Thursday, June 5, 1930. DIANA FlSHWICK Diana Flshwick, nineteen-year old North Foreland Golf Club ii. niber, Kent. Enfand, who r ( ntly defeated Collett, Am- .i'.in golf champion, in a m;tt i) for British women's golf championship LOCAL ITEMS V II Tobey, CNR. divtokmal "s;p rintendent, left on today's Xiai fur-a-UlpUo-tha-iaUrkwr-on : ml duties. 0!( if Hanson, who attended the rwmt provincial Liberal conven-! In Kamloop and paid a brief vi-. i to Smithen on his way home, r n ned to the city on today's uui. W Webster, a member of the V l ouver Rotary Club, was the i'-.;kri at trie luncheon of the lo- ii club in the Commodore Cafe :U;iy President G. A. Bryant was in ihe chair. H F MrLeod, land and court re-' left yetterday for Babine I iki where he will spend a three v.' ks holiday. Andrew Thompson lifting registrar during his ab i tier W J Alder, who has been luling the past ten days in the '' on business tn connection with ' r-alty interests, will sail by the Fniice Cfeorge tonight on his re- u to Victoria. Tii" Victoria Dny celebration r'"ntnlttee presented at a meeting 'Up Elks its report last night wing that the sports that day "i bon successful despite uncer-i) keather. The complete report t u the Flag Day celebration will be available for a week or so; f Business at the meeting wasl v ni-rwise oi a routine naiure. t I't.-d Ruler F. II. Stephens pre- MAMMOTH AUCTION SALE on FRIDAY, JUNE 6 Commencing at 1.30 p.m4 at the AUCTION ROOMS FEDERAL BLK. insisting oi: Oak Dining Room Suite, 4 Beds complete, 3 Dressers, 3 RuriRcs with water fronts, large tjnantity of Crockery and Glass vre. Bicycle. Folding Couch, Oil ' ivc, 3 sewing Machines, 2 Vic rolus. Electric Irons, K. Tables, C'lviirs, Gateleg Tables, small Gas i nmne complete, and Mlscclan-c"us articles. Note these goods must bo sol'd & we need the space. GEO. J. DAWES AUCTIONEER PHONE BLACK 120 THE DAILY KEW3 page nva CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT! FOR SALE. FOR RENT. ST & F OUND THIS fS THE PA6BVHl6n4lOPEOPLB HEAD 'BECAUSE IT IIUMAjf BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD Holiday Resorts Lakelse Lodge New Lakelse Lodge on the shore of Lakelse Lake Is now FOR open to guests. Fine Fly Fishing On the lake and river. Lithia Pool Springs (Largest in Canada) Oood for rheumatism. Fhone connecting with Terrace Fare from train to Lodge and return $2.50 Manager J. Bruce Johnstone Wonderful Tlell (RCUN CIIAKLOTTB ISLANDS The Home Farm Fine beach and meadows for Children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing' Hiver and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine Parties ran be met at tikldnte or Port Mements. Wlrelevk tut Knervatlons MADAME RAJAUT Furnished Cabins FOR KENT ON Lakelse Lake Shore Close in to new Lodge. Apply to MRS. SUSIE, - Terrace, B.C. JITNEY SERVICE --Dccn .Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, Mondays and Saturdays, commencing March 31. Leaves-Port Clements 8:30 ajn. Queen Charlotte 1:30 pjn. Fares $5.00 each. Round Trip $6.00. Other points In proportion. Meets boat at Port Clements. Special trips arranged at any time. No heavy baggage. L. DYSON I'oit Clements Graham Island Stages Operating Between Queen Char lotte City and Tort Clements MPt nil boats noitlbound at Queen Charlotte City vo convey passengers to von t-iemenia, au meets southbound boats at Port fflpments to receive passengers for Queen Charlotte City. Fare $5.00, and In proportion w intermediate points. R. G. McKENZIE PREMIER HOTEL QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITf. B.C. C. M. BRYANT A. R. S. M. Eng. ASSAY OFFICE Resulte guaranteed and returned by next mall. Stewart British Columbia BRINGING UP HO HOM- CJOEVo 1 VIA. FIX OPMEOVysJ 6fVA, FAfatt"- VH TIRED OF ET1M' is! rq FOR RENT FOR RENT Five roomed flat. Wallace Block. Apply Store, tf FOR'RErlTFurnlshcd apartment by day, week or month. Phone1 Red 607. tf RENT$5.00 a month putJ piano In your home. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT One housekeeping room, suitable for bachelor. Palmer Apartments, Phone Red 444. tf FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, double or single, back of Pioneer Laundry, also 3-roomed housu all convenient to Dry Dock. Phone 427. 131 INSURANCE 1 . INSURANCE Our Fire Insurance Companies ,carry your risk at a definite rate, based on past ex perience. No rebates. No Jokers. M. M. .Stephens & Co. Ltd. tf BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tf ROOM and Board reasonable rate, phone Black 815. 