PAGE SIX WALLACE'S Dollar Days SATURDAY & MONDAY For this event, we have collected some wonderful values in QUALITY RAYON Underwear, as well as nn attractive list of other desirable merchandise DURAYON Lace Trimmed Step-in-each . . . : DURAYON Yoke front Knicker each DURAYON Oversize Bloomer-each '.' SUPER RAYON Opera top shadow-proof Slips each Telephone 9 HOSIERY Ladies' Lisle Hose full fashioned, colors oi oanu or iNuue, z pairs Children's Hose in many styles and colors SEE OUR WINDOWS any time you're hungry, enjoy Kcllogg's Corn Flakes ami milk or cream. Fpr breakfast, for lunch, for suppcr-r-for a lato euack. They're great. . . between meals and at any meal CORN Extra delitiout with frulti or honey added. Made if Kellogg in fondon, Ont. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 DURAYON Bloomer with apph'qued C-fl Aft motif each fl.fl.eVV DURAYON Regular tailored Bloomer j QQ SUPER RAYON Pettiknicker lace trim- Q- M mod each ?JLeVU $1.00 Ladies' and Misses' Sport Sox, fancy cuff -J Aft in White or Sand, 2 pairs pJUV V Men's Fancy Cotton Sox . $100 HOUSEHOLD GOODS Pillows feather-filled in art ticking covers, each Washable Rag Rugs 27x54 ? -2 for Sheets fully bleached, nice quality 70x90 each Turkish Towels, striped or white, splendid quality, 2 for Linen Table Cloths, colored YARD GOODS $1.06 1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 White Cotton, 36-inch, nice soft quality j-J QQ Check Nainsook in white or colors 5 yards Ginghams in several designs 5 yards Crepe de Chene and fancy figured goods in various patterns yard Children's cotton BathingSuits, navy contrasting trim, sizes 24 to 30, 2 for . . Children's Dresses in various sizes and colors, each Ladies' Voile and Print Dresses each . ; '". Ladies' latest sport model Hats, latest styles, values to $5.50 . . . . ' Two dozen Flat Crepe Dresses in latest styles, values to $13.50 . . $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $3.95 $8.75 Third Ave. & Fulton St. BUILT CITY BYENERGY Rev. Dean Olbson in an address to the Rotary Club at Its Week-End Specials 3old Cross Strawberry or Raspberry Jam 13-oz. Jar while they last Crosse ti Blackwell's Meat Paste 3Vi-oz. Jar, 2 for . Sweet Adeline Mollasses 2 s, tin McCormlck's Jersey Cream Sodas 2 pkgs Fraser Valley Black Currant CPn Jam 4-lb. tin 00, Jmpress Cherry Jam 4-lb. tin Moonlight Marshmallow Mb. tin Nabob Orange Marmalade 4-lb. tin Eggs, Fresh Extras 3 doz Christies' Assorted Biscuits 1-Jb. pkg. 0 cakes Black Knight Stove Pollsh- 2 tins 15c 25c 20c 45c 60c 45c 55c $1.10 40c Nabob Pears. Peaches. ADrlcots. Strawberry, Raspberry or 4 fijp not irua ior saiad, 8-oz. tin . .. --" Sunnybrook Creamery C-f 4 ff Butter, 3-lb. brick Va Dutch Maid Sandwich Spread Jar 30c Alberta Market P. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street THE DAILY NEW8 Friday, Mav 30- 1830 WALKS MUST BE CLOSED Saskatoon Product of Efforts of a City Council Decides to Take Dras Group of Boosters Who I 'tic Action Following Ite'port Worked Hard on Job IjftQ ,'iV ' of Engineer ACTION AT ONCE mnwiewi yesiciuay unaiiuuu ui otncr sidewalks Will be Shut uie commodore care gave some in- I)own From Time to Timc ieresung sidelights on the building ,t Becomes Necessary up of the west. Speaking of the city . of Saskatoon, he said this city was A nf ,h n,f built by a group of men who set Counc ,Mt n, wnat Jiemselves to the work and put it scem k d M , wh ail ' 7; decided to close to traffic such Saskatoon was , located amid m sand e i eM.,w. , . . . . . nils in what was considered one of f1 lnh "ntf oi he badly ot the poorest locations that could be 0 rePa rta? fnnnrt Tho rnnntrv ornimrt nil ""l'UUJ "u mJinth. vot L tra",c- 0ne these speclflcall "Cloned the south side of was and hard work a wonderful city has umiu iu... ,ocv;uiiu Avenue irom Mcunae w J j Third Street which Is quite unsafe !The engineer Is to use his discre Aid. S. D. Macdonald desires to tlon In regard to other streets, no- make It ctear that, at the hearing closing more than are absolutel f the Minimum Wage oBard here necessary. The rninnslfn 1IH1 nf RvnnH Av Wednesday night, he alluded to . ro o . vage scales paid in two local buildings. It was decided, won'-vholesale houses. In Malkln's boys have to do without a sidewalk fo were started at 580 per monm a time and also the west side o vhile the scale went up to, $125 Seventh Street and part'of Thlr' nd $135. In Stewart & Moblcy's Avenue West and one side of Thlr' he scale was $125 and $135 and Street. F"6r the bthrr sidewalks In ip to $155 for men of considerable Itlative bylaws would be