... if : rs r (CANADIAN ' CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND PROSPERITY WEEK SPECIAL 15 DiscountlopJDys' Sweaters Only MeflMllSeTmlfcTiirb ver- V!'S coats ats. Regular price, $27.5(LSpecial ?AiVU Every Customer Gets a Chance to Win a Prize F1R8T PRIZE $100.00 8ECOND PRIZE 50.00 THIRD PRIZE 25.00 Steve King QXXBQ2SZ -'Tfi!Tr DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Jvippers "THE da!;tiest breakfast food Smoked Daily by Lt'maa Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. I'ltlNCE KUI'EKT, B.C. SHIPYARD UPKUATING (i. T. 1 20.000-TON FLOATING DIIYDOCK IfnglneeriOIachinlstg, Doilermakers, Ulacksmiths, Pattern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Elc. ' ELECTIUC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our I'lant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MAKINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 Early Ad. Copy is appreciated Tnty WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP"(! Oddfellows' Card Party and Dance The Oddfellows Lodge held an enjoyable and successful bridge and whist party and dance last night in the Metropole Hall. There were 14 tables of cards and prize-winners were: Bridge Ladies' first. Mrs. James IVe slve Prosperity Week coupons Hand Painted Enlargements 4Qfi'itny Photo or Snap, shot, in Oil, Water or Crayon. All work guaranteed Western Sales Company PHONE: CENTRAL HOTEL Post Offfce Box 158 CANADA'S PROSPERITY WEEK We offer Canadian Goods at reduced prices this week SEE OUK WINDOWS Malklns Beet Tea per lb. Malklna Best Coffee per. lb. ... Malktnj Best Baking Powder, 5's, per tin . Malklns Bsst Baking Pow der, 2Wh Pr tin Malklns Best Tomatoes 2W, 6 Una Malklna Best Tomatoes 2 s. 6 tin ptnlb. , Shredfcfd Wheat- 55c 55c Has 80c 95c 75c CbMe & Sanborn's Coffee fffn 9Zn 2 pkgs White Flour All brands CO CIA HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel L'MHJl NBW M.VNAQEMKST Mruui llrat-d; Travrtlrrn' Hain1f IttxHiiii; Hut and VoM Walrr I'irr lluk Iit(. All Iraliu ul Kates S1.00 and Up hl'M'l L MONTHLY IMttA C. It. J.IGOART & A. DONALD froprlrtun PHONE 51 t?O..JV h. l. A. McMaster, 98 s. per sack Reid, AnyoX; White Flour All brands CO i A and H- Jhntori. city: Mrs. T. . 49 per sack V'" Yule, bunnyside; 'W. B. Btckerton, Soda Blseults -Dollar size tf Vancouver, T. waan, CJiJl. per box Sweet Biscuits Assorted per lb Canadian Jam & Marmalade Cf o per tin 60c 25c UUV All orders received from outside points will be filled at the lowest possible prices Meat Department Itound Steak 2 lbs Pork Steak per lb Shoulder Veal 5 lbs Stewlpg Veal 3 lbs Stewing Lamb 3 lbs. Loin Lamb Chops per lb Back Bacon 3 lbs. 55c 50c 50c 30c $1.20 Mussallem Grocery Co. Limited 417-423 5th Avenue East TIIONE Hi AND 81 SaVOy Hotel Prince Rupen's leading family hotel, riot ind cold water In all roonu A. J. l'RUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Ptiwr uid Fifth 3U. Savoy New Royal Hotel I. Zarrlll, ITp. nit: iiotVi. moktii while Hot Cold Water; Steam Heat 75c lER DAY AND UP Ti'lrphonr 11 Royal Mrs. M. D. HoUand, Port Esslg-ton; George Allen. North Pacific Cannery; A. McNaughton, Terrace; C. C. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. S. Oha- OEZp shl. o. H. Seguoh and child, R ?H (I A Anyox Anderson Anderson and and B. B. Han; Hanson, J. A. Blair. Vancouver. Boston W lane Cabaret SPECIAL DINNEUS Thursdays and Saturdays DANCING Every Saturday Night, 9 to 12 Dance Hall for Hire Accomodation for Private Par (It Phone 457 Prince Hupert CQMEDY "HELPING GRANDMA"-NOVELT1ES "1'IIIL BAKER" and "CAVIAR" SPECIAL ATTRACTION SINGER-McLARNIN FIC.IIT PICTURES Wednesday, Oct-tbf ij, PACK SES TI1E DAILY NEWS 11 Six tar wags Ens - m- m. . -a i k9 mir- am a Oct. iimsV l left ft I During this week, we are giving coupons with every purchase of 25c and over. You stand a chance to win one of the three magnificent cash prizes, put up by the RETAIL MERCHANTS' ASSOCIATION, of $100, $50 and $25, for first, second and third prizes, respectively. Buy your supply of Blankets now, you will reap the benefit of present low prices. Whte or colored, all wool Q up from per pair t&vy Kimonas, the warm velour variety, very comforting