Asesqyy SArvereiseT | — “ TAXI Phone 99 Open Day 4 ‘Night New Management } PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia’s Newspaper Phone 75 and 35 We Never Sleep oe —_— = = _ — = = — voi. X. NO. 268 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1949. F339 ee ae Paton FIVE Clair" _ at . UG! = Hon. S.F.Tolmie is Elected For Victoria, Majority 2,082 Barnard the Labor-Soldier Candidate Polls 5,023 Votes; In the East Three Farmers and One Liberal are Given Large Majorities. — PRESIDENT DEFIES CONGRESs OF VU. 8. WASHINGTON, Oct. 28.— (Noon). As .soon as the Senate ratifies the German Peace Treaty the wartime Prohibition will be ended, a presidential proclamation announced .today from the White House. (Special to VICTORIA, October 28.—Hon. Simon F. Toimie, Minister of Agriculture, was returned here today by a majority of 2,082. He | ied 7,105 votes while his opponent, Thomas Barnard of New Weotmineter, received 6,023 votes. The total vote was an un- There being over marked out of a registration of 15,700. Barnard went before the electorate as a labor-soldier candi- date and got a large soldier vote. Tolmie was elected in 1917 as a Unionist and was this year chosen as Minister of Agriculture for the Dominion, bringing on this by-election. The large vote was polled in spite of a steady pol usually large one. been a hot one. rain throughout the afternoon. Motherwell loses his deposit. be heard from. ville loses his deposit. AMENDMENTS Ani DeFEATED Grand Trunk Bill Through Committee. iclegraphs ber 28. Iwi clause 2 of the were introduced Was in commit- (ret and liunk bill While the House rhe first by Hon. W. L. Me ter Kenzie King would provide “that Lhis ag ‘ shall be submitted . ratification by the Parliament of Canada,” was de- feated by 49 to 26 on a straight y t lhe ‘ umendment by J. J. nis of Joliette asked that five the Grand Trunk Rail- ead of four be submitted This would mean trat of the value of the de- penture as well as the common preference stocks. The amend- ment was de Teated by 49 to 25. SAYS CRANBROOK PEOPLE PREJUDICED Suit Against Returned Soldiers Labor Organizer Wishes to be Tried at Vancouver. tn ecial by G. 7.4 Telegraphs.) VANCOUVER \ Oct. 28, A. Mc- organizer, who Sue suil against thre« Mlurnead 1 15 liers Who are alleges out of Cranbrook On Mar ch 20 o -¥, objected yesterdays a om st by the defendants to . Ne Case ed at Cranbrook Hie oe hat the jury would be . the people who were ——? against him, Sage eset ts ** + #k* ee Y ee . y SEAL COVE scHooL Will reope . Non Wednesday * : October 2g. * t a CADE, a ‘ Medica; Health Officer, * Me" *S0sncegcanae Notice to Launch —" Boatmen Cables Spa 4 MmWatle ae Tepairg 4, "Wan —_ MO w ate ain, line and |, . a : ossing pipe Poe , g we Cables before os Ps hg CLEMEN'TS a 'ty Engineer Sr erwrnrerurend The News via The following are the other election returns: Assiniboia—Eighty polls out of 108 give O. R. Gould, grain grower, @ majority of 4,000 over Hon. W. R. Motherwell, Liberal. Giengarry-Stormont—Wilfred Kennedy, farmer, was elected with sire polls to hear from, by a majority of 1,332. It is ex- pected this figure will be increased to 2,000. Cariton-Vietoria—James Coldwell, United Farmer, was elected over Col. Meiville, Unionist, by 3,596, with only two small polis to Caldwell’s vote was 6,176, Meivilie’s 2,580. Mel- Quebec East —E. La Pointe, Liberal, won with a majority of 3,852 over F. K. Galibois, Labor. Galibois loses his deposit. WITH GRANITE wraight Party Vote Garries the’ 6.17. P. Telegraphs INDIANS NAME PRINCE “CHIEF MANY SMILES” twelve thousand bailots The contest has MAKE STREETS That is Suggestion of City Engi-) neer—Materia! at Smith yen island. indians of the Lethbridge district, Alberta, Canada, have bestowed upon | the Prince of Wales the title of “Red Crow,” or “Chief Many Smiles” All the old Indian ceremonies were used in the proceedings, which took place when the Prince and party stopped there LUMBER PURCHASED FOR ROAD REPAIRS President V etoes Fifty thousand feet of lumber bought from the Lakelse s to Lumbei; Co, at the price of 824 per M. Such was the decision of the couneil last night when the ° e.e " e special offer of this firm was Pr h b t e brought to the attention of the oO ] ] 10n l city fathers. As the lumber is 9 being sold in the city at as high a price as $33 per M.,, it was con- sidered good business to make the purchase This lumber will com- plete the redecking of the streets to make a good road from town House Repasses it (Special to The News via G.T.P. Telegravhs.) to Seal Cove by the most advan- WASHINGTON, October 28.