E S July Clearance Sale LAST DAYS FRIDAY & SATURDAY All Ladies' and Children's Coats at Great Reductions Children's Sox and Hose per pair 15c Ladies' Summer weight Lisle Vests and Bloomers Q-f ft A ncr suit t?J..UV I Children's Cotton Vests each 25c Children's Wash Dresses )9C Wash Dresses in latest styles, in a variety of patterns Misses' Wash Dresses A A latest styles 6 to 14 yrs. 1,vu Boys' Cotton Bathing Suits EZfip each ov' Ladies' Pure silk Gloves in sand or grey shades, fancy Q'fl ft A cuffs, values to $1.75 . . v j each This is the sportsman's Leverage "Canada Dry.' It stimulates. It refreshes. It has the vigor of the game well played. And it has found favor the world over ... in great hotels and clubs ... on famous trans atlanlic liners ... in countless homos throughout America. Order it today. Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves CAn each eFVC Hats, the balance of our summer stock, values to $3.50 Aff each tyuD White Cotton, 36-in. wide g-f A A nice soft quality, 8 yds. vV Sheets, fully bleached Aft 70x90. each PJL.UU Curtain Muslins per yard Feather Pillows, art j-fl A A tickinc covers, each . . v CJ I - Towels, striped or white good quality & size, 4 variety of colors, per yd. . . "CANADA DRY" The Champagne of Ginger Ales Canada Dry Ginger Ale Limited, Toronto, Edmonton and Montreal LUMB KILN DRIED SPRUCE, CEDAR AND HEMLOCK FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. Specialties Edge Grain Boat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edge Grain Hemlock Flooring Spruce and Cedar ShlpUp, Boards, Dimensions ..and' Timbers Doors, Windows, Shinties,' Etc. f 1 Odd lots off-grade material at reduced prices. BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD.' Lumber Manufacturers Prince Rupert, B.C. If your paper docs not arrive, telephone the office 15c $1.00 Ribbons to 5 inches wide, i ft Shopping Bags tZfif SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR FURTHER SPECIALS PHONE - 9 THIRD AVE. & FULTON ST. KEENNESS . . .VIGOR . HEALTH . . . ARE ITS INIMITABLE QUALITIES 1. The very foundation of "Canada Dtf is "Liquid Ginger" -which tee male from selected Jamaica finger root by a special process. 2. Thit process u exclusivity controlled by lit and, unlike any other method,. retain for "Canada Dry" alt of the original aroma, flavour and natural essence of the ginger root. 3. Therefore, this fine old ginger ale has a basic excellence uhich Iclongt exclusively to i and is the property of Us makers. Improvement Bylaws Passed The following are the local Improvements bylaws for sldewajk construction which 'have passed their first stage: "'' j"rTR Third Ave. north side from Mc-Tlride to Second St. Second Ave. south side from Mc-3ride to Third St. " Third Ave. both sides from Eighth St. to Seventh St First St. east side from Second Ave. to Third Ave. Second St. both sides from Sec ond Ave. to Third Ave. Seventh St. east side from Sec ond Ave. to Third Ave. L"!!l Inspector William' Splller,'' p: vlnclal police, left on today's train for an inspection trip In the interior as far as Prince George. He will return to the city at the beginning of next week. Week-End Specials Columbia Strawberry Jam 4lb. tin - ' Fly's Cocoa V4-lb. tin .4. Banquet Sardines In Oil 4 tins L ....... Nabob, Sliced Peaches 2's 3 tins Brookfleld Batter 3-,lb. pkg Del Monte Prunes 70-80's 2 lbs Nabob Tomatoes 2 fc's 3 tins Eagel Lobsters Ws 2 tins .. Eggs, Fresh Extras 3 doz Eggs, Fresh Seconds 3 doz Cooked Ham, Sliced per lb. , :..SJ. Premium Bologna, Sliced per lb. i Swifts' Dcllco Bacon, Sliced per lb. 8unklst Juicy Oranges 4 doz ETlums f baske raj60c ,25c 70c $1.25 25c 50c 45c $1.10 90c 60c 30c 50c 95c Large Canteloupos If QCn 2 for New Potatoes 6 lbs. 25c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor I'Uth Street Phone 208 On its last journey, the ill-fated United States submarine S-51 which carried 33 of its crew to death five years ago when it sank off Block Island SCHOOL REPORTS presented By Principals Hartness. 1f rrr and Mill af Rtarrl , X(HJVIeet Last Night,.,',',! , .;'i';r " - ' ...i !