nitlay May 2, 1030. " THE DAILY NEWS PAGE riV3 District News REMO CLAS SIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND TIIIS IS THE PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. The Remo terryias been, pyMn? M. condition1 arid' is now In the-waterA 4 . ready fpr busy season. Mrs Holmwood and the Junior C.O J T 's of Terrace were Remo Vklf,;is on Saturday, having hiked down In the morning. Mrs. Holm-w00d was the guest of Mrs. A. Y. Wil in while the girls enjoyed a picnl' lunch. They returned to Terrace on the afternoon traln. Tim Remo Farmers' Association hctf IN final meeting Saturday eve-Dliv end all business of the asso-c!a" on was completed. The Remo ;, , s nave started a Farmers' rute instead and from now on be known as the Remo Farm-Institute. After the meeting a j hour was enjoyed and re-inifnts served. the Mr und Mrs. F. Robtaaon have r Hud to Remo after spending as l ist three weeks at Laketoe. F A Cooper, forest ranger, Terra , w:ls a business visitor in Re-E ' Monday. F Gavin Is a Remo visitor this v. k He is. returning to the Haiel-t a Huspltal Monday for further re. uncnt for his injured hand. NEWHAZELTON The Felix Bridge Club met this week at the home of Mrs. R. 8. Sar-!':: when men as well as ladies of u ri present, the hostesses being Mi Sargent, Mrs. J. D. ChappelL ter Mr John Newick and Mr. W. Sh .rpr Prize winners ware Mrs. W uiani Oow, Mra. W. W. Anderson, Douglas Lay and W. Sharpe. W. baseball season opened in Hx !ton last Saturday afternoon when an Indian team defeated a nine which was made up of Shyers from Haselton and New I by a score of 10 to 4. It to expe ted another game will be , I .vrj tomorrow. ' jit- Jiifo Douglas Lay, resident mining en-,txlnfr eave a tajk on mining and L. jspr aing last Friday evening In R -H zelton school house. There SJ . ... . A u public meeting last Tuesday cv it was decided to hold the i. u! t lobratlon in New H axel ton oa Victoria Day. Thete will be a p k1 proKram of sports during the ( :;v and the usual big dance In the evening SMITHERS A public meeting was held here on Wednesday evening, at the call (if Mie town council, to discuss Um "" i! fire situation and the nees- &"v (ur new and improved equlp-nif nt The council has agreed that wili be in the best Interests of hr town to purchase a chemical '.ruck 1 town council Is renewing ef 1 to have the local cemeterjr ' 1 over by a private company 1'-t purposes of administration. Niw X-Ray equipment for the : iim HospltRl arrived this l k and an exnert Is expected h soon to lnstal it. Th" town council U to dlacon-' Tjiir avenging service here and, 1; t' Id hn rii4e4 in nail far for the carrying out of Un: work. or H. c. Wrlnch. M.L-A., for ' na addressed a district Lit Cr '! meeting hero onM6lidarntw t v"wlng the work of the part '' n Officers were elected at meeting and dejegatea named ! i' provincial convention which 'U br held at the end of tho mnnth in Kamloops. PRINCE GEORGEi last. Saturday was the warmest O'V w far this year in Prince V'f!fine thfl IhtmiAiiutir crntnff US Jj!li a 74 abovo. The weather tas u.trn generally fair with local snowrrs and southerly winds, T,v provincial department of Public works will start the sca-J'ltr.-i program of work within a , w days. The work will consist arnnh 0f Improving existing roadJ 10 bung them up to standard and Holiday Resorts Wonderful Tlell (jtf:i;N ciiaklottk islands The Home Farm Fine beach and meadows for Children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine rorlleg can be met at fkldcsate ur l'ort aement. Wlreltwt fur Reservations MADAME RAJAUT making of such extensions and connections In outlying districts to achieve a definite road sys tem throughout the entire central j interior. Thomas B. Wall of Penny has been appointed general foreman for Fort George district, succeeding Andy Forrest, who has resigned. The firtt baseball game of the season wis played on Duchess Park last Sunday when a tearii representing Plnevlew defeated South Fort George by a score of 11 to 9. Organization of a team in 8outh Fort Oeorge is proceeding. During his visit here last Friday Lord WHMngdon, Oovernor General Canada, predicted that there would be early activity in the mat of the construction of a Pacific coast rail outlet for the Peace River country. The Weather Dominion Telegraph Service HavaoorU-Lfeht wind, cloudy. 