M to PAGE TWO The Daily News v PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue II. P. PULLL'N. - - - toanaginn-Editpr , , " ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Em pire and United States, paid In advance, per year 6.00; the ROAD TO .FISHERMEN'S FLOATS With theimilding..of.the new fishermen's floats near . . . . i 1 1 - M i mm VAot-EK. jan. H:-nve young The annual meeting of the,' men wiu leave jasper. Alberta, Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Wednesday morning on a 300-mile 'Anglican Cathedral was held yes-ski trip across the Rocky Mountains terday afternoon with Mrs. W. J. to, Banff. It will be one of the oreer, acting president. In the mast hazard oil is adventurM nf i . . i . , lblftvGatlicrinLast the nrvoocK comes tne neeessitv oi the citv cotinci pnn- connection lMMl III IIIlLTCSlb Ul Cyril Ornic Was Large (Continued from page one) posed to have overtaken last year's 1 Board of Works. Alderman Brown 'and myself were two out of four jof those members of the Board of I Works, and I can assure you that otner two members 01 that By mail to all other countries, per year 7.50 1 Committee are very willing to take Transient disDlav advertising. Der inch, ner insertion .... 4 ... . 1.40 1 their part of the responsibility for ZT"T7. TZ . -tv.w. miwuyriiuijaroniuiurawi,-,,.,, rtmwn i,n anrt .hm1t1 . L . ...I " ' 7 . . " .rL"?? viee was osnducted by the d.n. Wt; ne oono mar- imij Buccrwiui, n mil oc very Rev. James B. Gibson, and " l,7: " ket. owin rgejy u spocuiauon first time such a crossing has ben oanon made during m winter months. dressed Vernon and Allen Withers. Prank Burstrum and Joe Weiss, all of Jasper Park, and all experienced men and skiers. They than 9000 feet above sea level. At such altitudes very low temperatures, in some cases 60 below aero, are likely to be encountered and the party will also have to face such dangers as unknown snow conditions and the elimination of trail guides that are visible during the Honorary president Mrs. O. A. i nix. expect to conclude their trip by' Honorary first viot-prssWent February 1. iMrs. J. B. Gibson. The adventure was planned last President Mrs. Thomas Andrews, spring and do ring the summer ad- j First viee-prwident Mrs. W. J. equate caches were placed at Oreer. strategic points along the way,) Second vice-president Mrs. A. E. which, in some cases, will be more'BazetWonee. summer. The route to be followed 'W Tir Secretary Mrs. W. A. McLean. Treasurer Mrs. H. Doreas Hbod. secretary Mrs. K. A. OlrJs' 6ectetary Mrs. O. V. Evltt. utile Helpers' secretary Mrs. E. WIU likely be south along the Atha L!vlnK -cretarv gB ecreUry-Mrg- Mr. A- A bnsca River to the mouth of Pobofc- Q tan Creek, thence over Wilcox Pass 1 '.'. . ' XJttar w to the Brawau River to Camp Park. R secretary-Mrs. W. H. From there It will cross the Sa-! sn?eton skatehewan nWw Thu h k.' Dioresan daleaates-Mrs. 7 Bert : . . . inis m. wiu Ut oe ...... ... . . . a . rz.T- i followed 12 miles to the noint hrt VVC!'1 ana Mrs- M. uayner, aiter- it joins .then great Columbia Ice field. After cruising along the- Icefield (hp rnrtv n ill milr. fn rVi .t. nates. Mrs. Donaldson and Mm n J.' Dawes1. x'"n ,,,;l It was decided to add a business , , ,wt vuuc i .u i Ouard River and Alexendrla River. . "lc BU'"ary- will be The latter will be followed down to its confluence with the North Saskatchewan River. The final por-Uon of the trip will take the parly over Bow Pass to the Bow River and valley. As far as Is known, this is the longest continuous ski trip ever at tempted any where in the world. left to the new branch to name Its own secretary, Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dfckjon, returned to ,port at 10:20 this morning front Anyox. Stewart and other northern points and sailed at 1;30 p.m. for Vancouver and wayporta. W F Rwhbrook then ad-C,al B"d r Publ,c IIealth- Tne6e0,1 e part of theblip in aSTr e.re 7.and.the necery ing. oil and industrial &. Tuesday, January 14 ttt&DAfLY NEWS four pleegh of cement sidewalk at "The road to connect , the new . ' . . - ... ..... I m. . .111. nluiU A TT approximately $14,500. For the same work and under similar specifications the present Engln eer, Mr. Basso-Bert and Mr. Chris tian submitted. bids on tenders be Ing called, and the lowest tender was approximately $23,000, the other two. being very close to this. This. I think, proves my contention. It Is also fair to point out that this is not the first time that work has been underestimated in this city, and the then Boards of Works did the same as the pre Classified word 02 anything that was done by the advertising, per insertion, per of h,ch j was R mem. Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line .15 1 Board of Works. There never 'as , jrthey accepted the ngures 0f Transient advertising on front page," per inch 2.80 any collusion between Alderman the Enmeer ag belng correct. Local' readers, per Insertion, per line, ...... 'J. .25;Brown and myself and I fail to ; City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance1 $5.00,see wnere itne pomion w" Road was estimated- at approxi For lesser period, paid in advance, per month f ....... .50 max. of the Board of Works is a actually 11 ... . 1 r ' Li -i ri-i.. v I reward Tvvnrn Tnr anvrwiv as ac a a mflirpr - By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period 3.00 DAILY EDITION Tuesday, January 14, 1930 AVOID ACRIMONY Owing to the large number of election meetings this year, there is just a tendency to say things which one man would not say to another in private life. At one time this was considered a mark of bravery and cleverness, but today people are learning better and are giving no credit to a man who persistently goes beyond the bounds of decency in the remarks he makes about his opponents. We all have for anybody, matter of fact it is a great deal of grief. The only conclusion that I can draw from Ex-Mayor Newton's remarks in tills connection is a per- "In regard to 'McBride cost $11.26 per foot, an underestimation of 50T-. This 'work war done in Ex-Mayor Newton's regime. The Cemetery road and Sec- Brown't1on One surfacing are other ex- sonal dislike for Alderman and myself. McBride Street ampies 01 unacresiuuaung on a jbig scale, and there have been very 'many others since the tlon ot the citv that are too nu- work, this work was authorized by merous to mention. the Council as a relief measure, owing lo the great amount of unemployment in the city at thai time. This particular work was decided on for relief as this roadway Rupert East "It sems to be fairly well understood that certain Individuals to further their own purposes to live together in this city and it is a comparatively small H Lm thsZ , ' ,,, among some of the residents of This Is greatly to be place. the Board of Works that it would While we realize that a.great many things said at elec- be necessary to close it for traffic deplored. My attitude, as well as tion times are said for the purpose of effect and are not 'n the near future. The city En- L.ilr.!nln?-b!r! "'.-'I intended to be serious, yet even so it is Hot a good thing to eine instructed on the re- iaar indulge in verbal plastics of that kind, Is they fend ZVSJZL 2 VuZTZ lu mouse uiscuru in a cuiuuiuimy. SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION the Council, to do the rough grad- " Y . Vv I V PIcat,on w d ' ing at an esUmated cost of $4,500. foruth.e,de.v5 inoi including the bridge, which -. u. w.. While two good school trustees have been elected, and! was understood was to be left in 5"nectl" l? me asure u ,ha we congratulate the people of the city on having such able pmj and as "SedS toS" representatives on the board, it is a matt r of deep regret ; JfJ the Mayo, not to disturb p carefuJ m that the other vacant place was noi filled. Usually in the which tas the Z. had becn made and a Qylaw sub" past some person has taken it on himself to see that enough of the 'plank roadway, could be i mitted t0 the people. In regard to Candidates were whipped Up at the last moment if neces- Joined up temporarily to the pres- local lmProvenient work in this SarVtO avoid a Situation SUCh as that Which exists todav. ent bridge so that the street would .uuuu""u "1C. we are one trustee short on the day after election day. ot the wrk almost be available for traffic, the idea was being that when authority was f " tne assessea vaiue 01 tnc the Council did given by the citizens