rs Po z a . Se oe dd Page 6 G.H. Arnold _-_- Notary Public For Sale A fine level Double Corner on Fifth Avenue, Section Six. This is residential sites in the we are offerin it is very moderate. one of the most desirable City, and the price at which If you are thinking of building it would be worth your while to ask us about these lots. H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Insurance Real Estate Bonds Prince Rupert Ory Dock & Engineering Co, LIMITED Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. can te docked together on one light. boats making Several section, fees materisls | Foundry Work Castings in tron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reasonable Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Business of Industrial Plauts, Mines, Mills and Cannerie- Solicited. Designs and Patterns Made and Furnished. smali Large stock of repair s being laid in. Conveyascer FOR SALE New Dwelling, plastered painted, and complete with bath, range, boiler, etc, ready for occupation, on Eighth Avenue between Seal and drydock, near school. PRICE $2,500.00, TERMS. Cove Lot 10, Bloek 49, Section Eighth and Seal Cove Avenues, A Dandy, $300.00 po sad M. M. Stephens Rea! Estate insurance Financial Agent ; NOTICE Take notice that I require ¢«!] j} bis owing me to be paid on or | before October 31, 1919, and that I wish all accounts owing by me |to be presented to me for pav- | : H, E. MYERS. 1919. 250 ——- —<—<——— -— ‘aay before said date. | October 23, Auction Sale | Household Furniture i Wednesday, Oct. 29 I o'clock p.m., sharp ; | At the residence of 3 J. A. Thompson, Esq. -| Seal Cove -| Take Bus to Emmanuel Street. Sta ‘s ChitliConCarne and Hot Tomales at the CHILLI PARLOUR 835 Second Ave. Delivery Service Extra Phone 557 moma) ; at 1.30 p.m. from city Favoured with instructions, | wiil offer the contents of this well appointed residence at Public Auction, includi; g Sitting Room, Dining Room, Breakfast Room, Delroom, and Kitchen Furniture ; and A Splendid Williams New Sca'e PIANO | , ce Pe ’ ’ For Sale Anyone may Shop Anywhere lie or but all the same it sometimes makes a difference where you go she likes We have thought and worked to accurately sup- ply your wants at every Ppoimt of the jewelry bust Bess From collar buttons to Giamonds we strive Make our store perfect This is our invitation to you to see it. We do not ask that you buy amyehing. You'll find pleasure im just Seeing; and we in showing JOHN BULGER Jeweler The Store of Worth and Beauly. is SMAP For Quick Sale Block 43, Section 8 Lots 5 and 6 $100 CAGH. 5-foom steam heated modern house near drydock, $2,600, Term®. 4-Khoom house, 7th Avenue, 5, $1,750, Terms. 4-Room house on Fifth Avenue in sectlog 5, $1,600, Terms. 2 Lots, 6th $650 each, Section Avenue, Terms. McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Ltd. Agents Phone 11 - 3rd Avenue Insurance Heal Kstate Rentals. Section 5-— Phones 41 and Red 391 For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week ae as Alice B. Pienic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor J. MYHILL-JONES Cele rere - Ladies’ Aprens House Dresses and Undergarmen!s ; MADE TO ORDER : Mrs. L. Ponzo Second Avenue and Fourth Street THE DAILY NEWS pa POO PPOEPOOOP OR FPORIOOEE HA LOLLDOE Pe Just Arrived Choice Cucumbers Fresh Tomatoes © Head Lettuce Sweet Potatoes Jerusalem Artichokes Cauliflowers Crisp Celery Comb Money Winter Pears Emperor Grapes LOWEST PRICES Phones 211, 212 Olaf Hanson left for this morning. up-river Mrs. 8. Lewis arrived fnom Port Clements today. W. 8. Strang arrived from Sunnyside last night. E. H. Burden arrived from Hazelton. last night. Ek. H, Burthoff and wife arrived from Stewart on Saturday. 7 . * A Among wup-rivép. arrivals las} nightewas G. 8. Mafray of Telkwa 7 * . “A rush eall for the ambulance was réceived at the police station on Saturday afternoon from the sawmill. A Chinaman had re- éeived injuries while working at the plant. ese eee ee ee yA te aly . . TO SUBSCRIBERS * * * * Subscribers to The News *% * are asked to pay the de- #*# * livery boys each month # * when they call, except # where payment has been *® ® made for the year in ad- * * vame. The boys when # collecting carry official re- # * ceipts which should al- * * ways be preserved. * . Secaeeseuseuseees CR PCR eC He SREB E * Notice to Advertisers ? * eliiantag'an . Casual advertisements # * for insertion same day * * should be in the Daily *# * News office before 10 a.m. * Changes in advertisements * should be on hand before *# * * * * 5 p.m. on previous day. 7 ‘eee eeee eae ees :: EMPRESS :: ae. TAYLOR HOLMES -— IN “Ruggles