40 1 Pott Simpson-Clear, light north wind, 45. TerrareOloudrarcalm, 44. Rosawood Cloudy, calm, 42. Alyaruh. Part cloudy, calm, 50. Anyoxidar, calm, 46. Stewart Clar. calm, 38. Haeelton Cloudy, calm, 44. SmttWew Cloudy, calm, 40. Burns Lake Raining, calm. Kighth Cabin Clear, calm. FINED $50 i Following a raid by the police last night on the premises known as j tfe Owl Ciflar Store. Pete Laporte i appeared before Magistrate McCly- mont this morning ana pieaaea , aullty to a charge of being the keeper of a gaming house, a fine of $60 being imposed. Nineteen other persona were dlsmlssd on charges of b4nc Inmates. BURIED TODAY The funtral of the late Kalle Leoalla. Ilaysport, whose death occurred Tuesday morning In the Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital, took place this afternoon from. the . FOR RENT Flat In Wallace Blo-k. Apply store. tf FOR RENT Furnished flat .four rooms and bath. Phone 547.. '.tf ) FURNISHED Houses fdr rent. Apply 215 Fourth Avenue East, tf tf FOR Rent Two furnished rooms, private' home. Phone Black 280. tf FOR RENT Furnished apartment by day, week or month. Phono Red 007. tf FOR RENT $5.00 a month puts piano In your home. Walker's Music Store. FOR RENT Furnished apart ments 2, 4, and 5 rooms. Apply Mussallem Grocery. (tf FOR RENT Clean well-furnished modern apartments. Palmer Apartments.' tf SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED hotel' woman disengaged. Call Mrs. Larsen, Phone 177. 101 BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tf PRIVATE BOARD RESIDENCE MRS. JOE COOK, 521 Fifth Ave., West, central location, harbor view. Phone green 806. tf BOATBUILDERS KIT BOATBTHLDERS. COW BAl jp - I5ox 749 Phone Kra us -- ' PHOTO FINISHING For Fine Photo Work Quick Returns Careful Finishing! WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHINGS 322 Third Avenue WE FRAME PICTURES Graham Island Stages Operating Between Queen Char lotte City and Port Clements Meets aI1 zta nortnbound at QUeen charlotte City to convey oasseneeri to Port Clements, and meets southbound boats at Port x 7 "S-riiAtta Ht. Queen Charlotte City. Fare $5.00. and in proportion to Intermediate points. R. G. McKENZIE PREMIER HOTEL QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITlT, B.C. Drivurself Taxi Why not enjoy a nice drive this evening or tomorrow? if y0u cannot drive now, why nctj We will teach you, Out charges are reasonable. Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS FATHER ac THAT THA) r- n i aim ji assm r tut Cwst '''" w"'"1- J ctopel ol the B..C. utpaeriaKers uwiearn? There'll be it day when you.'u Falfvlew Celwttery. Rev.' J. H-T wish you could. Hanson of St. Paul's Lutheran Church officiated. Qet the Ad. reading habit. It pays. BRINGING UP vGoLCt" cam rr j (P IMS Ira l llr S"l- FOR RENT FOR SALE MOTOR Boat for sale. Terms Ross and Moore. Phone 52. tf FOR SALE Five roomed House, partly furnished, 931 Comox Ave. ' Terms. Phone 131. 104 FOR SALE 0 h.p. 4-cycle medium duty Buffalo Engine and clutch in good going order, $150 cash. Phone Black 487. 