PAGE TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMDIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert - Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES, By mail to all other parti? of British Columbia, 4he British Era pire and United State, paid in advance, per year .... 6.00 By mail to all other countries, per .year ... 7.o0 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 Or four months for 1.00 For leaner period, paid in advance, per month SO CHy delivery, by mail or carjerfafeartjlperod; jirtiipjidttaTiee Transient advertising on front page, per into . j&0 Local readers, per insertion, per line &4 tj25 Transient display advertising, per inch, pecifnaertion ... lie!? Classified advertising, per insertion, per word W2S Legal neiiees, each Insertiomper agate line - . . ' .15 Contract rates on application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Editor. Daily News: Reading the Daily News of last! Thursday and Friday it seems to me that Mr. Plllshury has taken upon himself the privilege of answering your editorial of the 26th on behaty matter but on account of the stro-ig protest of a member of the jublicit Monday, Jane 2. 1930 TIME TO BUY AT HOME This is a time when buying at home is most effective. We need employment for our own citizens. Our young men and young women need the opportunity to earn for themselves. Employment at remunerative rates is what will keep the city prosperous. If we were to all buy at home Prince Rupert would be Robert James and William Reid returned to the city on yesterday's train after a brief trip to Terrace In connection with the making or arrangements for the Canadian .National Recreation League's ex cursion and picnic to Terrace on July 1. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A E. Dickson, arrived in port at 6 o'clock last evening from the south with a fair-sisMl iu arA of the President of the Chamber of salle.l at 8 njn. far Uiw at Commerce. However, he was wrong and other northern points whence in putting the matter in such light jshe wiU return here southbound as he did. because we all know, Mr. to morrow. Editor, that you have always been a booster for the Chamber of Com-, Mrs. R. A. Oreeeh and daughter mere and after all we are all work- 'Miss Dorothy 6reech, who Is recov- u f1? m f,the Clty at from a serious illness of the large, whatever our differences if last fow month, left on today's on certain questjns might train for opinion Francois Lake where they ' . ... will pn,d the siimmeVln the hope As a member of he Chamber of that the ehs'rfee will eomrHeSv Commerce. I believe as yon do that aCaSStth? " it was very bad form to pass over A rtAsfMl fn rtan1 n annirljikt 1 . 7'7":Z::,".Z1: ul in. proprietor of the! nTncial ,on oHhe cl.amben 'JISS without having the matter refened aSoos irtS Z to the proper committee, and also 3 ?S u?', to of the Commerce full meeting of the Chamber bU hlZ here Z wai lnconntion , tody . n brlf with: I know for a fact that the deel;- JT 'ff T cnn' ion was made to go ahead with the earsion " to Terrace on Dominion committee the deeiflon ,was-Utew! tV ., uiJ' without even conistiltlng the council , "-Mortimer, feturnlng off iter of the Chamber of Commerce. . 8keena r,dln ln the forthcom- What does this all mean? That it "If, w, Jeon. sailed last;' is time that the Chamber of Com- t"e"' on Catala to make the meree should see again that a round tr,p to Anyox. Stewart and liandful of members of the council 0lh9r Mt'htrn Points for the pur-should not take tnmnv rinrUinti. P086 of swearing In reslstrars and on important matters which should dePuty "turning officers. Mr Mor ! go, according to the bylaws, before Umer wU1 rurn to the city to-j the proper committee to be repor- morrow and at once for the , ted to the monthly meeting of the mterkr 0 similar work. chamber. After all. there was no immediate hurry to take such hasty Longworth, harbor master action, since the next meeting of at SlianghaL China: and Mrs. the Clumber of Commerce will be