n aturday. August zo, ivw, DAILY KOtND TKH' k Tr in. c William in River r nis .... suo. ' ! us Rlrer 1 U . $2.00 i ma 4Ann TIIE DAILY NEWS PAQE THREt rno?e users in the last three months The tremendous increase in SALADA Tea saies shows this extraordinary growth in Canada, 'Fresh Crom the gardens' SPECIAL! SPECIAL! One New Gillette Razor One New Gillette Blade One Tube I 'aim olive Shaving Cream All For 35 Cents fines IXfl. Jio Pioneer Drpjfists Phones Nl & S2 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate- Pharriiacists ' EAST sumc day. a half fare, m i tin i i rrm 'tamers 'OUTII by learner tu Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle ami Intermediate porta Monday. Wcliirdaya.Tliiirdaya ami Satunlaje. W Anjox and Stewart Mondays ami Friday. tor Alaska Porta Wednesdays ami Saturday. Also regular sailings for Skecna ami Nnas ltirr orla and North ami South Queen Charlotte Islands. Passenger train for Kdinunlou, Mnni ami all point last Irate daily tirr pt Sunday at 1 p.m. Uw (area NOW. ,Uk ahout our Trianfle Tpur. TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA For informution valt or nritr n. F. McNALCIITON. District IWcntcr ncnt. IVIiht Uumrt. II. IIni iimn i llKIIIIki I IMITIMI W-IOI W -or VSR. VICTORIA. BuWdaUf. Alrrt Bajr. etc Tuesday. 3.30 pal III V' 01 VICIOMt. IH.il tlrrt !. rte . JtkUr "'","' '" HB ,nyi, ANVOX. HIEWAUT. Na UHer. IVrt Miniwua. sun- fliy. 8.00 o.ra. i:T SIMPSON and WAUa ISl.rtNl) Thurviay pm 1 ! AieiiM SMITH Inl nn?!J?iL,i ,, Tlrourh drkrts nld to Victoria ao.l. Keattle ! baWr chera KU to denllnatlon B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FltOM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau, Skagway August 1, 4, 8. U, 15, 18. 22, 36. To Vancouver, Vlrtorla, 8eattle August 3. 6. 9. 13. 11. 20, 33, 27, 30. Princess Mary-Ocean Falls, etc Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 p.m. . Agents Fwr All Steamship Lines C Orchar4.'GtncraI VVjcnW )r4 .-rTnfc Rupert, Ploue U Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Ilcilbroner's store. rMmr'm ?. Jt i Annette Fashion Show at Capi tol Theatre August 27 and 28. 193 '. Pat's Playboys' dance In the Elk's Home from 9 to 13. Gentlemen 75c. Ladies 50c. St. Joseph's Academy Music piasefs re-opm sept. 2, Commercial Sept. 9. Kindergarten for Children between ages of four and six Oct. 1. Hoy Summers of the O.NJI. di vision freight office here sailed this afternoon on the Prince Henry for a brief trip to Ketchikan. He will return to the city on the ss. Prince George Monday ANNOUNCEMENTS Rebekah Bridge and Whist Sep tember 10. Moose Bazaar, October 16, 17. FROM MONTREAL TO llI..S(iinV-IJK!.r.VI -LIVERPOOL pt. 13. xOct. 11 Mlnnedosi Sept. 19 Duchess of Richmond xNot calling at Liverpool. To CIIEHIMH'IUJ-HOI TII.VMPTOX 1IVMIUIK1 Sept. 8 Montcalm Sept. IS) M ntclare To IIAKVK LONDON-ANTWERP Sept. 11 Montrose To I.IVIKPOOL Sept. 4. Sept. 30 Duchess of Atholl Sept. 10 Duehesa of Bed ford Sept. 17, Oct. 10 Duches of York FROM QUEBEC To CllRKIWlI.lMJ-&4lTHMrvrON eat. . Beet SO ..Smtreas t Soottaivl tig- jhjflrt- ? ail .aEMtl ""V . Wept.JHrMt. M Tunprs oTAiutnUi i FROM VANCOUVER Tn IUal-JH-' hlna-l'hlliiilii (Sept. 4, aOot.90. Emp ut Jnp.n Sept. 18. Nov. 13 Empress of As .t (Oct 2. (Nov 27. Emp. of Canada Oct IS. tDec 8 Empresi it Rum'.h xlncludlrvg call at Hfliiolulu. A&olv to Aientt evemrbera or J. J. (OltltrKK Steaanahlp Oenl. Pas. Asent O.P.n. SUUon. VaJMOUver. YrieplMMtr irlHliy Ill) M04 U & I Cafe Fonnerly the White Lunch Is Now Open Under new management HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel UMIKK NEW M WMIK.MENT MrM llrelrtf; Travelim" Samplf IUmwm: Hal and Old Water tYrr ltu MreU All Train and , Itnatt Rates Sl.to and Up SPECIAL MONTHLY ItATKh O.K. niGGART & A. DONALD Proprietor PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel, not and cold water in all rooms A. J. PRUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy I J. D. Sweeney. L. JoharrSen, n. Hanson, Mrs. J. Smith and J. Davie, city; Mrs. Watson, Mrs. M. C. Dudoward, Mrs. R. Dudoward and E. F. Dudoward and son; Port Simpson: Oeorge Nelson, Inverness J. Bergman, Dona River. New Royal Hotel THE IIOTPl, MOKTII WHILE Hot At Oold Water; Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Trlf-iirmnr Wt Royal ! Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Brew, II. B. Lake, A. Carlson and 0, Cuff, Ven-couvcr; B. Webb and E. P. Kearney. Cassinv. A' KnnW;i and R Fisher, Huyspon : W. O. V.ilpy. It L. Dlekson, K. Koioll mid Mr. and Mrs.,M. Noi'lbo, city: Mr. and Mrs William epllrUnit. Port EssinRton: T C.nl'i I'Ni; I pain n Peculiar to Women Periodic Suffering SaaVrVv. Headaches Neuralgia . Neuritis ;j WSSSsFbi -sT Here's sura IpiiyS Relief I THE next time a headache makes you stay at home or the time of month has brought on pains which threaten to prevent your keeping some engagement-remember Aspirin. Give these tablets a trial, and youll be grateful for their comfort. There are so many aches and pains they relieve promptly. There is never the slightest harm in their use. Genuine Aspirin can't hurt you! Doctors will tell you it does not depress the heart The experience of millions of men and women speaks for its worth. So dont suffer needlessly. Aspirin tablets will check your cold, relieve a headache or neuralgic pains so easily! Buy the 100-tabIet bottle and save money. TRADK MARK RIO. SPIRIN Scandinavian dance Saturday 9 p.m. in Moose HalL Accordeon by Anderson. 197 Mr. and Mrs. B. Hedstrom, who have been on a vacation trip to Vancouver, returned to the city on the Prince Henry this morning Sam Ooldbloom, Vancouver Jew eller and brother of William Oold bloom of this, city, and Mrs. Gold bloom are visitors. In the city, hay ing arrived from tbirse-uth or! the Prince Kenry tfjg rndrnlng. Commissioner Hoggard. leader o' the Salvation Army for Canada West and Alaska with headquart- crain yrTnalpeg, arjpud ln'th eUy attend the congress here today. - ' R. F. McNtughton. CNR. district passenger agent, and Mrs. McNaughton and son' and daughter, who naviflbicn visiting for the past couple of weeks in Vancouver, returned to the city from" the south On the Prince Henry this morning. . Miss Edna Vlckers who has been unending the past few weeks In Victoria attending teachers' sum mer school, returned n the Prince Henry this morning. She may mRke n trio to Smithers next week before resuming her duties for th? term on the local school staff. Dlnncrware, china, crockery, glassware. Hcllbroner's Store. R. O. Cunningham returned to Port Esslngton on today's train af ter a brief business visit in town. CHftp;i$iitnd Edward Knott, Indians, were each fined $15, with option of fourteen days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate McClymont in city police court this morning for drunkenness. Russell C- Fothergill of the freight department of the Cunard Line in Vancouver and Mrs. Foth ergill were passengers aboard the Prince Henry today going north to make the round trip to Skagway. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark of Cal-?ary arrived In the city by train yesterday from the East and sailed last night on the Princess Mary for Vancouver. Mr. Clark Is In the service of the Canadian Pacific Railway in Calgary. Miss A. D. Crulekshank, libra rian, who has been on a trip to the mouth of the Mackenzie River, is expected to return to the city on Monday's train and the library which has been closed for the past month, will then be reopened. Ensign Majury of Ketchikan and Captain Atkinson of Metlakatla were among a party of nine Al aska officers of the Salvation Arrav who arrived this morning by gas- boat from the north to attend the congress opening here today. Miss Gwen Matthews and Mrs E. M. QltUns of Vancouver, aftw a visit to Edmonton and Jasper Pari' will be here at the end of thir week on their, way home. They will