103 FOR SALE-Large galvanized tank suitable tank for stationary gas engine, etc. Apply Dally News Office. tf FOR SALE Nice level building lot Section C, Eighth Avenue Bast, taxes paid to date. $250. Apply P.O. Box 512, city. FISHERMEN Best offer takes! clear title Lot 420, 28 acres waterfront, Smith Island, opposite Cassiar Cannery and Caspaco Station. iwuon. Taxes $720 . year. Apply "(Lady Assistant Consultation Free. ' J; C. Ferrer, 1740 Fort StreetvVlc-1 ' R- Eyolfson, n D.C, Ph. C. toria oriaT BC. I 107 1 " 204 04 6th 6th Street Street C FOR SALE 151 acres good level land 3 miles from Terrace, $500.00 M. M. STEPHENS it CO., LTD. Rentals Loans Real Estate Two Canvas Tents' FOR SALE 14x10 feet and 16x19 feet Telephone 242 CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. TENDER Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned for Lot 25, Block 9, section l, tncxuamg Dunaing mere : on un taSaturitav 10th. May next. The tender raust" be accompanied .by ".marked" Check equal to one-half the amount. The right is reserved to reject any or aw lenders. J. MATHESON. (102) Treasurer and Collector. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STEAM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to any Part of the City Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City OONio aS.TTtr?1 MOT OF HXU r TUNlEb- I LU Co Am J COHPtlMEMT HER SALVAGE AM TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do it." PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Dlvlnj and General Salvage Work, Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter, Row Boats and Canoes for hire Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel, in any quantity. delivered anywhere by water. Phone, Day or Nljnt 564 P. O. Box 1564 CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC MASSAGE Steam Baths and Sunray Treatments Black "64 Phones Blue 805 W. C. ASP1NALL (Chiropractor) 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme'si Snnshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female, and Chlldrens' Diseases Specially Treated Phone Green 241 Hunt's Furniture & Upholslry "The Store of Quality- Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Tlione Red 637 SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers Taints Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldings Jhird Avenue Phone 22 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART. We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, AUCTIONEER Federal Block CN.n. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. 3.30 p.m. For East-e-Mondays, Wednesdays Saturday at 11:30 am. COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassidy-Wellington In any quantities. Also Bulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Prince Rupert Feed Co FHONES 58 AND 553 on Stock Quotations (Courtesy B. D. Joumton Co.) Bayvlew, nil, 2. . ' Big Missouri, 38, 40. Cotton Belt, 28, 30. Duthle Mines, 16, nil. George Copper, 150, 1.70. Georgle River, 5V4, 8. Golconda, .76, .85. Grandview, .06, .07V&. Independence, nil, 3. Indian Mines, nil, .04. Inter. Coal & Col;e, 22, .25. Kootenay King, .02, .03. L. & L., 1, nil. Mohawk, nil, .01. Marmot Metals, .01. .01. Nat. Sil. Q. S., .02. nil. Noble Five, .12, .14. Oregon Copper, .14, .15. Pend Oreille (Cm.), 1.21, 154. Premier, J90, .97. Porter-Idaho, .17, .19. Reeves Macdonald, .42, .43. Ruth-Hope, 40, .15. Snowflake, .llj .12. Silverado" Cons .13. nil. Sunloch, .70, .95. Topley Richfield, nil, .02. t, Wellington, nil, .02. Woodbine, nil, .04. , OILS A. P. Consolidated, 154, 157. Calmont Oils Ltd.. U0, U2. Dalhousle, OIL 1.15, 1.17. Davenish Pet. Ltd., .15, 20. Fabyan Pete, .06y4, ,07. Home Oil, 6.85, 650. Royallte, 25.00, Nil. Hargal, 58, .60: Freehold, 50, 51. Merland, nil, .17. Mercury, 25, 20. United, .46, ;48. Toronto Stocks (Courtesy 8. D- Johnston Co.) Amulet,, 50ii." ' ' Dome, 8.30, 8.45. 11 Fakonbridge, 3.25, 3.35. Hollinger, 0.50, 6.60. Howie, .87, .88. Hudson Bay, 9.35, 9.50. Imperial Oil, 26.25, nil. Int. Nickel, 31.00, 3155. Manitoba Basin, .05, .03. Mlnig Corp.. 1.65. 1.67 . Mclntyre, 1850, 19.00. Sherritt Gordon, 1&8. Teck Hughes; 655. 6.70. Treadwell Yukon, nil, 5.90. Ventures, 1.15, 155. Wright Hargrove. 