PAOE SIX OVALTINE RUSKS Qivt tht children OvmlHne Rusks. They are more dl-Ucivus and far more nourishing than ordinary ruskj or liwcuils and pro-mate sound white Ueth and firm hcakhj gums. it. Delicious Healthful- After the evenings bridge serve Ovaltine VTANY people .hesitate to drink tea or L L coffee at night through .fear of sleeplessness. .Serve Ovaltinc for a change after your .next bridge. Make it according to directions, adding a touch of whipped cream for extra smoothness and daintiness. You've no idea how delicious Ovaltinc is ! Its natural flavour delights even the most fastidious palate and in Ovaltinc there is exceptional nourishment which re-builds nervous energy and p;omotes natural, healthful sleep. Ovaftine is a scientific concentration of nature's most nourishing foods ripe barley malt, fresh eggs, and creamy milk, a delightful source of energy. Your guests and you, w: All of y and be hi :1I JL-Jr ra grace "HaSwF feci better 'for drinking Ovaltinc is sold at all good stores, in 50c, 75c, $1.25 and special S4.50 family size tins; also served at soda fountains. life )t 'in: OVA LTI N E TONIC FOOD BEVERAGE wwdds-up DaLa,.Neive and, 'body A Wanda- Limited - 455 King Scrcet West. - Toronto. Ont Sold at aH Government Liquor Stores This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. If your paper does not arrive, telephone the office The Alice Ann district will see more mining acUvity during the coming season than it has done since the hectic days when the Tay ft-lb. tin CHRISTIE'S Assorted Fancy Afto Biscuits 1 -lb- pkg. ., CHOICE Dry Peaches-per lb. CHOICE Dry Pears-per lb. 30c 35c $1.15 50c 25c 20c 25c Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Fifth Street. Proprietor Phone 208 Oet pays THE DALY NEWS Friday. April 25, News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Ore Body Expected to Be Encountered Soon in Saddle Activity in Alice Arm District Forecast Mayou to Resume Work It is expected by P E. Peterson, consulting engineer for lor Mining Co. was tearing out ore j f rom No. 1 rein'u, Trail smelter as- rrom trie uouy varaen mine to set ayed .02 gold, 101.1 ounces silver, it to the market while the price of 21.7 lead and 28 ainc. this not silver ranged between $1 and $1 JO beirat sorted ore. Officers elected at per ounce, says the British Colum-1 the anneal meeting were: presi-i bia Miner. The Taylor Co. so suc-'deriti E E IUU; TlCe-preident, AJ cessfully scuttled the mine that M. Whiteside; secretary. C. E. Nell; none of the many engineers who mine superintendent. William I examined it would entertain it un- Tompkins; director. F. E. HalL I til Britannia Mining it Smelting: ' Co. became Interested In the Toric and Its engineers and geologists had an opoprtunity to examine the AlTAl Kanv In mo dDV UIQ Dolly Dolly Varden Varden at at leisure leisure. .Exploration Exploration at the Toric Is understood to be very satisfactory. A raise has been put up from the bottom level to the surface and a winze has been sunk 220 feet below the bottom level and exploration is now under way by crosscuts and drifts at this new level. All the exploration is said to have been done In commercial ore though of a low grade at present market prices but the largeness of the deposit compensates for the lowness In grade. The development cf this deposit will be continued and, at the same time, the company will thoroughly explore the Dolly Varden and Wolf groups. The Alice Arm-Dolly Varden railway Is to be reconditioned chiefly at the ex pense of the provincial government. As soon as weather conditions will permit, work will be resumed Week-End Specials WILD ROSE Pastry Flour 10-lb. sack ROBIN HOOD Oats-With Tumblers, 2 pkgs. NABOB Red Plums 2's per tin MALKIN S BEST Honey- 4-lb. tin MARSH'S Grape Juice per bot NABOB Tea l-lb. pkg NABOB Coffee Mb. tin 50c 75c 15c 75c 40c 60c 60c SUNNYBROOK Cream- Q4 Cl ery Butter 3-lb. brlckV--Aiv HEINZ Sandwich-Relish per Jar HEINZ Cooked Spaghetti 2's, 2 tins HEINZ Red Kidney Beans Orn 2 tins EXTRA LARGE Fresh Eggs 3 doz. FRASER VALLEY Apricot Jam 4-lb. tin ROWNTREE'S Cocoa I Was Weak, Skinny