sail for Vancouver on the ss Prince George Monday afternoon Staff Captsln Joseph Acton commanding officer of the Salva tion Army for Northern British Columbia and Alaska, and Mrs. Acton arrived in the tity on the Princes Alice this afternoon from their headairarters in Wrangel! to afc- 1 tend the congress opening here to- iday. Making her final voyage of the season on the Alaska route. C.N R. steamer Prince Henry. Capt. A J. Gilbert, arrived in port at 930 this morning from Vancouver Powell River and Ocean Falls anrt sailed at 2.30 this afternoon for Skagway and other Alaska points whence she will return here south bound next Wednesday morning. Ray "Commons, who is to succed A. C. Brand as accountant in the local branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, arrived in the city on the Prince Henry this morning from Vancouver to assume his duties here. Mr. and Mrs. Brand will be leaving within the next few days for Victoria to which city Mr. Brand has been transferred. .BOATS! BOATS! BOATS! ' lyCTJON SALE ON MONVY, AUGUST 25, AT 11 A.M. Ncxi'to'iW Office, Prince Rupert SACRIFICE Having taken over the balance of this stock of watercraft, I will sell to clear, by auction, the following: ONE OUTBOAKI) UUNAUOUT Cost SJ50.CO ONE SEA HAWK Length. 17 ft., beam, 61 In. Cost, F.O.B. Peterboro $590.00 ONE WATER TAUT GIANT Length, 14 ft., beam, 60 in. Cost F.OJ3. Peterboro $315.00 TWO ADMIRALS Length, 18 ft., beam. 62 in. Cost F.03. Peterboro, each ..$250.00 TWO KAWATIIAS Length, 17 ft., beam, 48 In. Cost F.O.B. Peterboro, each $19040 AS an Inducement, I v.111 give the purchaser of first Admiral sold, a full set cf Life Preservers. Cushions or a Canvas Cover for boa ft vflued at $35.00 NOTJCE Owing ty) having obtained this stock at a sacrifice I will be able to accept a flrsCbld at halt cost. So come along, now will be the chance to get that boat you have been looking for. 8ALE Starts at 11:00 a.m. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS GEORGE DAJVES, The Auctioneer Smith & Mallett LIMITED Plumhinj; and Heating Engineers Automatic Domestic Oil Furnaces Telephone 174 Show Room ?59 Third Av. W. TELEPHONE: Klack 120 Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE PHONE 575 I1ESNER BLOCK DENTIST THE SALVATION ARMY Big Annual Native Congress Conducted by Commissioner & Mrs. Howard, leaders of Canada West and Alaska, August 23, 24, 25. LECTURE: Entitled "Reminiscences of Fifty Years Varefare" Capitol Theatre, Sunday Afternoon at 3 IVM. Mayor C. II. Ormc will preside ess dfhurcKSerufc0 'rfrrrrrnrrnrrrrrn-i mwwwi FIRST UNITED CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B. A. Morning service at 11 ajn.-Evenlng service at 7:30 pjn. Both services will be conducted by Rev. C. E. Motte. ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean 11 A .M Morning prayer and sermon. 7:30 P.M. -Evening prayer and sermon. Don Finn will sing a solo, entitled, "Turn Ye tq Me." CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society. 215 Second Avenue This Society is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. Sunday morning service at It o'clock. Subject, "MIND." The public is cordially invited to attend. Reading Room, 245 Second Avenue, open' on Mondays an Thursday from 3 to 8 pjn. Mrs. R. Peterson of Port Edward sailed last night on the Princess Mary for Vancouver. A Urge Eagles' Lodge excursion party from the- United States, which was to have been here today has been cancelled. Inspector James M. Tupper, R. CMP., returned to the city on today's train from a trip to the interior on official duties. A. J. Lancaster, provincial eol-ector, returned to the city on today's train from a trip to the interior on official business. ,T. D. McNIven, deputy minister of labor, arrived In the lety on tb? Pirnce Henry this morning from Victoria and will be here for a few days on official business. Compta and Comptasse Jean Su-sannet of Victoria were passengers