by the pas- P"Pcrty, not 1 that It was a sound busl-,m sing of a Bylaw a new bridge ka . ness policy to build new streets irv wuiib wanuiaj a was v v v under these .conditions. The rest- structing a road to connect them with Sixth Avenue at a " u true that the actual bridge t,lon V?6 f"y . i. i. ... tt - i. i !j m . i -a iAf hni ih. irti. nn..h have my assurance that If elec- at or nuur iree 10 asK iisnermen - ... pomt nays uriuge. insofar as i am ennrerrmd who live in the east end of the city to come around by Mc- ZZ Zl Bride Street in ordeu to get to the floats is asking alto-jin a condition that it could not be to a lhelr nftdi- gether tOOmudh. -i . utilized without further -expense.1 "Regarding borrowing of $50,000 It is Satisfactory to know that the last council has been The engineer reported that the after ,txes arc collected. It is well gathering information itf regard to the matter and that J approaches were u. such bad con- rlJJ"J!l the report of Wenginefr is ready for cil. Theresbpuldunub ybe as ittle delay as possible litn 1 ByU to Sete S be na"d by uu mis uupuiydui vwKy iyr me iioais win DC reauy in me1 work to provide a road for the UI ine GeDemures covenng m- spring. TRIP TO BE ! CATHEDRAL HAZARDOUS Five Young Mrn Leave Jasper Tomorrow Over Mountans to Banff Mrs .residents of Eleventh Ave., and the.worK aone' navc Deen ,ssuea ana jcity sold- Thls 03,1,101 ttke Plare unU1 generally was submitted to the I people. Aid. Prudhomme took an the vork u completed and the ac-active in tual 0051 determined. I understand part having the Bylaw debated, 0141 tne $50-000 borrowed was for although previously he Tlrrr"Tn ih'arUly endorsed the project and ""f iu pracuw nas Wi A VI h h I S praised the Board of Works, par- been llowed nce the city was rl ITlLiLl I U ticularly the Chairman, Alderman incorporated. , . j W. M. Brown, for the practical j City Finances ihomas Andrew He-elected I .tanrt BnA pfft-unt man- -Tn r u I resident .a Annual Gathering ,whlcn were out erman Prudhomme has 5tatcd Yesterday Afternoon measures for relief. the city's finances are in a precar- ... ,ous condition, and that there Li v..mK.. Number One c Sewer fi that a rccelvershlp h "In 1928, the year before I was imminent. This is a most surprls-elected to the Council, the plans ing statement from Aid. Prud and specifications of the Number homme who ought to know that One Local Improvement Sewer mln- even """""""i Wlc large cities llke-Wlnnlpeg and Vart-proceedfd with was passed, at anjcoUver last year thought It ad-esUmated cost of $M00. Now myVUable to withdraw their deben-contentlon Is that this sum washes from the market, but this entirely Inadequate to cover the city was In thfe fortunate position coat of thUwork. There was no,of retlrlnij lts own debenture Is-reason to doubt the accuracy of ,ued for work done In 1928. and uie isngmeers ngures. ine mera- ln addiUon Ins purchased some bers of this Committee are at all, ,70,000 short term City of Prince irijr,n8 ou uic ngurea. ann nUDert bonds which were hnuirht I estimates supplied to them by the ;in at a pront to cltyf and ,ur. iMiBiiieenng uepanmeni ana in a thermnr thA ritv nt Prlnr b. letter to the Mayor when the work rt ha8 never defaulted In pay-was well under way the Engineer raent 0f principal or Interest on claimed that when he was finished Us debentures, whether under the his expenditure would be within , regime of Ex.Mayor Newton or the estimate. We now know thatjany other Mayor. Ex-Mayor New-the Engineer was very far wrong, ton has Id that $100,000. part of In his figures, as the actual cost the proceeds-of the sale of the of the part completed, consisting Power Plant has 0 exhausted, of 13410 lineal feet of sewer ac-tThls money has not been exhaus-cordlrtg to plan Is approximately j ted lt has been Invested In Prince w.uw. ana mere sun remains , Rupert Bonds as I have Just stat ivuuewWWBecQmpicucdi and what better investment on which completion the present ; j-j the cll have lha j lt i8ni:r uas given an esiunaiea 1 own securities and the citizens cost 0: siB.uoo. it must De evident generally realize this to be a sound to you all that, if 2.580 feet of business policy .In Connection with Kwer if w cost as per esumaie. the