td a a ant _ mountain in any other part of the world. — ———— —_ —_ THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. ‘JH. PF. PULLEN, MANAGING EDITOR. ee {SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. ° By Mail—Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 TELEPHONE 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. Contract Rates on application. DAILY EDITION. i Vednesday, Oct. 29, 1919. British Finances Not Beyond Control, Austen Chamberlain, British Chanceilor of the Exchequer, has taken the trouble to show the people how, as soon as the present unsettled conditions are over, the nation may yet pay its way in spite of the immense burden of the war debt. He goes into some detail and if conditions do not change materially he may be right. People of that country, and of every other that has been implicated in the war, have been wondering if the Governments would be able to meet their interest payments and carry on after the soldiers have been returned to civil life. tle estimated the revenue of the country at £800,000,000 or about four billion dollars and the expenditures will be about the, same amount, interesting Fight Over Prohibition. . There seems to be a fight on between the President of the United States and Congress over the matter of prohibition. There is a war time measure in force at present in that country which wotild élapse aS soon as the ti eaty of peace was signed. Congress passed a bill continuing the measure, but the President has vetoed it and issued a proelamation si ying it will cease with the ratifying of the Peace Treaty by the Se:.ate. The House of Representatives repassed it and today it is before the Senate and probably muy have been passed by the time this is published. The outcome will be watched with interest. Salutary Lesson for . British Cabinet. We have often heard of ihe autocracy of the British cabinet, but never before have we he: rd of the cabinet being disciplined as it was a few days ago. ‘ihe newspapers and politicians had been protesting of late but wi hout effect. Then a section of the members of the House of Con mons rebelled and the Governmeit was defeated on a snap vote, in spite of the efforts of the Goy- ernment whips to bring them in line. It was a question for a t'me whether the Government would resign or reform. They refo med, In all probability they were ussured by the rebels that all they wanted was decent treatment, and a return to parliamentary practice as it was understood be- fore the war. This they have secured. Lioyd George who haé to a large extent given up atten ling the Sessions of the House of Corhmons has promised to return and give the affairs of the nation his personal attention. Vandalism With indian Names . The Geographica! Board of Canada is said to have changed the name of the Wishnisht mountain to “The Seven Sisters.” This surely is a mistake. There could not be anything more commonplace than this new name. Almost every mountain range has its “sisters... Wiskinisht means “high mountain.” It is quite appropriate and can never be confused with any other The general principle of retaining the Indian names is one that should be followed. Very soos the Indian language will be a thing of the past-and these »ames will be all we shall have to remember it by. The Indian names are unique and we should cling to them tenaciously. A somewhat similar case occurred near Victor'a where on the recommendation of the chief astron- omer the name Saanish Mountain was lost and the place given the commonplace cognomen of “Observatory Hill.” This should be followed by a.change in the personnel of the Geographical Board. = aR SS 2 ist Prize $200 Cash. 2nd Prize $100 Cash. 3rd Prize $50 Cash. Special Prizes, $50 Cash. These prizes go to those who secure the largest number of new subscribers to the Daily News. The competition is decided by points whieh are earned on new subscriptions as follows: City Circulation. Out of Town Circulation. 1 Month, 75¢e, ..... 75 points | cqppenenes 6 Months, $4 ..... 450 points | 1 Month, 50c. ...... 50 points 4 Cala 1,000 points | 6 Months, $3........ 350 points 2 Years; 916 ...... 2,000 points | 1 Year, $6 ......... 800 points Renewals, City or Outside. On eyery dollar colleeted, 50 pts. SPECIAL CASH BONUSES. Anyone turning in ten fully paid up new yearly subscriptions during the first week of entering the contest gels a starter’s bonus of $10, Anyone during the course of the contest securing 100 fully ) aid yearly subscriptions gets a Century Bonus of $100 in addition \O.any prizes or commissiens otherwise earned, livery competitor, whether the winner of the-four big prizes er not stands to make a substantia! sum, according to the amount collected, nz Nominations for the competition should be on the form here- with and its reeeipt at the office starts the competitor with 100 points. Nominate yourself or a friend, but each contestant can le nominated only once. The contest manager will be in the office only from 4:30 to ( each afternoon, when every information will be given intending competitors, eeeee ee ee NOMINATION BLANK __ | hereby nominate as a contestant in your Prize Competition: 5 OSE FEES Eee — THE DAILY NEWS fe eee Qe tee eee eee STOPPED AER cc SSGSRBSEE TL HEADACHES : Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- urdays at 10 a.m, Years Of Suffering Ended By “Frult-a-tives” 112 Ilazen Sr., St. Joun, N. B, “Tt is with pleasure that I write to From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- days at 7 p.m. For Vancouver: tell you of the great benefit I received Saturdays ...... ereeves 2 p. m,. from the use of your medicine |Sundays .