PAOE SIX The Acme importers Fair Treatment for Everybody Trading Motto During Our $10,000 Clearaway Sale Our sales are a success every summer because we give wonderful values and the people Know it. Those who made purchases last year came back this. This year's sale has been just as good as those of the past and there are still some very lo? price offerings. In fact all the goods throughout the store have been reduced for the sale. Look at these prices and drop in and see the goods. Boys' Navy Serge Suits Boys' Navy Serge Suits. Guaranteed indigo dye wool, British serge of fine weight, twill, double-breasted, two pants. All sizes, 2 to 36. Regular price, $26.50. G Qff Clearaway Price .. . V & Mens Boots & Shoes pfflCjIjfo Bootgr and Shoes, Black and Brown. Goodyear welts. Values up SHOWER FOR M1SSGARNET Mrs. II. M. Harper Hostess at Delightful Affair Last Night Mrs. H. M. Harper was hostess at an enjoyable event on Tuesday evening in the nature of a 'Honeymoon' shower in honor of Miss Alva Oar-net who is to be one of the princi A Produtt of ff'e.trrn Canada Flour MUU Umllrtt Boys' Sweaters & Jerseys A nice assortment to choose from Boys' Jumbo and Crew Neck Sweaters and Dress Jerseys. Regular price up to $4.50. C-fl Clearaway Price tpA.tJU Mens Shirts Wen's Shirts, Collars attached and separate collars, some have two collars, in a large range to choose from. Values to $4.00. . . C-f QC Clearaway Price A large assortment of Cotton and Wool Shirts. Values up to $3.00. e-f JC Clearaway Price , X.ltf Mens Pyjamas Men's English Broadcloth Pyjamas, made by Tooke. Values up to $5.50. CO Off Clearaway Price ?o?U pals In an Interesting event which ! takes place shortly. The color' scheme was yellow, the gifts being presented in a moon shaped box suspended from the celling. Many dainty and useful gifts were received by the prospective bride. The following were present; Mrs. E. P. Janner, Mrs. A. Wilson, Mrs. A. McKlnnon, Mrs. J. Manson, Mrs. O. V. Wilkinson, Mrs. T. Vlckers, i Mrs. T. A. Rom, Mrs. Bertrand, Mis-jses Edna Vlckers, E. P. Orassle, I Phyllis Lamb. A. Barrie, O. Wilson, I I Haddock. D. Sharp and M. Shiels. puRiry FLOUR 1se it alike For Bread and Cakes'Tdu'll notice the difference at once.... Purity Flour has been giving success in Canadian homes for so many years, you s can use jt with your best ' r 4 V . : ' x v ' 'recipes with full confidence. Your grocer has it. Mens Suits Men's Suits in Tweeds and Worsteds. Good workmanship, not all sizes in lot. Broken lines. CO QT Clearaway Price The Acme Importers NO CHARGE ACCOUNTS Third Avenue TERMS, STRICTLY CASH Fresh Extra Eggs 3 do?, '. ..,..... Suhnybrook Creamery Butter, 3-lb. brick Fresh Cottage Cheese per lb , Casco Potato Flour 2 pkgs Clark's Tomato Catsup per bottle Frtfscr Valley, PiumfJam- 4-lbl tin"" li .$ ,.. Felix Dry Ginger Ale 12 bottle pkg I Week-End Specials Royal Crown Soap 6 bars, 6 cups and 6 saucers n n all for ... Quick Quaker Oats per pkg. 30c Campbell's Tomato Soup 25 C Nabob Choice Bartlett Pears QCZn 2's, 3 tins .M' Nabob Fancy Sliced Peaches Hfin '; 2's, 3 tins lUtr i Royal City Strawberries j 2's, 3 tins 95c 'Royal City Red Pitted Cher- QCTp j ries 2's. 3 tins OtC ! Evaporated Milk, all brands Q C j 9 tins i Swift Premium Sliced Bacon fp i 1-lb. pkg.' ' Swift Premium Sliced cook- ((f ed Ham per lb uv $1.10 $1.15 20c 35c 20c - 45c $1.50 Alberta Market l GAMULA. Troprfetor Fifth Street. Phone 208 THE DAILY NEWS Thursday, june 12, Nervous Dyspepsia Bad Liver, Headache of Years Vanish "For yer waa ffi troubled with bad 15 JvMtfndM . . pervous