saie 0f the poWer plant, for $18,000. then the sum of $33500 Is whlch gaic credlt; u due Mayor lUciijr umncquave mj consiruci me , McMordle and the members of the original total of 16.090 feet of;j928 and 1929 Councils, the City Is w. x uo n0l i0r one moment , carnlng in interest on the deberi-believe that any money was was- tures nurehaRort from lh nn. ted In this sewer construction, the proximately $19,000 per year. This mistake being that the estimated j amount exceeds considerably the cost was altogether too small. actuai average profit formerly de-"Another case of under-eetlma- rived from this utility. In addition tion of work Is In the construction to this the Power Corporation Is of cement sidewalk. The former now paying ;taxcj on property Engineer estimated the cost of transferred. fishermen's floats with Sixth Ave., east of Hays Creek bridge, should be built as soon as possible, and the present Board of Works ha already instructed the Engineer to bring in estimates for the different, possible routes in order that this work may be completed as speedily as possible, and these estimates are now ready for the council. Sewer Pipe Transaction "Regarding the sewer pipe trans action, the lowest tender was ac Dald a portion of the contract chblce of their representatives antl to- - discount statements made against those who had been In office against those who might seek office. He also asked that person he general tax levy n 1W0 there-; wt by having to pay fo It all to one pumlng to mn for ma. year. The Innuendo thrown out byi . . , ' . . ... .,.., Tor. But he expected the electors Ex-Mayor Newton in his ess Mr. Orme the throw- here Last week that , down he deserved. Mr. Newton then CouncU is Incapable of paid hi. reapecU to Aid. Prudhom- the which would be raised monsy lt be tnm hlm to under these Bybws to the specific r9Cdvw6hlp or e,fldMiey ex, purpose for which It is earmrked, wllh prudent ' manage. is ridiculous and childish In the . ' . nri rm Incident Explained sition in municipal affairs." Mr. Orme said. "Although I hare been Invited by the other candidates to- mayoralty honors to speak at thtlr meetings. It Is not my intention to do any further public speaking. This Is not intended as dlan Chamber of Commerce delegates. It was true that he had been use their brains. Aid. .Prudhomme Aid. Prudhomme wu proud to hear the mayor say that he did not consider him the "plnhead" that Ex-Mayor Newton had dubbed him., He told briefly of his work during the past two years on the council and claimed credit for having been a discourtesy. I have explained my j Instrumental in bringing about a views in the best way I know and 'substantial reduction ln fire tneur-I would only be repeating myself ance rales here. He referred to the were I to make any further public appearances. I have to thank my opponents for the courtesy ex public works situation as It had been left by Ex-Mayor Newton and his efforts that had ultimately. In tended to me and can only say ja measure at least, resulted ln im-that I sincerely hope that when Prov1 conditions. He attributed the election Is over we will meet conditions to some extent to the In the same friendly spirit as of yore, no matter who Is elected. Mr. Orme then proceeded to explain an Incident of two and i halt years ago when Mr. Newton, then mavor. had not been seated Ih.l A V. a A W &KV Hl.b ilflU Unil IJICAfJCt- lenced men on the Board of Works. He had nothing to retract ram his former statements that finances' of the city were not ln a good condition. He asked the electors to con- at the head table when a dinner slder lhc qualifications of the men was being given by the Bcnrd of!wno were aspiring the business Trade ln honor of vlsitine Cana-;manKershlP the city. He was willing to give all his time, If nec essary, to city business and he was ted that the nefcvy guns of -u , , . . Ilne-Uo had been diverted t. 7" , -.- ... ..y frftnt linn trenches of tum..v .... 7. to the one-year side road m a(u meet nis advance, ue wouw h alities as far as possible be eliml-lever, depend, as he had a)w.( nated from the campaign. When ion me workers ana the r .ffiar Ex-Mayor Newton described Aid. 