ovtober 8, 1919. Oe Just Arrived - Fresh and Crisp | ee ee CHRISTIES = MARVEN’S ,est, lee Wafers Cocoanut Bar coanut Bar Cocoanut Fingers coanut Brittle Fluted Vanilla swiss Chocolate Ginger Wafers rig Bar Social Tea Ginger Nut Fig Bar iced Animal Fancy Wine Rusks Creams Sultanas Peach Bar \rrowroot Ginger Bar \ast. Fruit Sandwich Honey Fingers Apernethy Apricot Wafers Acst, Biscuits Lemon Snaps Apple Blossom Cherry Rings Royal Milk Lunch Chocolate Drops Cafe Noir Popular Mixed Jelly Wafers Sultanas Lemon Snaps Special jest. Marshmallow Marshmallow Fingers Apple Blossom Honey Fingers Ds = COW = roval Canadian Afternoon Tea SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Christie's Assorted Tins, per tin............. $2.00 Christie's Sodas, per tin.................55, 65 Ramsay's Sodas, cartons ............... 3 for 1.00 Rtroh CORON BET ov cctecsctancscdrssess 25 Christie’s Biscuits in packages:---Arrowroot, Graham Wafer, Water Wafer,and Social Tea, per package ...............-, ina oil | some thrilling experiences he was THE DA K.OFP.GIVE BANQUET TO RETURNED MEN Eloquent Addresses by Returned Men in Replying to Toasts. A supper to 24 members of the order who returned from overseas was given last night by have the Knights of Pythias in their hall, about 70 persons being present, It was an impressive gathering and a time very enjoyable Speeches were drunk and were cleared followed. the Chancellor presided and the first Loast of the evening was pro by H. Daggett to the re- turned soldiers, In replying, Bob Cameron said that while he had passed through was spent, made after and toasts were the tables dancing and cards creorge Leek, Commander, posed unable to tell them in a thrilling way. Over there they had ad- ventures a plenty, but He thought every one was tired of hearing of individual He was sure, however, that every Knight of Pythias behaved as a true knight on the fleld and every wo- man on the field was true to the ritual and its teachings. Women experiences, were ministering angels to the boys. A nurse from Prince Ru- pert was detailed to dress his wounded arm in the hospital and her name would long be remem- pened, not only by him but by ‘many other sufferers on the field. Frank Dowling. Frank Dowling, replying on be- half of the Grand Lodge, said that in taking up arms the Knights had freely offered themselves like INDIVIDUALITY! IS THE MARK§ OF .SUC- CESSFUL BUSINESS AND IS SHOWN IN FOOTWEAR AS IN OTHER THINGS. You can obtain Individu- ality and distinction in the SHOES AT OUR STORE. You will be convinced by exemining our stock. McARTHUR’S Shoe Store THIRD AVE. See ALBERT @® McCAFFERY before you purchase Anything in the Building Line We handle : Prince Rupert Spruce Co.’s Lumber B. C. Mill’s Fir Lime Cement Plaster Brick Shirgles Laths | Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. g INSURANCE David H. Hays General Real Estate Agent Sor. Second Avenue and fecond Street. NOTARY PUBLIC Royal insurance Company, Limited. Northern As.urance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Fire insurance Gc., Limited. Londen & Lancashire Guarantee a Accident Co. Fidelity-Phenix Fire ineurance Oo. Pes OO rccccenee THEO COLLART, Notary Public have several buyers for houses from $1,500.00 up. have you to offer? What REAL ESTATE Pp. © Box 1 “RINE INSURANCE Phone Red 9 Westhoime Theatre Block Damon of old as a pledge for the safgty and comfort of their loved and it was a great satisfac- tion to know that out of so small a number of Knights im the city, no less than 27 were enrolled for aclive service. Of these a goodly number returned and their work always be remembered with ones, will pride and honor by their brethren. The memory of those who did not return would always we with them and they might find consolation in the glorious deaths in the greatest. of all struggles for honor, liberty and truth. Mem- bers of the order could best ex- appreciation by renewing their pledges of friendship, char- ity and benevolence and by sisting in the perpetuation of the ideals these bpave knights died to secure. A toast to the Pythians was proposed by J. 8. Carmichael and replied to by Mrs. Leek. REGISTRATIONS ARE COMING IN SLOWLY Curious Case of Property Owner Who is unable to Get on the List. press as- Only about forty license holders and householders have registered so far. As the lists close at 5 p.m. Friday there is not must time for those who are not yet on to take action. In order that those who have not yet registered the city clerk will be in his office u =«6©Wednesday and Thursday venings from 7:30 to 9. A curious case has occurred in connection with the registrations. John Munro is a retunned man who in 1912 purchased some property at a tax sale. Instead of registering the title he placed the papers in a safe and today he finds thai he cannot vote as a property owner because his title deeds are not registered and he cannot vole as a householder be- cause he owns property, The re- sult to be that he must wait until next year before he exereises his municipal franchise. seelis TERRACE DELEGATION Terrace War Vet- \ deputation of the Branch of the Great erans’ Association, headed by Comrade J. King, waited upon Hon. J. H. King, Minister of Pub- lic Works, this morning in con- nection with the improvements in the roads of the Terrace district able ex-service men to reach farms, S8ays the Vietoria The Minister gave & sym- pathetic hearing