THE — N aad Page 4 ee - — — we ee — A: , cee WL COLLECT |CLASSIELED (§ Anyone |) FOR NEW GYM a Dentist: pn ag : DURING WEEK Thie is the Advertising Colomn that May flop ~ i on me Sings resale ee DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEE Committees Appointed Last Night. ‘ r Sd zi 4 a a 5 WANTED. one One Decay et oF io Pooth low: rs Your NW ere to Work Each Section of the GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED for fhicieney general housework. Good wages or she likes. But all _ ‘ ‘ Cc O e ORS. Apply Mrs. Mobley, 303 — r a same” it sometimes $2,000 1s NEEDED } > Avenue. : t ee ee a TO MAKE A START, i) as a ! K E D B | be FOr sate a ayne rm gro we have thought and qxeemananment pedgh wey 4 ° 7 Colwoniag Suen tenes voc] FOR SALE—Smal! pleasure boat - + ine jawerry Butt formed at an informal meeting a witht new four - cycle 4 It. p. OFFICE HouRS nes« the Athlett? Association tast nigiit marine engine; or will trade . From collar — to for the purpose of making a is * ; Feagebte for piano or anything of value Morning, q te 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30, Saturdays, q to 12 amy Sipmonds - a, te Shorough canvass of thé city. It reaching thetroub oledged hens Also for sale fishing and hunt- Everg Evening from.30 7 to 9 Ae , nee - provi a eathea ing boat and one 12 h. p. eas ae see t "Sar on was’ decided that as the awsines| ve and” theif superio engine cheap. See McGowan Dental Nurse in attendance _ ae were being held today and a num-| | over remedies which are : : Se ties you buy aayuans one he| | lowed Into the stomach Is there the cyele man. Second Avenue Phone 109 for appointment You'll find pleasure in just ber of the best men were on the jenn civtane, Ser eanwenh Near MoBede StPeet, Plone seeing; and we in showing. jury it might be better to start thts breatheable remedy is . Rue 424. tf aes i the campaign on some other day. densed into tablet form. x aiesailt daha > ) JOHN BULGER Accordingly it was arranged that) solve Beps in your td & HOR SALE OR RENT—2-roomed | i aieeiae auetes the chairman of each committee the medic omy te cabin on’ 2 lote situated on th The Store of Worth and —_ rong he: ean released is entried by the breath tht W., Seetion 5. Will sell You will delight in using this non-gritty bh pestethe fn or. ee eee oe a breathing passages and lungs, ben. Ansty. 1600 Oth Aven, is. so delightfully flavored pleted some day this week. The healing, somthing at@ stren i. or phone Black 246. 254 ! following are the committees: ening every part with which it ener ane, ae ae PENSLAR TOOTH PASTE W holesalers—F. G. Dawson and comes in contact. At the same FOR SALE—Beautiful new even- » time, by destroying all disease ing @oWn, size 40. Slippers and is unlike most dental creams inasmuc t does not ™ fF. W. Moerseh. £ gown, pp a - . wm, | Perms, these medicinal fumes dart to matoh. Owner leavin scratch the enamel off your teeth and leaves no soapy Second Avenue—Ben Seif, 8. P. prevent the devel t of : ~ tette fn your mouth Pp) MeMordie, F. H. Wearmouth, W.\ [ colds, coughs and Ss chest town. For further particulars y ' 2 a E. H. SHOCKLEY §] saseson ana n. tipset trout, ome Red 322, til] We want youto try it. Use it regularly for a week a : Third Avenue—M, P. McCaffery, ae with you, and y oneeenie ten days and note the difference between it and the cream GENERAL CONTRACTOR ak Frizzell H. &. Wallace. H.F. tented "bolifing to. = - bitter MONEY AT 8 PPR CENT on build. you have been using. Offiee and Shop Fraser St. Pullen, J. W. Scott, W. Fulton,| —eotd’ oF Goors, put « pastilie ing Loans: Apply Prines Ru- Penslar Tooth Paste is sold in generous 35c tubes Sash, doors, mouldings and #11. D. McAuley, F. Gilhiuly and J.