'people for his support and . Pntdhomme as the biggest pin-ifident that he would be able to o. head" of the 1929 council, he felt set 'the .... big guns." He ,ukj 4. 1 lU.i -li the tatement nuut Have been(ieii jwjt uuk uu tiuu ,r , humorously meant for there were no plnheads in that council. The homme's statement that the city mayor also regretted Aid. Prud on the Board ot Works? If he had been In Aid. Orme's position and .tilas1 Vilm.anrf Ihnt. Ha ... i ...... ,r - of his own latehnd capt,. n or 1,, 50 ui. ne leieutru vu nu p.:-' Uli me Vivjr buuuui, win; ii r.i ceDted. the DlDe was duly deliv-(,,. nn the wree ot receivershlo. chairman of the Board if wrb ered and accepted by the former a matter of fact, the city's fi- they had solved a big sewer pi ibi City Engineer, and then the city aecuon one at a smau - nances never were In better shape co Wiia . . . i and there would be no danger pro- Uie was chairman of uir price. Later on the present City i Vlded reasonable" "care was er-1 comtnUtcc' no overdraft had bj Engineer presenien a repon 10 mc cised m adinlnlstration. He con-j'"'"1' ' "' ..., . . t effect that a considerable portion I cratulated the city on the excel-'hls Pnclpal opponent. AM c. 4 . . . 111. .v I I. rtMlMa ..V.A 1. i. of the pipe was not in accord with specifications, and was therefore unsuitable for use for the purpose for which it was required. Your Council then had the privilege of arbitration or facing ar lawsuit, If they refused to pay the balance of the money due on the order. As a result of the arbitration the city's position was upheld and at no cost lent materlalthat was being offer ed in this election. Ex-Mayor Newton Ex-Mayor Newton asked if Mr. Orme's failure to accept an invitation to his meeting had been due to his lack of courage, his inability to measure up to the requirements, or a desire to snub his opponents? He to the city. The pipe not up to: could not lortet one "airiy snuo specification had to be replaced that had ben administered to htm and no favors whatever were ac- by Mr. Orme two and a half years corded to anyone in the transac-ago at a Board of Trade dinner U0n when he, the mayor, had been slde- trel from the head table in fa-being In regard to the two Bylaws submitted at UiU election, tor of Mr. Orms boaom Wends These are not for i,ew expenditure. H Jd "ted that snub to the repre-the One being for over expenditure on of the people and re-Drydock had, the Main Trunk Sewer from fntatlve signed f rem the Bwrd of Trade on up through Hays Creek, ,,... m. Hr.nT im account of it. He wondered why Council, under the regime of Ex Mr. Orme was running for mayor hAlnv now. was it uecauoc uc was piuuu sT of his brtlliant service of one year the McBride t extension through McClymont Park. Surely - it is good business to spread the lart, against whom he tmtj been fighting for the interest ,r working people when he ud hl last Job as a wage-ean. . was proud to say that i,i r was not like Aid. Collar tth though the latter might ur hero of the Peace PJver" wli bring the outlet here Do.i the matter of policing. M preaentad figures lo shoK stead ot saving the city mc . have that system introduce 1 affairs were irot being c: in a businesa-Htee way. H. F. TuIIen H. F. Pullen admiUed " was a member, though urn active one. of the much bn Prince Rupert Club. He w tonear thai cl. tc affelib w discucsed In the Prince Huoc fill 1 v mAriititnH uriihnltt WMUlft wmiM rw In etoslng. I have to thank yxc iuj such Mtton n b1 h' oher organlzati r all. ladles and gentlemen, and enough here, he felt, to meetthfi Hkwl! He was not. h..u . hope that I have expressed my erUcai rttuallon without bringuigWertag his services as a n. vim so that you can eonscien- naJn of e,ty dUfrace the club. He mentioned ,u-. tlously support my candidature. He himv;lf nad y, Breat Xtltn ln Uln Ideas he"had with the the city and he saw no reason for view of bringing new lr' Before taking his seat. Mr. Orme tL J 1?'' ffiuX Lr . . . ,J .. . K1. vorabJe sttuation would ultimately might oe unproved. II desired l.T! that he 'i meant snub .Ilba to to be recognized. 