aSj dyspepsia aha liver W UtouWe. mnSllytriod u&l tuii-"U" uu ' jtA am once more entire-iSJ ly well " R. A. Yeara-old l(ver trouble, constipation end overnight with "Frult-a-ttvea," say thousand. Dyspepsia,' biliousness, heartburn, gas. sick headaches go like a Hash. Nerves quiet, sound sleep at once. Kidney and bladder tils, pain In back vanish like magic. Rheumatlam, neuralgia, neurit! decamp quick. Complexion clears Ten of nature's greatest remedies combined In handy little tablet Marvelous discovery of famous Canadian doctor. Speedy result. Get "Frult-a-tlvcs" from druggist today. Be new person tomorrow. TEACHERS MUST STAY Board Expects They Will Remain Until Final Day of School Term A suggestion from teachers of the Xing Edward High School, submlt-ed through the. principal, D. II. tartness, and with his approval, hat members of the teaching staff ie allowed to leave on conclusion of aminations, a few days before the atutory date for school closing at he end of this month, did not find ivor with the board of school trus-ess. on being brought up at last eight's meeting. The teachers will e informed that, the board has no. 'Uthority to allow them the tim off and that they will be expected jo remain at their posts until the md of the term. It was explained that grade examinations would be over on June 9. and the matriculation exams a iw days later. Principal Hartness iw no reason why the teachers hould be required to stay around iter the examinations. In a discussion on the question vhlch followed, the opinion was ex- reased by members of the board hat, as the term did not conclude intll June 27, it was but reasonable hat the teachers should remain at ork. In any other work, it would e required. It was suggested that here might be rriatters preparatory o next year's work that might well :e taken up during the last few lack days. There was also presld ng examiner work. The concensus or opinion was jnfavorable to the suggestion that ,he teachers leave before June 27, Man in the Moon Election is on so watch your step or you're sure to vote wrong. I put my money on a Liberal And I lost it all, by heck. This time If I back the Tory crowd IH get It again in the neck. Now that the political campaign is on watch out for the male cat tie. A hint to the Insurance companies. Why not insure the voices of the politicians? Now that we iare trying to get Industries for Prince Rupert, what about the Joke factory? Its a great life if, you don't be-'ong to too many' parties and have to subscribe to all the campaign funds. Jake says he hinks the Dally News will get pepped up when, the new liquor store is openediacros the way. , . A wag remarks that the Mackenzie King Government elected for a summery trial. There once was a stateman named King , Who toovpollUcal fllngu JiWhtfiald "you'll repent , If you "don't give us all that we want, ting, a ling." At last night's" meeting of the school board Miss E. A. Mercer, principal of Booth Memorial School, expressedv'her appreciation ENROLMENT IN SCHOOLS ! !S Total of 1013 Pupils Were In J Attendance During May During the month of May there h was a total enrolment of 1043 pupils w In the schools of the city, according S to reports of principals presented j last night at the meeting of the J" school board. The enrolment sum-' mary was as follows: 'h Boys Girls Totals S High School 79 109 Booth School 233 233 Borden Street . ..148 168 Seal Cove 33 28 Westvlew 12 10 Totals 505 Attendance percentages schools were as follows: High School 96.9 Booth ...96.3 Borden Street 97. Seal Cove 97.8 