| in your Mout ohne ie no Try it upon our recommendation all interior finish lumber al- Johnie . oye oar f — 7. _ Nickerson, Secretary: tf ways in stock. #7 Fo MeO W. H.| [ing the impure air of a crowded , SALE Ww 7 Agent for J. Fyfe Smith's SY: Soe SS rueatre-or stele POI SALE—New modern house, The Prince Rupert Drug Co. Tobey. For colds, containing five rooms and bath- hapdwood. Cold Storage—Messrs. Nicholl | which hav genet rate room, on Bighth Avenue East. FAMILY CHEMISTS eEstimates Given. & Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. ind Darton. ronc Phone 463, 2514 : : ‘ REPAIR WORK UNDERTAKEN Sawniitl_-R; Walker and P. 1.| &°%* Ail dealers, Sc bo . PHONE 134 Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention P.O. BOL 25 Phone Green Palmer: FOR SALE—2 dodublé beds, one See ee ee Imperial Oi) — Geo. Woodland brass, one white enamel, in . — nd Alex. Rix. cood condition. Phone Black , Drydock—J. H. Pillsbury, Clem- 246. 258 & MALLETT 3{ ison ana deavis. = Phone 524 are ane ee M FOR SALE —Roller canaries Machine shops — D. Thomson, ingers 96.80, and hens $2.00 {. Love and H. Ward. 7 nt oo N ti nal G oce Vy C ‘PLUMBING AND HEATING Fulton St. and outlying stores Se ee ee aulio r r 0. ENGIKEERS Messrs. Carmichael and Smart. FOR SALE—New Seale Williams VEGETABLES A SPECIALTY Estimates furnished. City Hall and Fire Department piano in splendid condition—J. ninnmntnas Chief Vickers and Chief Me- bara \. Thompson, Seal Cove. tf Motor Delivery Prompt Attention Address, 3rd Avenue, head $] 'onald. ' > ae - ian: tte elie: a obtieas of Second Street Fishermen and Valhalla—Jobn | eet aa “Nase hecor Mining) COR SALE—Stightly used piano. , Dybhavn and P. Rogyik. ‘vision of Cassiar District Singer Shop, 144 Third Avenue. Phone 174 —— P.O. Box 274 oe sd Where located:—About four miles from) —-——————-—-_—_—__-__--—--— rhe first mentioned is in every | .ead of Alice Arm on its. west, shic. FOR RENT muna; case the chairman of the com-}, "2.72. Bult acter by he, Sanne 586 = Phone - 586 mittee and he has the arrangin yr whitt Drake, Registrar of the Supreme ; MISHE ; iy sing jurt, ot. Britian Sites, & mepPtURNISHED ROOM in private ’ ’ : of the time for the canvass and] jj, ws. Certificate Noe 33583-C, ‘intend, family to rent. Very central. The goods on our shelves are all priced in large Joe Brown s t] the allotment of the territory. . i “lentes Unabraae’ =_s ‘anaes Nicely located. GenNeman pre- plain figures to aid aid you in: in your shopping. _ ‘ It was decided to make it clear;| .¢ improvements, tor the purpose of ob ferred. Apply hox 344, Daily {| to those subscribing that any| U0'né 8 Crown Grant of each of they : ‘ * | Dove Claims. ews office. 249 Motor Transfer and {)',,c00s° gerne, at ae oh ny LINZEY’S GROCERY P Se ° {} cave a membership in the As®o-] 4. Seuance of Sells of Manne FOR RENT — Sewing machines assen ger rvice iation, although to actively par- ee (ats 19th Gay Of Suptemmer, A.D a. ae ae a Stand, Empress Hotel ticipate it would be necessary to] 9. r ir Avenue, t e me of the . pay a dollar a month dues. WATE ROTICE Gerhard Heintzman piano. tf Phones 176, Black 334 The amount needed to start out DIVERSION AND USE FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT— — — vie u iF 9 sellin f debt is $2,000. on ihke, NOTICE that Northera B.C. Fish- > Suite & Summit Apartments— | ORK SEND FOR JOE Sullding, Vancouver, Bc. will apply ‘tor Phone Red 542. 