SSSsday October 14, 1930. ISt DAILY PSG2 PIV5I lassified Advertisements. Business and Professional Mens Guide. Legal Notices. I AN IDLE ROOM MAY BE TURNED INTO A REVENUE PRODUCER. TRY A DAILY NEWS FOR RENT AD. I IIKLP WANTED WOMAN wanted, Commodore jtoomf? Phono Green 389. 231 MMTTn, nillk knowledge of Shoe Business. Apply Box 53, Daily News Office, if I SITUATIONS VACANT 4fl00 appointments yearly as Post- tmm t .lerics, stenographers, Cus tom;. Examiners, etc, in Government Service. For particulars (write Clvl) Service Dept. M.C.C. E:hool.s Ltd., 401 Kenslneton iBldg . Winnipeg. tf WANTED ANTED- 2 or 3 room cabin and f lo for cash. Apply P. o. Box 703. 245 FOR RENT JIVE roomed flat for rent. Phone ( Blue 345, tf IfLAT FOR RENT Wallace Block. I Enquire store. - tf FURNISHED FLAT. 4 rooms ant- bath, Phone 547. tf TOR RENT Furnished room. 1 board optional. Phone 543. BOB RENT Modern Flat, kitchen range. Westenhaver Bros. tf TOR RENT Housekeeping rooms by day, week or month. Phone Red 607. tf TOR RENT nine-room flat close in Bath moderate rental. Wetten-tuvrr Bros. tf FOP RENT Clean well furnished modern two-roomed suite. Palm- rv Apt; Phone 444. tf FOR SALE TOR SALE C.C.M. bicycle, perfect Condition Phone Oreen 709. 242 FOR BALE Three piece chester field Suite Apply Box 52 Dally News Office. " 242 "LAT MORE OAME," booklet with finest recipes to prepare game. 50c Mary Adams, 4049 W. 31st St . Chiraga 259 FOR SALE- Motorcycle engine two ryllnder, four cycle Indian) almost new, complete with mag neto Apply 217 Fifth Avenufl East 250 PRICE REDUCED The price of the launch Owen Is reduced to $200 for quick sale. This 1 the best buy on the market. Cylinder recently re-bored and new rings Installed. Pullen, Daily News, tf HOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tt NEEILKVOUK HEMSTITCHING, Mrs. Feasby, Phono Red 315. LOST LOST October 1, large pocket book containing valuable papers name inside folder. Oeonrt Ellasscn. Finder please notify Burns St Company. Reward. I'OUND FOUND Motorcycle key. Owner may have same by calling nt the Daily News and paying for this advertlsmcnt. v To Rent Cosy Two & Three, Roomed Apartments Free use of electric light and washer Rentals $10 to $16 monthly DYER APARTMENTS 3111) AVE, cTn. R. TRAINS From East Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30 p.m. For East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 11:30 a.m. NORTHERN B. C. NEWS TERRACE Mrs. Qeorge Dover, accompanied by her daughter, Betty, and her son. Qeorge, arrived home on Bunday from Atwood, Ont., where they have been visiting relatives during the past three months. Is Dr. and Mrs. Mills visited Prince Hupert at the week-end. The doctor attended a medical convention. Miss 11. T. Allen left for Prince Rupert Sunday with her little son, Richard, who had suddenly taken ill. Mrs. J. II. Smith accompanied her. Mrs. E. A. Maearthy has kindly offered to open her home on Tuesday evenings to any pupils desiring instruction in the- French language. She held such a class while In the Peace River country prior to coming to Terrace. Oscar Landry, district superintendent of Government Telegraphs, visited Terrace over the week-end on official business. Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh returned to her Prince Rupert home Saturday after spending the aunlmer at the "Grossways," her summer home. Mr. Mcintosh will remain at Terrace for a short time longer. Harvest Home service was held in the Anglican Church Sunday morning. The church was suitably decorated with flowers, fruits and vegetables. The Sacrament was partaken of by the members at the close of the regular service. Rev. E. A. Maearthy officiated. Harvest Home service will be held in the United Church next Sunday, Special music win oe a lea ture of the service. The following Terrace citizens toft Wednesday for Hatelton to attend the Conservative convention: Jim Nelson, John Hepburn, Robt. Corlett, 0. T. Sundal, Will Robinson, The