.tor: paos rora "rtfr DAILY NEWS Saturday Get Your Local Merchant's Price Before Sending Your Money To Outsider TAV3 xhr TOYS, WAGONS, SLEIGHS, KM Gifts for Any Taste AT ANY PRICE A Few Suggestions Gfrrfetiwas is but 10 days away and now k (he time to make your selection IPITT HAHD-BAG6 LARGEST A8SORTJ4BKT IN THE CITY pabkeb ram and pencils - LEATHER wallets FINE STATIONERY TOILET 8ET8 LOWHY8 CHOCOLATES - TRAY8 - CEDAR CHESTS yANTTY CUTIE - CHRISTMAS CARDS AND WRAPPING TOY8 SEALS GIFT BOXES A McCutcheons Comtr Seeend Ave. it Sixth St. Of Vital Importance The eyesight of the ckxe wetter to a matter of most vital Importance. A teat by a qualified optician will give required information. A. E. IRELAND Optometrist HI Third Are. Pbsee a Christmas Gifts SUk Underwear Q?f UOKy 2 garments for . IleeassKehinc ,:i mt3iVL (7iFTSHOP ' 'l tUhL Avenw West ' rhofw Red 55fi , msKJxeunarwKvritx , CHRISTMAS SHOPPING - Cannot Begin: Too Soon i . Dp yur3 now at ' STEVE KING "TheUst defense &g&insttheco7d finestueZ . mas ouia Ml . . . M ft, jr." A There.'s only ona defense against the cold weaker and 1 that's the proper kind of coal. Buy a ton of coal from us and fire away at Old Man Winter. He'll quit on the run. Order a ton of coal today and note , the haste that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. Phone 618 Drug Store Telephone '9 STANDING IS TIGHT Seattle, Portland and Vancouver Tied For First Place la Pacific Coast Hockey SEATTLE, Dee. With a three to one victory owr TacoTia KvMay night, Seattle Bsktmos forged into three-way tie with Portland and Vancouver for first place in the Pacific Coast Hockey League. It wa.-. Seattle's first win of the season after a series of four ties. RISKO BEATS JIM MALONEY Veteran Cleveland Heavyweitht Slfl il U'M Dtn. nn.li.,.1.1 Last Nizht to Win BOSTON Dec. 6: Johnny Risko, vptran Cleveland heavyweight, staged a wild closing drive last night to take a olose decision from Jimmy Maloney of Boston, conqueror of Primo Camera, In a fur-to us 19-round slugging match here. 1 Auditorium GOLF COURSE Just the place to pass an enjoyable evening. Clean, quiet, comfortable surroundings. AUDITORIUM GOLF COURSE L. J. MARREN Proprietor Mrs. E. J. Smith. 205 8th Ave. W. FREE! FREE! A guaranteed, hand painted enlargement from your own snapshot or; ! photo. Frames, ! 25 to'SOVfower priced than competitors. Phone or write. WESTERN SALES COMPANY P. O. Box 158 Central Hotel DR. HUGH L. DICKEY SPECIALIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat . hntu . .. . At St7 Elmo Hotel Eyes Tested For Glasses Free t. v m ; ' i OH Country Soccer SCOTTISH LEAGUE First Division Alrdrie 1. Celtic 2.. Clyde 2. Aberdeen 5. Dundee 6. Leith Athletic 0. Falkhk 1. Hamilton A cads 4 IUbernians 1, Rangers 2. Morton 2, Kilmarnock 2. Motherwell 3, Cowdenbeath 1. Partlek Thistle 2, Hearts 1. Queens Park 3, East Fife 1. 8t. Mlrren 0, Ayr United 0. Second Division Alloa 2, Third Lanark 1. Armadale 3, Stenhoueemulr 5. Bonness 1, Dundee United 3. Forfar Athletic 3, Clydebank 1. Kings Park 5, Albion Rovers 3. Queen of South 5, Dunfermline Athletic 1. ' Ralth Rovers 2, East Stirlingshire I 1. St. Bernards 2, Dumbarton 2. St. Johnstone 4, Montrose 0;,. ENGLISH LEACJUE FIRST DIVISION Arsenal 1, Orlmsby Town 0, abandoned. Birmingham 2, HuddersfleW Town 0. Blackburn Rovers 4, Manchester United 1. Blackpool 1, Westham United 3. Derby County 6, Chedsea 2.