October 27, 1919, M day om BEAR RIVER MINES BONDED ciothier Tells of Busy oorrimes at Portland Cagal District Centre. ——— ne ouT FROM RICH ORT 'WAAS RIVER SLOPE t Five of Salmon River to be Worked Through- out the Winter. at Leas Mines einstic over the future ies of the district Geo. riothier, district mining engineer ‘ihe provineial government, re~ : ened at the week end from Wet He says that within the a veek or two no less than six lent s up the Bear River were oaded ostly to American capi- iglists. This interest in the Bear Rive valley is one of the en- eoyraging features of the devel - opment of the Stewart district, Wr. Clothier wanted to go as the Naas slope where a of rich prospects have overed by Mr. Hedges Pathe nogsibilit far as number een dist and his three partners. The snow as too\deep, however. Some ore ad been brought out by these vn that went about 900 oz. to he ton preparations have been made to work throughout the the Mineral Hill, Bush, ontinue nter al orty-nine, and Big Missouri ines, supplies having been pack- 4 in to these before the closing f the roads Sst is soon as the snow comes n the Salmon River road, the remier mine will commenee to pip ore, so that everything points a busy winter and a great re- jval in the spring. Mr. Clothier was in the district month, visiting nearly every int of interest, both in the Bear iver and Salmon River valleys. OTSKY HAS STIRRING TIME re Staff is Captured at Tsar- skoe-Selo, But Minister of Wer Escapes. COPENHAGEN, Oet. 26.—Leon fotsky, the Bolshevik Minister {War and Marine, reported in érograd to arrange for the de- nce of t ty. Every available han, including veterans seventy ears old, are mobilized by the Polsheviki. The theatres are losed and no one is allowed on e streets after 8 at night. Later—The entire staff of Leon totsky ninisten of war, was Cap- ured at rsarskoe-Selo, according )a Reval despateh, Trotsky es- aping by clinging to a railroad ar Y DAY AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH pecial Services in Connection With Annual Sunday Schoo! Event. Yesterday was “Rally Day” at Baptist Church, an * annual Vent at which an effort is made * enlist the children, and to rouse interest in the parents in Ne sarees h with the @unday _ “pecial services were a 4nd in the afternoon espec- “ a was a large attendance, “se? DY a good leg * d deal than a year An address to the parents was iven by tho ' sie pastor, Rey, J, B. “Well and to the children by P, snglt’’: Superintendent of the sont wehool, and there was a Mp 4, address of greeting from Moth wy: super intendent of the a ist Sunday School. ere w; preseiet sm special musie ap- ’ “e Tor the oee h B. Linzey ¢ © oceasion, Mrs. And Mrs, Ny “ave violin selections O'S Clace. well’s and Mrs, Phil. Mary ol... 828 nicely, the pri- u ra also taking part. , Soll n renin service the SDOKe aan QWENtIy on ay we estly and elo- Wor On the heed of earnest Im the church, ee me eeesea nh . building was nicely Plants ae the oveasion with Ss ang OWar : tions Wers and inserip- The o, , ~ being out iy at, th® Street lights troub * due to transformer Out burnt the lam ih 8 Wednon new | ° day { ‘D8 arrive on W 1 mi r : “ "main tal st of the lights . whieh i) South onthe returned from the day Night "nee Rupert Satur: * F , TTT i bu meveyey Byveeceey Weer o) Sette Cer eeeeaeeeterreree VST TT SUNOD rn S. Seer vet ur WeOneT ~via TVtOVOOTUUPOVETLISANGUTPOT FTE TY eTYe 7 ¥CcT ress fet PUTMUAUUTOreMOtEN Umrpe vor {icer repuacuy| oo TLULL | US cummmeanssdddshdeitustsutannasianastnstinishiiiantansnihsdbiahaiticdehichitshessesteii = ones oo a 2 ee rn. ee +. Lo. eo. ae rT THE DAILY News Every City and District Will Win My Flag” When Edward, Prince of Wales—eager, bright eyed, smiling and sincere—arrived in Canada in August, and when he voiced his great admiration of the wonderful achievements of Canadians, on the fields of battle and at home, once again we were thrilled with joyous pride. He asked concerning Canada’s reconstruc- tion programme, and when he was told of the Victory Loan 1919, he graciously consented to the use of his Coat of Arms on a flag, which is to be the prize of honour for districts achieving their quota in the loan. In dedicating “The Prince’s Flag” at Ottawa on Labor Day, His Royal Highness said in part:— “It is a great joy to me to be associated with the loan, which is the bridge between war and peace, and which is finishing off the job.” “T hope every city and district will win my flag.” Striking, and beautiful in design, this flag will form not only an unique memento of Victory Year, but a lasting and outstanding souvenir of the visit of His Royal Highness—a visit which will remain as one of the most memorable events in Canada’s history. + + + + + The reproduction above shows the design of the flag. The body is white, the edge red; in the upper left hand corner is the Union Jack, and in the lower right hand corner the Prince of Wales’ Coat of Arms. The flag is made in two sizes, 4 feet 6 inches by 9 feet foremall cities, towns and villages, and 7 feet by 13 feet 6 inches for cities of over 10,000 population. Canada has been divided into canvassing districts by the Victory Loan Organization. Each city forms one district. Other districts have been determined according to population. Each of these canvassing districts has been allotted a certain amount in Victory Bonds to sell. To win the Prince’s Flag, therefore, a district has to sell its allot- ment. That isthe one and simple condition. Anticipating that many districts will buy far beyond their allotment, the organization decided that for each “Zz Yi A = wal Ae twenty-five per cent. excess of the quota one Prince of Wales’ Crest be awarded. Thus the workers in a district doubling its quota will be the proud winners of four small crests for their Honour Flag. These crests will be sewn to the fiag. The Prince’s Crest—the three ostrich plumes—is shown at the top of the coat of arms. To every organization with fifty er more employees, where seventy-five per cent. of the enrollment invests a total of ten per cent. of the annual payroll m Victory Bonds, a supplementary Prince of Wales Flag in smaller form-—48 inches by 34 inches-—will be awarded. The allotment for each district has been carefully considered, and is based on a conservative estimate of the purchasing power of the district. Your district can sell its allotment and thus win the Prince’s Flag, provided each person does his or her share. You will gladly do your part and encourage your neighbour to do his. Remember YOUR purchase may be the one that decides whether or not your district is to be the proud possessor of the Prince’s Flag. The Prince’s Motto is “I Serve’’ Will You also Serve? Victory Loan Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Co umittee in co-operation with the Minister of Finaace of the Dominion of Canada. 1919 | nt a. oe ae