iTIre .rJay, Prober 15, 1030 CANADIAN PROSiPEMTW: SPERIT CANADIAN PROSPERITY Oct. iih8vv I 0!:i) FORDOIU. in e SAIl To Ketch Oeto WK9 6 ykncouvi S-E. PARKER LTD. Tek-phonc 83 S135 200 PHONHrfSO FREE! FREE! FREE! A B r of "Evcntac In Paris" Perfume with each l:o of Face PatirnOr, Bourjois j- Wsfl-Ma 11. L Buy Canadiarr'Made Gowlff UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Z77io Pioneer Drug evsls Miotics si & 82 Third Ave. & Sixth St. Three Graduate Pharmacists let's Col C. C. Il.picycfes and Tricycles "CHhadithrMide Pottery Fine China and Kitchenware TOM BALLINGER 'lAvi'.W. Phone Blue C25 VV. MMNA KCG-DeirWf0 V. . . .$12.25 MIMilli: AD KGG DelfVtetetlfPSr TI5! 12.50 ..IINKIIEAI) LUMP Delivered, PePM ... 13.50 FURNITURE and PIANO MOVING A Specialty HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 Palling From 1'rlurc Kupert I f vv m Ull. VICTOHU. I.ii'ntac IHn Ha), rtc THfMtay.SJSp.ra. I v . ill!, l( IOKI ll.i KM... Ali-rt lln. i.e. ..IrUlu) luWInlglit I : M l. WVOV 1K 'HI. Nu4 Kltrr. flirt Mation. Sun- i' KMW .ttl. ' 1 ' ini- 11. M. sII i ll Eciu ITInra Kupt-rt. lie hi. KO Ma ii and Hrl'W ftnd bKgai;e cf.ckid thr.ugh to disiituniurv naaaiaaai m aal MMMMMwwwMMiMOTwMWMhMMnMMM B, C. Coast Steamship Service .' Septedi I r7St Princess Mary- Ocean rom ruixcE kuflrt Victoiia. every Frl ngeli, Juneau, aka.wa)- . 1. 22. torla. Seattle !. October 5, 13. 28. KHs, etc, Vancouver and rlday, 10 pjn. A?vii1k lor All Slmmtliln Mnna V C Oivhanl, G neral Agent. 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone3l. S. E. Parker Ltd. l OIt I AIR DEALING i PROTECTS YOU Ve have a real reputation to I iUln in selling u,ars :; a!l as new ones. r' ; ' are exceptionally low be- u '- our tra-lc-in policy makes i " unaicrssarv to "pad" used Mr wives in order to recoup for , v r : I'licTiiuif allowances'. ' " ally wijitli In unuRlijlU)- q o - r r - I. Hot." Tllft'i: inni I ,r 1 1 OKI) TRUCK (?0 Price t?ii4t? I1" H Olll) TUDOR- A BIG OPPORTUNITY for those who want Tailor Made Suits See our wlncowa Tor special low prices. Kejjular Prices Reduced $5.00 to $15.00 Finest quality and latest patterns Come In and see us today before Ii Is too late. BUTTS Special order complete and finished in three days. See Ling the Cutter Ling, llie Tailor Second Avenue Phone 64! The Regal Sliop We carry a complete line of Academy Vellum, Stationery Papetcrles, Artcraft Crepe Paper British manufacture, for all kinds of decorating. Candles and Tobaccos tort. & mus. joiin mckae ' 300 Block, Third Avenue Phone - Rt'd i42 Local Items Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Hcilbroner's store. East Lutheran Aid Sale of Homecooking, Church Parlor, on Thuwdajf 3 p.m. 241 The monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Retail Clerks' Asso ciation, 8chedul4rt.( for last night. was postponed trftnitely. J. B. Miller will sail on the s Prtttee Oeorge tomorrow night for Vancouver enroute to the Mayo Clinic at Rochester, Minnesota, where he w0 take treatment. C.N.R. steamer Prinze William. Capt. William Thomas, is due back in port at midnight from a regular voyage to the south end of the Queen Charlotte Islands. CNR. steamer Prince George. Capt. Harry Nedden, arrived in port at 12.45 noon from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocsan Falls and will salt at 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart whence she1 will return here south-boua& JcBBotrow evening. MI LADY BEAUTY i ji Offers an attractive price on PERMANENT WAVES MNOMrrTE OK NF8TI.E WAVE For $6.00 From October 15 to October 31 8ec us and Ret free advice before having your Permanent' Wave. Telephone 855 WJPJ of TOTAL 2FARES to CANADA ADVANCED Britishers in Canada may now bring forward their Families, Relatives anJ FriWs on Easy Terms. For full details apply: H. J. LOUOHRAN DM. Munf. ( f.i.inlm Ion. Ca-niwllun Keltic Rj.. Vanrouvtr BRITISH RE-UNION ASSOCIATION DELUXE SERVICE JTEAMERJ TRAIN JNJOY Ik lu'nty uil comfort of CaluilUia Nail at henr oatli of . MtwUrti Miulpmpni . . . Sailing from Prlw Punvrl Sunlay anil Tlmradar lt.0 p.m. lo nrnaw. I harm, via naw Sorriaato Victoria anil Saaltlr. Kor Hlawarl an,l Anyei, Watl-radata 4. (HI p.m. tor Slrt an.l Kalebllan, aturdara 4.U0 p.m. , Wllr aalUnaalar Narth aa.l Hilh Quaali Cnartot ta Ulanda. IWnurr IraliM aata IMwe Knprrt for KtlmonlOll. MianU iwl anil paint faal rvar. Nlon.lar. adnaanay ana flat-ur.Ur al ll.N a.m full intnrmntint ?mm u. iv M.N4ri;inuN. o.r.A. Trill, r IIimmtI V -M THE DAILY HEWS PAGE THREE Dinnenvare, china, crockery, glassware. Hcilbroner's Store. C. C. Ketchum returned to the city on Yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the Interior. BdXINCf SMOKER,' tonight 8.30 p.m. at the Empress' Social Club. Admission $1.00. " 241 Dr. Joseph T. Mandy, resident mining engineer, sailed on the Ca-tala yesterday afternoon