- Leeds United 3, Bolton Wanderers 1. Lccelster City 0, Mlddlesborough 3. Manchester pity 2, Newcastle United 0. , Portsmouth 2, Sheffield Wednesday 4. Sheffield United 3. Astonvllla 4. Sunderland 6, Liverpool 5. ENGLISH LEAGUE SECOND DIVISION I Barnsley 1, Bradford 0. ; Bradford City 1, Reading . Brlston City 1, Stoke C)'ty 1. Bury 1. Nottingham Forest 0. 1 Cardiff City 4, Mllwall 4. Charlton Athletic 1, Wolyer hampton Wanderers 2. Everton 6, 6ldham Athletic 4. Plymouth Argyle 2, Tottenham Hotspurs 0. I Portvale 1, Southampton 0. j owiimra tuwn i, rrcswn non.ni End 1. j West Bromwlch Albion 2, Burnley 0. I 1 Oame wardens In Virginia arc tnow compelled to wear uniforms. Tickets For Someone Somewhere on this page, in two different advertise? mcnts will foe found the names of two residents pf this city. Examine the advertisements carefully and find the names. If the two persons whose names are in the advertisements will call at the Daily News Office they will be presented with a ticket to cither the Capitol Theatre or two tickets for frames at either of the golf courses, they to choose which one they desire. These tickets are FREE. SPORT CHAT iiatlci the draft overshadowed all .7Z ivwucu Jim uiftUAr. gathered re- i a.' .'.A i tn inn t .- .- xi. ,t , . of Professional Baseball Leagues. Two Class AA non-draft circuits, the Pacific Coast and International Leagues, devoted most of their time to a discussion of a demand of the maoss that they, and the three other non-draft leagues submit to the draft. Unless they do, the majors htfre threatened to discontinue all business relations with them. Neither the International nor the Pacific Coast Leagues came to any j decision as to whether or not they would accept the draft which gives' the majors ate right to purchase a paying a set price. Instead, both organfMUona decided to postpone any action until after a Joint conference when the American Association, the third Class AA league, Joins forces with the other two in an attempt to formulate some plan of aetlon acceptable to all. The other non-draft leagues, the Class A Western aae the Class B Illlnos-Iowa-Indiana Leagues, are expected to follow wherever the three bigger circuits lead. The whole question arose when the majors demanded that the draft principle be made universal applying to all minor leagues. The five non-draft leagues immediately cb-Jected.' prBTcmng' to continue selling their players for what they would bring rather than have them made available to the majors at a fixed rate. As far as the three AA leagues are concerned, a modified draft agreement with the majors already Is in effect. Under Its terms the majors may claim, at draft prlcq, a$y player in the Interna-UMiSuacinjr Coast and American clrcuH&Jti ho,prevlously has been Jn the majors. Deliriously Tra6rani" CHASE & SANBORN'S SOLD JOWLY JM lib. 1 lb, and 2 lb. Tins M ODE To the Immature Gojfcr ror .he man of ml,ui .nd irmclt, thrlH hii - ' 1 ( ir r nMiinv np.min uiaw w .HrH Mii m h Mn tnii That was blazed by the ancient Norse, But the man I praise is the man ' who plays On a gruelling Tom Thumb course. Eye of an eagle. Arm of a bear, Fearless face of tan Putting through a barrel there, Every Inch a man. If. your blood Is red let it not be said That you failed to play the game, That you feared the gaff of your foreman's chaff, That your sou) was tender, tame; You had best