pu'. xperlence. No substitutes the peak in quality i 1 H sik Jifll AnhcusFrBtmli Budweiser Barley-Malt Syrup LIGHT OR DARK RICH IN BODY NOT BITTER through providing for the construction of bltullthic sldewalk-'nder tho engineer's new plan If these are petitioned against th' streets will have to be wlthou' sidewalks until conditions chang' or some other plan is evolved Construction of these will procee ' if the finances allow. A long discussion took place lr regard to the whole matter 1" which most of the aldermen ex pressed themselves as opposed t-drastic action except In such cas as It was found absolutely nece sary. It was decided that rcpalf of thold wnfhft was out of th-question arici'Hrrar'hew'ones could b- bi'-'bTifrPWi "Ibcal lm-provemehi!lan.: 'te the street rhlch m'ust'rniiW "without walk for a time, it'&' probable that th old walks will be removed and n section of the street be set aside for pedestrian use. The report o? the engineer to the council to consider which the meeting was called Is as follows: To Mayorarfa' AYd'eriheti, City of PrlncfeRuiftrt. "'' Gentlemen-bffi? tdpTeseht a re-Dort on lmme'drateI''c6st of reaalr to make them safe for traffic for the time being. Even with these repairs, I cannot guarantee their safety beyond one month and I anticipate repairs up to an additional fifty percent (50) before the end of the year. Location and cost oi repair are as follows: 3rd Ave. north side from Mc-Brlde to 3rd Street. $1,200. 2nd Ave. north side from Mc-Brlde to 3rd Street. $1,200. 2nd Ave. south side from Mc-Brlde to 3rd Street. $1200. 3rd Ave. both sides from 7th Street to ith Street. $800. 2nd Ave. north .side from 7th Street td' Sth Street. $400. One side 1st Street frdm 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue, $400. 2nd Btreet both sides from 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue, $400. 3rd Street one side from 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue, $400. 7th Street both sides from 2nd Avenue to 3rd Avenue, $400. Total cost $6,400. All the other wooden sidewalks In Section 1 are In extremely bad state and, as the occasion arises,! I propose to report when these sidewalks are beyond repair and( become a public danger, approximately $2000 left for wood en road and sidewalk maintenance and this balance is only sufficient reasonable maintenance but for renewals, to which the above repairs approximate. I therefore beg to recommend that the above sidewalks be Immediately closed to traffic and that any property owners desiring i access to their nronerties be About $30 was realized. In Gold Dust Washing Powder Offp 'structcd to provide same from the 3 large P. '.X.,0' edp of the road at their own ' ' ' Lux Lux Toilet Toilet Soap-r- Soan jt t? c"' I considered deslfKblSrom tlvVs the point of view of public safety, part of the road may be marked 25C olt by wooden headers for pedes-, trian traffic only. Respectfully submitted CITY ENOINEER. The tea and sale of home7 cooking held yesterday afternoon by 'the RebpV.nh tAon nt thi hnmi nf Phone 208 Mr8. w. A McLean, Fifth Avenue -. West, was a very successful affair. "So Skinny Shamed In Bathing Suit. Gained 15 Lbs' KITZEQUCLA. May 30: Victoria "ay was celebrated at KlUefruclH y a large number of the people of raielton, Kispiox, Kltwancool. Klt-vinga, who arrived .early to spend the day here. The Athletic Club, the chleJs of the village and the football and baseball teams formed a processbn at the hall and marched to the new w.reatlon ground. On arrival there John Brown of Kispiox; Tom Gexl- cfungulal, Hazelton; Chief Janper derrick. Kltwancool, and Chief Ar- j priate address, and officially open ed the new play ground for the use over Kispiox. Hazelton football team played a fast game with Kltwancool and Kit- of the following wooden sidewalks. 'wanco01 won- "Oalnd IS lbs. tak-. ,. Ing Ironlzed Ye&a. Was always ashafhed to wear bathing suit but sow I can and not leel too skinny." -- Eulah Lannlgham. Thousands write of S to IS lbs. Rained In 3 weeks with Ironlzrd Teast. Bony limb round out. Ugly hollows fill in. Blemished skin get clear and rosy like magic. Nervotu ncss, Indigestion, constipation disappear overnight. Sound sleep. New health and pep from very tint day. Two great tonics In one pedal welght-bulldlng Milt YeMt and strengthening Iron. Pleasant little tablets. Far stronger than unmeditated yeast. Results In time So quit being ashamed of "aklnnl-neas." sallow skin. Get Ironlard Yeast from druggist today. IVel great tomorrow. Money back from manufacturer If not delighted with quick results. ITZEGUCLA CELEBRATED 