1.94, 155. Get the Ad. reading habit. It pays. OOVEnXMENT APPROVED CHICKS THE MUST COMMF.KCl.VL HATCHERY under Dominion Oorernment approval policy In British Columbia. Every bird IndlTldually Inspected by Dominion Government Inspectors. Certified R.OJ" flocks with years of breeding, production and vitality. We offer White Wyandotte chicks from the highest HOP flock of Canada. Barred Rocks, wonderfully barred, pens oontalnlng bens 225-324, headed by male from dams 2SO-290. Rhode Island Red hens from 220-2ft0. headed by Burgess 399-390 males. White Leghorns, hens - from 220-300i headed by B. C. University male from 230-300 daau. Hatehery is regularly inspected and every sanitary precaution in disease prevention. "See our local agent Jack Selvlg. he wUl give you full particulars." We offer no premiums but quality chicks. Prices are reasonable for this high-grade stoek, Oet our pamphlet, it's enough to tell you everything Electric Hatchery, 3750 Prince Edward St, Vancouver. WATER NOTICE I s and Storare. I Take notice that Northern Bntlah Columbia Power Company Limited whona' address la Besner Block. Prince Rupert,' UJC wtll apply (or a license to take and use 1,000 C.F&. and to store 370,000 acre feet of water out of Mezladln Lake' Slid Merladln Rlrer. which flows southeasterly and drains Into the Naas River! about 118 miles above tidewater and 69' miles from Aljransh, B.C. t The storage-dam will be located at' about 8 chains above Oovt. fish, ladder' :n Lot Ho. 24M. The capacity of the reservoir to be created Is about 370,000 acre feet, and1 It will flood about 6,000 acres ot land.' The xater will be diverted from the' stream at a point near the storage dam arid will be used for power' purpose upon the lands described as. Portland Can's Mining Division. This notice was posted on the ground' n the 31st day of March. 1030. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed In the office ot tb Water Reorder at Prince Rupert,. B.C ' j Objections to the application may be, filed with the said Water Recorder or! with tbe Comptroller of Water Bights, Parliament Buildings. Victoria. B. C, within thirty days after the first appearance ot this notice In a local news-) paper. Tbe petition fcr approval ot under-! taking and an application for approval! of tp$ Bsbadule of Tolls wUl be heard; In the office of the Board of Investigation at a dte to be fixed, and any interested person may file an objection' thereto In the office of the Comtrollerj or ct the) Water Recorder ot the Ols-: trlct. Within a radius of 125 miles of the, power site. NORTHERN B C POWER CO. LTD. Applicant. By Alexander Plrle. Agent. Tbe date of the first publication of tKU netlce to April lltn. 1030. MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Heading White House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 767 JITNEY SERVICE Between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, Mondays and Saturdays, commencing March 31. Leaves -Port Clements 8:30 ajn. ueen Charlotte 1:30 pjn. Fares $5.00 each. Round Trip $6X0. Other points in proportion. Meets boat at Port Clements. Special trips arranged at any time. No heavy baggage. L. DYSON Port Clements Correspondents MILLER, COURT & CO. LTD. Stocks, Bonds, Industrial Securities Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent INSURANCE VISIBLE PROTECTION AGAINST INVISIBLE DANGER ' Fires, storms and accidents can never be seen before they come. But your insurance policy is a concrete, visible safeguard against financial loss from unseen hazards of tomorrow. Foresight is a gift of the wise. Insurance is foresight. We can give you all forms of, Property Protection Policies. S.D. Johnston Colli 617 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert R.C. By George McManus t THOUGHT SO-THATM) TOO CtOOO TO e J 1 MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS-WANT AD, COLUMNS I