r I Tomorrow's Tides Friday, June 13, 1930 High 2.18 a.m. 15.24 p.m. Low 9.11 a.m. Vol XXI., No. 137. 21.17 p.m. V.. ILLEGAL TO RIDE HANDLE BARS OF BIKE A a result of a recent accident a two nlrls ridine one bicycle kr :krd over a small Booth School C J ;i J O. Williamson, secretory of ' rhool board, has sent a notice ii 1' school nrlncinals reminding J -I ' '""tit-9- She Delay In Holding of Probe and Reasons Given For Same Receive Stinging Criticism From Leader of Opposition ft Si m "V Tl T A T M r T-v vh luum. June -uennite announcement was m 'de yesterday by Premier Tolmie that the inquiry order-1 edbythe British Columbia legislature four months ago,1 into tne dismissal oi iNorman a. watt as government a.rent at Prince Rupert, will not be held until after the federal election. Stinging criticism of the delay and the reasons given was voiced yesterday by T. D. Pattullo, leader of the opposition. ' A commissioner has been selected," Premier Tolmie t : Collisdn and Aid. S. D. Mac-;! Mttfng as Justices of the r '!. MnClymont explained the lm-.iljiy of parking close to the Ak opposite his office as v within the tt-lnch limit, the i tf any car would Jam against i :U sidewalk when opened. It t. ubsolutely necessary to park . ntly far from the curb to .. the doors of the car to open . l it was beyond the limit. The . ondltlon applied on the op- slde of the street, due to the iiks being so high above the level. v ts stated that Mr. Nlekerson tr i Uy a charge, also under the Inlaw, against Chief of Police 0 J Duncan but it is not now ex-p a that this case will be pro-: .'.a with. -Qsald, "and the government Is wait ing his acceptance before announc ing his name. We are not going to start the inquiry now and have it dragged Into the election campaign," said the Premier. "It will be called with' as little delay as possible after the election." No decision has been made, Premier Tolmie stated, but he thought the Inquiry would probably be held In Prince Rupert. It was likely it would be open to the public, he said, but a decision had not been reached on this point. Premier Tolmie's reasons for not holding the inquiry now are classed aj extraordinary-by Mr. Pattullo-.-"I feel that I should now make public the reason which I advanced to Dr. Tolmie over a month ago as to why the investigation should be held Immediately," the leader of the opposition said. "It Is to be noted that representations which I made to Dr. Tolmie were made bo-fore the Domonion Oovernment had announced that an election would be held this year. Watt was badly wounded and gassed In the war, and his health has never since been robust. On several occasions when he was In the government service we were seriously worried as to the condition of his health, and it Is known to everyone In Prince Rupert that the manner of his dismissal had a most distressing effect on his health at that time. "In requesting Dr. Tolmie that the inquiry be held without delay, I Dointed out the question of Watt's health and strongly urged tnai ior hi mason, if for no other, the matter should be cleared up forthwith. Premier Tolmie said the gdv- ernment .would act without delay. No results being forthcoming, I, two or three times since, have been in r.rsnnl touch with the Premier and was assured by him that the commission of Inquiry would be ap pointed at once and I advised wau accordingly "The fact is that the government u rnnUnuine the outrageous ireai ment that has been accorded to Watt from the beginning. Watt was dismissed because at one time ho had been my secretary out, in.su.-uu - -i,. on the handle bars of bl- of admitting it. the government has c , s is contrary to law. The police ' ever since been ar also being asked by the school squirming and falsifying to Justify And I no we have an rotary to strictly enforce the law ,u position that the to this matter. admission from Dr. Jdml taken by Is to be i eferr ce a The steps that had been mqulry : secretary were reported to the party exigency The f me Minister that .to see the be -Wrst ; ,ol board last night. j who should Organize Against -?IsrSrt,2 Chicago Gangsters the during the election campaign CHICAGO. June 12:-A big' new "rV" :l,.lon wWch will attach to orpunizauon Is being formed here J. rnment and his party as a t lowlnfit tho shooting of a news P per reporter named Russell, by L minsters, Its purpose being to carry on a war against the Illegal element in the city. The newspapers of tin cltv nrfi contributing largely to- result of the inquiry. niiiTii . ,inh. nt the !." .ird the funds and it looks as if A a nn was nom Cencral Hospital , to tore would be a hard time in fu- Prince iiupw Cummings 117 'uw for those who deliberately set Mr. West. AvenUC Fourth tar mw in defiance. Summary American 11,000 pounds, and 7c. Canadian 12,300 pounds, and 6c to 13.1c and 6c. 7c. 6c. American L00KINT0 ORE STRIKE Dr. Mandy and Guggenheim Engineer Leave For Stikine WRANGELL, June 12: Two experienced mining engineers left here yesterday for the Caspar district on the Stikine River in British Columbia where a strike of copper-gold-silver bearing ore was reported recently. Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining enjineer for the British Columbia government at rrincc Rupert, went in to survey the district for his government and B. B. Neiding, formerly with the Kennecott Copper Corporation, left for the district to look over the strike for the Guggenheim Interests. BANOUET ' OFTOCH Fifty Persons Gathered at Successful Affair Last Evening The second annual banquet of Toe H was held last night In the Commodore Cafe and proved a very pleasant affair for the fifty or so-persons In attendance. Thomas Andrew was toastmaster and speakers included Mayor C. H. Orme, who expressed his approval if the movement for young men lere; Very Rev.. J. B. Gibson, paore if the group who proposed the 'oast to the patron of Toe H, the Prince of Wales; Dr. W. C. Asplnall, who proposed the toast to Toe H; Adjutant William Kerr, who responded; Canon W. F. Rushbrook; Rev. Alfred Wilson, who proposed the toast to the ladies, and Aid. P. H. Liniey. who responded. During the evening, the marching song of Toe H, "Roger Rum," was sung with much zest with H. Bradshaw leading. The evening closed with dancing to the strains of music furnished by Mrs. J. S. Black. 14.8c NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1930 Health Clothing Exponents Edward Kahrs,4Tlllsonburg evangelist, and his wife, who are .ardent devi)te.of health dress cult and wooers of ellxir-glrlng ultra-violet rays.-They are sBown'herc ay they appeared upon" streets of Toronto, and as will be seen they feature very light marching order and unhampered limbs. Mr. Kahrs preaches whenever he can get an audience, and sleeps in a tent. Two' Fires Believed to Be of Incendiary Origin, Do Damage of Half Million in Winnipeg WINNIPEG. June 12: Property valued at more than ed in from the northwest section of the city where a fire niP-ed throuuh the nremises of the Caledonia Box Co., de- . , 1 t 1 1 11 It I- ! where gasoline stills expiouea, scauering me uurnuig on in all directions. Firemen, aided by volunteers, fought the blaze for five hours. ! , ' TROLLING IS GOOD AT HIPPO ISLAND r ' SKIDEGATE, June 12: Re- ports from the Hippo Island trolling grounds are to the ef- fect that the fishing there is ; I . L 1 I. Grayling, 11,000, AtUn, 14.8c and . Canadian Gony. 5.500. Booth, 12.6c "and 6c. Ringleader, 2,800, Cold Storage, 13c. and 6c. i all , 126' boats are doing well. The ' seineboat Brace, Capt. Brandy ; i Newell, Is packing from there : to Butedale. SCHOOL BOARD '. LETS CONTRACT Joe Baker. 4,000, Atlln, 13.1C ana w T nr-or n5vpn wnru nr CAMPAIGN MANAGER' Repairing Rorden StrcetSchool The school board last' niehtrac- L. W. Patm6'fe has beenappolntedi ccpted a tender from W: J. Greer of Liberal campaign manager for $458 to reshlngle and flash two Kkeena riding In the forthcoming .ides of ' Borden Street School federal election. Hearing, of evidence in the case of Mrs. Sam Bill, charged with keeping liquor for sale, started In ritv nollce court yesterday after building. The tenderers were: J. L. Jollymore, $533. L. C. Eby, $480. J Home Builders (Ytreberg) $385.50, W. J. Greer, $458. It was moved b Earl Barrio and noon :and the trial was adjourned seconded by J. IL Thompson that until this afternoon. the areer ienaer,De.acceptea SALMON PRICES Canners Name Their Figures; Fishermen to Consider Them VANCOUVER, June 12: A Joint committee of operators and canners have reached an agreement on the following prices for the year:' Sockeye, 50c each. Conors, 2214c each. I'inks, 4c each. Chums, 5c each. Red Sprinjs, 7Wc per pound. These prices will be submitted to a meeting of fishermen in New Westminster over the coming week-end. It was stated here today that the" prices mentioned above would apply to the Skeena and Naas Rivers and that they had been agreed upon last night by the fishermen's committee in Vancouver, James Moriarty, C.N.R. road master at-Prince George, was an arrival In the city "yesterday from the Interior. BOSTON GRILL LA ROC CABARET BpcUl Dinners Thuridayi and Saturdays Dancing txtrj Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Danc Hall for Hire Accommodation for Private Parties PHONE 4.W PRICE FTVE CENTS OLMIE CHALLENGED BY PATTULLO Declares That Conservatives Are Afraid to Have Watt Hearing Because