131 PRIVATE BOARD RESIDENCE MRS. JOE COOK, 521 Fifth Ave.. West, central location, harbor view. Phone green 806. tf HELP WANTED 1i REFINED ladies to take orders for exclusive specialty line, good commission. Apply Box 22, Dally News Office. 131 1931 DOMINION CENSUS Male and Female Clerks Wanted for ticulars NOW from M.C.C. Civlll''SILYEItalUKS. Service School, 18 Mackle BloctoJ Caleanr. tn WANTED WANTED clean respectable woman to take charge of home in moth-1 ers absence. Appiy f.u. uox mo, tf WANTED 5 or 6 room fully furnished house until September 1. Phone Green 430, J. M. McCaw-ley. tf AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture .or household goods, musical instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. 0. J. DAWES, Auctioneer., Federal Block! tf MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading White House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 7G7 FATHER FOR SALE FOR SALE Lot Fifth Avenue W., $400 cash, $500 terms. Phone Black 817. , 133 ALL KINDS of cabbage plants for sale. Apply 1 Bigger Place. Phone Green 718. 133 FOR SALE Four-hole Finlay EleO trie Range with coal attachment. Phone Red 725- 122 FOR SALE Large galvanized tank julfable tank for stationary gas eneine. etc. Apply Dally News Office. tf FOR SALE New clinker built ce ¬ dar rowboats $30 up. Lindsay's Boat Works, 842 Powell Street, Vancouver. tf FOR SALE Battleship linoleum 10X22 it. uiiu uaaii icfuict very good condition, Apply 616 Third Ave. West. 135 FOR SALE Nice level building lot Section 6, Eighth Avenue East, taxes paid to' date. $250. Apply P.O. Box 512, city. 1 FOR 8ALE Dodge de Lux Sedan, 1927 model. $550.00. Oldsmoblle Touring Six, 1925 model, $265.00. Phone 45 'or apply P.O. Box 483. i tf FOR SALE fully modern house, hot water heated, concrete basement, living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom &hJ six large bedrooms two verandahs. Fine garden, well fenced. Concrete sidewalks.. Owner must sell account i4ii,AaftH;MA'real bargain Cojlrt, Ltd. 133 MONEY TO LOAN PRIVATE money fdr small loans. Apply Box 21, Dally News Office tf 7 tXfa finance Paints Window tiiass ; Picture Frame ' i Mouldings' J ' Third Avenue Phone 22 n n. ni HCe KlVCF UeaiierS PRESSING and REPAIRING 304 6th Ave. W. Phone Bide 806 WORK GUARANTEED DrivurselfTaxi Why not enjoy a nice drive this evening or tomorrow? If you cannot drive now, why not learn? There'll be a. day when youjl wish you could. We will teach you. Our charges are reasonable. Walker Motor Co., Ltd.' Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS CJf.R. TRAINS i From East Dally, except Tues- I Anv 11ft nnnn For East Daily, except Sunday 1 p.m. NCW LKT'-i EE-1'LU T Js COOK "SOME H-NM AM SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED woman wants work by the hour. Phone Black 202. .'i .. ' 131 STEADY local married man would like whole or part time posltfoh as caretaker or Janitor. Apply Dally News. tf curt SALVAGE AND TOWING "If It's on or nndcr the water we do It." of the PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Diving and I General Salvage Work. I Boats and Scows of all descrip I tlons for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR BASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C, Distributor Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel, tn any quantity, delivered anywhere by water. -the of Phone, Day or Nlht 5C4 W P. O. BOX 1S64 CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC FOR COLDS Rheumatism, Toxemia, Back-aches consult R. E. Eyolfson, D.C., Ph. C. AT STEAM BATHS of Opp. McCutcheon's Black "G4 Phones Bluc805 Vv C, ASPINALL (Chiropractor) 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Childrens' Diseases Specially Treated Phene Green 241 u Steam Baths and Massage 201 Sixth Street Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Phone Black 761 GIVEN FREE During Jane Glass Measuring Cup With One Dollar's .Worth j. R. W ATKINS' Made In Canada Products Phone Green 709 Local Agent S. A. KEILBACK Smith & Mallet Block SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to any Part ot the City Ling, the Tailor Phone C19 DlRBCTtOMS FUaKT- SOT I THislK 1 HAD BETTTFl RGA.D 'SA a'ikJ TO MAKE SWE TZ7 NOTICE Take Notice that I, "W. O. McMorrls. of Vancouver.B.C, Intend to apply to the Commissioner of Lands for permission to prospect for -coal and petroleum Over, the following described lands, Slt.oate In Queen Charlotte Wands Dutrict: ; Commencing at a 'post plCnted at Xt.t swthweM eorncr of Section 4l. Tow-Itrfp 1; thence 80 chains east; thence 80 chains nerth; theaoe 80 ebatns west; thence 80 chains south, to point of me me nt. W. O. McMOftftlS. Dated the 11th day of March, 1930. 