8, 1949. —— was spe write treet, Zam- ypletely wThirty-t gred on ot spread to my knee. inwa hardly walk the house received ! only temporary relief. Methuen. cured. lcu eased using it. experienced put. ¢ misery, | wae overy. ort — perseverance Ww ith Jete and permanent cure,” d all skin injuries. pox, 3 for $1.25. PUBL ANTUNCEMENT I! Mussallern Grocery Co. Ltd keonomy Store vish to inform the public ey have purchased stock and Mussallem & m the assignees will run s in conjunction Lid., f on Y stomers of 8. Mus- en & ¢ Lid., are here ted to eontinue s and we can west prices, quality and prompt service, (ive us a call, or PRONE 18 or 36 Massallem Grocery Co., Ltd. scomy Store Fifth Ave., E, Y WHOLE LIFE nt in trying to cure an by using ordinary ointments, « Mrs. Jeffrey, of 21 French “Then | heard Buk, used It, and am now hree years ago the ulcer my ankle, and grad- The sterrific. For yearsI could and had to remain fa For twenty-five years | doctors’ treatment but goto der. W » Lheard of some won Then (worked by Zam-Buk and The retief was wonderful. “The flammation wasgradually drawn The, Sei taistoaneee Svan fter thirty- e nd, at leet on the road to To cut a long story this onderful balm resulted in a com. Zam-Buk is also unequalled for zema, ring worm, abscesses, boils, ood-poisoning, burns, scalds,cuts, All drug. isis OF Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, lam Buk — 2R0YAL Pe ) 94 Room d to 721 Third Ave. Opposite mpress Hotel bie i CIGARS SODA 'Wo per cent. Beer 'OHN PELLICANO a _——— ChittiCon Carne wl Hot Tomale at the CHILLI PARLOUR 835 Second Ave. Delivery Service Extra Phone 557 T SUBSCRIBE FOR AILY NEws be in tw ki st He th ch so ar pr ha of Ww hu qu lis all of ph Pr ci is lo en ad Fi m the he will come up for trial this week Deputy hotel sti Volver the doon where the other two took him, speeche high fistriets the loan will win my flag,” BASKETBALL GAMES trotted all around the winning by a score of 13 to The Drydocks and the Colts are old nivals and it is expected that the former team will be strength- some ‘AWAITS TRIAL AT KETCHIKAN Patsy Shanahan to Come up at The Assizes Now on in Alaskan Town. Keports brought from Ketch) kan state that there have been no new developments in the Hagar murder case. Patsy Shanahan, accused of the enime, is now in Jail and it is expected that ‘fore the assizes that are now on there, Shanahan is said to have been mewhat unbalaneed for sore time and it is stated that he has made threats against several of the oilleers of the law. in fact, four years ago he was recom- mended for the asylum, but noth- g came of it, On Thursday he went out with 0 loaded Colt automatics on a ling mission and calmly shot United States Attormmey Ragar in the main street. » then went to his room in the where he was followed by e U. 8. marshal and two con- ibles Fearing a desperate aracter, one of the police took eve a chair and mounted to the tran- m and covered him with his re- and told him to eome to On being told he was under he did not even ask why. If his insanity is proven he will obably escape jail, but at any rest rate, the worst he can get is life imprisonment, as capital punish- ment Alaska, has been abolished = in PRINCE HAS CLEAR CARRYING VOICE All Who Have Heard Him Remark His Speaking Abilities. who has heard him s commented upon the Prince Wales’ remarkable voice. It is Evetyone clear, with great carrying powers, the enunciation is distinct. Every word is well defined. Very few public men possess a voice of such splendid speaking qualities. ithout apparent effort he can make himself heard four and five ndred yards away. The keenest eritics of alities, the soldiers who tened to commands through the medium of voices, from voice have and of the sorts voices of s ergeants to the voices princes of the blood on days of ceremony, praise with em- asis the speaking ability of the ince of Wales. And further the Prince has a happy aptitude for choosing words of concise, direct asd attractive meaning. What phrase could be better than his *’The Vietory Loan is the bridge between war and peace. The Prinee of Wales has gra- uusly consented te the use of his coat of arms on a flag which Wednesday, Cet 29 sheir aa in} 2 o'clock p.m. shary */ Ube the prize of Nonor, for winning A tlag will also be given fifty of to be organizations of inere iployees. “IT hope every city and district says the Prince PLAYED LAST NIGHT Beavers Beat the Cubs and the Colts Trotted all Around the Drydocks. The boys are making prepara- tions for entering the junior league which it is pooposed to ‘orm in connection with the Jaskethall Association. Two games were played last night at the Exhibition Building. The Cubs and Beavers clashed for a short time and by a seore of six to four the Beavers won. the Colts wrydocks, 3. In the second game before the next mateh and that lively play will result. QUICK ACTION Frank Badgley, of the Canadian eld Artillery, who was decorated by King George with the military medal as the only sunvivor of @ gallant partly which charged a achine gun nest, met Miss June Bividge, the movie actress, at the Victory Ball in New York and im- ediately asked her to marry him. She accepted him, and within 48 hours they were wedded and on) their way to Oaneda, and wh toh {a non-timber nership pre-emptions but eg of not more than four a ry a en fi years cna value 110 per’ aera, includ olear- = a cou Sates E Where pre-emptor in “ net less eon * years, and has made proe- } oan Lu pery coments dence may be issu year fete a4 tle cannot on sie : ¢ Pre ‘frown: may record another pre- Fates and in confunatiog ti ms vided Sranted land. title to be ob e 4 obtained after fulfill timber may pa atural hay mead aditiona oud, may ‘be ‘purchased nditio to. these, tae yt peta} a road road, net exceedi price, ls made. bo © PRE-EMPTOR®S’ Ree act. QRANTS i t pre-emptor may for title under this he op from for one year from such ‘son, year war. This privilege is also due or emptions recorded after Jun: : Taxes are remitted ‘aa erued, due and been pat gust 4, 1914, on eae ees Or taxes on soldiers’ pre-emptions. town er city lots held Allied Forces, oan eee direct or indirect, listment to March Crown Crown purchasers who failed to a, involving forfeiture, on ful- t or ao cel, be Qistributes wh area. Applications must Se rt. ous saben GRAZING. ? QGrasing Act, 1919, for « le development of Ifvestock industry pro- vides for grazing districts and range administration under Commissioner Annua! grazing permits issued en numbers ranged; priority for estab- lished blcch onan form Associations for range - ment. , OF partially free, tor campers or tra up to ten . Auction Sale Household Fu niture | Take Bus to Emmanuel Street. A Splendid Williams New he may, be- eal or other c be grant intermedia 7 . Panmament te certificate " im areas exceeding rsons joint ing with Hhe M Forces re within which tha’ beans or de ribs —— Synopsis of land Act Amendments | oe" of first WTay re est cn nate, coc tadett veyed ow” confined to our- land wuitabia ioe finnted covering onty must cocupy ¢«laims for provements to DAILY NEWS } me SEE | ESE — a will appeal and transfer his without ent resi- ; , provided i- makes improvements to extent of per annum and records same each Failure to make improvements same will te as for- obtained in ears, and improvements including 6 aeres and residence “emptor holding t junotion without actu ion, pro- made Unsurveyed areas, “not exceeding 20 be leased as ho tee: industrial purposes 640 acres may ' one person or - » factory or in land am ; : en not exceedi 40 be purchased; conditions inalade ent of stumpage. improvement Srazing and =. one-half of cost of 5 half of purchase The soo ft nclude af. oe ti» Se a deceased it is extended as forr e oa S “merly, t ter the conclusion of als peasant an made re- © fees relatin to = payable Dre-emptions are Y soldiers on for five years. Provision for return of mon account of payments, Interest on agreements to purchase or dependents, acquired remitted from " 21, 1920, ” SUB-PURCWASERS OF . LANDS. Ce Provision made for issuance of nts to sub-purchasgers of ds, aequiring rights from complete liment of conditions of pure . erest and taxes. Where oe = urchas- claim whole of ori nal - ice due and taxes Gee proportionately over owners. tock-owners may At the resijlerc: cf J. A. Thompson, Esq. Seal Cove | Starts] at 1.30 p.m, from city | Favoured with instructions, | will offer! the residence at Public Auction, including Sitting Room, Dining Room, Breakfast! Room, Be iroom, and Kitchen Furnitur® | contents of this well appointed | and Sea'e PIANO! ou pores ete | Phones 41 and Red 391 | For Hire by the Hour, Day or Week Lau ach Alice B. Picnic and Fishing Parties Trips round Harbor J. MYHILL-JONES wore 'D eeEe +) ENTISTRY | OFFICE HOURS: 8 am. to 12) 1:80 p.m. to 6:30 p.m DR. J. 8. BROWN DENTICT | Smith Bilook, Thire Avenue —_— Phone 464. a) Some new arrivals in very stylish slip on Top Coats that to all dressers---to the man who ap- preciates better clothes. They are shower proof, ::ot too heavy in weight, and just the thing for this time of the year. $45.00 better At TIMBER SALE X 1676. Sealed tenders will be received by — Minister of Lands not later than noon on Sealed tenders will be received by the| the 27th day of November, 1919, for the District Forester, Prince Rupert, B. C., not| purchase of Licence X 1676, to cut 3,574, later than noon on the 6th day of Novem- | 00° feet of Spruce, Hemlock, Cedar, Cotton ber, 1919, for the purchase of Licence X| Wood and alsam and 14,680 Hemioris 1798, to cut $70,000 feet of Cedar, Spruce, | Hes on an area situated near Usk, Skeena Hemlock and Balsam on an area situated | River, Range 5, Coast District. TIMBER SALE X 1798. the on Fisher Channel, Range 3, Coast District Two (2) years will be allowed for re- Three (3) years will be allowed for re-,mcval of timber. , moval of timber Further particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria, B. C., or District Forester, Prince Further particulars of the Chief Forester, hupert, B.C Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, Prince Rupert, > | QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND DIs VANCOUVER LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT raicT —RECORDING DISTRICT OF OF COAST, ‘GE Wl. SKEENA. eB TAKE NOTICE that 1, Peter Piombo, of TAKE notice that Emma C. Smaby, of/i'rince Rupert, B. C., prespector, intend Ocean Falls, B.C., oceupation married wo o apply for a licence to prospect for coal, non, intends to appl for permission to] ii and petroleum over the following de lease the following described lands scribed lands on the West Coast of Gra Commencing at a post planted on the/|iham tIsland:— north end of a smal! island on the west Commencing at a post planted at three si’e of Choked Passage, west of Hunter; miles north of the north east corner of isiand, thence south 40 chains, thence west/|| ot 2437, thence 80 chains north, thence i) chains, thence north 40 chains, thence} s chains west, thence 80 chains south eat 40 chains to point of commencement|thence 80 ehains east to point of com an! containing 160 acres, more or less.}/mencement. EMMA ©. SMABY, PETER PIOMBO By Mark Smaby, Agent Located July 27, 1919 Nate September 4th, 1919 Dated September 25th, 1919. Meet me Every Night this week with FISHER’S FOLLY GIRLS at the Westholme Theatre MARTIN O’REILLY Ladies’ Ready-to-Wear Ladies’ Apreas Hou e Presses and Uniergarm als M‘DE TO ORDER Mrs. L. Ponzo Second Avenue and Fourth Sireet