- en ee Pare 6 _—o G.H. Arnold - - Notary Public For Section Six. we are offerin Sale A fine level Double Corner on Fifth Avenue, This is one of the most desirable residential sites in the City, and the price at which it is very moderate. thinking of building it would be worth your while If you are to ask us about these /ots. ee H. G. HE Insurance GERSON, LTD. Real Estate Bonds —_ rine hupert Ory ? Hock & Engineering Co, Vessels of any size Docked Repairs of all kinds in wood or steel. boats making fees Several section, can Fe docked together on one smail light. Large stock of repair materisis is being laid in. Foundry Work Castings in Iron, Brass, Bronze, Etc., made at Reaso able Prices. Machine and Boiler Work of all kinds Businéss of Industrial Plc nts, Mines, Mills and Ganneries Solicited. Designs and Patte:ns Made and Furnished. M.M.Stephens Notary Public ’ Conveyaacer FOR SALE New Dwelling, plastered painted, and complete witl bath, range, boiler, etc, ready for occupation, on Eighth Avenue between Seal Cove and drydock, near school. PRICE $2,500.00, TERMS. Lot 10, Block 49, Sectio: 7, Eighth and Seal Cove Avenues, A Dandy, $300.00 | DENTISTRY CASH. M. M. ; Stephen: Rea! Estate insurance Financial Agent J EMPRESS :: TAY LOR HOLMES “AUQG.2S OF Red Gap’ British-Canadian Pathe Gazette nd a fine Nestor Comedy Two Shows - 7.15 and ® Fission 15 and 30 cents Advertise in the Daily News. — - Pee & Don’t neglect your Teeth One decayed or missing tooth lowers your efficiency DR. BAYNE Office Hours--Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Satur- dsy, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri- day, from 7 to 9. DENTAL NURSE IN ATTENDANCE PHONE 109 FOR APPOINTMENT rer are eres FISH SALES — he following is the result of this morning's fish sale: Fisher, 10,000 Ibs.; Tatoosh, 14,000 Ibs. These boats ss: ld their catches to the Cold Stora ce [8.4c¢ and 14.3¢e, Niagara, 5,000 Ibs.; Kouyasa, 0; Nuba, 10,000; Alliance, 6,- 800 Ibs., sold to Booth Fisheries at 18.7¢ and 14.4c. , Maud sold t,bvu Ibs. to Royal Fisheries at 18.3¢ and 15e. Jean sold 600 lbs. red salmon and 100 Ibs. white salmon to the Royal Fisheries at 17.6¢ and respectively, Every hat we have will sell at days’ cost price during our ten sole-—Jabour Brothers, Ltd. 53 Pwo-color window the eye quickly. News Joh Department. * * TU SUBSCRIBERS * Subscribers to The News ‘C}*® are asked to pay the de- * livery boys each month * when they call, except cards take See them at the THE DADLY NEWS PEPOP LOR ORLA CPODLOPD Just Arrived Choice Cuoumbers Fresh Tomatoes Head Lettuce Sweet Potatoes Jerusalem Artiohokes Cauliflowers Crisp Celery Comb Honey Winter Pears Empegor Grapes LOWEST PRICES Rupert Table Supply Co, Phones 211, 212 | ao G.T.P. NOT BID FOR SKAGWAY BUSINESS |Can do Better by Giving Good Service on Prince Rupert- Vancouver Run. (special via G. T, RP, Telegrapns.) ‘ VANCOUVER, Boer 28.—The Grand Trunk Pd@ifie Steamshi; me has decided@io leave the C, | P.R in peaceful pBesession of the Skagway trade. “We have ne | plans Jor entering the Alaska field,” said Capt. H. Nicholson |manager of the G, T. P. lines to- day. The statement was made in re- gard to a rumor that his company would put on boats to the far north next spring. The captain stated that in one season of op- eration to Skagway, it was found that the company would have made more money in the end if } contined itself to giving a better service on the run between Van- couver and Prinee Rupert only. HALLOWE'EN SOCIAL AT ANGLICAN CHURCH The Anglican Chureh ladies are giving a Hallowe'en social in the Chureh Hall tomorrow, Wednes- day, night, October 29. Musical program and other amusements of home cooking. Refresh- Pumpkin pie, Ad- 50c. Sale ments: ete mission THIRTY BRITISH WARSHIPS AT BJORKO (Special via G.T.P. Telegraphs.) Viborg, Finland, October 28. Allied base at Bjorko near Viborg Airplanes from the British air. drome ‘at this pace have beer bombing Kronstadt daily for the past three months. CoH REESE EE © where payment has beev made for the year in ad- vance. The boys when collecting carry official re- * ceipts which should al- * ways he preserved. Coe CREE OT ee Ladies’ Coats Ge YY >> For the offer our duced t Ladies \ our vast QUALITY GOODS. next ten days we will entire stock of LADIES’ COATS and HATS at prices re- » please every buyer. vill be delighted with display of HIGH We are showing HATS in the very latest styles and models. Our COATS are made of the ej} store Thirty British warships are at the 7 , , > > ; , ? , : , , * * JABOUR BRO: Corner of Third \vcnue and ‘ ixth Street . ° d. best English and Scotch cloths. And all ave going at bargain prices, HATS at coot is a guarantee of value for your money. We invite you to call at our Store, when a _ look over our stock will assure you of goodly bargains. j |_Local News Notes = eet ee re eg nes me em hk, G, Johnatone, of Inverness, is in town, len days speeial sale of hats and coatse—Jabour