The Daily News PRINCE RUrERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Publithea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue " H. F. "I'ULLEN - - -'Jlanaginsr-EdTlor' DAILY EDITION SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em- Dire and United States, paid in advance, per year 6.00 ! By nuil to all other countries, per year . -.... 7.50 By mail to all parts of Nprtherh and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period .............. .? 3.00 Or Or four four months months for ior . .Li .j " i ....'.. ' ' l.uu Thursday, June 12, 1930 SIMON COMMISSION Keen interest will be taken all over the world in the report of the Simon Commission which has been making investigations in India with a view to advising the British Government what steps to take in regard to governmental reforms in that country. The first part of the report has just been issued but it is only a preparatory report to the definite" recommendations which will follow. Toward the end of-the month the vital part of the report should be issued and the people of the world will then have some idea what line of action is likely to follow. Possibly if the recommendations are followed out the troublous condition of the country may be improved very considerably. WASHINGTON REPORT The report coming from Washington in regard to trade conditions in Canada is that of an outside country reporting on the conditions of a neighbor and it is a very favorable one. It is a summary of the reports of the consuls and agents throughout the country and indicates that the condition of Canada is improving. There is every reason for congratulation that we have come . through the ordeal of a stock market slump and wheat tie-up without seriously affecting the condition of the country. iU' . ALBERTA ELECTION iiAiSerta provincial nominations have been made and the farmer government is on trial by the people of that pro vince, m a lew weeks it will be known whether thev will be sustained or not. Judging from a distance? it seerns as if the Brownlee Government will go back and carry on much as they have been doing. Neither of the other parties seem to have made any headway against them and it seems as ix trgrgppie there were satisfied. The government is drawn f rom'opth political parties and is really a sort Of coalition goihgainder the name of "United Farmers." The result wil UhSve little effect on the federal elections. ISOLATION HOSPITAL The isolation hospital in Prince Rupert is in a curious position. It is operated by the city under the medical health officer but it has no means nf rarrvinrr nn withniif rlraw. ui ouimy ciiijf in tin emergence, uiien lor monins at a time it is unused. In fact the general condition is that it is vacant. Yet an emergency may arise at any time. The natural thintr for suph an inn wnnlrl Vio fnv UUNCHEON OF GYROS The Prince Rupert Gyro Club, at 940. its' regular monthly business luncheon yesterday, was advised that Thomas Thompson of Tacoraa, see retary for District No. 4, would be been on a trlD to Vancouver on es - ' .. .... r a- . V..r -t- V ""ihere Qn Wednesday riexljto'pajr an-court court a duty, amy, . . 1 . . For lessej period, paid-in advance, per month . it;-jrr jfpf-. ttl$& vm tel trie clubjlt, was. d&ri'yesterday yesterday 1 City delivery; by mall pT carrier, yearly'per;ou;,pMl(IHrfdv4nce.f bided bided to to mark mark xv v occasion occasion by by hold hold- Ih back irk fn to th the Transient advertising on front page, per inch 2.80 Local readers, per insertion, per line . .33 Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion 1.40 Classified advertising, per insertion, per word 02 Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line IB Ling a dinner lance that evening. Ketchikan will be notified and it Is Enjoyable Shower . For Bride-Elect Mrs. Hyrne and Miss Mus-sallem Hostesses For Miss McKenzie A very enjoyable shower was held on Tuesday evening by Mrs. Peter Byrne and Miss Wadlar Museallem, 346 Fourth Avenue West, In honor of Miss Chrissie McKenzie. During the evening there was Up dancing by Misses Freda Mussallem and and Miss Helen McCaffery. There was also a vocal solo by Mrs. Good-sell. Many beautiful gifts were presented showing to some extent the the general hospital to take it under its wing, the city mak- jpopularlty ct the brWe-elect- ing sucn allowance as may be necessary to prevent it being a drain on hospital finances. That would enable it to be administered efficiently and to the best advantage of the whole community. BOKDEN STREET SIDEWALK There is a complicated condition existing today on Borden; Street in connection with the building of a sidewalk for the Use of the residents. It seems that there are several factors which make a solution difficult. There is a difference of opinion among residents as to what should be done. Also any desire of the residents has to pass the engineer, board of works and the city council. The representatives of the whole city have to be satisfied as well as the property owners on the street. In the meantime the street has no sidewalk, until such time as a general agreement as to location, grade and cost can be reached. Rose Jacobs, Sioux Indian girl from South Dakota, who scored 100 per cent in picture contest, which closed this year's play day at Kansas University. " A L Ml luxurious clubroom for you.thlsToudit Third Cab- In" Smoke Room on the Antonla typical of the accommodation In this popular class on all th Cunard "A" shlps.You ' will be surprised at the size and comfort of the Tourist Third Cabin Public Rooms when you travel Cunard. You will enjoy the. servico for which allCunardersare famous si . WHy'iolllnoi from Monlra (onS Oubc) Book through Th Cunord tin, 22.Hotlng Sl..W.,Voncovef, (Telephono Seymour 3M8-9J, or any ileamihlp ognt, CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICE CABIN 4T0UBST TH1PD CABIN4THII!0 ClASS Tag CAIL7 W2W3. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mrs. V. Markland Arrived in the W. D. Vance returned to the city (city on the Prince Charles .yisits From District Secrc-j 0IPjJr2S lassetfr i mVf V thi3 Lir.nJvntnAV ' Conservative committee rooms, ganizer Expected i next door ,t0 , tne mec(Tk m are now open to the public pnone 1 I Al ... arrivcu m wic wiior Jrom the .south .earaute Island. For driving to the common dan- expected that the Gyro Club there 'geri Dido Qurvieh. on being-found will be represented at the affair. gujity jn cjty police court this Secretary Thompson Is coming morning, -was fined $10, with op-north in place of District Governor j tion 0f seven days' imprisonment, Alex Davis who had Intended com-jDy Magistrate McClymont. lng but found it Impossible to do so. i On Thursday of next week there' ,.. p n r hu. will be a joint Rotuy and Gyro . 7"j; "T luncheon in connection with the P tt aw fnfcht agent. vm to the city that day of D. Me-, Alfeter. field organizer for the Y.'f onjht Prince George yes-M. afternoon to make the C. A The project for the estab-' teitlaJr ushment of a gymnasium in Prince round tr,P to Btaay' Rupert will be discussed with Mr. ; McAlliiter and other organizations ' Chief Weah, native keeper of in the city arc being invited to be one of the Massett Inlet light-present and take part in the confer- (houses, arrived in the city on the erice. A number of communications Prince Charles this morning from in .cttahection with the gymnasium t it" Islands, accompanying Mr, prefect' were read at yesterday's Weah, who is going into hospital luncheon. , here. The local club decided to be re- , presented at the International Gyro convention in Tacoma next month and steps will be taken at once to name the official delegate. A letter from Ed. Kaay of Cleve land, international secretary, stated that it was possible that a number of delegates to the Tacoma conven tion might travel via Prince Rupert on their Way east after attending the big gathering. Norman Freeman was the winner of the luncheon raffle. There was a good attendance of members at the; luncheon and President C. A. Klr-i kendall was in the chair. on today's train from a brief trip to Terrace. i( . . , , ' Father Godfrey, O.M.I., of Sml-fhers arrivel in thefilty-on today train from the interior for a .brief It. visit in town. Provincial Constable M. Martin - T. J. Shenton, Inspector ofimincs of Queen Charlotte City, who has 'sailed yesterday afternoon on thel Prince Oeoree for Skagway eni route to the AUln . district on of ficial duties. A. B. Parlow, district forester, i was the speaker at the weekly, luncheon of the Prince Rupert! Rotary Club in the Commodore i Cafe. President G. A, Bryant .was, in the chair. I H. W. Hunt of the Biological t Board of Canada, who has been kngaged In salmon lnvestlgaUons at Shannon Bay, Massett Inlet. ls a passenger aboard the s. Prince Charles today going to Vancouver, j CNJt. steamer Prinee William.! Capt. William Thomas, arrived in' port at 7 o'clook last evening from j ' the south end of the Queen Char WHO 4-3 t5S iMm& owne: RC40 XEiwiinBiUssiara mm HP I F you have nn old Victrolo you cannot afford to miss this opportunity. If it beurs the Victor trademark, your Victor dealer will allow you $80 for it in exchange for the sensational Victor-Ilndio with Electroln 1 The music you tcant, xchen you mint it I Victor wants Victrola owners to thrill to Victor's latest, greatest triumph . . . the last word in modern entertainment . . . the perfection of the marvelous Victor TONE from radio and the new electrically, recorded Victor Records ! Tliat is tvhy Victor makes this unprecedented offer to its old customers exclusively. If you own a radio now, takcthisopportunily to trade in your Victrola and equip yourhome with the Victor ' Rndio-Elcctrola in addition to your present set. Let members of your family choose broadcast programs to suit their various tustcs . . . from record, or radio, cither of two entertainments. You cannot afford to wait another day. The famous new Hadio with Elcctrola RE-IS gives you all there Is to enjoy on air or record. Telephone your Victor dealer. Turn in your old Victrolu NOW. VICTon TALKING MACHINE COMPANY OK CANADA. LIMITED tf JIU.MIItAL ictor -Radio with ELECTROIA PS !' yIE!9 old VttseI for a limited lime only! Thursday June i j I ft. would Your pride prompts you to keep your huir Mt groomed . . . then fop the sumo reason smarten your dull, unK)Ii.sllej shoes regularly with a ploHy "Nugget" shine waterproofs thi shoes o it jmIU1ics, SHOE POLISH (the NUC0ET TIN cjicio niih a lirlit who is head of the International lotte Wands and sailed at 8 o'clock Correspondence schools withfhead-this morning for the Skeena River. r . quarters A here. They have taken a city yesterday to join her husband they wlU move soon. jAnyox and Massett i; ... m m vicToiJuoio iii nxmtoLA Tb. hmIm Mwkra wmImI 1 Virtu Hrr4 rf rmdmeti. . Iltl MibU ilk HthM. 94 'tt. .Bk MSHn Ksnk R. D. Bartlett of n. 'tafl returned to h. Prince Chirles th., : Mrs. F. J. Boutell arrived in the 8ulte in the Federal Block to which: making the round u p 0 ORTHOPHONIC VICT0H RECORDS IVlCIYclC OrOS JLitCl RECEIVERS