da.r February za, It is the choice of wisdom to prefer this finest tea ALAM TEA 'Fresh firom the gardens' Canadian National Qjc Lnrgcft Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PRINCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, and Intermediate points, Thursday 10 pjn. fOR ANYOX and STEWART each Wednesday at 1 p.m. ' r North and South Queen Charlotte Islands fortnightly. Round Trip Excursion Tickets Prince Rupert-Vancouver, and Victoria, $10.00 'VfKXUr.lt TltAINS LtAVE PKIMT IUTEKT Momuv w:ii;hihy and kati UIHY at il-Je a.m. tw ruiMT. t(K(JL'. CDMOMOV, WINMI'KO. all JnU fcattrrti Canada. United AOENCT AIX OfKAX STEAMXItir LlNr.H City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Prince Rupert Phone 2C0 jr Alexander m aa m rilONC 7J BRSSKR BLOCK DENTIST II in SPECIAL ! 1 To'ie Klenzo Tooth Paste, 1 Meritas Tooth Z fin Brush 70c Value for eJWC 1 Tin Mennen's Talcum Powder, 1 Powder OAa Puff 50c Value for BABY PLATE AND CUP SET 75C 77w Pioneer JJrutejt st a fHIRDAVL 6 SIXTH ST TtLEPHONrS 8't20C Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED tUint I'ruiu Prlnrt Rupert r - VtvrOIAFU, VirTOIUA. hmion Hi). HulriUI. tk-ran loll., Alrrt H .. Tuesday, l:SO p.m. tor Vt ot Ktt. VIC1or.ll. Kulrdile. Alert Bajr. Me . frldar Midnight I ALICE AKJl. AM OX. STKWAKT, Niu UUer, Port Mniynvn, sun-day 8.0O p.m. iU !r.1 Avenue K M. SMITH ttnt Prince Ruiwrt. II C Tlrouth llrkrt void to VUiorli and Motile .and bacner cbrtktd throojh to dfllnilon Special Round Trip Excursion Rates Will ne In Effect From DECEMBER 25 AND GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31 F .' Farther Information Enquire At Local Office B C COAST B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS UtOM PRINCE R UPEKT To Ketchikan. Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway ebruary 8th. 22nd. To Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle ebruary 12th. 2th. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc.. Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn. Round Trip Excursion tickets Prln - Rupert-Vancouver and Victoria, $10.00. Agents For All Steamship Lines W C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave- Prince Rupert, Phone 31 COAL Buy the real Coal our fa-Jjous Edson and Cassldy-"tlllntton In any quantities. m Rulkley Valley Hay, "aln and Robin Hood Flour. ftifice Rupert Feed Co I'HONES 58 AND 558 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA BRAND Creamery. Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City . Attorney General R. H. Pooley was asked in the legislature recently who were the owners of premises for which beer licences had been Issued since August W, 1928. The attorney general replied that L. C. Jamieson was owner of the Jamle- scn Hotel at McBrlde. M. oeoieio-vlch owner of the Canada Hotel at Prince Oeorge. J. C. K. 8ealy of the Omlneea Hotel at Hatelton. and A C. McLennan owner of the Commercial Hotel ;ii Prince Rupert. Local Items Dentist. Dr. J. G86. R. Gosse, Phone Moose dance Saturday 9 to 12. Premier Orchestra. Admission 50c. Glasses.; fitted, Dy registered op- tometristiat iicilbronex's Store, (if). Don't miss the 50c. snap sale at Denny Allen's Clear Out Sale. 45 See how a iQving family get along at home. See "The Patsy" Monday and ' Tuesday, ' i , Denrrjr. Allen 50c. Grab Sale starting Saturday morning, $125 to $2.00 worth of assorted merchandise for 50c. 45 Edward McLean has been trans ferred from the city engineer's office to that of the city treas urer on the City Hall staff. Mrs. A. Rutten, who has been spending a couple of weeks In the city will sail by the Prince John tonight on her return to her home at Massett. I George Frizsell, who has been on a two-weeks' combined business jand pleasure trip to Vancouver, returned from the south on the ICardena last night. Union steamer Cardena. Gapt, A. Johnstone, arrived-In port at' 10: 40 last night from the south and sail ed at midnight on her return Vancouver and wayports. E. D. Haddon, Hyder banker, and Mrs. Haddon. after a brief stay in the city, sailed this morning NOT1CE L. F. Coles, piano tuner, is now in town. Call Red 103 for orders. 