aboard the Prince Henry this morning going north to make the round trip to Skagway. Richard Knox, superintendent engineer. C.N. Steamships, Vancouver, arrived in the city on the ss Prince Henry this morning from the south, being here on.olficial business. A. H. Allen, assistant general manager, Canadian National Steamships, Montreal, and Mrs Allen were passengers aboard the Prince Henry today going north to make the round trip to Skagway In the course of a western tour. Dr. W. T. Kergln sails this evening on ttie Prince Rupert for Vancouver; where he will meet hla daughter, Miss Margaret Kergln who is coming home from her nurses' training studies tn Tor onto for a holiday. They will arrive here next Friday. John W. Allen, mechanical sup erintendent for the Dominion Fisheries, who has .been on a trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands in connection with the departmental boat which was lost there some time ago, will sail by the Prince Rupert this evening on his return to Vancouver. D. O. Stenstrom, resident mana ger of the Pacific Mills at Ocean Falls, and party Including Mark Smaby and W. E. Wlntemute ar rived In the city on the Prince Henry this morning from Uie paper town and proceeded by train to Bums Lake enroute to Ootsa Lake where they will enjoy an angling trip. After their marriage at William Head next Tuesday, Dr. R. A. Stle-fel of Detroit and his bride. Miss Pete Trenmyne. well known pioneer girl of Prince Rupert, will arrive in Prince Rupert next Friday morning from the south. They will spend a dny here as the guests of Mr. and Mrn. William Crulkshank, proceeding East Saturday mortnn by Uuln, J. B. Miller of the Montreal Importers returned to the city on the Prince Henry this morning from a brief business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. H. Bryant and son and Arthur Shenton. son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Shenton of this city, sailed last night on the Cardcna for Campbell River. E. J. Farr, general agent at Vancouver for the Yukon and White Pass Route, and . Mrs. Farr were passengers abtjard- thri; Prlfiw Henry today going north to make the round trip to Skagway. NOTICE The Principal. Mr. Hartness, will be at Uie High School every morning, August 36 30, to Interview parents and pupils entering Grade 9 with regard to Courses offered. Senior Ma trie students are particularly requested to register their names "at the School as soon as wsslble. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR RENT by September 1, modern three-roomed house. Apply 229 Second Avenue. Phone 767. Progressive mercnanis advertise. Stops Summer Odors The heavy smell which warm weatbeHtitigs to mauy people is largely prevented by regular bathing with a free lather of Baby's Own Soap. The delicate aroma dis pelaall unpleasantness and the skin felsaorefrea lied, cool sweet. Baby's Owhs sells at 10c. a cake at dealers everywhere. "Bttt for you and Baby too9 WHEN A CHILD IS FEVERISH, CROSS.UPSET Coiie, (tan, sour belch, ing, frequent vomiting feverishBeaa, in babies and children, generally show food is souring In the little dijreativa tract. When these symptoms appear, gire Itabr a teaspoonful of Phil, lies Mlk of Manual. Add It to the first bottle of food in tba morning. Older children should be giran a tsblespoonful in a las of water. This will comfort the child make his stomach and bowel easy. In five minutes ha Is comfortable, happy. It will sweep the bowels free of all sour, indivrstibl food. It onens the bowels in constipation, coMa, children's ailments. Children take It readily because it is palatable, pleasant tantinj;. Ii'arn its many uo f. r mother and rhil.l. Write for the in'.Te.liny book, "IVeful Ini'iiiniitiiiii." VMiv-o The (.'baa, II. Phillips i ht-mtcai in., Windsor, Ont It Will be sent r'MKK. In buviii).'. be Dine I, i ' t irmuiaa Ph 11-ilpi Milk of MiiKi.o"ii Doctor hive prescribed it 4'ur wvi H- years.