sf?;i7 Juno 12, 1030. you can buy Salada quality at three cups for a cent 'Fresh from the gardens1 BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS TO I - .I'Wl.. D -.i5r B lit T. celt" RUCE ROBINSON ELECTRIC nmti.miTFn UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Nalllnc tium ITlnrc Rupert nUVEB, VICTORIA, IluUdal Art Bay, etc Tuaadajr. 3 30 p M'OHEK. VIlTonM. Ilulrdalr. Alert Itay. Me.. Iridjr midnight A U'K AKM. ANVOX, STKWAKT, &a. iuer. ron lirap.ua. pud m 8.00 D.m. SIMPSON and WATfl ISLAND Thursday pm .Uenne R M SMITH rol Prlnee Rupert. H.C V; r gh (irkrl old to Victoria aim Prattle .and baxme eluded : to definition jgjpj B. C. Coast Steamship Service " i. a AST "SHIPS appreciative corres- ' last night's meeting sol board in connection hnon which was recent-b.v the domestic science 'n' schools. 1 ' HI A Graduate Pharmacist is Always on Duty at Ormes Limited Dispensary Ormes Im. yut Pioneer Drureists IIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONE 8? v 200 Tl ree Graduate Pharmacists if . note":. AM Vf .ctloT. . .AiW" .-.ire" I I I ,.. i rm - .tain 0i frcct Vancouver, B.C. SAILINGS FROM PRINCE KUFEIIT To Ketchikan. Wranpell. Juneau. Skanway ine 9, 16, 20. 23. 27 30. To Vancouver. Victoria, Seattle '.June 4. 14, 21. 25. 28. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc.. Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m Atents For All Steamship Lines ' t Orchard. General Ajent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Vlio..- Si TRAVEL DE LUXEWACROM CANADA Leaving Prince Rupert Daily except Sundays, 1.00 p.m. for Jasper and Edmonton, tlicncc by dc luxe Transcontinental trains . . . The "CONFEDERATION" "CONTINENTAL LIMITED" through to Toronto and Montreal. Serving also the principal Prairie cities, making direct connections wituv nil important points in Eastern Canada and the Vnitcd States. Low Summer Fares Now in Effect I'll TTanadLian m I Rational R Mi Naughton, District Fassenjer Aitent, Prince Rupert, B.C, That there had been very little illness among the public school children of the city during the month of May was reported to the school board last night by the various principals. Local Items Dentist, Dr. J. 86. Island July 8. K. Gosse, Fhone Rupert East Sale of Home Cook ing. June 24 at 3 pjn. Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Hcilbroncr's store. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel I'Mlllt SEW M JIWAUEMENT Meant llvlrre'l lnrl icoonn; not ana oia Free this Merit. All Train and ; Bnt Rates $1.0Q and Up M'MIAL MONTHLY KATLS CR. IUGGART Si A. DONALD . ITorlflort PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel, riot and cold water In all rooms A. J. ritUDHOMME. Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sis Royal B. Leonard and A. Ferguson Vancouver; Oeorge McLagan. Seattle; J. H. Peets. CNJl.; J. Cech Falls River. New Royal Hotel I. Zurrlll, "rop. THE IK1TIL MOUTH WHILE llot It Cold Wat.fr; 8team Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone SSI Specials m I MEAT shB0pPorki-oo Shoulder Veal 5 lbs, $1.00 Loin Veal Chops g g q Loin Lamb Chops StowV(5Sl 3 lbs Sirloin Steak per lb. 50c 35c Mussallem's Meat Market I'honc 18 & 8t 417 Fifth Ave. E TIIE DAILY NKWS PAGE THREF Dinnerwarc, china, crockery, glassware. Hcilbroncr's Store. Vacant lot next Empress Hotel only $1,000. City Assessor says it Is worth $3,000. Helgerson. 