3 HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel t NDKIt NEW MAVUJEMKNT Stmm lleatrd; Trairllrr' tMH: Hot and C old water Irrr tin Mrelt All Train and imam Rates $1.04 and Up M'lXI.U. MONTHLY UATUi JOHN FRY and A. DONALD I'rofwIMort PHONE 51 Central T. McQulnn, city. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cola water to ah rooms A. J. PRUD1IOMME. Prop. Cor. Df Fraaer and Fifth Sts Savoy C. Nelson. Queen Charlotte: W A. Coull. Haselton; Ole Reite. Prune Rupert; C. Toombs, Port Simpson: A. W. Fox, city; O. I. Bagg. Rivtrs Inlet. New Royal Hotel it Zarrltl, IT op. THE Il01i:i, WOUTll WHILE Uct As Cold Wber; Steam Hat 75c TER DAY AND UP Trlrphmir Ml Royal Oust Nllston. H. Lelfjard, O. Orintvay, W. Peton. W. lUlbert, R. Larson, O. Larson, A. O. Nelson, C. Houlberg, N. Seas tram, Mr0ri Em-leteson, Albln B. Nelson, A. Ham-merberg, A. Still and J. Meachupe, Vancouver. White Lunch Has Reopened UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Uttes0 Fatigue When the Nerves play out It Is common to be tired aftei the day's work but you rert and steep and are ready with new energy and vigor for another day' effort. But when the night's sleep fails to rest you and you get up feeling tirec and worn-out and face with dreat the new day, it is time to take stock of your health. Either as the result of the excessive eipenditure of nervous energj or because of worry or wasting disease your nervous system is becoming bankrupt. It is high time to get the buildiDg up prorea.-established by the use of Dr. Chaae't Nerve Food. Ih. Cliaso-s Nerve Food The greatest of restoratives for the blood and nerves. A party of a down of so loggers arrived: In-the city on the Princess Mary yesterday afternoon from Vancouver and will sau tonight on to I the Prince John for Selwyn Inlet, where they will be employed by the T. A. Kelley Logging Co. Rev. O. W. Walby of Winnipeg on 1 who is organising the Norsemen of the Princess Norah for Ketchikan. 1 Canada Society, will arrive In the They win be returning here next city on tomorrow afternoon's train Wednesday enroute back to Hyder. jom the East to spend several I days here. Tomorrow evening he Mrs. William A. King of Terrace' win speak at the service In St. iwill arrive In the city from the in-"' Lutheran orrarcn. trlor on tomorrow afternoon's! , train for a visit of a week or ten I Claremont D. Penny, of Port days here. Mrs. King was formerly a resident of Prince Rupert Adjutant and Mrs. William Kerr and Capt. E. Warren, who have been attending the British Columbia and Alaska Congress of the Salvation Army in Vancouver, return land, is v few days' with B. Penny,' Shanghai ih MaeMiuan ed to the city from the south on the ; noon. Princess Norah today. Alaska Array officers, who ware also in attendance at the Congress, were returning aboard the same vessel. ialtinr 1 iTfr rw 1 . r rr-"xai town ' f,of . a sister. Mfs. Ne;Ws "the hRest of Exporting do Mr.' Pen- ny arrived from the south on the Princess Mary yesterday after ANNOUNCEMKNTS.d "THE PATSY" Pteyers" ' Cub!'e4iging llho "fThe Patay." Feb:' 34 ted' 30 at iMoose HalL OJJiJv. Sixth Annual Ball, Auditorium, Friday, February 23. Baptist March 1. C15) Church Welsh Tea, Royal Purple Bridge, Whist and Dance at Blka' Home, Thursday March 6. "The Rebellion of Youth." First United Church, March Pioneers' Bridge, Dance March 10. Whist and Moost$iAit Bridge. Whist Dance, Frmay, March 21. and Catholic Women 5 League Spring Sale. April 24. FROM SAINT JOHN ; TO GLASGOW '. V. VS1-LIVER-I POOL 'M:ir 7 .MliuvcdDci !V-r-h 14 .. Mort-Ml.t; i 'Mar. , . . . . Dutches of Athal! I Hot oattsot'si Beirut. ! TO CHERBOURG-LONDON jAprU te f tUfip I TO HILFAST-GI.ASGOW I Mar. 80. Apt. 17 Mellu TO LIVERPOOL, March II. Apr! 18 . . Ducbsas of York TO CUJbBRQURG-SnufllAMP-' TrOY, ANTWERP March 7. AprU '.') ... Mootroae EW YORK TO Clli:imOURG-SOUT(IAMP. TON-LlVERrOOL Mar. 14 Durhm it Detfrord FROM VANCOUVER I To IU11.Jhiii-( lilim-riilllii)iiM xltar. 