of Red Gap” 7 Parts British-Canadian Pathe Gazette end a fine Nestor Comedy Two Shows - 7.15 and 9 ‘imiesion 15 and $0 cents Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear | DENTISTRY Don't neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE ) Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.30; Satur- d-y, 9 to 12 only. Evenin s, 4 southern cities —_ — — ; Oe i ms rm os . Local News Notes —— oe) Spirella Corsetiere. Phone | Black 257. | Mesars. LD. and G. Zarelli went south last night, Major Geo, B, Hull left for Vie-| toria on the Prince Rupert. Pianos correctly tuned. G. C. Walker. Phone Blue 389. tf > * . Mrs. H. H. Tanner of Stewart, was a southbound passenger ‘fast night. . * . arrivals from the east Fd- Recent report two feet of snow at monton. 7. . . J. W. Lewis, of Port Clements, is registered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. > . . Ek. J. Clayton arrived from Vic- toria on the Prince Rupert Satur- day night. > - . Bishop Du Vernet was a pas- senger for the south on the Prince Rupert last night. i . . . * A. Smith réthened on Saturday | night from a@ th’s visit in the * . and’ W. H. Essington evening's train. * . . Thos. Deasy, Indian T. Dawe Port Pierce of) arrived by last! agent at Massett, arrived in town on the Prinee Albert this morning. . > * Mrs. MeAfee and Child, of Georgetown, left for the south on the Rupert early this morning. > > * Mrs. Geo. R. Naden has réecent- ly recovered from a rather serious liness at her home in Victoria. > . . Major Brandt returned to Van- ouver last night after spending i few weeks in the city on busi- ness, . . . Norris Pringle left for Vancou- ae Sunlight Soap She saved work—Sunlight Soap washed the clothes without rubbing. She saved time—she did other work while Sunlight did the wash. She saved money — because Sunlight js an absolutely pure soap, therefore there is less soap used for washing than with ordinary soap, and less wear and tear of the clothes. Insist on getting the Soap you ask for— ver on the Prince Rupert last night and will be away a few weeks. * * > E. F. Duby returned south last ight. While here he attended a number of social events in the city. > . * The Princess Mary will arrive from the north at 11 p. m., pro- ceeding south as soon as her eargo is handled. The Ladies Of the Anglican Church will hold a Hallowe'en 8o- cial in the Church Hall on Wed nesday, October 29. . . * A newspaper has been started at Hyder. It is edited by “Rube” Hull, a well known newspape: man and mining writer. . * * Don't forget the Hospital Hallo- we'en Dance at St. Andrew's Hal! next Friday, October 31. Tickets imay be obtained from the drug stores or fpom members of the Auxiliary. it . . . A. J. T. Taylor, head of the Taylor, Mining Co., of Alice Arm, | Be Prepared ir i: Outfit Your Boys and Girls with RELIABLE SCHOOL SHOES Buy them from the FAMILY SHOE STORE GEO. HILL E. R. TABRUM The Practical Shoemen Phone 357 FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. Miss Ramsay, who has just re- Capta : turned from overseas after nurs-| Bovd ai passed through the city last night , ae r ty last night ing in the French hospitals, was! passed th K on the Prince Rupert, returning ; ' \ » and Val : i yi passenger from the train to the i ‘ to his headquarters in Vancouver.‘ ; boat last night. vel tle reports the Dolly Varden mines still shipping ore. Two-color window cards take ihe eye quickly. See them at thi News Job Depariment ‘@e ew ceepeeeszenaer ; * TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY * CSET TERE ROS FOR SALE—Beantiful new even- ing gown, size 40. Slippers and scarf to match. Owner leaving town. For further particulars phone Red 322. tf Quaker Brand Jam is Local QUAKER BRAND JAM is I made in British Columbia. Thee knows as well as we do that our own straw- berries are extra fine, and we put the berries into the kettles fnesh, just as soon as they're in from the flelda, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT i British Columbia by Dominion Can ners, B.C., Ltd. aad | "7 2 R li W Ormes, Limited Values Tell. Phone 82 - 200 HMuddand UU4NGNONN UuENSGqnUALHENONHS# 4404444114 Your Drug Store Just consider the amount of confidence you place in your Drug Store. With- out its co-operation you cannot hope to achieve the desired results in helping you regain your health. Don’t you think, then, that it deserves your best thought in selection’ Perhaps the advice of your Doctor? We ar proud to say that we feel sure that at Doctor will tell you that Urmes Pre a ey ly reliable. scription Service is thoroug!!|y ™ Han Limited At Your Service Ormes, Two Phones