I 1 PAGE F0U3 .THE DAILY NEW3 DO YOU SUFFER FROM CONSTIPATION? t Countless '.remedies are advertised -tori Constipation. Many relieve for the moment but they are habit form-ing.ajid must be continued. Others contain calomel and dangerous mineral drugs, which remain in the system, settle in the joints and cause aches and pains. Some are harsh purgatives which cramp and gripe and leave a depressed after effect Avoid lubricating oils which only grease the intestines and encourage , nature's machinery to become lazy. CA purely vegetable laxative such as Carter's little Liver Pills, gently touches the liver, bile starts to flow, i the bowels move gently, the intestines . are thoroughly cleansed and constipation poisons pass away. The stomach, liver and bowels are now active and the system enjoys a real tonic effect. All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs Win Chickens in Whist Play Competition at Jb Get the pays4 when Moose Club In Jhe knock-out whist tournament at the Moose Club last' night priae-winners were Jack-Preece and QlLttndquklWlltolseored a decisive win by a score of '18 to 7 over the runners-up, A. O. Pranks and Richard Long. Prizes, as usual, were chickens. refresh. O HANDY for J PACKS Full of lone lasting delicious flavor and made of pure chicle and other ingredients of the highest quality re EmSB comes to you in perfect condition. 1 AH of its goodness is sealed tight in the clean wax wrapped packages. The days work goes much easier with WRICLErs to sustain and A LOT FOR A NICKEL CKM Ad. reading habit. It ' Sport News OOP GAME ' SOFTBALL ACTIVITY AT SCHOOL Anjo Expects to Have Four Stinech Team Beats Smith's In Leagues In Operation Offlc- Second Play-Off n Ate Wected . f Tr r7T , -1 41 n T&sday afternoon Grade Ten ANYCX. av- Oct. 15: it is expected t defeated Grade Eleven by one run to have four basketball leagues in hJghiy tlng High School operation here during the coming 80f tball game. The score was 10-4 winter. For the Senior A League, -rii winnrc v, m w. 'two tea-no are already I Pol f O aMll GVitnt n4 WVllM fcJAMCHO auu entered. the Mine and Concentrator are also expected to have entries. For the Senior B League, Smelter and Celts are already in the field with the possibility of a third team from the mine. The Girls' League has entries : from the High School and one other in ..I, i. TTr i- . , . J team. Three Boy Scout teams will ''VJJr. compete in the Interme- Hit.li Men In diate League. The Anyox Community .League Basketball Club, at Its annual meeting held .recently, elected officers as follows: President, Walter Jones. Vice-president, Frank Dodswbrth. Secretary, Jimmy Elliott. SPORT CHAT The complete line-up of bouts .for tonight's boxing card at the Empress Club is as follows: Vernon Rowe va. Marvin Rowe. Johnny McLeod vs. Herble Morgan. Dan Healy vs. Andy Wall. Rupert Fang vs.' Don Kennedy. Pete Chefttekl vs. Johnny Roma. Chuck Hickey vs. Art Brown. ' Jack McRae vs. Pete Holm. ' 1 Hl i ""W"llam' Ware, fur manager to-.hj, Hudson's Bay Co.. was an ar , rival in the eity on the Prlnc George today from Vancouver. r 4 The Daily News can be pur- chased at :- Post Office News Stand, 325 f Granville St., Vancouver. Karl Anderson, Prince George, B.C. 4 Smithers Drug Store, Smith- ers, B.C. R. W. Riley, Terrace. B.C. fr General Store, Anyox. which to choose a team, whereas Grade Eleven had to turn out all their boys in order to make a team. Two of their members had never played before, nevertheless they gave a good account of themselves, and were a real help to their team. These were Bussanich and Murray. to bat first and seemed about to run away with the game at once. Kishi-noto and McRae had crossed the plate before the Grade Eleven team sot working together to retire the side. At bat they were rapidly put jut, O'Brien being the only one to ;;et on oase. In the second inning, however, a'ood pitching by Obata and excel-'ent bacKing by the fielders retired the Grade Tens m one-two-thron order. When they came to bat, the tirade Elevens made a teal showing. With two out Wilson hit safely and 3tarted a rally that was not stopped until Wilson, Kanaya, Hanson,' Obata and Murray had scored. The first telephonic conversation between Alaska and outside commercial lines took plare a few dav i . Eninwr p iirfK of th trvTn,.r2L8Slom,Lllg Northern KlSrtSI lneXT ri L iVi tJle BrLtish h.T,: Columbia 'vi.; Telephone '"""".. Co. and H. A.'