Turner and Mrs. Wilkinson of Remo. II. L. Cullln of the Taylor Safe Co. of Vancouver, is a business visitor In town and ts registered at the Tourist Hotel. Louis Martin, proprietor of the Tourist Hotel, la bus laying the foundation for the installation of a Delco plant for lighting his hotel. Henry Smith and his slater Fran ce, former residents of Terra ee and now of Smlthan, are registered at the Terrace Hotel. E. K. Weymouth and family of Burns Lake ware recent arrivals In Terrace and have rented the G lilts house nortji of town from the owner, E. T. Ktnney. A. E. Goodenough of Smlthers Is a business visitor In town and is registered at the Terrace Hotel. F. M. Dockrlll of Telkwa, who Is connected with the Telkwa Coal Mine, Is a business visitor in Terrace and Is registered at the Terrace Hotel. A. II. Waddlngton of the Prince BRINGING UP I i I V-,, J K1'"" ) MI--' V 1 Rupert Forest Branch arrived in Terrace Tuesday on official D. L. McNeill, who has been ill for some time is now convalescing and able to be but doors enjoying the warm sunshine with which Terrace1 at present being favored. Chas. R. Gilbert of Terrace left for Vanderhoof Monday on official business as fire lnsprance adjuster. Howard W. Archibald of Victoria, who has been spending the past week at Lakelse Lodge, left Wednesday for Kamloops. Frank Phiscator is, giving the Terracajlotel a fresh coat of paint, and seems quite at home on the scaffold; 30 feet above the sidewalk. Frank fays he doesn't bother coming down for lunch after having a breakfast of bear steak served up by Norman Yack. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Durrant and little dauehter of Winning hm- been guests af the Terrace Hotel during the past week and it Is understood will take uo residence here for the winter if they can secure a suitable house. The Canadian Legion Hall has been engaged by the hospital board for a dance on Friday, by the board of trade for a Hallowe'en dance on Friday, October 31, and the Vets themselves will hold an Armistice dance on Tuesday, November 11. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson are hold ing Gospel meetings in the Blue Room of the Vet's Hall every night In the week except Monday. Mrs. Bruce Johnson .and neice, Miss Higgerlty of Lakelse Lodge were guests at the Terrace Hotel Wednesday and Thursday of last week. SMITHERS H. B. Rochester of Prince Runert spent a few days at the first of last week visiting here with J. C. K. Sealy. With winter approaching, the town council Is considering the pos sibility of completing the fire hall here and providing sleeping quarters for the firemen therein. The village council has passed a bylaw under which all vehicular traffic must pull to the side of the road and stop when the fire truck Is running to a fire. The Smlthers town band has been given permission by the town council to use the municipal hall for practices. To aid the unemployment problem In the fall andwinter months, the town council 6f SmUhersT Is making a request to the provincial government for a share of the money apportioned to this province for financing such work. B. A. Smith, road superintendent for the west end of Omlneca district, is fitting up the old Burns Lake hardware store at Burns Lake and has made application to Vic-i torla for a beer licence. FATHER HAZELTON Mr. and Mrs. S. Klncaid left Ha- zelton last Monday for Ashcroft where Mr. Klncaid will take over the management of the Govern ment Telegraphs. He had been manager in Hazeltfn for the past few years. The steamboat trip between Ha zelton and Prince Rupert is being advocated here as a possible tourist attraction. It Is nearly twenty years since boats have been operated on the river. Dr. 1L C. Wrinch, M. L. A. for Skeena, has written to Premier S. F. Tolmie advocating that clearing of right-of-way and rock work be carried out on roads in this district as unemployment relief work. There is much of this work that might be done on the