(,- H Orilj1 fUlree of the city schools Kin Edward Hlfch, Booth' Memorial and Borden Street presented reports for the month of June at the meeting of the school trustees last night, reports from Seal Cove and Westvlew Schools being lack Irig. ''For Jtfie High School, Principal B. H.' Hartness reported total atten dance of 183, 75 being boys and 108 girls. The average attendance for me scnooi was y.c. t-xarainauon results had shown a steady upward tendency throughout the year in the work of the pupils and the tone of the school had been good. The introduction of the four-year High School course next term might make another classroom necessary, Principal Hartness forecasted. For the Senior Matriculation class next year, only six pupils were so far offering. Mr. Hartness expressed regret that there would be a number lot changes in the teaching staff next year through several teachers resigning. Miss E. A. Mercer, principal, reported a total enrolment at Booth Memorial School of 452 consisting of 230 boys and 222 girls with average attendance of M.30. School savings for June had amounted to $72.36. Forty-six pupils had been promoted to High School on recommendation and 13 were trying government examinatkShs, 10 who had railed to be recommended and three who were competing for medals. Miss Mercer emphasized the need of addiUonal playground space be ing provided at her school. Miss S. A. Mills" report for Borden Street School showed total enrolment of 307, 143 boys and 164 girls. The average attendance for the school was 97.67. Some readjustment of Grade IV might be necessary next term with a total of 47 pupils already in sight. TEACHERS RESIGNED Six Have Already Relinquished Positions While Two Appointments Have Been Made Six teachers hafet already offlcl ially tendered their resignations to the board from the local school staffs. Those resigning, the most of them to take positions elsewhere, are: ' High School Miss M. McLean, Miss M. B. Henderson, Mrs. St. Clair Johnstone. Domestic Science Department-Miss Tracy Curry. Booth School Miss B. A. Leitch, Miss Alva Oarnett There may be other resignations but they have not been officially tendered as yet. Appointments already made the board are as follows: by High School Miss Grace Law rence, Vancouver 'Latin). Domestic Science Departments Miss JVJ Evelyn White, Winnipeg. Over 100 applications have been idrTor positions on the local teaching staffs. ri Progressive merchants advcrtlst CAMPING SPECIALS For the benefit of those who go out camplnf. Our prices are right I Libby's Pork St Beans i's, 11 tins Libby's Pork Si Beans 2's 9 tins Del Monte Apricots Talis 4 tins Del Monte Deluxe Plums 2's. 5 tins ri.,. Llbbs: Patches ijfe'B LibbyApricots 2J'S Pt&irs 2's Safins Empress Red Currant Jam 4's. per tin SI SI 95c 95c SI SI si 45c OLD COUNTRY PICKLES Pan Yan Pickles 20-oz Jars, per Jar 50c C. it B. Princeton Pickles ()9n per Jar Ashcroft Ketchup 26-oz. afp bottle, per botUe AOl Fresh Fruits and Vefftabln arriving every boat at lowest prlrts. Our best attention given to outside mail orders. The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 3C0 319 Third Ave. TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND' CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City RUDY VALLEE The Idol of Radio Fans and His Connecticut Yankees, in to PAGE BCC THE DAILY NEWS f , j wed. two! WALLACE'S I shows! 7 JC. ft n i. B B e i s "THE VAGABOND LOVER" I I s ALL TALKING AND MUSIC. MANY NEW SONG HITS I g COMEDY "ALL TEED UP" SPECIAL ATTRACTION "AUDIO KEVIEW Sharkey-Schmeling Fight Pictures SEE SHARKEY LOSE ON A FOUL MAKES DELICIOUS SANDWICHES i i 2J i i S Admission "c & 63c ' Young Mothers should know (7TH0USANDS of riUl question concerning your baby's care are bound to arite. Baby's Welfare tells you the answer. It was written for the ux of every young mother by a thoroughly experienced physician. I til not technical, nor doe it take the place of your own doctor' advice. It it just a simple practical treatise In every day language. You cannot afford to be without It. Write for your copy to-day and tare yourself endless worry. Baby' food 1 of first consideration. Nurse him if possible. If you cannot, use Eagle Brand, endorsed by thousands of mothers, recommended by thousands of doctor. It it absolutely pure and safe and cxeedingly digestible. Tut Doun Co. LnnruwDcvt. A. I latwe AraJs Bld Yumoutw Suxf mt, -Btbr't WtUm,-, ,lm -Thm t Bihy" no4 book. N-... and plain w "l 4 Hop Flavored M M w j T Packed exclusively t I jfllU Sealed Airtight Tins J If you lose anything, try a classified ad.