249 j ° } | -econd of water out of un un-oam «| HOUSES FOR RENT. Houses for -_—+ —— > joreck which & h ; . a } Sport Briefs } | Steamer Passage about 200 fect west or| sale. Phone Black 451—F. W. * x“ West boundary Lot 4954, tf 7 vith his baseball remuneration so] or industrial pewer purpose upon the} —- Seven-roomed house with ie has gone to the movies where | JRE Aeseribed as Lot 4054, Range 5, Coast!) jon on October 24 bunch of 8|f Gurneys ees mak- bath and finished basement. he is receiving a faney sum for;| TMS notice was posted on the ground] Gr 1 keys, including 2 Yales ing stoves in 1843. Still in ms ee ere t liwence to take and usé cubic feet per eR 4 aoe Tie water will be diverted from the _ Mart. [ JToved ‘3 c isfled| iam at a potnt about feet of = FOR SALE “Babe” Ruth is not satisfied | ("9 W. Gdr. Lot 4054 and will be used Lost nm the 6th day of Se : . 9. Popy Newly painted. 8th Ave., Ww. iis services. He will stay with f this notice’ and ah application. pursuat and P. oO. box key. Finder the same line of business | ” “herpIBUTORS Ae sere till basebal p~ | ee P, 2 F Act . Dav! ys of- : : $2875.00 ‘ates him enough to make the| ner arena nipense'e VO “| Ace Reward, 26i|f 191% Hundreds. in use in §)2nd Avenue - Prince Rupr 2 De Ob, * : ; : Very Easy Terms. $f}. ay worth his while, Me doesn't] .biestons, tthe application may, be ne Prince Rapert. BEAVER BOARD xpect that to be any longer than] "¢ Comptroller of Water Rights, Parllia- FounD ee DOUGLAS SUTHERLAND eni 5 neut Buildings, Victoria, B.C, within 0 ’ 1is winter. itty days af after the first appearance of|,.... ; , N SALE AT 523 Third Ave. - + this, notice in 8 local ne per. FOUND—Key ring with Yale and ’ i ; The sports peopletof Vancouver} “?*™** B.C" FIStienie * apptieant. jwst office box keys. Apply Daily Fred Stork s | Sekine | al eg ede i] ae |} Hardware estrictions against boxing. ey | no 8 ep r, Dally News say that it was advocated in the| "'"* "Pert ose oon _- Sere SKELOND aeaewe irmy and was a clean sport and LAND ACT For Dressmaking and plain sew- : , L. C. E B Y raintain that there is no sensible one ing —M. A. Dewburst, Phone Phone Black 114 —_—-- eason why it should be so frown- ne of ttenticn te Apoly to Lease Land. 112. 50 ; BUILDER AND ‘d upon. Boxing conducted along | ‘ecarding District of Prince Rupers, end or Eas CONTRACTOR discriminate lines is being ele-|"''!*’. joven 5 Grehem lstend. CORSETS MADE TO ME ASURE a : vated to a high plane in the old|'14 Spruce & Cedar Co., Limited, of Port _Mrs, Digadtor, phone Bjug. 9? | Bas country. The issue, they state, is |. apply’ or (peemtasion ae fens tte FARMS FOR SALE TOM LEE CO. | tlearly defined. A generation |'!°W'ns described lands a Alterations and Repairs was ; A Commenel ; Plans and Estimates furnished cither of sissies or of two-fisted, yw ncorner ot Blok es wownsite pn{C. Po R, FARM LAND— Choice 840 Second Avenue, West. wide-awake men will result.| cic Sjuth 44 dee. We ish te tkeea| farms in well settled districts wcitieine it hasn't the Beaver ce south 3% deg. W.—455 ft; th If it hasn't Phone Green 450 Most youngsters want action and |-ovtn 237.77 ft.; thence east 473 05 tt: in Western Canada; low prices; VEGETABLES | trade-mark it isn't if they can’t get it one way they| \oiSy"° Howing ‘the shore Maint ae ert) | twenty years to pay; irrigated|? Wholesale and Retail! Pn -_—- —— =i mentite emmetnectint a ‘ : | er will get it another. 