8. May 8 Enprcw of ftuaala 1 Mar. J. May 88. Eniprest at Asia l xApllT xJunlS Emprrstof Oftnada 1 s taolUttlng "in " Honolulu Aentv to AKtm ex ivwher or J 1 roitSTEB 'Steaiaataip uui. iu ..Agent OJtt. StaUon. Vincoiir. Teiepnono; rrinay 1131 GREAT SHOW DressRehcarsals Indicate Play will be One of Rest Put On 1 , by Club, Dross rehearsals for "The Patsy" the play being put on Monday and Tuesday by the Players' Club under direction of L. F. Smith, Indi cate that this will be one of the best plays staged by the club. As one who has seen It remarked: "It Is a great show." .,' The "Patsy" Is a thrpe-act comedy and the players are wall known local people though It will be the first time that many of them have appeared on 'the local! stage. They include Wilfrid Jackson, Tom Tasker, Louis F. Smith. James Farquhar and Misses Tracy Curry, Jean Robertson, and Wllla Dyer. Music Is to be provided bv Balagno's orchestra while Wm. C. Mitchell Is business manager. The members of the caste have been working on this for the past six weeks and under the expert direction of Louis Smith have at tained a degree of proficiency not often reached by Prince Rupert players. The play Is full of humorous situations and will act as a wonderful tonic. The new stage at the Moose Hall is being used by the Players' Club for the first time and'is very satisfactory. Special seating ar rangements are being "made. Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Lots of goods for 50c. at Denny Allen's Grab Sale. 45 Plenty of seats left for Thei Patsy." Reserve your seats now at Orrae's. tf Btrl Lock wood sailed this morn ing on the Princess Norah for Ketchikan. Scandinavian Dance In Hah tonight. Hanson and Faretad's Orchestra, with new and snappy music. 45 Freighter Salvor is In port from the south with a cargo of coal, cement and other commodities for Albert it McCaffery. Capt. W. P. Armour, manager of the Pacific Salvage Co- sailed on the Princess Norah this morning for a brief trip to Juneau. He will rvtttt the Taku River mining area on company business. Norrts Prtngle, formerly a mem ber of the local CPJt. staff here, Is now identified with the service of the Canadian Freight Association in Vancouver. He and Mrs. Pringle are residing in Kltsilano. Further business In connection with the disbanding of the organisation was dealt with at a meeting of the St. Andrew's last night The society is giving up its quarters In the Hays Block and has already disposed of most of its furniture and other assets. Accompanied by the young, v.idow and child as well as by the , hrr sister and brother-in-law, rnainr of Harold Beaton, who Inst his life In the Georgia River mine trail near Stewart on T'lfsday last, will be sent to Van-ouvpr for burial aboard the l amer Catala on Tuesday next. CP.R. steamer Princess Norah. Capt Thomas Cliff, arrived in port at 8.15 this morning from the south and sailed at 10 am. or Alaska whence she will return here next Wednesday afternoon southbound. Coming north on the ge vessel were its passengers including five who disemberked here. Wh en are upset Baby ills and ailments seem twice as serious at night. A sudden cry may mean colic. Or a sudden attack of diarrhea a condition it is always important to check quickly. How would you meet this emergency tonight? Have you a bottle of Castoria ready? There is nothing that can take the place of this harmless but effective remedy for children; nothing that acts quite the same, or has quite the same comforting effect on them. For the protection of your wee one for your own peace of mind keep this old, reliable prepara- Jf I'lli'illfjl 1 