I i.U ' FADE TOXTR ' " " - . '--a-" i-....Pi ,..OT,..,Li I. .. .. Vmm&&$. Mi kMWM i J-iMMM ' - for entering in order to win While candidates may enter this campaign at any time they wish, this is the last week vhen they may enter with a prospect of getting first prize, because it is expected that those already in the field will be busy working and will get the easiest prospects. The suggestion is made that those wishng to do so ENTER NOW! Delay Is Dangerous to Success Make an appointment with Miss Graham at the Daily News office and she will tell all about this campaign in which Everybody Wins THE PRIZES Victor Radio With Electrola 1. A new Victor Radio with Electrola, the musical sensation of the age, price, $375. This instrument, which plays Victor records and also gives the finest radio reception, is supplied by McRae Brothers of Prince Ru-pert, and is on view in their window. 2. A complete set of table sterling silver in a handsome chest. It is a beautiful new "Queenston" pattern embellished with a ' little engraving and sells at $200. This is supplied by Bulgers Jewellery store and will be on view in their window soon. 3. A complete sterling silver toilet and manicure set of the famous Brewster design, 13 pieces, in two handsome cabinets. Price $104.75. This is supplied by Heilbroner's Jewellery store and is on view in their window. 4. A complete 97 -Dtece Johnson S Pnrtnh dinner set, Belgravia pattern, which sells at $50, purchased from Heilbroners Basement store. This too, will be shown in Heilbroners window. Commission to Candidates who do not secure grand Prizes Candidates who do not win Grand Prizes will receive 10 per cent commission on the proceeds of their work. IT COSTS NOTHING TO ENTER Sharkey Is Betting Favorite xl softball fixture hut night, the ; iuuijq nouse aeieatea ine ury dock n a very elasa and exciting contest y a score of 4 to 3. It was easily he best game of the season, and tnybody-s win up to the last man J jerly. ss.: Sinclair, rf Seheric f ! follows iond. If.; Nelson, 34). Dry Dock Oeddes, If.; Palmer, f.; E. Smith, c; Howe, as.; Foley. !u.; Nelson, cf.; J. Smith, lb.; T. Celsey, 3b.; Boulter, p. Umpires, Oomadlna and Styles. W. L. iound House 5 1 ry Dock ..- 4 2 Station 2 4 Offices 1 5 PRINCE RUPERT TENNIS GAMES Tournament Resumed Yes- day and Finals Billed ForWeek-End The Prince Rupert Tennis Club's tournament was resumed in yester day's good weather and the semifinals nave been reached in a num-3t of cases. If weather permits in -he meantime, the finals in the la 6:15 Mrs. Shadwell vs. Mitt V Smith; Moore vs. Brand, semi-final. 7 pjn. Stamford vs. MeMordle. 7:45 Iura.entl-f.lnaL Mrs. Shad well and MeMordle vs. Miss C. Mitchell and Carl Brand; MlssV. Smith and T. Brown vs. Mrs. MeMordle and Stamford. FOOTBALL SCORES Olasgow Rangers 8? Calgary 1. Kilmarnock '4, 'Bt. Catherihee THE DAILY NEW 3. i, m i i j L. 1 " - --:- ary-- ' : , PRESTIGE IHfiTsTVra. " -A. J and Thinks It Will Be Easy to Beat Schmeliug This Evening NEW YORK, June 12: Caught in the fever grip of an-other heav,yweight championship battle, New York fussed and spluttered today, predicted and argued, bullied and fought for tickets and waited restlessly for Jack Sharkey's 15-round duel with Max Schmelintr in Ynnkpo Stadium tonght Gross receipts are expected to reach t7nf fWl Qlinvbav in V. t, :.! a. J? .V- at y to o, "This fight is going to be a cinch," Sharkey stated today. "I never felt better. It won't even be close." Schmeling stuck to his knittiner. He exnects to snv it. with gloves at the proper time. ROUND HOUSE TAKES LEAD G. N. R. TENNIS GAMES PLAYED ueieated ury Dock 4 to a In Competition Presumed C. IS. R. Softball Last Fine Weather N'ght , Yesterday In a postponed Canadian Nation-! PU. ! Borner and A. Palmer. 