Gained 22 Lbs. "After baby was born I was very weak, skinny. Since taking Iron- ised Yeast feci fine Gained 22 lbs." Mrs. Laura Benolt. Thousands write new Ironlxed Yeast adds 5 to 1$ lbs. in 3 weeks. Ugly hollows flU; ottt. Bony limbs get graceful roundness. Muddy skin gets clear a$d rosy like magic. Nervousness, Indigestion, constipa tion vanish overnight. Sound sleep new pep from very first day. Two great tonics in one special weight-building Malt Yeast and strengthening Iron. Pleasant little tablets. Far stroajger than unmeditated yeast. Results In Vz time. No yeasty taste, hojgas. So quit being "skinny," tired, un attractive. Get Ironfsed Yeast from your druggist today. Feel great tomorrow. Money back from manufacturer if not delighted with quick results. the Ad. reading habit. II Why Not ? GIVE US A TRIAL ORDER. YOU WILL FIND IT WORTH YOLK WHILE SUNLIOHT SOAP per pkg PEARL NAPTHA SOAP 13 bars CARROTS tt TURNIPS 10 lbs CUT MACARONI per lb AUSTRALIAN RAISINS 3 lbs C LARKS SOUPS Assorted, U tins .... SNOW STORM PIL CHARDS Vs, 3 tins ... SPLIT PEAS 3 lbs .. HEINZ SWEET MIXED PICKLES-Per bot HEINZ PICKLED WHITE ONIONS-Per bot AYRSHIRE ROLL per lb . K-B PLUMS2Vi's 2 tins 20c 50c 25c 9c 35c $1.00 25c 20c 29c 29c 35c 45 c The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents"! Phone 3C0 319 Third Ave. trie buver urest Mining lo. iaq., who recently spent a, week on the property, that only a short distance further! will have to be driven on the handle mine on Hastings Arm before the full rich ore body is broken into. Mr. Peterson made a complete examination of the underground work at the Saddle during the winter months and expressed satisfaction with the manner in which the work had been carried out The main tunnel has now been driven a distance of 456 feet from the portal and 18 feet of crosscuts has also been driven. The tunnel now has a vertical depth of 200 feet from the surface. Although it has not yet reached its objective which is the rich silver lead ore developed by sinking a shaft, the latter part of the tunnel cut through a form of mineralization and in several places high grade was encountered. Work has been suspended recently on ac count of a shortage of powder but will be resumed as soon as possible. by the Mayou Gold Copper Mining Co., on Its Stewart property near the head of Bitter Creek, it was decided at the annual meeting of the company held recently in Vancouver. William Tompkins, mine superintendent, presented a report netting for toe work done and the results attained last season. This work will be continued on the gold- opper zone as what has been done indicates the possibility of opening up a large tonnage of commercial ore. Development will also be continued on the C. vein in the silver zone where work last season met with encouraging results. A trial shipment of two and a half tons i - (wfac 111 1 p v 1 Your p SKIM simplest and best way THE to clear the skin of pimples, rashes, eczemr. and irritation is to anoint the pan with Zam-Buk two or three times a day. Zam-Buk is so refined that it is readily absorbed into tbe potes and purifies, the underlying tissues. Eruptions and itching soen subside adder this natural treat, meat, and perseverance will rapidly clear (be skin and restore it to a sound healthy state. Peing over 99 heibal medicine, Zam-Buk has a wholly beneficial action on the skin. It quickly soothes and heals, even in chronic troubles where ordinary fatty ointments prove useless. m MtMMfilty ttr tt !n la mm tf Hllal, ItlMtll. tfc-rUMl, taK ra Ma IImhn, tut, karat. tuWt, MiacM ,hWi, kaa lati, Mar, rmfnrm aaa allM Ma. mi. I fa II.U, all InuHit BIG MISSOURI IS DISCUSSED Company's Properties Have Not Yet Reached Tolnt Where Worth Is- Reflected in Share Value Properties in which the Big Missouri Mining Company is Interested have not been developed to the point where their potential worth can be reflected in tbe value of the shares of the company, says the Financial Post ' The company is a Nevada incorporation operating as a holding company and its principal interest is 47 of the outstanding common stock