dpi.,,, , jd n.innijH in! ill" Bp ; 1 v't,','rB V tmttuimumm SjB Jl rfvV' aff tion always on hand. But don't keep it just for emergencies; let it be an everyday aid. Its gentle influence will ease and soothe the infant who cannot sleep. Its mild regulation will help an older child whose tongue is coated because of sluggish bowels. All druggists have Castoria ; the genuine bears das. H. Fletcher's signature on the wrapper. UCaSbVt (JhurcKSerui'cbi M..sJ.1tiiiiiiiniiiMiiiunii.ii:iin;nifi;i;in rrinini ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL (Church of England! Very Rev. J. B. Gibson, Dean Morning prayer and sermon at 11 am. Sunday School at 2:30. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Christian Science Society, 215 Second Avenue This Society Is a branch of the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mas. Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject "MIND." Sunday 'School at 12 noon. Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening att.8 o'clock. The public Is cordially invited. Reading Room, 245 Second Avenue, open on Mondays and Thursdays from 3 vto 8 pin. FIRST UNITED-CHURCH Pastor, Rev. A. Wilson, B. A. Morning service at 11 o'clock. Subject "THE KNOWLEDGE THAT COMES BY PRACTICE." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening Service at 7:30. Song Service. Anthem "Anfel Voices Ever Singing." Solo: "There Is a Green HUT (Gounod) Mrs. P. C. Miller. Devotional meeting on Wednesday evening at 7:30. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F. W. Dafoe, D.D, Minister Services: Morning Worship at 11 am. Subject "CONQUEST." Sunday School at 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. Subject "THE TRAGEDY OF NEGLECT." Devotional service on Wednesday at 8 pm. A cordial welcome. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. Thomas McConnell, BJV. Morning worship at 11am. Subject, "DRINKING OF THE BROOK." Coral chorus by Junior Choir. Soloist Beatrice Berner. Sunday School at 12:15. Evening eervfee at 7:30. Subject, "THE TEXT THAT CONVERTED MARTIN ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH Minister, Rev. John II. Hanson Moming worship at 11 am. Sunday School at 12:15. Evening service at 7:30. Special service for fishermen. Speeches by Olof Hanson, John Dybtaavn and Rev. Mr. O. W. Walby of Winnipeg. Song by Men's Choir and other musical selections. A cordial welcome to all. and will make a trip up river be- and elsewhere in the south, was fore proceeding to his headquart- j aboard the Princess Norah this ers In Wrangell Mrs. Acton and! morning returning north, child proceeded through to Wran- j Mrs. S. W. Oeorge and family Miles Donald, well known plo- 7" a"ernon V fr New , Westmlns-arrlved . , 1 neer Alice Arm mining man, who'?? l" Mr G w wenl in the city from the north wheref Thursday night, will sail Tuesday fout.h 10Calea- .a few weeks a5- h now afternoon on the Catala for Van-, couver; ' Before returning riorth.' he , may Wake a trip to Rochester, i Aboard the stealer Princess! Minnesota, to receive treatment Noran thls morning were forty j for stomach trouble from which shipyard workers of the White j he has been suffering for the past pass & Yukn Navigation Co., go-year. through to the yards at White-! i horse where they will be engaged Staff Captain Joseph Acton, di- preparing the Yukon fleet for visional commander of the Salva- "c coming seasons operations. tion Army for Northern British Columbia and Alaska, disembarked The Salvation Army band of here from the steamer Princees thirty-five pieces from various Al- I Norah this morning after having aska points, which made a brief I attended Congress In Vancouver concert tour to Vancouver, Seattle When you want the most economical & satisfactory lumber cutters, write us' for information & prices. SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LTD. Montreal Tonmto Vancouver St. John II-24