PAGE FOUR THE DAILV Saturday, August 23. 1531, The Daily News Harry Rochester PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA UPER Highly Pleasgd , Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert With Islands j Daily Ke, Limited, Third Avenue ! JI. F. PULLBN - - Managing-Editor PAJLY EDITION BY EBWLVA NOLAN Director of nome Strriee, General Electric Refrigeration Department TESSERTS can be made attrac-L- tiTe and nutritious without costing1 much and they should be planned as part of the 'meal because of the eneriry food they provide in the form of sugar. Odds and ends of fruit, a little custard and some whipped cream-all of which may be left from other meals make a delicious and economical dessert. So also do many other combinations which can be concocted from left-overs. There are the fruit Relatines, whips and sponcea which can be made from ingredients you are apt to have on hand apple sauce, a few prunes left from breakfast or some canned apricots and the necessary staples such as sugar Saturday, August 23, 1930 HEALTH INSURANCE It is satisfactory to know that the Provincial Government 18 seriously considering taking action toward nutting in force legislation to provide for health insurance m British Columbia, the same to include maternity benefits. Possibly the maternity benefits are more important than other insurance because they provide for the future of the race. At present the tendency is toward eliminating child bearing from the plans of young married people. They simply cannot afford such a luxury. By the time the doctor and the hospital have been paid and the new clothes and other paraphernalia provided, the average family is in financial straits with little hope of extrication. If the state can make things easier under these conditions it will have done a great deal toward bringing about a more normal social condition, one that will solve the population problem in the near future. PRINCE RUPERT'S POPULATION The inspector of municipalities takes a pessimistic view of the population of the various snialler British Columbia cities, including Prince Rupert He puts the number of people here at very little more than were here nine years ago, which cannot very weuVbe correct. Since that time building has been going on steadily and the houses are practically all occupied. To say that under these conditions the population has increased little more than one hundred can hardly be correct. We expect to see a considerable increase when the census is taken next year. ASSESSMENT VALUES The inspector of municipalities urges that it would be tetter for cities to assess their properties at present market values than to set fictitious values, such as he sees in some of the cities at present Values are often difficult to assess. At one time they were said to be very high in Prince Rupert and yet in reality land here was not worth any more then than it is today. The public then-set a fictitious value on the land and paid and received speculatively much more than it was worth. Today there seems a tendency of the speculating public to be unappreciative of the value of property in many of the cities and the result is that the market has temporarily fallen off. It may be up again tomorrow. The question then arises whether an assessor is justified in following all the vagaries of the speculative market. To do so would make civic financing difficult and yet to ignore it completely is taken exception to by many. Each side has its advocates. It would hardly do to assess land at its value as an income bearing investment, for in all cities this would immediately disqualify much of the property from the payment of any taxes, whatever. Any other value than that of ability to provide income is speculative. The Provincial Government block in the centre of Prince Rupert does not bring any income worth considering yet it would be a rash person who would say it was valueless. It has a speculative value and that is sometimes determined by the amount speculators are willing to pay for it. Whatever is paid, the real value remains the same and it is up for the assessor to determine what he considers is the real value, irrespective of the vagaries of the speculator. We know this is a debatable question and shall gladly publish any communications bearing on it, as long as they conform to the usual correspondence requirements and are not too long. Inexpensive Desserts And How to Make Them and gelatine, with the addition of eggs for sponges. Then there are the frozen desserts, some of which, especially the sherbets, also are inexpensive. The cream mixtures may cost a little more to make, but they are rich and only small portions need be served. By not wasting food or money through unwise purchases or from food spoilage, the housewife finds It far less expensive to entertain. And what homemaker does not take pleasure in having her friends drop in informally for luncheon, tea or