8 pin. In The following C. N. R. tennis garnet were laved Ust nlaht- t Mill's Siniles J. Petts beat J. Horton 4-6. 6-4. Cume beat R. Johnson, 6-3. .ut. - J. Smith for Dry Dock, secured Ladls Sinilw hree hit in four time at bat and MMk Currie et Mia. Horton, 1-8. .Vendle. for Round House, got three i '" Uts in five times at bat. J. Nelson. ! Men's Doubles or the Dry Dock played a splendid : w H. Tobcy and J. Outfit dV :ame. while Cur ley Nelsons spear fted ame to J. HortoU and P. if a line drive was the feature f or j Mcintosh f tound House. Horton and Mcintosh beat Mafr Round House Raby, p.; Tulloeh, i m Rajmw. 4-4. 6-4. :.: Wendle. 2b.; Cameron, lb.; Mob- Today's games will be played as Ladies Doubles Mrs. Waltdn and Mrs. Hoxtea vs. Mrs. Cuirle and Mrs. Rogers at 10.30 ajn. Mixed Doubles Mks Irarson and J. Mair vs. Miss au. Sflprne ana Mr. currie vs. Miss Moxley and R. Moxley, 6:36. SPORT CHAT Sons of Canada and Centrals will meet in the Senior Baseball League this evening and a keen content in expected. The Hotel Men will endeavor to get back into first place with the Elks while the Canucks will strive to chalk up therr first mark of the season in the victory column. The Elks n w nave three lns to their credit with a single loss. The Centrals have won twice and been dies' singles and doubles wlH be i beaten twice while the lowly Ca- piayea saiuraay aiternoon ami tne nen's singles and doubles and mix-.d doubles on Sunday afternoon. Yesterday's result. wre as follows: Ladles' Slntles C. MltcheU beat Mrs. Johnston. 5- 3. 7.5. Mixed Doubles Mrs. V. Smith and Brown beat Miss Harrison and Tee, 6-0, 6-2. Miss V. Smith and Brown beat Miss L. Friasell and MltcheU, 6-1. 2-6. 6-4. Mrs. Thomson and Lambie beat Miss J. Robertson and Pryce, 6-1, 6- 2. Mrs. Shadwell and McMordte beat Mrs. Thomson and Lambie, 6-1, 6-2. Mrs. McMordte and Stamford beat Mrs. Ross and Currie, 6-0, $-4. Men's Slncles MeMordle beat Currie, 8-6, 1-6, 6-2. Moore beat Macdonald, 4-6, 6-2, 1-5. Stamford beat MltcheU. 6-4, 6-3. Oames seheduled for today: 5:30 Lambie and currie vs. Moore and Bartlett; Miss C. Mlt ohell vs. Mrs. McMorule. nucks have been vanquished thrice and rnhjeky to have, so far, been unible to record a single win. Neve player will also make thir debut on the diamond tonight and that rhould otake for added Interest. -.' SOFTBALL SCHEDULE June 13 Dry Dock vs. Offices. June 17 Station vs. Dry Dock. June 20 Roundhouse vs. Offices, June 34 Roundhouse vs. Dry Deck. All games will be played at 7 pin, Pimples On Face Thought Everyone Was Looking At Her UlM write: F. Totter, Nanilmo, B.C., I uxd to raffer, onittlip kwfal, with pimples on mr fact, Sad piroi new felt if I wanted to go m a I thought eTtrron u lookiag at toe. "A triend adviar ma to dm m m MKr"-M I C'jt bottle and it wcrk4 woadera, and after nitg tha aeoii4 cat to look at bit faeo on would aavtr tUak Z rer ba4 a pimplo." Pot op only by TU T. UUUira Qa, United, Toronto', Out. ' HAVEMADE 9 STRAIGHT New York Giants Won From Pittsburg h Athletics Lose to Indians NEW YORK, June 12: New York Giants won their ninth consecuttTe victory yesterday by defeating Pittsburg Pirates.. Dawy Vance held Cincinnati to four