these cold mornings, a nice Off range of colors. Special, each . . . v Wool Cashmere Hose several colors, also QfZf siuVand vool-nlr sies, m? pair v. r. Boys Polo Coats, in heavy navy freize or tweed. Sizes G to "a years ' QA Special I . Ask for your Cash Slips and Coupons Telephone 9 Third Ave. & Fulton St. I Quick, Sure Relief Af BILIOUSNESS ' SLUGGISHNESS CONSTIPATION Take one toniqht mam - Make tomorrow nDirirr 7amsm Stuigeon; consolation, Mrs. A. Ross; men's first. M. McLeod; consolation, Bert West. Whist Ladies' first", Mrs. A. It. Phillips; consolation, Mrs. Bruce Love; men's first, M. R.'Prender- jast; consolation, J. Morrison. After cards, delicious refresh ments were served and dancing followed until 1 a.m. with tunesome nuslc by the Oddfellows' Orchestra. J. E. Jack was master of ceremonies and the committee in charge consisted of Mr. Jack. J. L. Mcltndsh and S. V. Cox. the last nentinned presiding at the door. Anyox Hospital Auxiliary Names Its New Officer ANYOX. Oct. 15: The Ladles Auxiliary to the Anyox Hospital has elected officers as follows? Honorary president. Mrs. W. F. Bve. Honorary vice-president, Mrs. J. 3. Brayfleld. President. Mrs. H. R. Patrick. Vice-president, Mrs. A. R. Kent. Secretary - treasurer, Mrs. F. Kydd. Wc Support Prosperity Week Ask for your Free Tickets SUPREMELY TENDER When next you plan to serve meat at mealtime, give us a trial. Call and inspect the diversified offerings of the very choicest obtainable cuts of meats which we display here daily. Whatever your preference, you may be sure that the meat you select will be supremely tender and flavorful. )9 Many Ladies Who Formerly Lived Here Attend Tea Mrs. F. T. Saunders, Barclay Street, Vancouver, was a hostess on Tuesday afternoon last, when she entertained informally at the tea hour. Pale pink and mauve chrysanthemums were used throughout the drawing room and reception hall, while in the dining roam the tea table was lovely with Its cloth of Venetian lace, and Its silver bowl of pale pink carnations with asparagus fern. Mrs. Albert Davidson poured tea while Mrs. Reginald Beaumont cut the ices. The invited guests included Mrs. Alex. Manson, Mrs. H. G. Beckwith, Mrs. A. Roy Nicholls, Mrs. Charles Eggert, Mrs. John A. West, Mrs. George McNlcholl, Mrs. B: L. John son, Mrs. Joseph P. Walsh, Mrs. S. P. Ralnford, Mrs. J. W. Hobs, Mrs. F. C. Garde, Mrs. Robert Chambers, Mrs. Joseph Sheasgreen, Mrs. Ernest Marentette, Mrs. Lees, Mrs. W. E. Williams. Mrs. D. Updegraff, Mrs. ?. G. Forbes. Mrs. Fred Clenden-nlng, Miss Marjory Boyd and Mrs. D. G. Stewart of Prince Rupert. North Vancouver Lady Is Speaker Addressed Women's Institute at Terrace on Monday Mrs. Humphrey, member of the executive board of the Women's Institute at North Vancouver, gave a very interesting address In the Progress Hall at Terrace Monday evening under the auspices of the Women's Institute there. She spoke on the work of the institute, school ' gardens and crippled children's work all of which proved very en-1 Joyable as well as instructive. I Following this, two reels of com-! edy were shown by Mr. Bishop and the ladies served a delicious lunch. Mrs. Clarkwas successful in winning the drawing for the rug. OCTOBER IIth-18th ?A WED. & TIIURS. TWO SHOWS 7 and 9 p.m. Cyril Maude, the Great English Comedian, in "GRUMPY THE ROLE HE MADE FAMOUS An All Talking; Paramount Picture.. . (S f Admission Wc and 65c Feature starts at 7:45 and 9:45-Thursday Matinee, 2:30 15c & 10c Feature starts at 3:15 FRIDAY and SATURDAY MORAN & MACK In "Anybody's War" and Goldbloom's Fur Parade ' Bed Coil Spr.'nj and Felt Matlress: COMPLETE, $27.50 MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE 37 Third Avenue West Telepli CANADIAN; PROSPERITY WEEK OCTOHER 11 to 18 - LETS GO 25 Off All Goods-Coats, Neckpieces J finest Quality, Latest and Slost Inclusive Styles In I'ur (..i ..i'-nt See Our Furs at the STYLE SHOW CAPITOL TIIKATUI) F riday and Saturday, October 17 and 18 G0LDBL00M TIIK OLI) HCLIAULL Your Prosperity Assur.ecl VOIlK3ftlItE SAVINGS cTLOAN ACCdT ? G Per Cent Compound Interest on Dcpo.i Surrender Values . Loan Pri ' ' -( McCAFFKRY, GIHHONS & COLLAKT. I.TP. Try a Daily News Want Ad