of the Buena Vista Mining Company, a British Columbia incorporation which owns the Big Missouri Mine, located in the Portland Canal Mining Division of British Columbia. Consolidated Mining and Smelt ing uompany or canaaa Ltd.. owns L53 of the common stock of Buena Vista Mining Company and has to December 31, 1929, purchased over $97,000 of the company's bonds as compared with $30,000 purchased by the Big Missouri Mining Com pany, proceeds from which are being used to develop the property. Exploration work to date Indicates the presence of considerable quantities of ore of commercial grade over mineable widths. Further work must be done, however, before the extent of the ore body can be definitely gauged and estimated. The thorough and comprehensive manner in which the property Is being developed by Consolidated Smelters Indicates that it it one of promise. Since Big Missouri's outstanding capitalization is 4.400,000 shares of $1 par value and Its Interest In Buena Vista is 47 of the 500,000 shares outstanding any distribution of dividends paid by Buena Vista would amount 'Jo fewer cent per share for Big Missouri shareholders. Assuming that Buena Vista paid (1 per share dividends on its $500,000 outstanding capitalization, only 5 cents per share would be available for distribution to Big Missouri shareholders. Dr Alexander PHONE SIS HESNKK IlLOCK DENTIST Alaska Man Gets sseaij'n i . . wwyrmmmss First Concession ! PI thurs., fw. J. L. Galen Granted Airplane Con cession Inside of McKinley Park J. ii. uaien, presiaeni oi me mi. n McKinley Park Transportation , d 1 r ' i . 1. . 1. rm ;iAKnpany returning uuii.ii un iuc, ss. Alaska stated that while In ceeded in securing the right to op- M erate an air transportation line within the boundaries of Mt Mc- U Klnley National Park, says the Ket- S chikan Chronicle. This concession, H Mr. Galen said, for an air line 5 within the park Is the first and jj only one granted by the govern- ment to date In any national park. On his return home Mr. Galen stopped off at Hatton, North Da- H kota. to attend the funeral of the S late Colonel Ben Eielson. Over 20.- H 000 people, including many from far distant points, gathered in the little town of Hatton to attend the impressive services accorded the dead aviator by his home town. Mr. Oalen left for the east about three months ago and during his absence visited in New York. Boston, Washington, DC, and other big cities of the east and middle west The Prince Rupert Rotary Cul nrobablv achieved what it h.i ONJt. TKAI.NS From East Sundays, Tuesdays, H ana inursaays. sjo pjn. For East Mondays, Wednesdays Saturday at 11:30 &sn. ltn. M is 5 .a and SAT. KEN MAYNARD in Senor Americano A splendid outdoor pictnri TALKING and SINGING Talking Comedy ' TOOTSVl : A Singing Novelty MAPTirrtMv fii-iiN , Oswarl IT been trying to do for some time. II "PERMANENT WAVE imu jrcmwiuBjr lyu (Jcr vcuk. attendance of those members who were In the city and twp members who were in Vancouver, Don Finn and John Dybhavn, promised to attena there. If they were present, the club made its first 100 per cent attendance since lis Inception. "SCENIC" You should sec ti u program TWO SHOWS. 7 & 9 PM. Admission 20c and 6oc SAT. MATINEE At 2 3 15c and 10c HI ISMHSaMSMBJ (sp 5 ina Country Am Speciat VOU will like A the tang and flavor of these specially brewed ALES. They are of the highest quality and compare most favorably with the finest imported English ales. Order a case today. The best is none too good for you. Sold at all Government vendors. Free delivery BURTON TYPE ALE AND OLD COUNTRY ALE This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the L Tlir Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia COAL! COAL! PEMBINA EGG-Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBEnTAEGGDeliverederton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP-Delivered, per ton , W-50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD JUST ARRIVED. NEW SHIPMENT OF BIRCH AND JACK I'1S MILL ENDS Per load , W BOX CUTTINGS Per load HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE PHONE 580