r i i Jl s 1 7 V an opponent yet to be named at! Madison Square Garden on September 11, Charlie ("Pop") Foster, his manager, said Saturday. Foster does not know definitely who Jimmy will meet but he thinks it will likely be a title bout against Young Jack Thompson. TOURNAMENT IS OPENED Games Played Yesterday in Prince Rupert Tennis Club Competition The Prince Rupert Tennis Club's first tournament of the season opened yesterday with results as follows In the first rounds: Men's Singles Brand beat Edgeeumbe, 6-0, G-3. R. Brown beat Lamhbie, 3-6, 6-4, 8-6. Macdonald beat Barlow, 7-5, 6-4. MeMordie beat Field, 6-1, 6-3. T. Brown beat Wilding, 6-1, 6-1. Men's Doubles Mitchell and Stamford beat Wilding and Johns. 6-4, 6-2. Plommer and Edgeeumbe beat R. Brown and Barlow, 6-2, 6-4. Ladies' Singles Mrs. St. C. Johnston beat Mrs. Ferguson, 6-2, 0-4. Miss Edgeeumbe beat L. Frizzell, 6-1, 6-3. Mrs. MeMordie beat M. Palmer, . 6-0, 6-3. , Mrs. Shadwell beat Miss J. Rob 1 ertson, 6-1, 6-07 , ' Mrs. W. Currie ,beat Mrs. S. Thomson, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3. Ladies' Doubles Mrs. MeMordie and Mrs. Shadwell beat Mrs. 'D. Ross and M. Palmer, 6-2. 6-2. Mixed Doubles Mrs. MeMordie and Stamford beat M. Palmer and Moore, 6-2, 6r4. Mrs. Shadwell and Col. MeMordie beat Florence Smith and Wilding. 6-0, 6-0. C. Mitchell and Brand beat Betty Edgeeumbe and P. Edgeeumbe, 6-3, 6-3. L. Frizzell and Mitchell beat Mrs. Ferguson, and Macdonald, 6-1, 6-3. Mrs. St. C. Johnston and Plom mer beat Mrs. Currie andBartlett, 6-4, 10-12, 7-5. Today's Games H. D. Tee vs.E. N. Walker, 5 pm. V. Moore vs. R. Miller, 6 pjn. , Currie vs. Plommer, 6 pm. MeMordie and Brand vs. Pryce and Llnzey, 6:45 p.m. Mrs. Johnston and Miss Harrison vs. Mrs. Thomson and Mrs. Ferguson, 6:45. Mrs. Jabour and F. Smith vs. Mrs, Currie and a Mitchell, 7:30 pm winner or Tee ana walker, vsJ Bartlett, 7i30. Lamble and Currie vs." Tee and Walker, 8 pm.. SHOOT POSTPONED Owing to poor light, the opening shoot of the season of the North B. C Regiment Rifle Association, scheduled for yesterday, was postponed until next Sunday. A few few marksmen did practice shooting yesterday. t PAGE FOTO THE DAILY NfiWa MIARNIN TO FIGHT Billed For Madison Square Garden September 11, Possibly In Title Bout VANCOUVER, June 2:-Jlmmy McLamln .of Vancouver will fight Frankie Neel Popular local boy appearing at Ocean Falls soon. BAGSHAW, NEEL GOING SOUTH Empress Social Club Sending Boys to Ocean Fails Soon Arrangements have pleted between E. P. on June 12. 10 rounds. " Frankie Neel, who has been com- f 4 rtArl HrrVi f Ininfv few Vi le Im portant fight against Jumbo Davies ! p r " . of Victoria here June 24, will appear in the six-round semi-final against another Ocean Falls boy. YANKS LOSE TO RANGERS Scottish Soccerlsts Defeated American Champions Three to Two NEW BEDFORD, Mass, Juno 2: The famous Glasgow Rangers soccer team defeated the United Church title-holders. Fall River, by a score of three to two in their second pa me upon American soil. The contest was bitterly fought for 90 minutes of play. The half time score was three to nil for the Rangers. HAMILTON IS LOSER Kilmarnock Had No Difficulty In Disposing of Canadian Soc-cerists Six to Nil Murphy of 'Scottish football team, but impres Ocean Falls and the Empress Social Club for the appearance of Bill Bagshaw and Frankie Neel at a big boxing meet In the "paper" town This is the first fight event of any importance which has been staged in Ocean Falls for a consid erable time and comes partly as a sed the spectators as being a workmanlike side. result of increased activity In theBinf Arnold winner of Five Hun south as well as In Northern B.C. Bill Bagshaw, who -has not participated in any events since his sensatlbnal scrap against Henry Deeth at Anyox two months back, will be featured in the main event against a 142-lb. Ocean Falls lad. the fight which Is scheduled to go already I HAMILTON, June 2: Kllmar-Inock found no great difficulty in defeating Hamilton City soccer Both team by a score of six to nil on Sa turday. The visitors showed by no means the footwork being displayed by the Rangers, the other touring KILLED IN AUTO RACE dred Mile Event at Indianapolis Speedway INDIANAPOLIS, June 2: Billy Arnold, youthful Chicago driver, won the 500-mile auto race at the lit T Speedway here in four hours and . V,,, Bill nm will weigh about 137 pounds a for -a i,,,,;-. .h IJ U tVt M VM(y5 W V- tr M 100 miles an hour. He won $55,000 in cash prizes. One hundred and sixty-five thousand people were "fighUng" Matshal ln CrlUcaI con" f olr y byl a ... ..,, i - , home the bacon." C. N. TENNIS TOURNAMENT Men's Singles and Doubles Games Played Yesterday A tennis tournament opened on the Canadian National Recreation League's courts yesterday, scores being as follows; Men's Singles, First Round Mcintosh beat Palmer, 6-1, 6-0. Currie beat Moxley, 6-2, 6-2. Johnson beat Teng, 6-3, 8-0. Horton beat Parks, 6-1, 6-1. Peets beat Tobey, 1-6, 6-3, 6-4. W,.v Second Rourid ' ; " Horton beat Mcintosh, 6-3, 6-3."' Malr beat Rayner, 7-5, 6-3. Men's Doubles Johnson and Moxley beat Palmer and Boddle, 6-2, 6-3. Horton and Mcintosh beat Edwards and,-Wilding; 6-2, 6-4. The ladies' events will be started later. A D.ily Meme brinjr rpsulU. want-ad will PEMBINA EGG Delivered, Per Ton ; 412.00 MINEHEAI) EGG Delivered, Per Ton .... 12.50 MNEHEAD LUMP Delivered, Per Ton . . . 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 Paul Marshal of Detroit, riding as j mechanic for his brother, Cy Marshal, Indianapolis, was killed when 'his car smashed into a retaining ft A.3 RANGERS WINNERS Had Iasy Victory Over Montreal Carstcels By Five to Two Score On Saturday MONTREAL, June 2: The Glas gow Rangers -showed more than 5,000 people here on Saturday why they occupy the premier position In soccer In Scotland when they defeated Carsteel tram of this city by a score of five to two. The locals, giving a brilliant display of football, looked only mediocre against the visitors. Morton, the famous international, was the j spearhiad of the Scotsmen's attack. , 4 ' Big League Scores SATURDAY SCORES National League Philadelphia 3, Brooklyn 1. New York 2, Boston. 3. Cincinnati 10. Pittsburg 4. St. Louis 5. Chicago 6. American League Chicago 2, St. Louis 3. Detroit A, Cleveland 7. Washington 3, Philadelphia 7. Boston 2, New York 5. SUNDAY SCORES National League Philadelphia 2, Brooklyn 10. New.York 9-16, Boston 4-3.! Pittsburg 4, Chicago 16. St. Louis 4-1, Cincinnati 5-7. American League Boston 7, New York 4. Detroit 2, Cleveland 3. Chicago 8, St. Louis 5. Philadelphia 9, Washington 6. SOFTBALL SCHEDULE May 30 Roundhouse vs Offices. June 3 Offices vs. Station. June 6 Dry Dock vs. Round house. June 10 Station vs. Roundhouse. June 13 Dry Dock vs. Offices. June 17-Statlon vs. Dry Dock. June 20 Roundhouse vs. Offices. June 24 Roundhouse vs. Dry Dock. - ' All games will be played at 7 p.m. Customs Revenue Saows Increase j Customs collections for the port ' 'of Prince RupSf in May this year : totalled $26,6611, it was announced this morning by. J.' l. McLeod, col-! lector of customs. In the corres- j i ponding month last year the total I was $20,777.98. Was Here Many Years Ago In Rail Service W. II. Stuart, supervisor of hotel lrotmdrand "bulMlngs, Canadian National Railways, Montreal, who was a weeK-ena visitor m prince ; Cedarvale, returned to the city Rupert, was located m tnis district from the interior oil today's train. during construction days as real- , dent engineer on the Grand Tnin'.: . coi-Paclflc A j Lancaster, provincial Railway at Endako and ; , t 0I..retumed t0 the city on to-elsewhere. It 16 since he . was years , , ,u .f had been here and, of Qpurse he! n n t tpnH o wrmHorfnl Imnrnvmemf In BASEBALL June 3 S. O. C. vs. Centrals. June 5 Centrals vs. BUcn. June 10 S. O. C. vs. Klks. June 12 Centrals vs. S. O. C. June 17 EHk vs. Centrals. June 19 Elks vs. S. O. C. June 21 S. O. C. vs. Centrals June 26 Centrals vs. BDts. July 8 S. O. C. vs. Elks. July 10 Central vs. 8. O. C. July 15 Elks vs. Cent rals. CHARLES LEAVING C. N. r: steamer Prince Charles. after having been tied up for sevr eral weeks In the local dry dock for annual overhaul, will sail tomorrow, probably early In the momma, for Vancouver where she will be' recommissioned at the end of the week in coast service. The Charles, which will be open to take passengers south, will be in command of Capt. McKay. em Interior portion of the pro- the city. . ;vlnce- . , Mr. Stuart recently returned to i . " .. . Canada from a trip-to the tropic. r- aBi J l d MJ: and Mr- w- X ar Mr. Stuart had no statement to - make regarding the local railway :t the ontoday s train after hotel project Any announcement to hav,n8 ipenti the week-end nt La-be made might be expected from kel uke on ans""? bent-headquarters, he said. i ' I T. Kaye of the Union Oil Cc head office staff failed by the as. STARTLING CHARGES LAID !Prlnce nupert last night on his re-AGAINST TOL.MIE GOVT. , turn tn Vancouver after a visit in (Continued from pajre one) this district on company business. i Ernest Alllste-ne. after havlnp Mainland; C. H. O'Halloran, Van- spent a three-weeks' holiday in th couver Island; H. Guest. Northern j city with thU, parents, Mr. an-! Brltlth Columbia; Dr. Gordon! Mrs. 8. S. Alliatone, sailed by th? Campbell, Yale-Cariboo; Mrs. Hugh ! Catala last night to resume his Ross, Kootenay. j duties on the staff of the Montreal At a meeting, of the provincial , at Btewart. executive. Major S. F. M. Moodlei was appointed secretary. William W. Wood, Chicago repre- Victoria was named as the next tentative of the Canadian Fish & convention city in 1933. Cold Storage Cq., arrived in the city on today's, train from the,east and will spend a couple of weeks here combining business with a holiday visit. Max LarklfCmeesenger for the Government Telegraphs, sustained! scratches and bruises which will necessitate his being confined to his home for a few days as a result of being struck by aft automobile this morning while riding his bicycle when engaged In his duties. T. W, McPherson, local manager of the Home Oil Distributors Ltd.: IM. Colllson of Smithers; A. M. Ruddy of Bums Lake and J. Mar-ray of Vanderhoof sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancou ver where they will attend a sales department meeting of the company. j O. II: Stead, superintendent of Canadian National Telegraphs Vancouver, arrived In the clyt from Jasper Park on yesterday train In the course of one of hi? periodical trips through the district on inspection duliej and w.;i sail by the Prince Charles tomor row on his return to Vancouver. IvOiiua-, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS The monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association, scheduled for fhis morning, was postponed until next Monday. Walter Shaw, who has been en eaeed in brldce building work at Miss Ethel Chi : Treasurer's staff Prince Rupert last nM;i f, ""' to Vancouver. Mrs. A. II. Ivpsom : . I L . cuy on yesterday s ;,,. , clfll and will be tlx ...... Prince Rupert for v , route to Fernie in t! Pass country where Hi. the next two or tin the hope that the rh , beneficial to Mrs health which has ivr late. ft, '"I in a ween or ner -vu .. n i,. U Mrs. E. S. Alllston- Mrs. L. Astot'in him ,i, Miss Pulmlra A!.,-, i;r.,, night on the Prin- n.,.,.,',', visit in Vancouver 0r , ,! efcewhero In the .omUi Mrs. A. S. Nicker-,. child sailed last m ! - '" t, N.'T - AMY JOHNSON IIOXORED son, Australia aviatrix ; ,r awarded the honor ..r of the British Empi:-.- , . .. k,. i birthday honor Hm QUICKLY BANISHED "I suffered years of agony through blind itching p-es,3 says Mrs. W. Hughes, of Hochelaga St, Montreal. "Pain, loss of strength, complete misery, was my daily lot until I came across Zam-Buk. I know now tot there is nothing on earth to equal this grand herbal healer. Since it lifted me from misery my earnest wish is to make Zam-Buk known to all sufferers." v. e Movos Pain Like Maglcl Mayor Wemp .of Toronto at Glider Christening A unique event took place at the Toronto Airpor'Leaside last week when thea first glider presented to a flying club in Canada was officially christened the "Buckingham Booster" by Mrs Wemp, wife of Toronto's Mayor. The glider was the gift of The Tuckctt Tobacco Company Limited to the Toronto Flying Club. Photo shows the glider in flight piloted by Copt. Earl Hand, D.F.C., following the presentation ceremonies. Ai1'' MAYOR WEMP pi Toronto CAPT. EAM. 114 -rridnt torooU Klyingt ub gilder 'Th nuckinghm DooiUr"