresh certificate of title to part of Lot Eight hundred and forty-eight (848), Group One (1), Cassiar District satisfactory roof of loss of certificate having been filed, notice is hereby given that it is my intention, at the expiration of one month from the first publication hereof, to issue a fresh certificate of title in the name of Thomas Richard Tomlinson which Certificate of Title is dated ath Pebruary, 19143, and is No, 3067-1. Dated at the Land Registry Office. Prince eypers. B.c., this 16th day of October, W. P. BURRIT Acting District T Registrar CANCELLATION OF RESERVE NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIV reserve existing over Lots Atos br ove Range 6, Coast District, is cancelled, G, A, NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Lands Department, Vietorla, B. CO 8th October, 1919. CLASSIFIEP) ADVERTISING Phone 98 | This is the Advertising Co'omn that) le read when they ‘want anything | Fo It brings results an : ; } WANTED. | WANTED —One bookkeeper, male, | and two messengers. Apply, personally to G. T. P. Telegraph Co., Third Avenue. tf GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED for general housework. Good wages -Apply Mrs. Mobley, 303 4th Avenue. tf FOR SALE FOR SALE—Smal! pleasure boat with new four-cycle 4 h. p. marine engine; or will trade for piano or anything of value Also for sale fishing and hunt- ing boat and one {2 h. p. gas engine cheap. See McGowan the eyele man. Second Avenue. Near McBride Street. Phone Blue 424. tf FOR SALE OR RENT—2-roomed cabin on 2 dots situated on 9th Ave., W., Section 5. Will sell cheap. Apply 1140-6th Ave., or phone Black 246. 2514 MONEY AT 8 PPR CENT on build- ng Loans. Apply Prince Ru- pert Housing Ltd., Geo. W. Nickerson, Secretary. if FOR SALE-—New modern house, containing five rooms and bath- room, on Fighth Avenue East. Phone 463. 251 FOR SALE—2 double beds, one brass, one white enamel, in zood condition. Phone Black 246. 258 FOR SALE —Roller canaries singers $6.50, and hens 82.00 Apply Box 8., Inverness, B.O. FOR SALE—New Scale Williams piano in splendid condition—J. \. Thompson, Seal Cove. tf FOR SALE—Slightly used piano. Singer Shop, 1414 Third Avenue. FURNISHED ROOM in private family to rent. Very central. Nicely located. Gen™eman pre- ferred. Apply box 311, Daily * News office. 249 FOR RENT — Sewing machines and pianos. Singer Shop, 144 rhird Avenue, thé home of the Gerhard Heintzman piano. tf FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT-— Suite 5 Summit Apartments— Phone Red 512. 249 HOUSES FOR RENT. Houses for sale. Phone Black 451—F. W. Hart, tf LosT LOST on October 24 bunch of 8 or 10 keys, including 2 Yales and P. O. box key. Finder please leave at Daily News of- fice. Reward. 251 FOUND—Key ring with Yale and post office box keys. Apply Daily News office. MISCELLANEOUS rHE NORTON—The place for a shampoo. Hairdressing. Scalp , treatment. 210 Foyrith Street Open 10 a.m. or by appoint- ment. Phone 493. tf (, OFFICE Morning, 9 to 12, Afternoon, 1.30 Dental Nurse Dentistry One Decayed or Missing Tooth | : Efficiency a9 Dr. Bayne Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, from 7 10 9 Phone 109 for appointment TEETH } YOUR HOURS to 5.30; Saturdays, 9 to 12 Only in attendance is so delight scratch the enamel off you We want you to try it. you have Try it upon our PHONE 134 Phone 524 Motor Delivery LINZEY’S You will delight in using this non-gritty PENSLAR TOOTH PASTE is unlike most dental creams inasn taste in y Use it regular]; ten days and note the difference between it and th Penslar Tooth Paste is sold in generous 35c tubes The Prince Rupert Drug Co. FAMILY CHEMISTS Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention National Grocery Co. VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY 586 - Phone - 586 The goods on our shelves are all priced in large plain figures to aid you in your shopping. Do Not Risk Disappointment! but place your orders now for REAL HOME MADE CHRISTMAS CAKES PUDDINGS AND PIES The Smeeton Tea Rooms fully flavored loes not r teeth and leaves 1 soap) our mouth. WOOK Or ; crean been using. recommendatior P.O. BOI 215 Cor. Fulton and Sixth Prompt Attention GROCERY 309 Second Avenue TOM LEE CO. 840 Second Avenue, West. VEGETABLES Wholesale and Retall » General Contractors and Labor Exchange. Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 547 — P.O. Box 725 —— lor Dressmaking and plain sew- ing — M. A. Dewburst, Phone 112. 50 CORSETS MADE TO MEASURE Mrs. Director, phone Blue 92 FARMS FOR SALE ©. P. R, FARM LAND — Choice farms in well settled districts in Western Canada; low prices: twenty years to pay; irrigated lands in Sunny Southern Al- berta, with loan of $2,000 in improvements to assist new settlers. Act now— they are eoing fast. For free booklet and full information write 1. G. Loughran, General Land agent, 744 Hastings St. West, Vancouver, B.O, "DEAFNESS M325 if Vou are a Sufferer—Go to your Local Druggist and order Goncen- trated Gourdal, price $1 per tin. This New remedy gives almost im- mediate relief, and ‘quickly effects a permanent cure. It penetrates to the actu! seat of the complaint, and has completely cured many cases which were considered hopeless. If your Chemist does not yet stock ‘Sourdal’ do not accept any sub- olituta, pet eens monez order for a supply direct to ¢ ‘Sourdal’ tributing Go., Station Rood, Croydon, Gurrey, Eng., and a package will be matied per return with full directions, | The Gurvich Transfer Phone Green 548 P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. A. W. EDGE C0. DISTRIBUTORS 2nd Avenue - Prince Rupert ; We : Sell : Coal VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT OF COAST, RANGE Ill DISTRICT TAKE notice that Emma C. Smaby, of Ocean Falls, B. C., oecupation married wo man, intends to apply for permission to lease the following deseribed lands Commencing at a post planted on the north end of @ small island on the west side of Choked Passage, west of Hunter Island, thence south 40 chains, thenee west 40 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence east 40 chains to point of commencement md containing 160 acres, more or less EMMA ©. SMABY, By Mark Smaby, Date September 4th, 1019. Agent QUBEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND [fis TRIcT eer 1 DISTAICT OF KEENA, TAKE NOTICE that IL, Peter Piombo, 0° Prince Rupert, B. C., prospector, intend to apply for a leence to reas for coal, on and troleum over t ollowing de oe ane on the West Coast of Ora 8 - Commencing at & post planted at three miles north of the north east corner of Let 2457, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chains west, thence 80 chains south thence 80 chains east to point of com menecement, PETER PLOMBO. Located July 27, 1019 Dated September 25th, 1019, 1 on Finish off your attic ee off a room in the hase ae wi io in your garage: ; z Be ud, For your summer ve Du ie t c. for your new home, for the es , ver the store or the ofhee Bea = _ It takes the place of lath, P -s ‘allp C1 es you better #4 a ool n ore handsome, more COLTS, ) : itar more rap ¢e. os " reason form and none ae 5 Picre be caver Board. Om OF une | wy to be parucus will ay) A. W. EL Distributer®, P