'ictorla Day Observed With Fine Sports Program at Interior Village The Kltzegucla Athletic Club had charge of the program and sou drinks stand on the new grounas. Also they did all the work of clearing the large grounds. In the evening there was a dance which was well attended. , The Women's Christian Union and the Athletic Club served re-1 freshments during the day. Oet pays. the Ad. reading habit. Call On Us! For Highest Quality and Lowest Prices Empress Jelly Powders, all Cn flavors, per pkg Molasses Snaps IZfln 3 lb Shaker Salt per pkg . Boneless Cottage Rolls per lb brands, per tin Evaporated Milk All brands, per case Empress Strawberry Jam I's, per tin Fresh Strawberries per box Hothouse Tomatoes No i. .:per to SDlhach ssZ.'v.uiai New Potatoes 7 lbs 10c 29c (Buy now this nrlce will not last inere is at present, a oaiance oi Evaporated Milk All 11c 85.25 24c Empress Assorted Jams 38c OQ S 2's. npr tin Ot 9 25c 35c 25cS 50c The Economy Cash & Carry "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Phone 360 319 Third Ave. SAMPLESHOES GOING CHEAP Shipment Just Arrived at Montreal Importers Store When Trices (. Cut In Half LOW TKICES I'KEVAIL Master Mechanic Clothes at 35 Below Any Other House In the City. The Montreal Importers an-' nouncc that they have Just recelv-' eJ a big shipment of ladles' sample phoes from the manufacturer. These are always made of the Very best and the regular $5.50 shoes are ; to be sold at $2.95. i M Also there is a good assortment of child's and misses' shoes. J. B. Mil- a ler, proprietor of the store, says: ' We handle the Ooodertch Ill-press 3 men's rubber boots, and a full line " of men's ladles' and children's run-1 J ning shoes. "Also a big assortment of men's Master Mechanic all-wool shirts. ttanta and overalls at very low prlc - cs. Come in :ind convince yourself and snve 35. You will positively uake this saving over dealing at any other store." MONTKRAL I.MPOUTEKS Mctker Block Opp. New Empress Advt. WAY OVER Vancouver, May 30: 8S. Prince henry the new Canadian National "tcamer to Rn on the Alaska run. !eft Cirk nhcad, for the Pacific Coast on Wednesday, ac cording to advices received by II. C. t'.tur McDames and Chief Stephen j Keeley, Pacific Coast manager. Ca-Morgan of Kltzegucla, gave suit-! nadlan National Steamships, in ble addresses. Then the song "O "ianada" was sung by all, after which Capt. Mortimer, Indian Ag ent of Hazelton. gave an appro command of Capt J. M. Gilbert and manned by a skeleton crew. The now vessel, which recently complet- S The Love s id IllSH liDiSH.nilBB Bi SB H.aV' mMII'BB . mHWaj lf TIIUItS FHI, and SA1: Maurice Chevalier In That Most Delightful Picture Parade' AH TALKING, SINGING and DANC ING 20 New SonL's Talking Comcd; The False Fire Alarm C o.' Admission 20c and 63c two snows, nir -t SAT. matp':e At 2:33 t5c ana 1 ' Autographed p)ito Maurice Chevalier riven a:y FKF.E at Ram j ishinrs, Third -f pd her trials with an average speed of 23 V2 knots, will complete the 'iie tianadlari Natinn :. .. . . . . . . ... t n u - ..i j i l m u I vuug? mi v uaya, aritrtiiM in van- wn- uuiiiumim ui uir i f the people of Kltzegucla and1 tuvcr Juno 18. She will commence ng her inlb British Coin -heir friends, by cutting a purple her first run up the picturesque era. ribbon stretched across the ground . I (-'ast-lin? from there on July 3, Sister ships of P The sports of the dty commence J by the Kltwancool football team winning In a game with Kispiox. Several children's and adult A ttn Skagway as her destination, ss. Prince Robert and Pi i En route to Vancouver, s. Prince are rapidly nearlng run.: Hairy w. ill call at Fuyal in the As-1 will be ready for thi ir , ores. sl. Thomas In the West In-!ly. There two vessel i races and a tug-of-war and a ladies' dies, Colon. Acapulco In Mexico and ate the trl-city run i. " hammer game were very Interesting 'San Prdro. At the latter point Capt. couver. Victoria am) s and were follov;ed by a game of Dan Don Ud, commodore skipper of August next. baseball In which Hazelton won 1-0 1 A:i?ofir I ' mil i ii ii 1 1' I H'i r i Mm win i iimiimi in in n m mi i rF" TT71 UMBE KILN DRIED SIKUCE, CEDAR AND HEMLOC K FINISH, CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. Specialties fiilffcGrajti Hoat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edge Grain Hemlock FIoorin'f ,f" Spruce and Cedar Shlplap, Boards, Dimensions and Timbers Doors, Windows, Shingles, Etc. Odd lots off-grade material at reduced prices BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. Lumber Manufacturers Prince Itupft. B-c I i sl I III IHWW i