Prince Rupert highway route between Hazelton and Usk, the local member points out It is now expected that the new Hazelton hospital will be ready for occupation by December 1, If not earlier. Plastering Is nowT:ompleted and steam fitters are about to start Installation of the .heating system. Soon the decorators will be able to get started. Mrs. F. A. Ooddard returned home. last Monday evening after having spent a few weeks visiting In Stewart with her daughter, Mrs. E. Me-Mullln. William Dow station agent at South Hazelton, who Is now on a trip into the Peace River country, Is having gOodxhuntlng there, It Is reported. Snow has not yet arrived permanently on the mountains here abouts. One day there Is plenty of It and the next day: It has disappear ed. Mr. Gwyer, representing Seattle capital, has undertaken a development program on the Cordellira property at Usk. It Is a promising gold property. There are quite a few moose around here as well as further into the interior. One day recently a train nearly hit two moose at Mud Creek, a short distance east of here. PRINCE-GEORGE The management of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway is said to be considering making use of five hundred tons of steel In this city for a five mile diversion of the railway In the vicinity of Lillooet which also provides' for a new bridge crossing of tfyg Fraser River to replace the structure which has run its allotted life; SKEKN'A LAND nECOnillNO DISTK1CT . Take notice that the British Columbia ruhlng b Packing Company. Lid. Of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation, flai packers, Intend to apply lor a leas al th following described foreshore, sltu-at on Naaa Harbour, fronting on Lot 3 Rn 8. Court District: Commencing v a peat Panted on the east aide ot Naa Harbour, thenoe west 15 chain, more or lew, to the opposite ahore; 'thence aoutherly. easterly, and northerly, following high water mnrk. to the point of commencement, and containing twenty-five acres, more or leaa. Dated 0th August, 1030. J. II, Bushnell, Agent BRITISH COLUMm FISHING A PACKING CO., LTD i il r - - ( ' THIMK l HEAR yElLS 1 1 HEX OPPICBR- COME ) WMh A ROBBER IM THE S OUlCK- TMlM fM u , HOUSE- ''IX 3BTAg WO&aeRS ARE ,NI J fgIM ? il - ii i- ' ,. OHDODDACTld To Regain and Keep Health Rheumatic tains. colds and similar Infections respond readily. If you are feeling run down and out of tune with the world, take a course of chiropractic adjustments to put you back on your feet after the first two or three appointments, you'll note a difference. V. C. ASPINALL (Chiropractor) Phone Green 241 8 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) STEAM BATHS 204 6th Street Phone Black 764 Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Indies from 2 pjn. to 9 pjn. 3ents. from ... 10 ajn. to 10 p.m Hunt's Furniture & Upholstry "The Store of Quality" Complete House Furnishings Terms Arranged G. M. HUNT Third Avenue, Phone Red 637 LAND REGISTRY ACT NOTICE Re: Certificate of Title No. 2891-1 to tour (24), Block Seventeen (17). Sec tion Six (01, City of Prince Rupert. Map 923. WHEREAS satisfactory proof of Ion of the above Certificate of Title Issued n the name of John Gordon has been filed In this office, notice h hereby given that I shall at the expiration of. -ae month rrom the first day of publication hereof. Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title in lieu of the saM lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection la made to me In writ- "rented at the Land Retjlatery Office) Prince Rupert, BXJ this 3rd day of Prince Rupert. B.C., this 3rd dac of October. 1930. H. F. MacLEOD. iat.-St-nov 1. Registrar. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease I .ami In the Stlklne Land Recording DU-tllet of Oasslar District, and situate About three mUes and one-half south of Tulsequah Poet Office en Taku River Take notice that I. William Btrong. of Tulsequah. B.C.. occupation merchant, Intends to apply for a lease of the follewlng described lands: Commencing at a post planted on band of a slough, thence vmth 80 chains; thence east 40 chains; thence north 80 chains: thence west 40 chain: and containing 320 acres, more or leas. WILLIAM STRONG Dated August 2A. 1930. LAND ACT Notice ot Intention to applt for Lease Land In the 8tlkine Land Recording District of Oasslar District, and situate about three miles and onehalf south pi Tulsequah- Post Office-b Taktl :Rlv Take notice that I. Qeorge Robblni of Tulsequah, B.C., occupation bookkeeper intends to apply for a lease uf the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on bank of slough, thence south 80 chains: thence east 40 chains; thence north 81 chains; thence west 40 chains, and containing 320 acres, more or less. OEOROE BOBBINS Dated August 29, 1830. I Get the Ad. reading habit. It pays. OU WILL HAVP TO fSo s, BACK AMD WUD-OUT J POR sune AMD IP hey ARE, CALL ME" FREE SUIT With each suit thoroughly cleaned and pressed, you get a chance to win a high-class custom made suit. Your choice from largest range cf best materials. See Wm. Aula WEE TAILOR SHOP Opp. Post Office Phone 577 TYPEWRITERS No other value ran approach the sprriiit REBUILT UNDERWOOD 5 575.00 Very eaay term All other inukea tram SIS.O0 Kt'MHiTBA!) APDINO MACIIINEH United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANCOUVER, J1.C. A, W. Edge Co. Wholesale & Retail Plate, Window and Ornamental Glass. Wallpaper, Wallfelts, Muresco Brushes, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Painters' and I'aperhangers' Supplies. Phone Red 53 P.O. Box 459 330 Second Ave., Prince Rupert Ray Oil Burner SAFE SILENT ECONOMICAL See me now WALTER LONGWILL Heating Engineer Phone 384 P. O. Box 730 Singer Sewing Machines On Easy Monthly Payments As low as $300 per month Cheaper to auy than rent All makes of machines repaired. McKAE BROS. LTD. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Uartag! Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. Chimney Sweep Chimneys swept and repaired 1 Purrarces and stoves cleaned and, repaired. General handyman. : Phone tot Night phone Blue 71Z H. J. ZUAIKEIIR I By George McManus m&mZi&iM y "I'LL BP MWM AT I iNSi W'M '""J1 I TMS N1IK11AT-1 IOC t-l I WW. lull K.jliir.. Sfkt, Int., (itt.l iriUMUiSm.y4 Prince Rupert School of Music Fall Term Begins September 2 II. AUBREY PRYCE Professor and Teacher of Violin and Piano. Orchestra Practice Tuesdays and Fridays. Telephone G74 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Room 10 Smith Mack Courses In Technical and Engineering Training. Write or Phone Local Agent for information. Box 155 F. J. Boutell Phone 78 JITNEY SERVICE Bwwwn Part dcsMnta and Queen Charlotte Clly. Mondaya and Saturday. Lrarr Port ClrmMlti. 8JM jn. Quren Charlotte IJO.p.m. Furta $5 rath. Round trip S6. L. IJVMON. iNrt Clement" MRS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading White House 325 Second Ave. Telephone 7C7 Silyersides Bros. WALLPAPERS PAINTfc Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldings THIRD AVENUE - PHONE tt SALVAGE ANP TOVlNG "If It's on or under the water we do it." Pacific Salvage Co. Ltd. FuPy Equipped for Diving and! General Salvage Work Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter Row Boats and Canoes for Hire Bargains in Gas Engine ! Agents for EASTIIOPE ENGINES! Northern B.C. Distributors Coolidge Propellers Sand and Gravel in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water Phone, Day or Night 561 r.O. Box 1564 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, srll or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical instruments machinery, etc. General repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone Black 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer Federal Block. tf SECOND-HAND DEALERS New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomeiy 3rd Avenue Phone Blue 3S9 Get quick results with a want ac. wm- ,.j