of Political Effect MAGISTRATE IS CLEARED Prosecution Had No Evidence When Traffic Case Called m th csu. in which Police Ma-it Thomas MeClymont was cJ by O. W. Nlekerson with .in; his car more than one foot curb in contravention of the .raffle bylaw, being called late uay afternoon. City Solicitor F F Junes informed the court that i id no evidence to offer. Ac-u'ly. the case was dismissed by CHARLES OLIVER IS ACQUITTED Son of Former Premier Is Set Free on Charge of Committing Assault Chief Justice Morrison Gives Strong Advice to Jury to Free Penticton Man From Assize Court Allegation i VERNON, June 12: It took less than twenty minutes for an Assize Court jury yesterday to return a verdict of not guilty in the case in which Charles Oliver, son of the late Premier John Oliver, was charged with assaulting Dr. V. E. Latimer in Penticton on November 25 last. In his address to the jury, Chief Justice Aulay Morrison, the trial judge, said: "The first thing you must consider is: was Dr. Latimer assaulted and who assaulted him? What evidence is there to show that the accused had anything to do with the assault? The evidence, if there is any, is only inferential against accused." MACKENZIE 'FIVE HERE Vol. 1. IS CHOSEN i GRADUATED I ' Formally Nominated Liberal Registered Nurses' Exams Candidate in Vancou ver Centre VANCOUVER, June 12. Ian Mac kenzie, Liberal member of the legislature for North Vancouver, was nominated Liberal candidate for Vancouver Centre federal riding in the forthcoming general election at a convention here last night. The nomination was unanimous. Vancouver South Conservatives again nominated unanimously Leon J. Ladner, the late member. At Cranbrook, Kootenay East $500,000 was destroyed here early this morning in two Liberals nominated j. f. auimont, in r -V i ti; 1 i 1 J!nn : Canadian Canadian Parlflr? Pacific train train rtlsnatrhpr dispatcher. Iires DOtn OI wnicn are oeiieveu tu nuve ueeu un uu:cuuicti origin. The first fire, starting at midnight, destroyed the IVlClJiarmia UIOCK in Uie nui iiieci&t setuuu ui t-iitf. While the firemen were fighting this, an alarm was turn- to contest the seat of Hon. Dr. J. H. ' King, who is being elevated to the (Senate. today at $1.05 7-8. 1 1 ' VANCOUVER WHEAT r fno nlnnf nnrl Viiirro ni'lpc nf liimhpr in thf vnrds' VANCOUVER. Show Local Cadidates Were Successful Results of recent Registered Nurses' examinations in the,01 sp'rqvince? have been published and show, that five young nurses from the Prince, Rupert General Hospital were successful In the tests Misses E. M. Dobbie, M. S. McRae, O. Gordon, M. MarUn and . . Olafson. Miss K. Ro day o the Vancouver General Hospital led the province In the examinations. TORIC CLOSES The Torlc mine, at Alice Arm, which has been under development by the Britannia Mining Co., has closed down, according to word reaching the city. John Mad-ronich, who was employed there. June 12 Wheat i arrived in the city this week and oted .on the local Exchange left today for a trip to his native home in Jugo-Slavla. The Political Corner Thursday, June 12 No. 2 Need of Business Man Many people think that a man must be a good speaker in order to make a good representative in the House of Commons at Ottawa. A bigger mistake could not be made. Many of our members of Parliament never rise In the House to debate. Some of our best members have sat In the House for many years without ever making a speech In Parliament. These man are trained business men who work; on committees of the House. One of the first things the House Of Commons does each session is to appoint, numcaus committees (sucn as the fisheries committee) to study the details of the business required to be done by Parliament during that session. Here is where the most Important work of Parliament is performed. Here is where Canada receives its most valuable service from its legislators. Here is where elocution Is discounted. It is not wanted. Men of much verbosity are a bore and a nuisance to these committees. Trained business, men can perform wonders In carrying through the business of tho House in cjip.mlee. 'f , , Olof Hanson', the Liberal .candidate, lsu trained business man. Ho has made a great' success of business. He Is one of the outstanding successful business men In the north. If one of us.had some private business to have attended to at Ottawa, whom would we choose to attend to that business for us if wo were offered the services, first of a trained business man, successful In business, or second, of a trained elocutionist, a man of letters, but without business experience? The business of a constituency should be treated In the same way as you would treat your private business affairs.