to the delega- tion, and promised to have the improvements investi- to having thew to eu their limes. proposed gated with a view carried out, It is just as cheap get your printing done wel’ and done at ILY NEWS LILI IF2 is set. Full VANDERHOOF YOUNG PEOPLE ARE MARRIED MeCor- kell to Miss Greta B. Smith, both of Vanderhoof, took place on Sat- The marriage of R, C. urday last in the Presbyterian Chureh, Rev. Wm. Graham of- ficiating, says the Prince George Citizen. The bride was supported by her sister, Miss Beatrice Smith, school teacher at South Fort George, while her panents were both present. George Ogston of Vanderhoof, was best man, and a number of friends of both parties were present. After the ceremony the happy couple left by the evening train for the coast and will visit New York and Other eastern centres before returning. Both of the contracting parties are popularly known throughout the distriet, Mr. McCorkell being a merchant of Vanderhoof, and his bride a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smith of the same place. The Tilamook arrived yesterday ifternoon from Ketchikan with another full cargo of salmon. The salmon awaiting will be cleaned up with another couple of trips by the Tilamook The Princess Ena discharging coal and lumber a the various city wharves. For | Sale SNAP For Quick Sale-—Lots 5 and 6 Block 43, Section 8, $100 CASH. 5-Room steam heated modern house near drydock, $2,600, Term®. 18 4-Room house, 7th Avenue, Section 5, $1,760, Terme. 4-Room house on Fifth Avenue in section 5, $1,600, Terme. 2 Lots, 6th Section 5 $650 each, McCaffery, Gibbons & Doyle, Lid. Agents if ° 3rd Avenue Insurance Real hstate tentals. Avenue, Terme. Phone NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY The idea. that bread making is a long and difficult operation is a mistake, as bread may now be included in the list of quickly prepared foods, for with ROYAL YEAST light. sweet bread can be baked and ready for use within four hours from the time the sponge in Royal Yeast Bake Book which will be sent free upon request. E. W. Gillett Company Limited. Toronto. Canada shipment to Prince Rupert at the big fish town in port SSS aaa aaa a4 Md Ph La Mh LE ePAKK AES BH ’ OOO BLA LD LLM ee detailed instructions are contained $400 GIVEN IN CASH PRIZES | ist Prize $200 Cash. 2nd Prize $100 Cash. 3rd Prize $50 Cash. Special Prizes, $50 Cash. These prizes go to those who secure the largest number of iew subscribers to the Daily News. The competition is decided by points which are earned on new subscriptions as follows: City Circulation. Cut of Town Circulation. ( Month, 756. ..... 75 points eee 6 Months, $4 ..... 450 points 1 Month, 50c. ...... 50 points S: Yer, GS no estecn 1,000 points 6 Months, $3 .......350 points 2 Years, #18 ......2,000 points | 4 Year, $86 ......... 800 points Renewals, City or Outside. ° On every dollar collected, 50 pts. * SPECIAL CASH BONUSES. Anyone turning in ten fully paid up new yearly subscriptions during the first week of entering the contest gets a starter’s bonus of $10. Anyone during the course of the contest securing 100 fully paid yearly subseriptions gets a Century Bonus of $100 in addition lo any prizes or commissions otherwise earned. Every competitor, whether the winner of the four big prizes 1 not stands to make a substantial sum, aceording to the amount ollected. Nominations for the competition should be on the form here- with and its receipt at the office starts the competitor wiih 100 oints. Nominate yourself or a friend, but each contestant can © nominated only once. The contest manager will be in the office only from 1:30 to i each afternoon, when every information will be given intending ompetitors. ' NOMINATION BLANK { Name see 0 to e 4 Oo eee eo 6 aes Oe 68. 6 F 6 Oe Georgetown Lumber Co. PHONES 130 ang 423. P. 0. BOX 1632 Largest Assortment of Lumber in Central B. ©. FISH BOXES A SPECIALTY SPRUCE FIR CEDAR Consult Us. Do Not Risk Disappointment ! but place your orders now for REAL HOME MADE CHRISTMAS CAKES PUDDINGS AND PIES The Smeeton Tea Rooms 309 Second Avenue We sell Frisbie Engines Complete and ready to install. FRISBIE no repairs except occasional grinding acoessible in a few seconds. An opening directly into combustion struction effects a gain of 15 to 20 per cent. the old, leaky, bolted-on manifolds. Friebie Motors are made in following and 6” a6". For work or play, the your hardest teste. xrome as it is to send it away Try The News Print Shop Frisbie Motors give long, uninterrupted service with practically throughout, every part designed for hard work. Overhead valves, crevices to gather carbon, and waste fuel. Thies type of con- than ie possible with L or T-Head designe. intake and exhaust manifolds are cast integral with the cylinder; miles ahead of charge on the Intake and @ complete, clean exhaust. 41 to @ CYLINDERS—5 to 76 HORSEPOWER 2-cyl., 10 and 16 H.P.; 3 oyl., 18 and 26 H.P.; 4-cyl., 30 and 40 H.P.; G-cyl., 60 and 76 H.P.—Bore and Stroke, 4%" 2.6" Lipsett Cunningham Co., Ltd. the friendly motor ——— 5 Horse Power, $450 7 $600 of vaives. Valves in cages; “all muscle” construction chambers. No pockets or momenta 10 , » $700 Large vaivee insure full 16 a . $900 sizes: t-oyl.,, 6 and 7 H.P.; 25 ” ” $1400 Friebie will measure up to Ask the Man who has used one | hereby nominate as a contestant in your Prize Competition; 4 as 4F" Bigg! er. e q i oe, & Pe ay Te fs? os ot «