scattered hits but the Brooklyn Robins were forced to rally in the ninth Inning to beat the Reds. In the American League, Detroit Tigers got to four New York pitchers for 14 hits. Lou Gehrig got his fourteenth homer of the season. Philadelphia Athletics used two pitchers Grove and Shores bv a vain attempt to stave off, the Cleveland Indians. Irving Hadley held Chicago White Sox to five hit while hls teammates pounded Dutch. Henry for a victory. BASEBALL LINErUPS Baseball line-ups tonight will be Sons of Canada. Garaee, Lambie Wm. Mitchell, E. Smith. B. Wendle, V. Menzies. Geo. Howe, J. Nelson, D. Frteell, R. stalker and Ratch-ford. Centrals, F. Somerrtlle. Chenoski, EfeFouhar, J. Barry, C. Downey, D. Ourvtch, O. HllL W. Stone. D. Morrison and J. McNulty. BASEBALL SCHEDULE June 12 Centrals vs. a O. C. June 17 Elks vs. Centrals. June 19 Elks vs. S. O. C. ' 1 . I '!) ! ,1 117' Tin? T7Bvrsr rwi Si BT"j llll'i II I . B 17 - - " - - E' Ikll EXCELLENCE Consequently, this fine old ginger ale wins count less friends. It is served wherever connoisseurs gather. It is the favorite Leverage in countless homes. Its wonderful flavour, its. marvelously healthful qualities make it indeed the Champagne of Ginger Ales. 1. Tha l fry foundation of "Canada Dry" U:"Llquld Ginger" tehlck K mala frost) rUrteJ Jamaica finger root by a 3 pedal procttu 2, ThU procu U ti-tltuittly controlled by mi and, unlike any other method, rrltint for 'Canada Dry" all of the original aroma flavour and natural et-$ana a tha ginger root. "CANADA The Champagne of Ginger Alet J. Tktrt!,rt, m fa old finger 4 hat a lent oak lenetuiuHtU. exitiunthuami M the pratmtf 4 ut mitrt. DRY Canada Dry Ginger Ale Limiletl, Toronto, Edmonton aniilottM LOCAL ITEMS I C. A. Thompson, Insurance de partment engineer of the Canadian nvea irom vaj-oyvfr jai and will go em toov rv The first u! Whioi) Dr. A. ISo thrill like an Eight No LA two ;'z& 5. 1-iHD 31 National Railways, Montreal. Is t provincial health ;iu-.ei uci here to test out the new alarm system on the wharves htre. Ue ax ing In the cuy : ual other cHntc wa b? :.. .i z iglit like a HUDSON Easy to Buy Inexpensive to Operate . . Hudson Hwecps aside the Imrricr of high price and operating costs on eigli tcy Under cars. An amazing new development ia giving thousands distinction , and performance hitherto known to only a few. From'tlie rriomi-nt ou tnkothr hIicx-I of this moil niMlrrn of Highlit, jau will he cmiftrlntis of IltL iiM-riurllr. Beautiful and powerful, It is excelled by no car In fast get-away and Bmoothnesft. Loaf oJonR in high gear. Then without touching the gear shift lever nuli jour foot to the- floor and dart ahead at express truin speed. Comes see It and ride in it. It will renew your first glorious lest In motoring. It will thrill you ulth the power of it dght cylinders. It will delight you lth operating economic never before achieved In n car of Its performance. And you will ssy, thousands are saying, "Here U Csr". 1265 for tlio COACH Nine other aa.ttrt"r PrifT Vldftranse of rulora. All prlc " Vintltor, taira ritra. A Car for You to Try W7M b S1 tm Your Door Oqly l.y rldlnt in or drll Hudaoa' 8 llt you appreciate Ita dcU(htfal e"u. You are Intltod f tak trial r" It foa arooothnraa, aprtd, acrTlcrat0' Jj eaay liamlllng, romfort and rcoao?' . M -your phone rail will bring lludaon'a Creal door. HUDSON'S 8 Prince Rupert Auto Co., Prince Rupert, B.C. A. Urindaniour - Adclard Krindamour- -Frascr Lake, B.C. rSmithcrs, B.C.