'He predfet-UhWIeW that It was qu ponents no th-m ln not accepting Invitations i 7 3. . to address the elector, from their 1 platforms in the present campaign. . ,T.;J", , , iT. L. . i.k. .w.nw ,um ihiirith Pople to pluck up courage and courtesy ln Inviting him. "I have outlined 4o you my po . t piovlnclal police had an ... more. No matter what of the referendum mlgiii would strive to-reduce th policing from $17,000 a ..: to $12,000 whieh he thouv:r be ample.' F. .W. Wesch Speaking briefly. F W V stated that, while he was ; v.u.i. of Rupert Bast Ratepayer f, elation, he would endeavor . after the interests of the whole and see that thi t.. money was wisely anc expenditure over a term of years. nV' n 1 He blteved in the prinripl. d e M ather U A. than ha.e It applied on ""i?1" I managerahlp managerahfD and ami would would CO!.' ' quite ! noW'that'the CPJl. tnkhr ; it It duccd to come In here arvi it! Prince Rupert Its second toon the Paetfte coast. P. II. Limey ExAld. P. H. Llraey spoke . "5 humorous lines. He asked 1 U: tors to took up his record . alderman ln 1027 and 1928. :n t J humble Judgment, the coun those two years bad been v ' the most important In the 1 of the city. The hydro-r.'1 company had been brought u- result of which he'expected would be a tremendous murd: , ward here. It might be . that the Pewer Corporation w - ' spending $2,500,000 hex-e ln o; supply the present power d ' fl. Y. Rudderham Aid. O. W. Rudderham dni :it ttilnk the 19S0 council had r:t::i d all the critic Um that had bee) :i rected at It. For years he had nr..rd that the retiring councils were 1 worst in the history of the city 1 was the cry of those who said ' me ln and klek the oilier t . v out." Though he admitted tii,; i' might have made mistake thouaht the retlrirur pnunnl :..(! . .. .'nriA ntVin n . f u ' i . i done IMltr OTwvi urnrlr Inrlnrl h, .man ftf t a An t .ri a Inn. An wv niiw na tiub aitaiU Ul II U I LI 111! " " " ' his buUdlng of cement sidewalks u ' , ,u .u.. own private buainets. He nun. ftlonedlf building of tlie which l ad .1 v.... v, .uj Mr. Orme u-as in a noitlnn sewer iuic uub tic wiwicu tu aaoutc ivu . . . Newton publicly and on his word . g,ve a t1 nu , Ume 10 lhe c,ty' us-of honor as a man that he had i"8; Thc .utlon was whether had nothing to do with the plac- ..Tr" wou,d endorse the work 01 th old COUnCll by Voting for Mr. In of thp Kit nn that nmiilnn or the arrangement of speakers. 0rme or, exPre" tne,r favor for R Other officials and members of the board could bear him out in this. Had he been responsible, he would have been ready to admit himself that an Insult had been done the mayor. "But lt was done, nevertheless," Interjected Mr. Newton. "And not by me or with my knowledge or consent," replied Mr. Orme. Chairman's Remarks In opening the meeting, Mayor McMordle expressed his gratification at the interest which was being manifested in civic affairs through the size of the gathering. He expressed the belief that, after many long years of waiting. Prince iu4coiu pusmeas aaminisiraiion He asked that lt be remembered that the business of the city amounted to close on one million dollars per year. Mayor McMordle desired to correct Aid. Prudhomme. The city's business amounted to hardly one-third of a million dollars per year. L. W. Waiigh L. W. Waugh thanked the'elcclors for choosing him by acclamation as a member of the school board. He could assure them that he would do the best work ln his power. G. I). Casey Ex-Aid. O. B. Casey asked the electors to consider he line-ups ln tne present election campaign. The Rupert was now well on the way to! citv had th rhw nf 1 .ui I . . , - "w.vr n .v mu.B8 u.iu urcai aavances. administration to be carried but in in mc near imu. ue asxea ine ' one of two piaces-the Prince nn Rup-electors to exercise care ln the ert Club or the city Hall. Heclalm- I 'aim- , PS i Continued on page six Pains Around Heart Weak Spells Would Fall Over Mrs. Jtmea Vactladie, Plbrsik, Uta- wriUti J I hid pain uotni 7 hurt, snd wffered rlth ttnotheritg tpelli. Bometimei I fall orer and wnn'j hare to bt pic up sad pot to bed. "I td MTfral boxes ot sad It li sow over thr years slaot 1 hato hsd s pell. 11 1 hope anjoea who Is la th &" eaditlon I wu will girt IL N. PUli a fair trial." PrleS. 0. a hnx at all ramrllti and I eslera, or tnallwl direct on rocaipt o' ' Prica bj The T. Uilburn Co., LlmltA Toronto. Out.