-... sococseee £0 p.m “ Kymibaitines’", made from frwit Tuesdays *....5. Loo eel 6 p. m. juices. I was @ great sufferer for Thursdays .... ssssees 10 p.m. many years from Mervous Headaches and Constipation, L tried everything, consultéd doctors; but nothing seemed to help me until I tried “PFruit-a-tives”’. After taking several boxes, I was completely relieved of these troubles From Vanoouver Sundays ......600e0e- 10 pp. m, Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m. *riday8 .....+.-. eoareeees a. m. atutdays .......... 10:30 a. m. and have been unusually well ever fér Anyox: since’. Miss ANNTE WARD. Sundays ...... seeqeeus 10 p.m. 50c. x box, 6 for $2.50, trial sise, 250. | Vednesdays .......... 10 p. m. At all dealers or sent postpaid by | 3aturdays ...... ieswes 10 p.m. Prnit-a 4 ives Limited, Ottawa, % See as From Anyox: SPSS TRH SSH S Toosdays .......6600++6+ De Mm. «| “hursdays ......... saeses Da i Notice to Advertisers 7 NE ee ae p. m. Casual advertisements *| top Port Simpson and Arrandale, * for insertion same day * Mill Bay and Wales Island. * should be in the Daily *) wundays .............. 10 p.m. * News office before 10-a.m.- *| trom pt. Simpson and Arrandale. Changes in advertisements * Mill Bay and Wales Island. should be on hand before */(yesdays ................ p. m. * 5 p.m. on previous day. * 8 eee eee sea es 6 |For Port Simpson and Naas River ait weal & tM, aided bd sells oh points: ‘ PO 6 ba bok bas bas 10 p. m. From Port Simpson and WNaas River Points: TOUUTGRGS cp ctccccccsens p. m. Queen Charlotte Islands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper Island points: NOTICE ishereby given that the reserve} OCtober 23, November, 6, 20; Dec. Seen Raunt ay 'easeon ‘t's Sor] 985 Jan. f, 4. p.m. wolished im the B,C. Gazette of 27th be | *rom Masset, Port Clements and ceinber, 1907, te cence on Upper Island points: October 24, Nov. 7, 21; Dec. 3, 19; Jan. 2, p.m. ' : : man) 2 Or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte 7. ata PRCOLUMBIA. a City and Lower Island points: (IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF October 17, 31;'Nov. 14, 28; Dec. HUGH MacPHERSON MARTIN, DE-| 12 and 20. : CEASED, INTESTATE. From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points—— P NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM i MAY COD of an rT m@m by . *| sctober 14 and fortnightly there- after. NOTICE OF CANCELLATION. Deputy Minister ‘of Lands. Department of Lands, 22nd September, 1919. His Honour Judge Young, Local Judge, in the above matter on the 9th day of Ucto ber, 1919, as follows: at, 1§ ORDERED that iu McMullin, sasaittinipainnt Officia ministrater fer a portion of the County of Atlin, be allowed to swear to| For Skagway and the Yuken. the death of Hugh MacPherson Martin asi ¢ , , vaving occurred on the 4th day of August, October 13 and every ten days thereafter. ieee — = gl gp AL date of ve rat publication notice of this order wntess ine Eager peoot is curnishe € From Skagway and Yukon. the Strict epistrar of this Court at] Pp; ’ Prince Rupert that the said Hugh MacPher F riday, October 17, and every 10 son Martin was living subsequently to the days thereafter. ith of August, 1919. 7 AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the said J. H. MeMullin publish notice of this stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp order in the Prince Rupert Daily News, Point. a newspaper published at the City of Prince Rupert, B. €., Once a week for 4 For—Wednesdays 12 noon From—Thursdays p. m. period of one month. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C.. this 10th day of October, A. D . 1919. J_H. MeMULLIN. aa aeERER Ea NOTICE When an invitation is sent it mais . should be on a natty card. We IN THE MATTER OF an application for i i . he issue of a fresh Certificate of Title t have the veop latest in wild deck! Lot Nine (0), . Block Thirty-one (31),)¢dge just like they use in Ne (ep e88). (7), City of Prince Rupert. York — Daily News Job Depart NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that it is; ment. my intention to issue after the expiration of one (1) month from the first puDlica- ‘lon hereof, a fresh certificate of title to the above mentioned landa . the name of Esther MeKensie, which Certifeate of title vas issued the 22nd Mareh, 1911, and is numbered 427-1. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Titles. ‘and Registry Office, i Prince rt, B. cS __. 