dinner? Facilities for keeping left-overs and for making the many delicious desserts are necessary but the constant, proper temperature assured through electric refrigeration provides a means for serving any number of new, attractive and inexpensive dishes. SKID EG ATE, Aug. 23 H. B. Ro- chested of the Prince Rupert Hotel j and Mrs. Rochester are guests at j Madam Rajout's summer resort at TIell at present. Mr. Rochester cx- j pressed himself as having had no! idea that there were such beautiful j pots In British Columbia as Hell and Sandspit Later Mr. Rochester will be the guest of Capt. J. B. Gil-iatt at Sandsplt. Mining Around Prince George W. A.. Lewthwaite of Vancouver Secures Option on Ilixon Creek Claims PRINCE GEORGE. Aug. 23: W. A. Lewthwaite of Vancouver has recurcd an option on 11 mineral claims on Hi son Creek, held by Eric Han'n. Mr. Lewthwaite is representing an eastern syndicate, and the engineers are now on the ground laying out a plan of work which. It is expected, will get under nf in about a month. If expect -Jons are fulfilled, these claims on Hixon Creek will be. within a few years, the scene of large mining operations. NEW SCHOOL AT SM1THERS Tenders Called For New Building and. Meantime, Temporary Quarters Will Be Used SMITH ERS, Aug. 23: Tenders are now being invited for the con struction of a new public school building, which will be practically a duplicate of the high school building. Temporary premises are being rented for use when school reopens, but it is hoped to have the new building ready by the winter. District News SMITHERS Ores exhibited by the Omtneci Branch of the British Columbia Chamber of Mines at the Vancouver Pair succeeded in winning a number of important awards Including the shield for the best dis trict exhibit from any of tite si mineral survey districts of the province. Dr. H. C. Wrtnch. L. S. McOill and Dr. RJ3. Brummit were amon those who appeared before th-Royal Commission on state health : insurance here on Tuesday. Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert Sir Charles M. Hays, president of the Orand Trunk Pacific Railway, and party of prominent railway 6f-flclal including Alfred W. Smith-era of London. England, chairman of the Orand Trunk Railway, and others, arrived in the city this af ternoon on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver In the course of an In spction visit. City Engineer W. M. Davis has started a gang of men at work clearing a right of way for the new water pipe line from the O. T. P. pumping station to the lower branch of Hays Creek. The city council has decided to hold meetings on Monday. Wednesday and Thursday evenings of each week. CHOLERA INFANTUM THE FATAL DISEASE. OF CHILD REf( Is a valuable preparation thathAaheca on the market for the Past eicht v vean. It has do cqiul for off setting the vomiting, (Mirging and diarrbu-a of cholera infantum. Price, OOc a Ik.i tie at all drucjrwtx or deaten; put up only by The X. MUbum C o., Luuwd, Tbmnto, Out, September 2, 3, 4, 5, 1930 9 OFFICIAL OPENING, TUESDAY, SEPT. 2nd, at 7.30 p.m. REDUCED RAILWAY FARES Fare and One-Third From PRINCE GEORGE io PRINCE RUPERT Good Going Aug. 30 to Sept. 5, Final Return Limit Sept. 8 EXHIBITS It is expected that they will surpass anything jet shown, and will come from all parts of the country east, to Prince George,' and the Queen C'harlotu Islands. , , INDOOR ATTRACTIONS FROM WEST COAST THEATRES Af)OL;P1HE & CYNTHIA In a clever juggling and acrobatic dance act, wire walking and sliding stunU Adolphe juggles with clubs, balls, sticks and hoops, and gives his audience a real thrill. Cynthia, joun(fM pretty, in acrobatic and classical dance numbers. QUBY'S DOG ACT- These dogs arc beautifully costumed and do all the tricks known to this form of entertainment. They come to us through FANCHON &, MAKCO,' Seattle, arid are recommended as an outstanding act. Fun for the children and grown folks. KEN ROSS An acrobat of outstanding ability. He also comes to us through Fanchon & Marco, who recommend him very highly. His act is called "EDUCATED HANDS." BASEBALL -VANCOUVER VAC'S VS. PRINCE RUPERT The Prince Rupert Baseball Association have secured the famous VAC'S of the Vancouver Athletic Club, who are now leading the Vancouver Senior League, for a scries of three games. This team is one of w best in British Columbia. Come and sec how the local boys stack up against such n team. Indian Sports - Baseball - Football WTheso gameslare4fpr,thc Championship of Northern -IL C. The boys are keen' sportsmen and will provide a high standard of play. TWO BANDS AT FAIR Greenville Concert Rand and Prince Rupert W Rand will be in attendance. CANADIAN UNITED SHOWS With their Merry-Go-Round, Sideshows, Jungle Girl, Boxers and Wrestlers and other attractions, be in attendance. will GRAND BALL -FRIDAY NIGHT, SEPTEMBER 5th, 1930 EXHIBITION BUILDING This dance needs no boosting as it is the OUTSTANDING EVENT of the )