9 pe ped gen cs 7.1 acres, more amen in ane ot 9,000 inkt General Contractors aud } C ’ “ae « GRAHAM ISLAND SPRUCE & CEDAR co., erta, with loan o m Labor Exchange. ' h off your attic—partition J F M t ee Ww ~—_ says he ie done} nae aggues fein eee improvements to assist new ; — Finis bee basement Pato with boxing. The charge against . a a ae settlers. Act now — th are} . walls in your garage. Do ! ames ° ar cen him of biting Harry Pollock's ear NOTICE uae test. 2 eons Satie Prince Rupert, B.C. Reaver Board. Fe cyourcunae 2] as too much. He was found not] 1!) THE MATTER of an lication ¢ and’ f ~ t : ; . Phone 547 — P.O. Box 725 tage, for your new home, for ¢ .— j cuilty of the charge the issue of a fresh certificate of title to and’ full information write | rote / the store erGe office See SIGNWRITING suilty o ORareS. part of Lot Eight hundred and forty-eight} Loughran, General Lan! |———— It takes the place of a ale PAINTING Vancouver baseball fans are natierotory ‘prot of ‘loss of certincaic| "sent, 744 Hastings St. West, |< er care Lj more sf ‘ avin » AAS, DECORATING pressing hard to obtain a fran. | ihe {iJs ty intention, af the eeuene | Vancouver, B. C. I ach | | rary tare dur ‘ies ; . of one month frota the first publication ; rvic . D eitiain Oe aired against Ye hise in the Coast League. Bob'|nereor, to issue a trésh certineate of itle Salvation Army. ee Board. et the ernsiee Phones 544 and Black 507 Brown veteran m e f the im the name of Thomas Richard Tomih won, wit ay you to be pariculal. P.O. Box 514 eae eee oe. bwhich. Ceridcale. of Tite..1s daied "sit | | Public meetings, Tuesdays, | -O. Box Beavers, is now in San Franciseo rere? A At opd._is NO. 3067 . Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 ira rer Workshop. 329 Second Avenue making arrangements. The gen-|nupern Bic. is Registry Omer, Prince &. Sundays eb 7:80 «; mn py nan CO. eral opinion is that Vaneouver|*?*®. >. unnete a A. W. EDGE can support a team in the Coast Acting Distriet Registrar. ” Ph rainy ag 548 Distributers, Prince League as well as any of the other one " — Phon® Green 607 1017 3rd Avenue cities with teams in it. _ Oa Peele: oe eT <2 2 Eee ; wo , : ICAL D & Watts ]]..,cras Berens want ot We: Sell : Coal }} "" "SC. round draw with Morris Lux, of ¥ ” Go to nonce Kansas, at Tacoma last week. It Seceneaeeenap lied diei-antthntilhcliediepedsipsbelenesion BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS) .Sine exhibition, and. there ee ety G addel 8 liets in t eavy Con- . a ails “y, | 0. struction, Repairs end Alterations. aren choose between either) eanoertaTION OF RESERVE Tingley, the prineipal of Borden | First Class siasizease Work and ; ae is uamnen to nenikl niall Stoeet School, was brought to tha} 336 2nd Ave. Cotimates Gheerfully Given fh. the last copy of the B. ©, pprare*, isting over Lots 4008 and Wat the city by the Prince Albert yester- pasnee, nu 394 a al ‘= slindin Gdoeled kaetade ¥ 3 edad ange oast eo in eaneethed day morning suffering from a| BLACK 367 — E CONTRACTORS tion of the Ruby Olub, Ltd., capi- | Lands De swans” or Cones ’ atk Cwvae, Te wee ase » in| Save Money In amo : ’ : Victoria, B. ¢.. panied by her son and is now in tal 810,000, head office Alice Arm. 8th October, 1919. 4 WILL YOU ALSO SERVE [the geteral hospital, |!