137 Hear Canada's youngest girl cornetist at BbysahW1 concert; Moose Hall, tomorrow night, June 13, at 8 O ClOCK. J. C. Brady, M.P., left on today's train for Hazelton where he will See the second prize In the Dally open his campaign for re-election News campaign In Bulgar's win-1 as member for Skeena riding dow. It is sterling silver. tf See Miss Myfartwy Campbell In A few days more and the Chan- "The Rythm Stomp" at the Boys cea for entering the Daily News Band concert Moose ijaii, Fnaay. campaign will be gone. Enter now nleht. June 13. 138 and stand a chance of winning one of the four big prizes. tf School board accounts and pay rolls totalllne $7,628.39 were passed The regular monthly meeting ol for myment by the trustees at the board of school trustees was thelr monthly meeting last even- neia last nignt. Mrs. i . m. sspencer jng cnairman, presiaea ana omers pre sent were: J. H. Thompson, Earl Tne 0j SChool trustees ts Barrle, W. R. McAfee and L. W. advertltlng in the Vancouver Pro- Waugh, trustees; Principals W. H Ulnce for two teachers for the Hartness, Mls E A. Mercer. Miss Hlgh school, filling vacancie 8. a. muu, miss u. e. MCATtnur which wUi occur at the end of the and J. O. Williamson, secretary. Inrpsent term 22. D. H. Hartness, principal of King Edward High School reported at ANNOUNCEMENTS last night's meeting of the school board that a new cupboard had a 4 been installed in the. office of the school, greatly relieving conges- Moose picnic, Digby Island, June tion there. Elks' Dance June 30. Elks' Home. D. McD. Hunter, who has been on a 10-day trip down the coast as.far n Ouppn charlotte Sound making C. N. Recreation Picnic to Ter- arrangements for ledfial election polling at various points in the rid in will be returnlne to the city on ixjminwn ua.y spout, actuiis the Cardena tonight. Hill juiy i. unnarens sport cracn meet, baseball, footbaiL The school board, at its regular monthly meetlne last nleht. after of schools, on the work of the Iteaehers In the various schools. The press was asked to retire Completing her flrt voyage on summer schedule. C. Nt R steamer Prince Charles. CapL (McKay, ar rived In port on tlme.itl0:30 this mdriUng fnwiteyaHlnjox and iMastttt Inleiaintsrtv-Jil sail at 4"rcloctfth& aftrm rb.f Vancouver. The vessel broi ght a rather light passenger list, here. a itt.r irmn rrme's Limited. fmH at loaf BOA f'K meetlne of the school board; fkted that, whereas j the company had tendered $ui. on supplies of chemicals to the High School, the goods had been purchased at a lower cost price than had been expected so the: rter olvon thp hpnf!t' of this and billed only $12555. Ap- preelatlon was expressed oy tne board at the action of the drug store. SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday FRESH RHUBARB 7 lbs 25c SUNNYBROOK BUTTER Q1 fiC CANA Fines tst hrlr parh KIPPER SNACKS King Oscar Brand, 3 tins 20c KEILLER'S MARMALADE f)n Little Chip. 12-os. Jar ; FIG BARS Fresh shipment 25c per lb FIG BARS Whole wheat Affn Fresh shlnment. nPr lb. .. COTTAGE ROLLS Boned OOn Smoked Shoulders. pr lb.OAV: ORANGES Sweet and. QtZn BERMUDA ONIONS-Sllver' skin, per lb ?RE8H BISCUITS-Assor ted packages, per pkg. . 