. A. Robl. ago, mson Radio . ,. ?I?0.' chikan, AUaka 900 mile, north of Vancouver, BxTputin In Lna.le?'Jninute"e4?,fryineon a ,coni:er8?V0n with Major James Hamilton, Vice President th. STiSnn0, Telephones and T. F. &1m, President Northern Electric Co. in the lattM'VofflcVln thl nuM' T. conJlfer1'i?tjOIiuWBtovtrhrird fcy a ?rouP cf Prominent citiiens at both ends of the land lines which were "connected" to the Yarht by a new Radfc Link developed entirely in Canada .iljto ' K inJ?Jb?" Lower left, P. F. SisereidelntTorthem 4iimiiuii, v iio i rreiaeni ana general B.C. Te eoh Vlii . i i 4 : ni rJ manager EnrinlS B.d TeleXnes acroPlane oi Ketchikan Harbour. Inset, C. II. McLean. toauX mission one The teste mentioned followed those made In Prince Rupert Harbor .'when accompanied by Mayor Orme and several other citizens conversation was carried on between Prince Rupert and Lulu Island. final Inning determined to catch up and if possible pass their opponents. The first man went out. Then McRae .started a rally that went on jto.core Jphostqne( Tobey, Moxley, Bryant -an JofyiaonTtie score j.vas now 10-? in' favor" oi Gride TenUndaunted, the Elevens came to bat to send Wilson and Kanaya over the plate and get Hanson to third .and -Obata to second before the. side was retired. The close ccorc of 10-9 was representative of the play. Grade Eleven Obata, . Murray, O'Brien, Fulton, Rice, Bussanich,; Wilson, Kanaya (captain), Hanson. Battery Obata .and. Fulton. Grade Ten Kishlmoto, McRae, Johnstone, Tobey (captain), Mox- ley. Allen, Bryant, Johnson, Hickey. Battery Tobey and Kishlmoto. Scorekeeper B. Unger. Stinech Beats Smith On Monday Stinech's team won the second -game of the three-game series for the knockout league championship! In the first game of this play-off Smith had won a close game. The teams are now tied: ths The experienced Ten team came next game win determine the ser- O'Brien was on third and Fulton on second wlren the next man was put out. The Grade Elevens go' the worst of a dubious decision which; allewed Obata to go safe because he had been forced off the base Hne by a fielder and had been further sent out of his way toy having to dodge the umpire who was also tn the way. The third Inning shnwea good fielding on both sides and no score. For the Elevens Catcher Kishlmoto and Second Baseman E. Johnson worked well together, Johnson being notably good in catching the throws from home which were well placed. In their fourth inning at at, the Elevens brought their score to within one of the five runs held by the Tens. Moxley and Allen were Ihe scorers. However, the Elevens regained their strong lead when Murray and Hanson scored. O'Brien again took part in sending these runs home and himself got to third. Grade Eleven came to bat in the First Photos Alaska-Montreal Telephone Link les. 'The Smith team were forced to take the field without their captain who -was sick. Moreover, Stinech was determined to win the game in order to force the play-off Into a third game. However, the Smlthites put up a gallant fight and Stinech was able to win by only one tun', the soore being 7-45. scorers tot tne winners were Cameron, Stinech, Hanson (2), O'Brien and Ross. For Smith. Obata (2), Tobey, Morrison and Peachey scored. Stinech Cameron, Moxley, Anderson, Stinech, Hanson, Ross, O'Brien, Bremner, Johnson. Stinech pitched. Smith Obata, Tobey, Vance, Kanaya, Thurber, R. Morrison, Peachy. Morrison pitched. Scorekeeper Bremner. . Umpire Harry Gllliland, ' Soccer- Game. Grade Nine will meet the Matrlc-Commerclals in the third game of the Inter-Class Soccer League. To date, the Ten-Elevens have defeated the Nines in a close game. in turn ine Ten-Elevens were "beaten, by the Matric-Commerclals. None-the-less, the freshmen are! not at, all daunted by the seeming handicap they face, and are fully confident of being able to take the measure of their seniors. Dry Dock Leads C. N. Crib League Has Marein of Single Point Over Station Canadian National Recreation League Cribbage League results last night were as follows: Dry Dock Steelworkers 15. Freight Sheds 12. Pry Dock Machinists 14, Station 13. Lncnmntlvp Rhnm v car ctmn. ... H..vu .a. wu ul.lLJ : . General Offices 18 9 Car Shops 15 12 Locomotive Shops 13 14 Round .House 12 15 LOCAL ITEMS Mr. and 'Mrs. s. McDougall are sailing on ih? Princess