22nd day of September, 1919 IN PROBATE. and Service go to The SAVOY HOTEL (IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA. TION ACT at iN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ROBERT J. DUNN, DECEASED INTES- TAKE NOTICE that in order of His Honeur F. McB. Young, made the 17th day of Getober, A. D. 1919, | was appointed ’ Administrator to the estate of Robert J Hotel Prince Rupert Dunn, deceased, and ali parties having claims against the said estate are hereby EUROPEAN PLAN $1.60 per day and up. F, T. Bowness MANAGER Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 required to furnish same, property verified to me, on or before the i7th day of No-! vember, A.D. 1919, and all parties in-! debted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. JOHN H. MeMULLIN, : OMecial Administrator. DATED this 17th day of October, 1919 FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La Marte. aa $$ IM PROBATE. o IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH caer The “Cartland” Boarding House 416 Sixth Avenue East Near Drydock Board by Month or Week. Phone Red 245 UN THE MATTER OF THE ADMIN TUN ACT noe —_ and = IN THE MATTER OF T ESTATE OF GUSTAF ALBIN JOHNSON, DECBAS INTESTATE. nee: TAKE NOTICE that in order of His| ™ Kengur P. . Young, made the 16th day of October, A. D. 1919, T was appointed \dministrator to the estate of Gustaf Albin Johnson, decea and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me, on or before the 17th day of No vember, A. D. 1949, and all parties in- debted to the estate are required to pay the amourt of their indebtedness to me forthwith. JOHN H. MeMULLIN, OMecial Administrator. Daved this 17th day of October, A. D. 1016. LAND ACT SKEENA LAND DISTRICT—DISTRICT © COAST, RANGE 4. "— TAKE NOTICE that Mark Smahy, of pe ay ao ccoupesen logger, tn »p or rmission fomnwene described’ lands: " - commencing at 4 t lanted west end of a small bay - the 2 shore of Swindle Island, and directly north of Sandstone Reefs; thence east 40 chains; thence. south 40 chains; thence west 46 chains; thenee north 40 chains to point of commencement, and containing 140 aercs more or leas, MARK SMABY P.R. FEED Co. Hay, Grain, Feed Seeds and Fertilizer CHICKEN FEED a Specialty Mail Orders promptly attended to P. O. Box 333 908 Grd Ave. ALF the charm of silken th them _ and sweet. ation discolors and shortens their |i not wash them after every wearing Pr Why It's delightfully simple. Use the pure, ver ings lies in keeping Moreover Perspir- tle, cleans anywhere, press out warm iron—and ing LUX suds. Make just a bowlful, any time. Just dip them up and down the water—rinse—iron with a it's done. LUX will hurt no fabric that pure wate: may touch Sold at all grocers and departmental stores : Recipe booklet “The Care of Dainty Clothes’ LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, mailed on request, TORONTO 4 Parkin & Ward Electric Co. LIMITED Electric Engineers and Coutractots We carry a full line of Electric Ranges, Washing Machines Vacuum Cleaners, Hot Plates, Grills, Irons Toasters, and Fixtures. Estimates furnished on House wiring and Motor installation MARINE DEPARTMENT Agents’ for Regal Gasoline Engines for trolling Gallle Perfection Motors Titan Storage Batteries Mosier Spark Plug The Plug that was chosen for the Transatlantic flights Our service department will help you to plan your Lighting Equipment. A full line of Dynamos Storage Batteries, Switch boards, Conduit, Cable Lamps, Searchlights, etc We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat Storage Batteries charged and repaired (no time lost while your battery is being charged, we have one at your disposal.. Third Avenue (opposite Post Office) PHONE 125 S.S. PRINCE RUPERT or §.S. PRINCE GEORGE ——— SAILING . THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OCEAN FALL, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX &. 6. PRINCE JOHN For Stewart, October 29th, November {21h and 26! Massett, aud Port Clements, November 6th, ist 4 Southern Queen Charlotte Island Points, Octobe! TRAIN SERVICE Passenger Monday, Wdnesday and Saturday aj i) 5° * Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making i t connection ali points east and south for Smithers, ns for AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES For information and reservations apply ‘0 City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. Phon@ 260. en CANADIAN PACIFIC RAIUWAY ADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ree 1 Points d the Lowest Rates to all Easter! via Steamer to Vancouver an Canadian Pacific Railway Meals and Berth included on Steamer > ALICE 8.8. PRINCESS MARY 6.8. PRINCESS 8. 8 Prince Rupert For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle from September 9, 19, 26; October 6, 17, 27. For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, September 4, 15, 22; October 2, 13, 24. CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN SER For rates, reservations and sailings, 4P W. ©. ORCHARD, General Agent. # 3rd Avenue and 4th Street Prince Rupers from Prince Rupert viCEs ply to B.C. — ) | ee — ” THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA RECOMMENDS its | MONEY ORD ERS amounts UP As a safe and economical method of rem! wet to : » at any brane? © ing | ble without charge at 4 | the prin } ae ne Coles hed). in Newfound . 7 a0) poln | | cities of the United States and are nek