—President Wilson unexpectedly tageous grade. eloed the prohibition enforcement bill and within three hours Ald. Rochester inquired what} was being done towards perman-| ent road grading instead of plank- | «. He believed that it was : 176 to 55 The Senate also began laying plans to repass the bill there The forcement al President refused to the bill because it ineluded sigh prohibition. intention of the city some months ihe House of Representatives repassed it over his veto by a vote use offi ago to get away from ue wartime plank where possible. i City Engineer Clements replied that this was being done wherever However, with the pres- hand he thought possible Bars BRITISH GOVERNMENT GIVES WAY TO tevc ec PARLIAMENT ON SEVERAL POINTS IN leafls in the district and feund|} thaf the granite on the island was} sts" VIBW OF THE RECENT ADVERSE VOTE There are, however, some good Rranite bodies the district. One is Fe : ie aed up the line ee ao tamaed The News vis G. 7. P. Telegraphs the other on Smith Island. In LONDON, October 28 Last week's defeat in the House of Commons and the seriousness Of the country’s finances as re at one of these and get the hard). oid in the revised estimates submitted to Parliament showing mater al brought here for street for the year exceeds £447,000,000 in- time theecity should be able to my estimated deficit tue that the erating ren: oe eee Sif | f £250,000 000, as fixed in the budget, seems to have in time the present soft grading ina ! - ; terial which has been used is of ed the Government to yield to certain reforms long demanded ithe use for permanent work e press The foremost among these demands was for the The 1 mayor was ol the opinion | un to cabinet respousibility and also a more regular attendance that in the long run the use of} the Prime Minister in the House of Gommons, Athedesmes granite would be cheaper! ane : ted im the an. jes as a more satisfactory. The matter of| bringing it to the city had been) nounce! vent 0 taken up with the G. T. P., but at) lime form of es the point from whieh it was to be With regard to the second ¢ fa return to a peace, 84, Govern- the gonar Law, introduced in Andrew Joent cabinet leader, brought there was no siding and[wand an inspired statement has Souunene a — meneeen) $0 the company refused to spot cars| been ssued to the effect that as/t 7 ; - - ae — . J ; « his duties in connection settlement of the controversy on the main line, vith the Peace Conference are) Which threatened (te stability of on ORN pire the Premier will revert to the administration tust week. The ai taene, ee = ern thia}the old practice of personally an-|Commons adopted tie amendment rhe original amendments, ex. cept Freachmen from the clause barring aliens from holding Brit- ish pilot licenses, At a confer. ence of opposing factions a com- Was agreed on which swering questions in the House House of Commons adopted iment to the pending bil! morning to Mr, and Mrs. J. ' Doney at the Prince Rupert Gen ) Phe or ’ . jan amen ; = septa jdealing With sex disqualifieations, Ladysmith Coal. The best. Prince | permitting women to sit im the The amendment) promise Rupert Gost Company, Phone =o of Lords. - | | Grand Jury. | mented with pleasure on the very Must Not | with Conditions — Strike | Says US. President | Whole Federal Machinery Ready to Deal in Mining Ficld Unless Order Rescinded. i (Special to The News via 4. TP. Telegraphs.) | WASHINGTON, October 28.—The Government stood pat today on President Wilson’s ultimatum to soft coal miners that ':he strike ordered for November 4 must not take place. The in face of the statements of was overwhelmingly for peace, LIGHT DOCKET AT ASSIZES Mr. Justice Clements Comments on it in Charging the Mhe nhnine fall this before Mr, Jusiee Ule- addressing the. Grand presiding jud@e com- assizes opened ent. In ry the “lt doeket and gave the jury its sual instruetions stating that its ime was dts own and the mem- ers could make suc inspections the city as théy deemed neces- ay he tirst ease brought up was that of Rex vs. Michael J. Noone being charged wii drugs with intent