DAILY EDITION . The Daily News 1'itIXCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue I H. F. PULLEN Managlng-ESitoT SUBSCRIPTION RATES By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the Eiitish Em pire and United States, paid in advance, per year ., ,.. 6, By rruuj to all other countries, per year . . 7. By mail to all parts of Noithcrn and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period , . 3 Or f pur months fprr .,, 1, For lesser period, paldjn advance, per month . City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5. Transient advertising on front page, per inch ., , 2. I trill notices, each insertion, per agate fine Ioaal readers, per Insertion, per line . . , . Transient display advertising, per inch, per insertion 1. Classified advertising, per Insertion, per word Contract rates on application. Adverlisinc and Circulation Telephone 98 " Editor arid Reporters' Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Wednesday, October 15, 1930 TWO YEARS FOR MAYOR The proposal has been made that a . two year term for mayor would be desirable. In view of the fact that there is now a two year term for aldermen and that this system seems to be working out very well, we ee no good reason why it should not be extended to the mayoralty. As was pointed out by Alderman Macdonald at the city council meeting this week, the mayor is often more useful to the city during the second year- when he is more familiar with the work than during the- first, when he is learning. An honest man does not repent of his honesty. REGISTER TODAY Householders who are not property owners must register at the city hall if they wish to vote at. the next civic elections. This is the municipal law and something over which the local city council has no control. It is the same in all municipalities except those which have special city charters, such as Vancouver, -n We suggest to housebjolderaiaj; theyfregister today or the first day possible so thatflWauty" may not be forgotten. Very often at the last minute something occurs which mal-ces it very desirable that all shouldPvote. Be prepared and there will then be no regrets. Register today. Those who are property owners do not need to register - ? : t - 1 1 1 ? J l , 11 T i i iis unuir names go on me n&i automatically, it is wise, now-eyer, to inquire if the name is on so that there may be ho mistaKe. Laziness is not so much a habit as an art. SAFETY'S TEN'COMMaNDMENTS First: Thou shalt have no other thoughts but thy work. Second: Thou shalt take no unnecessary risks, nor try to show off, nor play practical jokes, for by this carelessness thou mayst do injury which will have effect unto the third and fourth generations to follow. . Third : Thou shalt not swear nor lose thy temper when things do not go just right. Fourth: Remember thou art not the only one on the job and that lives of others are just as important as thine own. Fifth: Honor thy job and thyself that thy days-may be lone: in employment. . ' Sixth : Thou shalt not clean machinery when it is.in mo- uon. Seventh: Thou shalt not watch thy neighbor's work, but attend to thine own. . Eighth: Thou shalt noUet the sleeves of , thy shirt hang loose, nor theaps of fty qoat to be unbuttoned, as they may get Qaujht in maMiWry-ftffl thereby do great bocl-ily harm. Nfth: Thou shalt not throw matches nor greasy waste on the floor, nor scatter oil around the bearings, as a dirty worker is a clumsy worker and a clumsy worker is a menace tp his fellow workers. Teith: Thou shalt not interfere with the switches, nor the dynamos, nor the belts, nor the cables, nor the engines, nor anything else thou art told is dangerous. A man is really not an average man until he admits it to himself. OCTOBER IM& Merchants' Free Drawing Coupons Given Away With Every Purchase of 25c and Over On STATIONERY, SCHOOL AND OFFICE , syppLigs MAJESTIC RADIOS and PRINTING SUPPLIES Purchased Durinjr PROSPERITY WEEK Rose, Cowan & Latta Limited 3rd Avenue - Prince Rupert Every cold is serious. It ii only a step from the ordinary cold to bronchitis with soreness and tightness in the chest and the dry, harsh cough and distressing coughing spasms. Dr. Chaso's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine seems almost like a specific for bronchitis because it is so successful in loosening up the cough, aiding expectoration and relieving inflammation. A trial will prove the effectiveness of this well-known treatment. District News STEWART Gardner-Johnson & Co. of Portland, Ore., who have the contract for widening the Salmon River road on the Alaskan side of the line from about 8-mile to 11-inile commenced work last week and expect to continue until early In December. A crew of between 30 and 40 men is employed. The B. C. Stiver Mine is now operated on a six-day working basis. Mrs. Gray, wife of W. Gray cf the Hyder Lumber Co , accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Ireland, and sister. Mrs. Sobleralski, left last week for Washington, P.O., where they will spend the winter. J. W. Smith, who injured his neck last week by falling from the steps of the messhouse on the Alaskan road, Is now making rapid recovery in the Stewart Hospital. Helger Jphnson of Hyder leifcjast week for a trip-to Vancouver and Seattle. Mrs. fisher returned to town last week from a trip south. The first Installment of the fire hall Jias. how been delivered on the town lots. The tower waa ' towed there last week by Crawford's trac tor. Although O. P. Heinekey has been advised of his appointment as postmaster here, It Is unlikely that any thing will be done with regard to his taking office until toward the end of October. Gravelling on the last section of the Texas Creek highway Is now being completed, by the Seims-Spo-kahe Co. and the Job la expected to be finished within a few days. During the past two months, the American government has allotted $114,000 for work on the highway. There are now 58 pupils alto gether