for a trip to the Butedale district on official duties. Mayor C. II. Orme of Prince was the delegate who came from the farthest north to the an-1 hual convention of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities ini Kelowna last week. j -! I The regular monthly meeting of; the Rupert East Ratepayers' Asso- elation, scheduled for last night, was postponed. Both the president. Robert McKay, and the secretary, T. Ross Mackay, we( out of town. 1 j Coastwise Steamship Si Barge iCo.'s freighter Grlffco arrived in'1 jport at 3 o'clock yesterday after noon from Seattle and. after discharging a carload of canned milk for V. H. Malkln & Co., sailed at G p.m. tor Anyox. For his sixth offence of drun-kennes Tom llanson. an interdict, was sentenced to three months imprisonment at Okalla with hard labor by Magistrate Mc-Clymont In city police court this morning. There was no option of fine. Miss Jessie McLenaghan. director of home economics for the Department of Education and sifter oi Mrs. T. McClymont of this city. sailed by the Catala yesterday afternoon on her return to Vancouver after a brief visit here on otfl clal duties. J. -8. Ne'son. who is engaged In the construction of two houses at Falls River in connection with the new power plant, arrived in town on yesterday afternoon's train r turning to the Job again on today' ; train. He expects to be about three weeks, more at Pahs fUver. Union freighter Chilliwack. Capt John Mulr. aftsr discharging a cargo of coal for Philpot Sc Bvitt moved up to the Big Bay Lumber Co.'s sawmill early this afternoon to load lumber for Vancouver. The vessel will sail for the south early tomorrow morning stopping en-route at Cassia r and Claxton to load sa'moa. TENDERS ASKED Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the purchase o Lot 17 Block 5. Section 7. witt building thereon, up to 4 pin., October 33. 1930. Envelope to be marked 'Tender For I-ot." D. J. MATHE80N, 343 City Treasure Let Us Make That Photo You are planning on, durlnr Prosperity Week Do you realize there are just 60 business days before Christmas? Benson Studio Third Ave. isrtiam'iftf Phone 4ZC We Do Your Permanent Wave With the FREDERICS MACHINE The result is not only beautiful, but lasting All Our Work Is Guaranteed La Parlslenne Iteauty Shop 4th St. Phone 301 or Green 735 m m im Ki mm ku- a ita your body like a r road racks a c&r A COUGH is even harder on you than a rough road on a car, because a STEEL body can stand more punishment than one of flesh and bone. So, don't wait until you are cough weary until your bofy aches your throat and chest are sore and you arc a fit subject for flu or pneumonia. Get a boftle of Buckley's Mixture and Stop that racking punishment. You'll get relief from the first sip, for ; "Buckley" acts like a flash. It is a waim, strong, penetrative mutfure that goes tight to the seat of the trouble loosens the hard, congested phlegm that causes the cough soothes the inflamed throat membranes dears the tulxs invigorates strengthens peps you up. Every druggist sells Buckley's Mixture. Two sizes: 75c (40 doses); 40c (16 does). For severe colds accompanied by fever, headache or neutala, take L IX-PYRIN in addition to RuckUy t Mixture and quick relief ivill ftrfloty a m o e o o IN 3 HI ) i ANNOUNCEJIENTS . l 4- - Oddfellows bridge, whist and dance, October 14. Moose Baaaar, October 16, 17. Badminton Dance, I.OD.E. Ilall Ktober 17. ( Moose Whist Drive and Dance October 34. VardetVa Concert October 30. Royal Purple Bridge and Whist eries, next game October 30. United Church Hallowe'en tea Oct. 30. Hill 00 Bridge and Dance October 3i. . Eagles' Smoker November 4. Catholic Baxar Novs S and IiBlf Erlckson Whist Drive and dance November 5. Moose Whist Drive and Dane; November 7. Rupert East United Church Ba-aar, November 13. Oyro Hocdown November 14. Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 30. ! Vu'Hcan W. A. BasaaDee. 3. Jewellery Manufactured or Repaired Plating- Work Done LEO CONTOLI S.'O Sixth St. Mail Orders Chas. P. Balagiid TEACHER OF PIANO Announces he still has room for pupils i In class or private) who wish to revive their past work. 'special attention given to beginners and adult pupils. 325 Fifth Ave. or Phone Green 2(10 CANADAN,?ipP1EITY WEEK OCtOIJER llth tb M - LET'S GO Leatherette Raincoats, Reg. $14.50 Special $7.95 ASK FOU Fr.EE PRIZE COUPONS ACME IMPORTERS THIRD AVEM E WEST TELEPIIONL 339 CANADIAN PROSPERITY WEEK October Uth to 18th Third Avenue West " r I TAX! Lets Go! NEILSON'S Home Made Chocolates G0c PER POUND IJOX ASK FOR FREE PROSPERITY WEEK COUPONS Prises to the Value of $1:5.00 Cash Browns Confectionery Next to C it ' Theatre PROSPERITY WEEK 0CT0I.RK 11th lo 18th LRJTS GO AA COMFORTABLE NEW CARS CAREFUL, COURTEOUS DRIVERS Ask For Free Prize Coupons JOHN GURYICH 6th Street faa, KflaSBH Taftaa I