3 for MACARONI-41 6-oz. p 'cue: rei per lb. VISITING IN CITY Tom B. Lewis, Vancouver mining engineer, who is in charge of the development or the Silver Cup mine near Hazelton, arrived In the city yesterday for a brief visit In town. BUSH'S Grocerteria Week-End Specials STRAWBERRY 2'S, 9c1 10c 25c! 10c 30c RED ARROW SODAS Plain QO or salted, per pkg. uu Watts' Grocery Quality Right Prices night PHONE 55 PHONE 56 Malkln's a . CORN FLAKES Sugar ' Crisp, 3 pkts GOLDEN WAX BEANS 2's, per tin GOLD DUST per pkt. FLOOR WAX 2-ln-l, per tin PEACHES 2's, Malkln's Best, 's, per tin 50c 45c 40c 25c 15c 30c 40c 25c FELIX GINGER ALE O-i Eft Pints, per doz VA.wv Sweet Mixed Pickles, Happy Cftp Vaii iuai h ovoABAa OLIVES Quart Sealers, per Jar BUTTER FRASER VALLEY, WOODLAND Per lb Dominion Day dance Moose Hall reular business had been trans-' NEW ZEALAND Golden July acted, adjourned Into private ses alnn tr receive a confidential re- Canadtan ,Llon plcnie;.Dlgby ; from H c FraSer. lnsepctor PURE JAMS STRAWBERRY Royal Prince, per pall PLUM Nabob per pall Churn, 3-lb. brick 25c 40c $1.20 THIS MERCHANDISE IS ON DISPLAY IN TIIE WINDOWS Bush's Grocerteria B PHONES 211 AND 212 FREE DELIVERY Great Close-Out FRIDAY and SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK Shoes! Shoes! Distinctive models for every occasion. Correctly and smartly designed Ties, Strap and Pump in the widest possible selection and variety. All footwear at surprisingly low prices. GROUP NO. 1 A Large quantity of Wdmen's Pumps, Straps, Ties. Formerly selling as CO OC high as $5.85, nowPOeJ 1 GROUP NO. 2 Very good Shoes for Women, Formerly as high CJQ QC POD. as $7.95, now ARCH DEFENDER SHOES If you are, looking for extreme comfort you will find your fitting In these fine utility shoes much more than the standard shoes supply. Made bver orthopedic lasts. With flexing arch and medium Cuban heels they provide for complete Off flexibility of the foot. Regular, $8.75. now ?0O3 CHILDREN'S SHOES The always popular "Classic"" Footform Shoes for growing feet. Priced as low as possible. wmij ii a -i 1 FLEET, FOOT For every member of the fam-Uy. Marked at the lowest possible figure. Jabour Bros. Ltd. Cor. Third Ave. & Seventh St., Prince Rupert, B.C. School savings for the month of j Miss J. D. Moffatt reported to June were reported as follows at' the school board last night that last night's meeting of the school a stove pipe at Westview School board: Booth School, $72.38; Seal; was still giving much trolible. (Cove, $37.30; Westview, $3.60. It I was reported by Miss Mills that 69 - 1 pupils had continued their sav-! ings accounts throughout the year. Whenever the wind blew rift 'hei room became full of smoke. -The necessary repairs will be made during the summer holidays. i AMessage to Mothers of BottlcFed Babies YOUR baby is not thriving on his present IF food we suggest that you and your doctor consider Eagle Brand Milk. Eagle Brand is so easy to digest that it is comparable to mother's milk in this respect. Practical tests over a period of more than 70 years have proved it the food most likely to "agree" not only with healthy babies, but in difficult feeding cases where other foods fail. And Eagle Brand is always pure, always uniform, always safe, even in the hottest weather. We have on fylc thousands of letters from grateful mothers all over Canada who have successfully reared their babies on Eagle Brand. TWO BOOKS EVERY MOTHER WILL DESIRE "Baby's Welfare" U free booklet containing practical feeding directions and suggestions for supplementary foods. It has a wealth of other information very useful to mother. "Beat Baby" Is an esqulrite little book In which you may record baby's growth and progress. It U free, also. Use the coupon below. TUB BORDEN CD. LIMITED, HOMER ARCADE BLOC, VANCOUVER Phs nd m, re, tha two bookUttyoa offer tnothtit Namsu Address ....