Brothers, 53 . . * Pianos correctly tuned, G, U, Waiker, Phone Blue 389. tf * * * Great reduction sale of ladies coats, all this week—Jabour Bros., Ltd. ; B, J. Bacon arrived in the city from Port Essington yesterday afternoon. . * . J. P, Hawkinson has returned from Langara Island where he has been conducting a general at G, P. Riel’s cannery. * * * CG. P. Dolan, of Dawson, was an arrival in the city on the Princess Mary this morning and is regis- Yered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. rhe regulamn meeting of the Trades and Labor Ceuncil will be held tonight in the City Hall, All delegates are requested to attend. The first “night “shift at the local shipyards was put on last night when the machine shop men started on the 5 p.m. to 1 a. m. shift. Members of the St. Andrew's Society who have taken books from the library are requested to return same not later than Fri- day, October 31. 252 At last night's council meeting it was decided to sell Lot 22, Block 8, Section 1, to R. W. Gam- eron for the sum of 8455. This decision was made on the recom- mendation of the Finance Com- inittee, . * . M. BE. Allen was committed for trial by Magistrate MeMordie this morning. He was accused of writing bad checks and his case will come before Judge Young for election at an early sitting of the County Court. The request for a sidewalk on inth Ave., between Bacon an: Conrad Streets was granted by the city council last night. This ac- tion was taken on the recommen- dation of the- Board of Works. Che walk which only extends one vleck is foun feet wide. Rev. F. W. Kerr, formerly local Presbyterian pastor, is confined to his bed in New Westminster, suffering from a breakdown due to his activities in launching the Victory Loan in New Westminster. Mr. Kerr has always taken an active part on the loan commiéit- tees and is a very energetic work- er. . . - On report being made that there had been some petty thefts in the city hall it was decided at last night's council meeting that the front door be locked at night af- er this. All those who must have access to the building during the night must get in by the police station door. The Carpenters’ Union Hall is ready for use as an islation hos- pital for searlet fever; if neces- sary. It was found that mueh of the equipment bought by the city during the “flu” epidemic had dis appeared. The mayor wished to give warning to any petty larceny thieves. If anything of the kin is discovered the full penalty of the law will be inflicted. MILLION DOLLARS — FOR BIG FLIGHT AROUND THE WORLD (Special by G.T.P. Telegrapns,) LOS ANGELES, Oct. 28.—The first aerial derby around the world for prizes totalling $1,000, 000, will start July 4, 1920, ac- cording to Alan R, Hawley, presi- dent of the Aero Club of America. BIG SHIPBUILDING WORLD PROGRAM (Special via G. 7. P. Telegraphe.) London, Oct, 28.--Lloyd’s ship- ping report for 1918-1919 shows that at the end of June, 1918, a record amount of shipbuilding was going 6n throughout the world, 4,800,000 tons. MADRID, October 28.—Alfred Flamval, a French aviator, estab. lished a record here today when he looped the Inop 624 times in a single flight in a military airplane. Ask for Atkina’ Sausages. tf] |, —_+ oe cw Arrivals . DRESSES braid ; several other from $2.75 to Lacies’ an —————————— - A . FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN, made in smart up-to. date styles, in sizes from four . fourteen years. Smart MIDDY SUITS in navy blue, prettily trimmed with dainty liit- DRESSES, with white collars an 4 desi able sty les $16.50. d Children’s NELETTE NIGHTGOWNS KNICKERS, etc. These are a few items of a rapidly accumulating fal] stock of desirable ready-to-wear, HLS, WALLACE CO. i170, Corner Third Ave. and Fulton St. NN ne ee Siaslbe Giien-anan. ~---- Sanam tT liliary TARTAN » Priced FLAN. Black 257. Buy them GEO. HILL out its co-operation achieve the desired Be Prepared! Outfit Your Boys and Girls with RELIABLE SCHCOL SHO The Practical Shoemen Joe MePhee was the winner of When an at ont the special ten dollar prize given should | itty card. ¥ for the largest number of points |have the ve Joell n the subscription contest last\edge just Ye week, York Daily News Job Depart ——- ——- |ment Spirella Corsetiere. P° 8. C. Undertakers from the FAMILY SHOE STORE E. R. TABRUM Phone 357 FIT, STYLE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. | "Ke 02 R ; li Ormes, Limited Values Tell. Phone 82 - 200 sun dootvaunineveentgeananvvnuane quit Your Drug Store Just consider the amount of confidence you place in your Drug Store. you cann SCHOO! DAYS wee «ARE HERE: —— Phone ee ‘ With- ot hope to results in helping you regain your health. Don’t you think, then, that it deserves ? Perhaps We are that your ’ Pre- liable. your best thought in selection the advice of your Doctor: proud to say that we feel sure Doctor will tell you that Orme: scription Service is thoroughly re Ormes, Limited Two Phones At Your sam