Westvlew 97. At the Borden Street0chool, 41 pupils had perfect attendance during the month, " ; ,.., Memorial School. VA's, per tin Plums, in Syrup 2's, per tin Royal Anne Cherries 24's, 4 tins White Beans 5 lbs. Split Peas 5 lbs Blng Cherries per lb Bananas Finn 3 lbs Oranges 3 doz Canteloupcs each ; 538 VEGETABLES Hot House Tomatoes per lb Lettuce, good size 3 for Spinach Fresh ' 4 lb Up-Itlvcr Uliubarb 7 ibs at 183 M 450 8 316 Q 61 22 n 1043 the Empire Day. ceremonies In con nection with the schools' were reported upon at the meeting of the school board last night. For the older children there was a pro-1 gram ,by the Imperial Order. I Daughters of the Empire, In the! Capitol Theatre while, for the yoimgrr children, exercises had' been held In the schools. The' High School had a separate meet-1 ing in the auditorium of Booth 1 Minute Ends Itch cf ECZEMA "SOOTHA-Urn" UUU DOCTOM "Btr bill ttrnbl tutmi. 'Sooth- . .X I?1 'J1? la " DiMtio Kxa Wt- Mii. J. Uur.act. 6top Htb, born. pia In t mlnat. Ecximt & u for good la f.w d.ji. Skin bcomt( dtu, tmootb. All Drui. LOOK! READ THIS We want to gtt your business, And you bet we realize; It pays to sell good things to eat, That's the way we advertise. WEEK-END SPECIALS Evaporated Milk, all brands 4 A per tin XUl (Limit 10 tins each customer) Royal City Strawberries Ol n J JL Is 20c $1.00 ,38c 38c BUTTER Hollybrook, E.C.I). and Qp Woodland, per lb Sunny brook Q4 4A 3-lb. brick tPi.Xi Sunn j brook 14-lb. box .... $5.25 FRESH FRUITS 35c 40c 95c 20c 25c 25c 25c 25c fit r'-U All other varieties of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at reduced prices. to the board for its action in where Dollars Have More Cents" placing an oraeir -ior new suppie- rhone 3G0 319 Third Ave. menuiry reaaersas naa Deen re quested. The Economy Cash & Carry 1 QUlKIHEIiKI WED. and ui UK8. 7 & 0 1. , wrar.i.ntwrtr AN ALL TALKING STOItY OP IJKOADW Y LEE TRACEY in "BIG TIME" COMEDY "HULLS AND HEARS" ALSO A SCENIC Admission, 20c and 65c 1930 lit. - 1 s TWO I SHOWS THE NAME OF THE ROSS & MOORE CO. LTD " HAS KEEN OFFICIALLY CHANGED TO KAIEN MOTORS, LIMITED CHEVROLET and BUICK DEALERS t Our acccsorics lines of Goodyear Tires, Willard Storate rut-terles and Kayhrstos Brake Llnincs are of the lilthest klanfard. Our service department Mn charge of a very competent man Frrnand Koussell, and Is equipped1 to give efficient and economical service. KAIEN MOTORS, LTD. I'lionc 52 CHEVROLET and BUICK DEALERS Prince Rupert, B.C PEMHINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton . . MINEHEAD EGG Delivered, Per Ton MINEHEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton 9 . 12.5. FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING. A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 J U I Gy)roc Gives PERMANENT PROTECTION MADE from Gypsum rock, Gyproc Wall-board does not burn. Structurally strong, inexpensive, easily and quickly put up, Gyproc Wallboard gives permanent fire protection to the walls, ceilings and partitions of your home. Gyproc docs not expand, contract, warp or crack. You can tint, paper or plaster it if you wish. Your dealer's name is listed below. Ask him for complete details of this pioneer Canadian fire-safe Gypsum board or write for free interesting book, "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc" GYPSUM, LIMB AND ALAUAST1NE, CANADA, LIMITED, Vancouver - D.C ?NEW For Sale Uy Albert & McCaffcry, Ltd. Prince Rupert, 1. M.F.Noursc Hums Lake, H-C. The George Little Lumber Yard r Smithors, Hazclton and Terrace, lull. S. Sarrrcnt. Ltd. Hazellon, Iw-