enrolled In the Stewart Superior School. ALICE ARM J. A. Anderson, road foreman for thfi provincial public works department, was a visitor here from An- yox last week on official business, Harry Owen returned home last wtck after having spent the past few months in the Hazelton TERRACE Mrs. J. McConnell had the mis fortune to fall and break two ribs. She Is making as satisfactory progress as could be expected. Mrs. (Or.) Mills is recovering nicely after having undergone treatment recently in the Prince Rupert neraTflospltal. ADVERTISING COPY MUST BE IN EAKIY Copy fpr display advertise- mcnts should be in the hands of the printers not later than 3 pjji. the day prior to publl- cation. This Is necessary to en- able best positions to be se- cured. THE DAILY HAVE CUT INTO VEIN Interesting Situation on United Empire Property at Stewart As Tunnel Is Advanced S,TEWART, Oct. 15: Winiani Dann, who has been doing further work on the United Empire in the last three weeks, came down the hill last week-end vastly pleased with conditions and states there is every indication that a cross vein has been enppuntpred In the malrM drift tunnel of the property. The vein appears to strike 80 degrees ' west of nqrth, and the junction of the two veins Is apparent in the , face of the tunnel. No definite statement can be made, However, until ;he vein has been driven on a little turner. Four feet seven inches of ore Is now showing in the face, and It Is interesting to note that as ; depth Is obtained the copper content appreciably increases. Ruby silver can also be seen In the ore. ! Albert Peterson, one of the old-: est miners and prospectors In the Portland Canal, was working pn the property and was surprised at the amount of 6re opened up on the surface and in the tunnel. He ex-Claimed: "If this was out In the wUds, ore somewhere around Mezi-ftdln Lake, big companies would be lfhtlng to get It, Dann, but It's too close; they can't believe it. I have baen on practically every property j n the camp and have not seen one with a vein of ore opened up for so great a distance and exposing the amount of ore I see here." The United Empire is, situated on Bear River ridge, north of and ad-Joining the Btyview. Mr. Dann reports that the tunnels and camp are In good condition. Man in the Moon Already I feel prosperous, I have a silver 'dime: To ask me now to spend that cofn Would surely be" a crime. Jake says he likes Miss better than any other girl of his acquaintance. He says he doesn't know her very well but he certainly rib admire her pretty ways. Irate master (to Negro servant): "tlastus, I thought. I told you to get A domestic tuisey. This one has a shot in It." Rastus: "I done got a domestic turkey, sir." . Master: "Well, how did the shot jet In It?" Rattus: "I 'specks they was ment foh me sun." Jake says he'd like tp see, that new post offce because he "might get a job waiting on the bricklayers. Prince Rupert wants a post office, 'e, Resplendent, large and new; And if we do not get it soon I don't know what well do. A colored woman consulted 1ST V the village lawyer. t ' "Ah wants to divorce mah hus- hand," she said. ."What's the trouble?" asked the lawyer. "That nigger's done gone and got religion, an' we ain't seen chicken on de table foh two months." m m vsm: i baby's COLDS checked without "dosing" 'dosing A OVEK4X MIUION JARS USED YEARIY TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN, DAIrtY FOR S KEEN A BRAND Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City Wednesday, Qctober ih, ig;j You can wash this easy, pleasarxt jvay Pay Only $5'00 Down for an' ELECTRIC WASHER What joy it is to be free from washday drudgery. To simply put the washing in; snap the switch; and let the washer do the work. That's all there is to electrical washdays now available to you on the easiest of terms.' Simply make the small down payment with tho balance spread comfortably .over .two iyears. Many' models to choose from. Yours awaits you. NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY, LTD. The New Vogue in Rings Social usage has decreed the revival of the Interchange of rings between engaged couples. The modern woman gives her husband-to-be a ring set with the stone of the month In which the engagement was made, or a signet ring engraved with the date. We have suitable rings at prices from $10 to $25 Jewellers ILtmc store with THE CLOCK 7helstdtfmse n) . 1 finest fuel There's only one defense against the cold weather and that's the proper kind of coal. Buy a ton of coal from us and fire away at Old Man Winter. Ilt'll quit on the run. Order a 'ton of coal today and note the haste that we display. Philpott, Evitt & Company Ltd. Phone C18 - ft m$i one- y our Gi!.i:k.l Eliltiiic IKlII'HIGKllATOIl saws us money vxv.ry tiny" MQUR Cin-ral Elrctrle Ilefri. grralor Mtra ut on an averafr, a dollar and a half a wrtk more than rlfhly lo. Ian a year In food bill. "It sounds amailng until you realUe that the Gcnrral Eire-trie ahiolulelr eliminate watle(of fowl ... and It enablra ui to marlrt murh wore economical!. We have fi(urrd out that our saving are approximator like thUt Stwitl MmlMy Xtvtj Milk anil Qn . . jixO 112.00 M..I. . . .... H.2J H7.00 Fruu (.id V.f.i.kl., 2.00 124.00 Bmy'mt 1 1 still , . . 1.)Q 00 .7J Ml. 00 EASY TEMS "Drst of all, the General Electric Refrigerator never routs a cent for maintenance and pnlr a few rents a week for electric current, W al vrs have an abundance of Ice rubes and an endless varlc.tr of delicious froien desserts." (1SS GENER AL ELECTRIC ALL-STEKL KHFUIGKIK ATOII NORTHERN IIRITISII COLUMMA POWER COMPANY LIMITED Guaranteed br CANADIAN fiENEIUI. EI.CrH!r fn , ijmltcd COAL Buy the real Coal our famous Edson and Caldy-Wellinjton In any quantities. Also IJulkley Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Hour. Prince Rupert Feed Co PHONES 58 AND 5S8 Dr Alexander X-RAY SERVICE rjIQNE 575 BESNER IILOCK DENTIST If you want anything, try a classified ad.