Louise this Afternoon for Vancouver enroute to Desbarats, Ontario. E. E. Gregg, assistant district forester, returned to the cltyon the PririeVeorge today from a trip to Ocean Enlls on official CPU. steamer Prlnsess Louise Capt. Thomas Cliff, is due in port at 3.45 this afternoon from Alaska and will sail at 4.30 p.m. for Van couver and Victoria. ufi Girls liked Mm at first . . hut couldn't forgive J O ily imo DID so liatc to turn him tlown SHE again. He was good-looking, agreeable, just the tyie she liked, liut wlwt could sImj do? "U.O." body odor. No, slio couldn't overlook that. Fortunately lie discovered his fault later and the simple way to correct it. Today lte's well liked welcomed everywhere engaged to the very girl who once thought him "impossible." 'U.O." wo all need to guard artihit Gordon GUUland is bow purser of the steamer Prince George which is In port today. He is tak ing the place of Bert Rote on who and Roundhouse vs. General Off ices, w innce npnrf were postponed until tonight. Dry Dock Steelworkers W. L. Pts. 29 25 29 Station 28 26 Freight Sheds 24 30 Dry Dock Machinists 23 31 28 the Triangle Run stops today returning to the smelter town, accompanied by Mrs. Brown and child. Mr. Brown recently attended the funeral of hts mothe-ln Victoria. "DANDERINE" Dissolves Crust on Dr. J. II. Carton, who attended the recent British Medical Asao- 24 elation congress in Winnipeg and 23 j has since been engaged In Boat -18 j graduate work in the United State 15 returned to the city en the Pruvje 13 ! George today, accompanied by Mrs. 12 Carson and famffy. Loins Smith of the scientific staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from Vancouver where he spent the pat tour months at the! university 01 British Columbia la boratory engaged In fish glue ex perimente. of Dandruff Soothes Scalp; Gives New Life and Luster to Hair! Th era's nil. use nllnninn nr.iVii.. dandruff to itealJi ljfe frtm youriliarn rln'e PrcSSud tuS hS?Wi rlne Products Ltd. returned to the will dissolve the worat crust of dandruff city on the Prince George today n "hurry. It will bring the R0w of from a trip to Vancouver, Victoria iSwiiiiS and elsewhere In "the south. $1"" ( Cant. Steve Se'lig and R. Vrtor-ZSr&$ of K?tchlkan. who have been at fCCM 'l i removed from the hair Ocean Falls, arrived In the city on JSlP-'iZt' oul: H i i-fta,1 Wn" W the Prince George this morning giv.? .ing from the paper town. They wUl . i!S T? ..U.. wine used proceedto Ketchikan later in the wo'a't wonder at tnVWn? ween. easy use and see how quickly i aivca N. . 'Ml,h, ,t0 lhe W8'P and vir8and senger aboard the tfa'al$&1t u Yet, it's easy to avoid ofIendinf. Jti wash and balbc with lifebuoy, the ti lightfully refreshing toilet soap milli lore. Its mild, abundant, deep-rlt timn j antiseptic lather purifies pores quirk! end "U.O." Its pleasant, erlrn-rlnn scent, that vanishes as you rinse, t !!j you lifebuoy purified Wonderful for complexions TJiousands of women depend ni lifebuoy and Lifebuoy alone- tt it I Kven m winter our iprps givftplt a soHfjr, qurt of odor-causing watc daily. We "P Wme so used to this familiar cJOoV" 'lnt iiwtantly apparent to others. Lifeb complexion frenh, clear md wit with health-lieauty. Try i' that we don't notice it in oureehverr how .in.ekly lis purifying 1 - Hut the least trace of "B.O." is ' freshens dull, tired skins. Ad lifebuoy today. oy HEALTH SOAP body odor Tommy MacKay, accountant for' Fitt en in Premier Oold Mining Co. and sou, the kennr 01 tne late Nell MacKay. pioneer newspaper reporter of . Prin :. Rupert who was killed la n Oreat War. Is a pi seen gar abo.-.r; the Prince Geprgo today rftr-n ing to Premier after a hoi Id hit to Vancouver. m v.hi-h has b( Aiii'e. In :ln on today's ' win r- thev ther members for Vanronvi George tomor flr. CANADIAN NATIONAL CARBON CO LIMITED Caltsry ViMtaoH TORONTO Mootrctl WiiuUpci vr LoreTiotirs 0EnieFtaiiiiii.esit iwwap f, m 1 ! w at ust am n itiHituit' j 1 1JVEREADY LAVCRnil I 1 . 1 u... . offer more hotir of.aske, ;lvlt;' ' :'" dcpemJjblr povrr and mort ssi(M- t" lion. Therr's no otlr battery ( i. ... no BthtT-thm-ii' nMiilett : layer on lyT, with powcr-producmn n And tiitrt is no otiisr Layerbiit. i vc-bearing tha Oveready name. Three volts, standard 45 volts, and bciw ii volts) answer all needs. a Sold ( Radio Slow tvtrynlii 4) eVEREADy Radio Batteries msmmm 1 " '