JB6worth. aftr having spent a held next Friday. month at Queen Charlotte City Yours Truly i siting wiUi a sister of Mrs. Long- A MEMBER OF THE CHAMBfR rth. arrivsd jn the city from the OF COMMERCE. Oet pays. the Ad. reading habit. Islands on the Prince William yes ,M;juay morning and sailed last night on the prince Rupetf io; It Vancouver whence they will em-jbark on their return to the Orient. Local Items Dinncrwarc. china, crockery glassware. IlcIIbroner's Store, tf William Robb returned to the city on yesterday'sltfaln from Port Esstngton. ft Miss Phyllis Lamb of the local Lfehool teaching staff returned to the city on yesterdayls train after having spent the week-end at Cas-siar Cannery with her parents. Mr and Mrs. James Lamb. of the B. C. Packers. iu.d Mr. Mathers and son arrived in ttoei cifjr on is Calais to.- t ?v n-ipi from Alert Bay to take up re sidence here for the summer CNit. steamer Prince John Cap tain Dan MacKinnon. Is not pxpec-' ted to arrive in Dort before T'ics-, day night or Wednesday ntorninc! from Vancouver via th? south end of the Queen Chariotit- Islands W. H. Tobey. C.N.R. dMstoaal superintendent; and P. S. Walton, roadmaster. wen among local railway official rtiwnioc to the city on yesterday's train fran Prince Otorge where a divisional raecUnr D. B. Finn, director of tfce Prince Rupert Fisheries &cpertsaeiital cHa-1 prosperous as never before. There would be plentv of ition, returned to the etty on Rupert is pmspcrous but not so much so as to cause any great ecstacy of delight We must look forward and see that we take no chances. The best method of keeping the wheels of progress turning is to encourage home industry.1 Buy at home and keep the boys and girls working. BUY IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Prince Rupert is an integral part of British Columbia. If the province is prosperous, the city is also likely to be showing advancement. To keep the wheels of trade moving it is a good motto to buy in British Columbia wherever pos sible. A dollar sent to Vancouver is likely to come back but j ed in the city on the Prince wm- a dollar sent to limbuktoo IS gone beyond recall. I tam yesterday morning from Qeenj Pretty mUohthe-same argument that is good in regard !Chrtott and "aUed nlnt tn Kiivino- in Rwnpp T?nnprit enw? nlsn in A t V,;n,lon the Prince Rupert for Victoria. m mV n' yirr:a nd toldcat en Vaneou- tn .unison vjuiuiuuiu. jjj uuing bu c nccjj nie inuiiey near home and help finance" ourselves. It is somethlncr that de iver Island. serves the serious attention of everyone. We can buy Bri-! Provincial Constable M. Martin tish Columbia.made food products, B. C. printing, B. C. of Charlotte city arrived in gooasirom a. to l. witnout lnjunne ourselves directlv" r w y "wn w . 1 L. ; n ff lPrinee Prince William William yesterday VMUrriav r aim uy iruuig so increase me prosperity oi ine west The Letter Box on tne morning. having in his charge an aged man John Shannon, who is to be admitted to the ProvifMtel Home at Kamloops. They went south on the Prince Rupert last night. D. MeD. Hunter deputy returning officer for Skeena riding tn the forthcoming federal eieetien. will sail on the Oatala tomorrow afternoon for various points down the coast to swear in registrars and deputy retaining officers for various polling divisions between here and Queen Charlotte Bound. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANT8D smart young man able to drive. Apply Hyde Tranfer. tf ALL KINDS of cabbage plants for sale. Apply 1 Bigger Place. Phone Green 718. im Furnished Cabins FOR RENT ON Lakelse Lake Shore Close in to new MRS. SUSIE, - Lodge. Apply to Terrace. B.C. "A Miracle!" Cripple note jraUa mil lhankt to Knuchtn rr rr rtghi metOt I kt Uid Uf rll rlmiMttni iaw0 awav. nn I mi 4ouJ t tn knuckn Stlu. Itiialmmf mintH, mi tis UU Ukt lo tUm rent dour in Ittt Oan m mk I U 'f tlmt md nUU4 Mr mf tnlrkn: W w a Mart Um4 i nlLi, riii Umtt MWHPMi mffwMict, , ymn. Jll!ul,nUtMr li.! mrM a WUi M J yiu U lor cZtTu . Mia. WSBama. KruartM SalU U ebuiiubia at dnut aid . f?"1 ,torT CuukU at Tie. a botUa, A battle aooUliu aouxh ta Utt for 4 ot& muotba gawt Ualtit lur LaU-a-otal a (Uf, THE DAILY NEWB Mondnv jM USES PINKHAM MEDICINES Praises Vegetable Compound, Blood Medicine and Livef'PilU BiiMbwn&uA-- "1 lire 13 saSes from town on a farm, with ill my hocus Dentist. Or duties aoa cnurn- lag to itlead to. At the Clucce of tilt I bcanie arr-rrxa and ntn-6ow. TWe Vege-Table Compound keiped my wlioU fsttn.My Brvcs ur beUer. my appetite is road sad I am able to da bit work. 1 bar alto taken the IUuod Medicine and t Uver Pills and they helpai iue 1 wUl answer Irtlrra from women aalung about your rrwvli-cum." Mr. KictuaB Coasxton, UrthtowB, Quebec J. ft. Gosse. 11. C. Frasar, inapaator of sehooto' money for all the merchants and plenty of positions for the!terdB fa iroca Montreal where j returned to she cr on the Prince, girls and boys who want to earn for themselves. . j . . "WDIT; , a""Wimam yesmay moiag from There are times when what a citizen does makes little J?1 Alee ti 1 tj.. t..: I"' now i-nunus on omaai amies. C. N. R. steamer Prince WiUrara. 1 Owing to the Capt. William Thomas, returned to i morrow toe QUtuiiy port at B o'clock yesterday morning form the Queen Charlotte Islands and sailed at 8 o'clock this morning for the Skeena River. The Prince William will make one more trip to the Islands on her present schedule. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hare and lesttiy who have been hemeeteading est the Queen Charlotte Ida ad, arrive Pfcftg Cup day game will be played tomorrow night instead of teniaht and tomorrow ev-, entg's baseball game is postponed until Sunday June 8. 1 ; KIDDIES' FLAG DAY Everybedjde attend Let as be the Kiddie Friend. Rome and be a Brother Bill. Send the day off' wrfti a thrill. Tuesday. June 3. Acropolis Hill. Pa rade starts at 1 jun. from West-holme Theatre. Progressive merman ta advert 1st COMMODORE CAFE The latest thing in lunch counters just installed. Delicious Waffles Served by means of very latest Equipment Business Men's Lunches a Specialty Get the Commodore Habit HOTE ARRIVrUS Central Hotel f.Nnr.K NEW MAMOEHENT Mratn llralMli Trairlkn' Mmplr Kmmm; lft od Cald Water trtt Dim MWti .ill Train, and lioaU Rates S1.00 and Up, MONTHLY RATES C.It. BIGG ART Si A. DONALD Propjlftori PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel not and cold water in all rooms A. J. PRUDHOMME, Prop. Cw uf Fraser and Fifth 8ts. Savoy Ensisn R Boyes and A. Pilling Prince Rupert; L. Johansen. Queen Charlotte City; J. J. K. Johnston, Nash; Mrs. J.jpaull. Cedarvale. New Royal Hotel I- Zarclll, Prop. the noirx HtKTii wniu; Hot sc Cold watr: Bteam Iktt 'Sc PER;DAr AND UP Trbfplwile Ml 'Royal Mrs. b. cirkston. E. Sanderson. J. Cosgrove and J. D. Fraser. city; J. H. Peets, cjfjl.; J. Sutherland. W. O. Wilcox and W. DaUantyne. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Blcard and A. Zamar. Anyox; T. J. Payn-hon Toronto. I Glasses fitted oy registered op-toraetrkt at Heilbroner'p Store, (tf) Mrs. Ernest Love. who has' been on a trip to Seattle, was a paasen-j ger aboard the Oatala last evening returning to 8tewart. Piano Recital by Viggo Klhl, un-dlHfousplces of Ladies' Music Sub hf the United .Church Wed-neday, June 4, at. 8.15 p.m. Admission $1.00. 129 Miss May Donaldson returned to; the city on yesterday's train after having spent the week-end at Port Esslngton with her mother, Mr. J. A. Brown. Henry Ravenal has been appointed deputy mining recorder for the Omlneea Mining Division with sub-recording office at Fort Orahame, the British Columbia Gazette O. E. Qullck. local manager o: the Swift-Canadian Co., returned to the city on the Prince William Phone yesterday morning after having ' I made the round trip to the Queen The B. 'tf. OaseUe announces chrlot on company bus- the aBpotafcneat of Wflham Robin- nns son of Ttmace as a justice of the peace. j J. A. Hall, one of the principals (of the Hall Investment Co. of Van-! Mrs. J. COOTr and prMfdent of th Barry arrived in the city , on the (Mala last eromt from ' "J? a paMener aboar?i VaneoaTamto1om har husbanrff?nc f eH"" 1)01X11 who li tajft srrtr at thilV H i00 bH9neM m connection with the Malkin Ctdifcc. h lnstHHon- ANNOUNCEMENTS "KUILD B. C. PAYROLLS" A Baby's ,Life Saved 111! Moose picnic, Dlgby Island, June C. N. Recreation Pienle to July 1. Canadian Legion Island July 6. picnic Dlgby A mother in Mew Westminster sends this good letter: i "After I came out of the hospl-j ' tal my baby cried all the time, j was oonetipated and did not i gain. I took her to u doctor. Ke I decided that baby had hardly another day to live and gave j her diluted Pacific Milk ard Ume water. It stayed down and i , after three feedings baby slept I for long periods at a time. Pacific Milk saved baby's life and now she Is the healthiest and ! happiest child Imaginable." PACIFIC MILK Factory nt Abbotsford, B.C. Hunts' Furniture Store The Store of Quality" I EXTRA SPECIAL One Week Only In Genuine Walnut and Oak Dining Suites Chesterfield Suites Beds. Springs and Mattresses Crockery and Hand Painted Chinaware Sets G. M. HUNT h Third Avenue, Phone Red 37 We Sell Nothing But the Best Our lines include CHEVROLET and BUICK Automobiles Wlllard Guaranteed Tread Rubber Storage Batteries GOODYEAR TIRES RAYBESTOS Brake Linlnjs and Genuine Duces Ross & Moore Reliable Wrecking Service Phone 52- -Prince Rupert. B.C. A Graduate Pharmacist is Always on Duty at Ormes Limited Dispensary BRING YOUIl PRESCRIPTIONS' Ti. I B.C COAST ISTEAIISIIIPS l fJ Ctfw Pioneer Druoeists THIIM) AVE. I, SIX in ST. TELEPHONFs 8' Three Graduate Pharmacists I! VIIV L5T1 IIIKIIIto Hailing i iinn Hrhio Huprrt Tor VANCOUVEK. VICTTO.IIA. Ilutdal. A.r: Bay tr ; . rr i.imiiuiwi. ivitiui. uuiroaie. Alrt Uf. tlr r-u '" -w. uirt inn innv arauow v . .! . -u., wt4i tint w. ..... ... ....... .....,.na.a, nivrr. mn . :.. day, a m - For PORT SIMPSON and WALES) ISLAND. Tfeurntay p m IM .'nil Aenue K 1 SMITH Altnt mt. nn. . Ttrouch ltkfl ld Vlrtorla ao Keatll aad taeu Ihrnurh tn dMilntflnn " "'N B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT Tn Ketchikan. Wraneell. Juneau, Sis-.j. in. 9. 16. 90. 23. 27 30. T., Vancouver. Victoria. Seattle June 4. 14. 21. 25 28 Prinress Mary Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver vuioria. every rrinay, iu pjn Axents For All Steamship Lines XV. C. Orchard. General Afent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, "bo .lSSSSMBaMWSMBlllMBMBlMSMaMBaMSSSasaiaMlMaMaiaaBBBaBBaaa I mm m B-- . BHsMglglgg8HgSgKsaSBgS9BCSalbS9Esi t Ran ad g an National Q7ic Largcil Railway Syflcm in Amenx STEA3LSHIP AND TRAIN SERVIC E Sailings from HUNCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, Vinroca SEATTLE and intermediate points, Thursday & Sunda 1 p For ANYO.V and STEWART each Wednesday fc Saturdav at 1 pr For NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND. ed nesdays at 10 pjn. For SKEENA RIVER POINTS, Mondays. 8 sjtl, For NAAS niT:R POINTS, Tuesdays, 8 ajrt, PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT daily exi'kit Mt.iv at i mii . rr ruiMre tmm-r ' ii t- vf. x MMI KIi. aU itolal" In Katiern Canada, and I nllel -" Aceney All Ocean Steamship Lines City Ticket Office. S3. Tliird A-e Prince Rupertrtionn Tamnf'yjjsjajiKBMT! LOW SUMMER FARES SPECIAL KLMTURE Crui trwii tks CtmI Lmkmm trmm tmft Atlhttr im Soraia. U'l mih tlOM ntn. THIS year go East the FCBN1C rot.i- CANADIAN NATIi N M . . . and travel "d i'' Plan a few day M T . l'ark in the Ilof-Ki-visit Minaki IaxIif '! Lake of the Wood? - uni TickeUonsale May ' BeiHember SO. If '' routes. Ijlteral sUT- Itotiru limit Ocloix" adian ational vlw T JL 9 For Information Write R. F. McNaujhton, Dist. Pass. Art, Prince Rupert. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPKRATINfJ fl. T. P. 20.000-TON FLOATING I)UU0 K Engineers, Machinists, IJollermakcrs, HIscksmllhs, rlerB Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kim of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WOUK PHONES 43 AND 383