indictable offence. r accused dministering to commit an the Grand Jury retired and a ue bill was brought in at 12 yelock, The case was proceeded ‘Sith this afternoon beginning at oclock. The chief witness \ngelo Pognotto, upon whom the drug was administered. L. W. Patmore is taking the case for the wecused, rhe of Rex vs. Peter La ance will not come till tomor- how aflerneon, pending the ar- val of \itnesses from Stewart on ihe gas boat Nora. the following " inels: Petit jury——Wilbert Greer, Wal- Harper, StepJen King, Joli Lambie, George Levick, Harry K. Love, Ezra C, La Trace, John H. ‘Meagher, John R. Morgan, Wil- liam H, Montgomery, Malcom Me. Arthur, Albert. Nicholson, Alexan- Case ' are the jury Bert, William F. and Stanley Ernest Panker. would eliminate offertding France. It is ernment consented to make other ler Noble, Arthur Robert Phillips, Albert John Phillipson, Peter P Rorvik, Harry B. Rochester, Pat- rick Ryan, Frederick Seadden, Frederick Shaw, William Henry Sherman, Ernest H. Shockley, Kd- Alfred Edwin Slocomb Steen, David Charles ~tuam, Alfred Swansdn, Charles Herbert Thomas, James Henry rhompson, George Perey Tinker win Smart ‘ames G, Cameron, Jean Joseph T, Collart, Numa Demers, Daniel Jabour, John Andrew Lindsay, Luke J. Marren, Arthur P. MeCorkindale, Martin O'Reilly FRENCH STRIKE whole Federal machinery already set up for the emergency was ready to deal with conditions in the mining field unless the execu- tive board of the United Mine Workers of America, meeting in indianapolis on Wednesday, votes to rescind the order. John L, Lewis, president of the ‘line Workers’ organization, that it was too late now to stop the waikout, there was a strong belief in official quarters that the strike would at least be postponed. * This feeling was based | targely on the feeling that the sentiment throughout the country regardiess of how people might ‘iew the reported grievances of the miners. MUSICAL COMEDY AT WESTHOLME Large Audience Appreciates the Humor of First Performance Given by Fisher's Folly Giris. “If it wasn’t for the Irish and the Jews” was the burden of a very popular song sung by George han a few years ago, and had it not beea for the same reason, there would have been no show al the Westholme last evening. For the whole play resolved itself around a doughty representative of each of these races. “The Two Politicians” given by Fisher's Folly Girls last evening was broad comedy, and as such, brought forth much laughter from the audience. The impersonation of the Jew, Izzy Cohan by Billy Biack, and of Mike Casey, the Irishman, by Frank Kélley were the outstanding features of the play, and both parts were very well done. The Folly Girls, eight in num- ber, made an effective company, and appear in a delightful assort- ment of costumes. Their singing and dancing turns were duly ap- preciated last evening. Since their arrival in town sev- eral of the company have been suffering from colds contracted on the voyage up and last night were not at their best. The company will present dif- ferent classes of plays during their visit here and will have a change of program on Thursday night, f There was a large audience and all seemed to enjoy the show im- mensely. ewes C.P.R. TO BUILD A FINE NEW HOTEL TORONTO, Oct. 28.—The Can- adian Pacifie Railway Company will build a $3,000,000 hotel on the block bounded by Yonge, Cart- John Gottlip Veiriek, Howard} ton, Church and Alexander streets. Syivester Wallace, Hubert Ward |— ~ -_ : — Bertram Everand Wefster, Rufut . Seymour Wright and Alexander Rupert Sogn : Prince Rupert Board of Trade Grand Jury Ernest Shering A luncheon for members \llistone, Robert Robertson Ar- will be held on board the 8.5. ihur, Haory Atkins, Victor Basso “Prince George” on Wednesday, October 29 ati p.m. Colonel 8, P. Me. Mordie will be the speaker Tickets 75ec, and can be procured from the Commis. sioner or on board the boat. Sainte (Special by 6.7 FP. Telweraphs.) », Oot. 26.—-The extremist element in Trade Union ecireles are planning a general strike on NovempPer 7. — re ee ee eed chance of under. in exehange the Gov. any stood that Victory Loan The Members of the Local Com- mittee will meet in the CounciL CuamBer, Crry HALL, on WEDNESDAY alien. restrictions more drastic at 4.80 p.m, and the amendment was adopted 261 unaninously. oe ore ete ts. iX ; ” 9 i fs