. PAGE FOUR WANT ALLAN CUP AGAIN "mar Wilson Die Reason w .,Rort Arthur Should Rule Do minion Hockey For Fourth Year PORT ARTHUR, March 11: Broadyshouldered and smiling as ever, Md "Phat" Wilson Is the big reason utiy Porjt Arthur wants to keep thlf amateur hockey title of all Canada. Three times in five years, the hilly city on Lake lor has ruled hockey In the Domln- ' 'ioh.-WBlther the f&ns admit It 6r not, they" are a little bored at the i almost monotonous continuation of their possession of the Allan Cup. No other city in Canada has gained fee three-time title honor now vested in Port Arthur but backers of the tri-color team are no longer excited. In 1925, when the Ports downed Toronto Varsity, the city went frantic; in 1926, when Varsity yielded again, the fans were wild; last year, however, capture of a third title seemed almost a matter of course. But this year, there is That" Wilson, who already has handed out his own brand of body-checks on three Allan Cup brigades. No one eUe in the world has duplicated the feat except wily old Wllf V-Heureux, aged banker of Port Arthur, and this winter Wllf definitely retired. If Wilson, who is a native son of Port Arthur, can lead his youthful mates to another Canadian championship this winter and such an achievement to by no means an im-posefblHty he will have marked up a Hockey record that will place him in a niche apart from the cluster of Canada's hockey great. He will haw achieved In hockey what Walter Johnson did in baseball, what Clarence DeMar has done in marathon runs and what Bobby Jones has accomplished in golf. Last winter, the perponderant element of youth in Port Arthur's sextette carried the squad to its third triumph lost to win for Wilt and "Phat." True, the youngsters craved the fame of playing on an Allan Cup team and, too, the re sultant pro offers but the urge that exacted the last ounce of en t9in the p'lhch was thfe desire to make the old-timers happy. The kid forward line that won for Port Arthur last year is gone. Jimmy Oreighton and Bud Jarvls 'and Cliff Barton have succumbed U the guttering lure of pro hockey offers. But there are new young-stars in ttieir stead who will' be in -there fighting in the play-offs to win for "Phat" his fourth draught of ehampagne from the familiar old Allan trophy. Probably no other present day amateur has seen more of his mates snipped up by the moneyed magnates. Lome Ghabot and Alex Qray attd Bobby Oonhors, Danny Cox and Albert Pudas and old Bill Brydge, Crelghton and Jarvls and Barton Wilson has played with plenty of boys who crashed the pay-check gate and made the grade. Is Home Man For a dosen years. Wilson has been trading bumps and scoring goais in senior hockey he had been at the game ouly four years when he entered the top level of the amateur game. Most of the time, the Port Arthur defense man has stared with the home-town ooUit, though he ventured as far0 away as Iriquois Falls 40, the,wlrt,i ter of 1931-22 He was born back in '95, accord log to the records, but kind sports writes refer to his age as "about 31" In any case, "Phat" whose MOTHERS now learn value of MAGNESIA Became it li id helo- ful in keeping bablei and children healthy and happy, every mother ahouid Know about i'Ml-lipi Milk of Magneiia. This harmlem, atraort taiteleis preparation U mot efferflte in Mut ing those irmptoMi of balrin and ehll dren generally cauaed by touring food in the Bttle dijmttivc tract,.ucli ai our-McUnB, ftfqncnt yomltlng, fevt rUhnem, roue. Ai a, mad laxative, it acti gently, but eertainlT. to onen the little bowrli euintipatloa, tolds, rhlldreh' ilUeatei. A tapoonful of Phillip Milk of Mag-nata doea the work of half a pint of limf water in neutraliaing cow'i to ilk for Infant fedlne. and preventing nard rurdi. 