113 NOTICE Take notice that I. H. F. Leonard, Portland. Ore., intend to apply to Commissioner of Lands for permission to prospect fcr coal and petrh-tetim drsr the fallowing described land!, situate In charlotte bland District: Commencing at a post planted at the corner of Section 13, Township 2: thence earn 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; thence west 80 chains: thence north 80 chains to point of cctnroefeicemcnt. , W. a. McMO&RU. AgU Dated the Uth day at March, 19SO. 1SS NOTICE Take notice (hat I. H. F. Leonard. PoTtlaixL Ore- Intend tu stjdIy to Oormtttssfcmer of Lands for permls- ilou to prospect for ooai and petroleum over the loUowlna described lands. situate in Queen Charlotte Islands DIstrMt: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Section 11, Township 2; thence west 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains to point of commencement . W. O. McMOBRIS, Agent. Dated the Uth day of March. 1930. 138 Mltin; Take notice that I, 1L F Leonard PorUacd, Ore.. Intend to apply to tbe OnntnlMsHier of Land for permls-slon to prospect tor coal and petro leum om the (oUowlng described landr situate in Queen Charlotte Island; District: Commencing at a post plan tad at th southeast ecmer ot SectloB S3. Town ship 2: thence weat 80 chains; th?nr nortn bo enaraa; tnenre earn ao cnains. thence south 80 chains to point ot commencement. Datef the 11th day of Mirch, tSSO. 1S8 NOTITE Take1 notice that I, H. F. Leonard. 01 Portland, Ore.. Intend to apply to the OonuatsalQner of Lands for permission to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following described lands, situate lu Queen Charlotte Islands District: Commencing at post planted at the southwest corner of Section 24, Town-' hip 3; thence east .80 chain: thence i north 80 chains: thence west 80 chains. I thence south 80 chains to point of j commencement. W. O. McMORRIS. Agent , Dated the Uth day of March. 1930. 1 138 . LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 . Uartajre, Warehousing, ana Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano ana Furniture Moving. COAL Buy the real Coalflur famous Edson and Cassidy-Wellinjton In any quantities. Also Buikley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Hour. Prince Rupert Feed Co IM10NKS 58 AND 558 By f MAM p 1 I ECSV J NOTICE Take Notice that-1, W. O. McMorrls, of Vancouver. B.C., Intend to apply to the Commissioner of Liyids for permission to prospect for coal and petroleum over its following described lands, situate In Queen Charlotte Islands District: Commencing at a post planted at the soutbestet corner of Section 33, Township 3; thence 80 chain west; thence 80 chain north; thence CO chains east; thence 80 chain south, to point of commencement. w. a. McMormia. Dated the 11th day of March, 103O. , 138 Attention! TRADERS AND TRAPPERS. Ship all your furs to The Arctic Fur Co., where yon will get full market value. Don't forget the address ARCTIC FUR CO. Prince Rupert, B.C. mewumrtfvm injur miyM Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 57S BESNER BLOCK DENTIST We Sell Nothing But the Best Our lines include CHEVROLET and BUICK Automobiles Willard Guaranteed Tread Rubber Storage Batteries GOODYEAR TIRES RAYBESTOS Brake Linings and Genuine Duros Ross & Moore Reliable Wrecking Service Phone 52 Prince Rupert, B.C. Correspondents MILLER, COURT & CO. LTD. FORESIGHT IS WISER THAN KNOWLEDGE Knowledge can only tell you what has happened. Knowledge cannot tell you when misfortune may destroy your home, your property, your valuables. Foresight knows the possibility. Foresight protects you a-gainst loss. Foresight Insures. Foresight saves you from financial loss In case of property loss. Foresight Is wiser than knowledge. Insurance is the wisest in vastment man can make. Are you wise? Are you lnsur ed? We can give you all forms bl Property Protection Policies. S.D. Johnston Co. Ltd. CI7 2nd Avcnue Phone 130 Prince Rupert R.C George MrMamw J aevsmanj'eve OM A RAPT- MAKE' YOUR WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS