Monday, June 2, 1930. Steamship Movements For Vancouver , Sundays, Prtflupert JO pjn. Tuesdays s. Catala 3.30 pm.' Tiiursdays ss. P. George 10 pjn.l ! ndaye ss. Prln. Mary 10 p.m.j Fr-irt:sys ss. Cardena ...Midnight From Vancouver ! : mdays ss. Oatala 4 p.m. Vi:ds.--ss. P. Oeorge 10:30 ajn.l f i ri iys ss. Cardena a.m.! 1 1 id:iys ss. Prin. Mary .... 4 pjn.l r... -ss. Pr. Rupert 10.30 ajn.J May 31 -Princess Louise, lor Naa" K. ard ?0Tt Simpson f uj.days s. Catala 8 pjn 'i u i. S3, prince William, a.m. from Naas tl. ana Port Simpson Tuesdays ss. Catala 11:30 a.m. WVds.-ss. Pr. William .a.m. I or Pt"wart and Anyox f nndays- -as. Catala 8 pjn. we-u,-ss. Prince George .4 p.m.i Saturdays u. Pr. nupert 4 pjn.l From Stewart and Anyox- j Sundays ss. Pr. Rupert 8 pjn. ""-wsdays--as. CaUla .11:10 am ! Thurs. ss. Prince George 8 pjn. ' From Ocean Tails ) Wods. ss. P. George 10:30 pin , i ndays ss. I'rm. Mary 4 p.m :;..ts -ss. Pr. Rupert 1050 ajn. Fur Ocean Falls Rundays . Pr. Rupert 10 pjn. Thursdays ss. P. George 10 pjn. Fridays ss. Prln. Mary 10 pjn For Ouccn Charlotte Islands Wedns.--ss. P. William 10 pjn From Quscn Charlotte Islands Run!ays ss. Pr. William p.m, For Alaska Miy 31 ss. Prince Louise. Tor Port Simpson and Wales Island Tuesdays ss. Pr. William 8 a.m, Fridays- -ss. Cardena ajn. From Port Simpson and Wales Island Wcdnes as. Pr. William, . ..ajn. Fridays ss. Cardena pjn For Skcena River Mondays ss. Pr. William, 8 ajn. From Skeen River Mondays ss. Pr. WlUlam, pjn. Fridays as. Cardena a.m. Mail Schedule For the East Mons.. Weds., it Bats. 10:30 aju From the East Suns.. Tues. Si Thurs. 3:30 p.ra For Vancouver- Sundays , 9 pjn. Tuesdays ..r.:x-u.'2'S0. pjn. Thursdays 9 pjn Fridays ; Jl pjn. May 14 and 23. From Vancouver Runaays .4 pjn. Wednesdays ,10130 a.m Fridays ajn. Saturdays ...10:30 p.m. May 21 and 31 .. ajn For Anyox and Stewart-Sundays 7 pjn. Wednesdays 3 pjn. Saturdays 3 pjn. From Anyox and Stewart-Sundays 8 pjn. Tuesdays 11:30 ajn Thursdays 8 p.m. For Wales Islond and I'ort Simpson Fridays ajn. From Wales Island and Fort Simpson Fridays ;. PJn. To Naas River and Tort Simpson Pundays 7 p.m From Naas River and I'ort Simpson Tuesdays 11-30 m- To Queen Charlottes-Thursdays pin. From Queen Charlottes Sundays - pjn. For Alaska-May 21 and 31 am. NOTlf K I'se nd Storaxe. T'kc notlo that Northern British Oo- luinhiB power Company Limited wbw ! U Besner Block. Prince Rupert, ll i will annl far. a IImbm to take and ' . 1.000 CT3. and lo store JTO.000 Wt of water out Mertadlo 0' i Mclsdln River, wblcfa flow south- ' ily and dralrvi Into the Naas Hlver it lis mils i ve tidewater and 9 from Alvansh. DO. .Tne f.torage-dsm will b located si : " m B chain above Oovt. Hah iaMr :'t No. 3450. '1 lie csnseltv or the reservoir 10 ''cl u about 370,000 ners f M 1 Mil flood about 8.000 acre of una water will be diverted from the ' ;m at a point &r U stor-1 ' iim and will be uited for power wirjinfe upon the Undo described as "ii'uid Canal Mining Division. 'ii' i notice waa posted on the ground " Hp Slat day of March. 1930 A ropy of this notice and an appllea-" 'I pursuant thereto ami to the "W-l,r Act" will be filed In the offlco at Mi., water Recorder at Prince Rupert. H.c objections to the application, may be Mod with the said Water neierdtjr or "ri the OomptrOlUr of Watef RiiM. r 'filament Dulldlnga. Victoria, II. C "lun thlrt div sftor the first ap- i-n runes of this notice In a looal news. I1" per. The betltlnn fnr innmvil of urklet' 'king and an application for apprwral "' the Schedule of Tolls will be heard "ie office of the Board of Invofttt-" 'ii ut a date to be fixed, and any In- rrsted person may file an objection "itTi-to in the office of the Oomtroller i the Water Recorder ot the Dif- Iru-t. Wi'hin a radius ot 139 miles of ths Jxiwer site. NORTHEnN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. ApplUant By Alexander Plrle. Agent. The dale of the first publication of " notice l April nth, 1930. CLASSIFIED THIS IS THE Holiday Resorts Wonderful TIcll qiTfcX CIIAIII.OTTI: ISLANDS The Home Farm Fine beach and meadows for Children's playgrounds. Salmon and Trout Fishing River and Sea Bathing Excellent Cuisine Purlieu ean be met at Kklrireate w I'ort Clement. Mlrrln fur Krurrvatlont MADAME UAJAUT Lakelse Lodge New Lakelse Lodge on the shore of Lakelse Lake Is now open to guests. Fine Fly Fishing On the lake and river. Lithia Pool Springs (Largest in Canada) Good for rheumatism. Phone connecting with Terrace Fare from train to Lodge and return $2.50 Manager J. Bruce Johnstone JITNEY SERVICE Between Port Clements and Queen Charlotte City, Mondays and Saturdays, commencing March 31. Leave Port Clements 8:30 a.m. Queen Charlotte ...1:30 pjn. Fares $5.00 each. Round Trip $8.00. Othw points in proportion. Meets boat at Port Clements. Special trips arranged at any time. No heavy baggage. , I DYSON I'oit Clements C. M BRYANT A. R. S. M. Enr. ASSAY OFFICE Results guaranteed and returned by next mall. Stewart British Columbia ; MKS. JAMES CLARK Palmistry and Crystal Reading White House 225 Second Ave. Telephone 767 GIVEN FREE During: June Glass Measuring: Cup With One Dollar's Worth J; R. WATKINS' Made In Canada Products Prtwe Green 709 Local Agent A. KEILBACK Smith it Mallet Block Daily News "Want Ads" bring quick results. BRINGING UP i OOMT KMOW C fS3 1-1 I V. ' 1 - ' - - - OH' "l-L JIWB HIM AOTMtNl CHAMCC MfLU PROABL"T LE-Kl A6 ME SOES LOMV MAKE YOUR THE DAILY NEW3 PA02 nva ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND PAGE WHICH iMOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO YOUNG AND OLD. FOR RENT FOR KENT Five roomed flat, Wallace Block. Apply Store, tf FOR RElfT Furnished apartment by day, week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT$5.00 a month put3 piano Jn your home. Walker's Music 8tore. FOR RENT Furnished apartments 2, 4, and S rooms. Apply Mussallem Grocery. (tf FOR RENT Clean well-furnished modern apartments. Palmer Apartments. Phone Red 444. tf FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, double or single, back of Pioneer Laundry, also 3 -roomed houe all convenient to Dry Dock. Phone 427. 131 INSURANCE INSURANCE Our Fire Insurance Companies carry your risk, at a definite rate, based on past experience. No rebates. No Jokers. M. M, Stephens ti Co. Ltd. tf BOARD AND ROOM BOARD and Room. Phone Black 707. tf PRIVATE BOARD RESIDENCE MRS. JOE COOK, 521 Fifth Ave. West, central location, harbor view. Phone green 808. tf LOST LOST Leather back pad. Notify J C. Sherk at Albert & McCaf- ferys. 129 AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, sell or exchange any kind of furniture or household goods, musical Instruments, machinery, etc. General repairs,! crating, packing and shipping.' Workrdanshlp guaranteed. Just; phone Black 120 and we will, call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer, ' Federal Block. tfj SILVERSIDES. BROS. Wallpapers Paints Window Glass Picture Frame Mouldlnes Third Avenne Phone tl Peace River Cleaners PRESSING and REPAIRING 304 6th Ave. W. Phone Blue 800 WORK GUARANTEED Graham Island Stages Operating Between Queen Charlotte City and Port Clements Meets all boats northbound at Queen Charlotte City vo convey passengers to Port Clements, and meets southbound boats at Port Clements to receive passengers for Queen Charlotte City. Fare $5.00, and in proportion to Intermediate points. R. G. McKENZIE PREMIER HOTEL QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY, B.C. FATHER WHETHER. TO crJ Pft MOT? 1 uaov FOR SALE FOR SALE Domestic sewing ma-chlne. Phone Oreen 701. tf MOTOR Boat for sale. Terms Ross and Moore. Phcne 52. tf FOR SALE Lot Fifth Avenue W., $400 cash, $500 terms. Phone . Black 817. t 133 TOR SALE Large galvanized tank rultable tank for stationary gas engine, etc. Apply Daily News Office. tf FOR SALE New clinker built ce dar rowbaate $30 up. Lindsay's Boat Works, 842 Powell Street, Vancouver. ' tf FOR SALE Nice level building lot Section '6, Eighth Avenue East, taxes paid to date. $250, Apply VJO, Box 5ll city. A REAL good buy In a five passen ger closed caf, six cylinder. Completely overhauled, guaranteed for $550, reasonable terms. Blue 408. tf FOR SALE Dodge de Lux Sedan, 1927 model. 550.00. Oldsmobile Touring Six, 1928 model, $265.00. Phone 45 or apply P.O. Box 483. tf FOR SALE fully modern house, hot water heated, concrete basement, living room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom ana six large bedrooms, two verandahs. Fine garden, well fenced. Concrete sidewalks. Owner must sell account ill health. A real bargain. Call or see McCaffery, Gibbons is Collart, Ltd. 133 it Attention! TRADERS AND TUAPI'ERS. Ship all your furs to The Arctic Fur Cff-tiee you will.tet full market value. Don't forjet the address . ARCTIC FUR CO. Prince Rupert, B.C. SUITS! SUITS! MADE TO ORDER Cutting, Workmanship and Style All Guaranteed SUITS STUM CLEANED AND PRESSED We Deliver to any Part of the City Ling, the Tailor Phone CI9 Drivurself Taxi Why not enjoy a nice drive this evening or tomorrow? If you cannot drive now, why not learn? There'll be a day when you'll wish you could. We will teach you. Our charges are reasonable. Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED woman wanta work by the hour. Phone Blaek 602. 133 STEADY locali married' man would like whole or part tune position as caretaker or Janitor. Apply Dallv News. tf I SALVAGE ANU TOWJNC "If it's on or under the water we do If ! PACIFIC SALVAGE CO. LIMITED Fully Equipped for Dlvlnrt and General Salvage Work, Boats and Scows of all descriptions for Charter. Row Boats and Canoes for hire Bargains in Gas Engines. AGENTS FOR EASTHOPE ENGINES Northern B. C. Distributors Coolldge Propellers Sand and Gravel, in any quantity, delivered anywhere by water. Phone, Day or Nljtit 56! P. O. Box 1564 CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC FOR COLDS Rheumatism, Toxemia, Back-aches consult R. E. Eyolfson, D.O, Ph. C. AT STEAM BATHS Opp. McCutcheon's Black 761 Phones Blue 805 W. C. AS PIN ALL (Chiropractor) 6 & 7 Exchange Blk. (Opp. Orme's) Sunshine and Red Ray Treatments Nervous, Female and Chlldrens' Diseases Specially Treated Phone Green 241 Steam Baths and Massage 201 Sixth Street Opposite Prince Rupert Hotel Phone Black 764 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. NOTICE TO PfrtMC CARRIER. NOTICE Is hereby gl?en thst by Proclamation ot the Ueutenant-OoveriMr made the 7th day of May. 1930. Part V. of the "Highway Act" came Into force on the 16th day of May, 1830, and after the said last-mentioned date no person shall carry on upon a highway In any unorganized district or en any arterial or primary highway within a Uunsslapllty, by means of a pubUe vehicle, the business of a public carrier of freight, or of passengera. or of passengers and freight, unless he la the bolder of a public carrier's licence therefor or Is exempted under the terms of Part V. of the "Highway Act" or regulations made thereundrr. Ooples of the regulations and application forms (or licences can be obtained, and further Information received from the Chief Engineer. Department of Public Works. . Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C., or from the Highway Traffic and Utilities Engineer. 9urt Houm, Vancouver, B.C. Ji. B. UJUOHEED. Minister of Public Works, Parliament Buildings, Victoria. B.O.. May SOth. 1930. For quick results try a 'want- ad" in the Dally News. LAND NOTICE. We the undersigned apply for permission to purchase the following described land. Situate on the north esst bank of the Telsequah River about one mile from the confluence of the Telaeauah and rasu rarer, oommenemi ax at at oo-rsiQK ccvsXvvulbc j.m-u njeeo Vr3 P Sri - a poctjeituate to adjoining staplers and Pa aonore a pend - ing application. 20 chains Northerly, 20 j Commencing at a post planted at th chains westerly, tfaeace 20 Chains south- j southeast corner of Section 38, Town-erly thence 20 chains to pbtt of com- Uhlp S; thence 80 chains west: thence 80 mencement and containing 40 acres chains north: thence 80 chains east: more or less. thence 80 chains south, to point of Dated April 10, 1930. I commencement. OEOEQE BACON W. O. McMORRIS. u. j. MMUUUU4U. 168 Telsequah, B.C. oTirr Take Notice that t. W. Q. McMorrU. of Vancouver,! C. Intend to sopbr to the Commissioner of lands for permis sion to prospect for coal and petro leum over the following described lands. sliuste In Queen Charlotte Islands District: Oomantocing at post punted at the southwest corner of Section 31. Township I; tttenee SO chains east: thence 80 chains north; thence 80 chains Vest: thence 80 chains couth, to point of I W. O. McMORUIS Dated the 11th day of Mareb, 1930. 138 , NOTICE . . T3ce notMe tnt. I. H; P. Ueonard. of Portland. Ore. Intend to asply to the Oammtesfapir Of fcetxls for perrnls- n jmnpcvi ur com ana petroleum over toe following described lands, situate in Queen Charlotte Island) District: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest sorrier of Section 11, Township 2; thence eat 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; thence west 80 chains: thence north 80 chains to point of commencement. W. Q. McilOHRIb. Agent Dated the 11th day of Mirch. 1930. 138 NOTICE Take notice that I. II. F. onard. of Portland. Ore, Intend to apply to the Commlaslonee of Lands for perml-Iob to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following described lands, situate In Queen Charlotte Island District: Commencing at a post planted at the northeast corner of Section 14. Town ship 2; thence west 80 chains: thenoe south 80 chains: tbesce east 80 chains: thence north 80 chains to point of commencement W. Q. McMOBHIfl. Agent Dated the llth day of March. 1930. 138 NOTICE ; . iTaJte notice thast I. :Ioaard. of FortUnd. Ore, Intend to apply to the Commissioner of Lands for permission to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following described lands, situate In Queen Charlotte Islands District: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Section as. Township 9; thence west 80 chains; thence north 80 chains: thence east 80 chains; thence south 80 chains to point o! commencement. W. O. McMORRIS, Agent Dated the llth day of March, IBS to. 1SS NOTICE Take notice that I. H. P. Leonard. ot Portland, Ore- Intend to a only to the Otmausstaner of Lands for MnaU. slon to prospect for coal and petroleum er the folUnnna described land. situate In Queen Charlotte Islands District: Commencing at a post planted at the southwest comer of Section 31, Township 3; thence east 80 chains; thence norm bo chains; thence west 80 chains: thence south 80 chains to point of commencement. W. a. McMORRIS. Axeat. Dated the llth day of March, 1930. 138 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City NOTICE Take Notice that I. w. O. McMorrla. of Vancouver. B.C., intend to apply to the Commlnlcrjer of Lands for permit-slon to prospect for coal and petroleum over the following described lands. quten Charlotte Island , DUrtrlct Dated the 11th dav of March. 1930. 138 wesssassBSXimssaGsaai LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Grsvel We Specialize in Piano and Fnrnifnre Moving. COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassl(y-WrUington In any quantities. Also Rulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Hour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 658 Tgramoammexx I Dr Alexander X-IlAY SERVICE PHONE 575 DESNER BLOCK DENTIST Correspondents MILLER, COURT & CO. LTD. Stocks, Bonds, Industrial Securities Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent INSURANCE YOUR LIFE'S WORK IS iN DANGER The thief of misfortune can destroy your life's work in a moment Fire, accident or theft can carry away the results of 20 years' labor and leave you practically penniless Unless you are Insured. Insurance is your only financial protection in case of property loss. We can give you all forms of Property Protection Polities. S.D. Johns to nCoM 617 2nd Avenue Phone 130 Prince Rupert. B.C, Get the Ad. rending habit. It pays. V By George lVlcMiinus WANTS KNOWN THROUGH DAILY NEWS WANT AD. COLUMNS 1