be done with the rod and gun. With the hook", the line and the horse. For the guy with guts Is the guy who putts On a, gruelling Tom Thumb course. strength of Samson,- Plato's brain, Hall his dauntless, clan Guiding a golf bajl ihrough a drain, Every Inch a mart. Canadian Legion Had Easy Victory panadlan Lcgn defeated Grotto by the substantial margin of 1222 to 1127 in the Billiard League last night. Individual scores were as follows: Marcus Andrews (Canadian Legion) 232, George Waugh (Orotto) 250; ,V1 O. P. Tinker 250. Oeorge Howe, 219. ' Charlie Baptle 240, Tommy Clough 250. I Y Zemaij 259, M. M. McLachlah A. Macdonald 250, Johnny May 1 163. j The high break of the tournament was 34 which .was run by , Frank fSJcman. ... 1 i The standing to date: Games Total Average Elks : 8 ; ; Sled 1150 Grotto 8 '8930 lllfl iLeglon 8 8907 1113 Here you will find the finest .Mk- n of toys and wheel goods in :An SHOP EARLY Barrie's Home Furnishing FOR FALL AND CHRISTMAS F:TiTTt SAHARA DRY GINGER ALE A TrM Pratt Drink TlnavMriUrf n - Per Dozen, $1.50, Delivered A Trill Order Will Convince You HEAVER. BOTTLING WORKS 1 elephone 132 Prince R tpprt, Bfl MUST CUT EXPENSES K. J. Gosse Reviews Difficulties Fkh IndMtry Is Faelng Maintenance of quality of canned saloon and the question of production1 co.-tt are the chief dif ficulties facing the British Columbia fishing industry a corning u R. J. Gcsee. ehaisnan :f r-? Finnic! salmon section of th? ca&Cm MnufAeiuMn AahojUu, ., British OolaiiSii pa-'t's are rtandlcappf.1 whti ct..(, ,nto the expotr market -.ccrCi to M-Uoate, thnu;h the fa-- t iat fishing methods in the province differ radically froi tho n :v by competing countries. On'ty on. par cent 9t the B?itLh Co'umhJn paek to produced by traps whik 95 per rent of the United States -rch and Uc ; n ,t LnraiU... -:)UngoX licenses by ; Dominion authorities is claimed to Te wewned earning power of the British Columbia fisherman and It was further charged th.t existing Dominion legislation prevent the conduct of the industry as efficiently and as economically as is the case with competitors. In conclusion, Mr. Oosse advocated adoption of more fffictent fishing methods to reduce prndu.-Mon costs. Anti Freeze Is Much Cheaper Than a Ne,w Radiator Anti Freexe is cold weather In- surance for your motor ' and radiator Wc have a full line, Including Prestone, Rador Glycerine and Alcohol Overhaul Your Old Tire Chains And anticipate your need In this line while our stock Is complete Cold Weather Makes hard starting. Why not install a new battery now? OUR PRICE IS RIGHT Miss E. J. Donaldson, 5th Ave. E. IJ-Platc Hattcry ..$10.00 13-PIatc Hattcry ..$12.00 S.E.PARKER LTD. PHONE 83 FORI) DEALERS B HEAD 'With Extra Goodixs There a rfl; )r id ' the flrit' :;t. ; the fani!i!.i vor tha Cf;:i .J rh )'en -I f':' aak.i.ir v: the 0U-..IU r: and wh' !r v -1 i'.--f ' -A v Hovis, N'nr ,v r .x P; 1 Tie EVrt..-. R JEWELRY .Made to Your Ona Me Your Own Dcsirn Oold and ilv : Encr.i- - LEO CONT0L1 3M Sixth St 1 Sheet Metal Work! Stove Pipe!. Gahsuut tfj ' lllack Elhows, Raking Pans nwJ l 310 THIRD AVi-M'E lj TelcDhuiirs Office 310 lVorUJ-Bl The Regal Sh CANDIES In Boxes. BuiU or Bn Boxed or Tablet TlONERy Crepe. Tb.w or rf MIL & MBS. JOHN McWI 300 Block. 'if'.J Ap J Beyond Purchase be Bottbl Your Photo Cannot ..... vi nnnrnpf nte l a Chrlini. t'1; vour fiit-'Wk BENSON'S Snfj . ... . .... w '