1U many uaea for mother and child are fully etplained In the Intemtlng book "Uaeftil Information.'' It will be ent you. FREE Writ. Tha Chaa. IL PhiUipa Uimicai tto., Windsor, unt. given name is Oordonoesh't 'seem so old to lake-head fans. No 'one down that way even estimates the age of Wllf L'HeureUx, the grey-headed banker who starred with Wilson on three titled squads "somewhere near forty" is the closest they'll guess on the age of "hy tho nld-tlmer who is poarhlnc thi HpoTts'thlir season."" If the Ports get into the Allan Cup eliminations this winter, as their all-year showing indicates ,they may, Wilson will be leading another bunch of youngsters toward the Canadian title. But they have all seen the Allan Clip hanging around Port Arthur1 these last few years. It"st nothing new, now. They'll be hot on the trail of another champioiiship for "Phat"j dui mat unneara-oi acnieve- ment, a fourth Canadian hotkey title for a single city, will be Just art incidental lure. Park. Sport Chat The draw for the semi-finals of the Scottish Association football eup competition resulted as follows: Hamilton Aeademlaals vs. Par-tick Thistles at Celtic Park. ' Hearts vs. Rangers at Hampden The matches will be played on March 22, a week from next The first week of training ' in Florida for New York Yankees de veloped one Important fact the club made no mistakes when it secured Amerlcus Polll, right handed pitcher from the St. Paul club of the American Association. Polll has made a great impression on Manager Bob Shawkey and seems certain to make the major league grade. He is 26, has a good fast ball. a good curve and a baffling change of pace. Bert Barry, professional sculling J champion, will defend his title on the Thames River at London 'on May 31 for the first time since he won the crown by defeating the Australian oarsman. Major Oood-sell .at Vancouvef, la October of 1928. He will race Ted Phelps over the four mile and a quarter univer sity cour.se on the. Thames. Phelps, son of "Bossy" Phelps, famous row ing coach, will row a special shell built by his father. BIG MEET HAMILTON Great Variety of Events Will Be Contested When Empire Athletes Gather in Canada HAMILTON. March 11-Stars In their own line, boxers, wrestlers, swimmers, oarsmen, bowlers, ten nis, rugby and soccer players are all ready for the first British Empire Games to be held here Aug. 16 to 23. Through days, weeks and months of strenuous exercise, they are preparing for the greatest test that many of them have ever fac ri that of competing with th stars from all parts of the Britftl Empire this summer. The Empire Games are not to be Confused with the Olympl games. whlcTi are held every four r i: I ng International peace. The Em pire meet Is simply a gathering of athletes from the Empire, s. sort of get-together. At the Olympic games in 1928, the idea was formed, and once the ball started rolling it gathered Impetus at every turn. The opening ceKmoriles will be held Saturday, August 16. Ama. teur athletes Who are British subjects and have resided for six months in the country they represent will be allowed lo take part, the definition being that df the Imperial Olympic Committee. There are to be contests in athle tics, boxing, wrestling, rowing swimming, lawn tennis, bowls and rugby and association football, in tne aimeucs eacn country may enter four competitors for each event and sb for the Marathbii fdr TTij twtfnffc will! Ka 1 For men 100. 200, 400. '800,' fcrv- Boo, B.noo, ana ioi)oo metres, Mar- atnon or 26 miles, 385 yards; 3,000 I metre steeplechase. 110 metres hurdles and 400 metres hurdles: high Jump; long Jump; hop, step) and Jump; pole vault: throwlhg tne javiin; tnrowing the dlscUi; putting 16-pound shot and throw- in nuirinff. iur to ir.t aenufM Phil. ,n8 Jo-pound hammer, llpa unk-'fi Magneiia. iToctora have pt-1 For women 100 metres; 200 m acrited it for over w yean. tre; 800 metres; 110 metre hurd- lesj high Jump throwing the dts-q four! "Svlth coxswain, and eights cus and throwing the Javlln. For schoolboys, Hinder 20) 100, 200, 400, 800 .and 1,900 metres; 110 metre hurdles; high Jump: jump"; pole vault; throwing Javllh; throwing th discus; , . . i t a i putting tne iz-pouna snot. Jteky raees.4letu.iO0metres. arid 1,500 metres. -Wornerr-00; . Schoolboys 400 and 1,600 met res. In wrestling1 and boxing each country may inter two persons In each category, but can have only one competitor in each. The categories are: , Flyweight, 112 pounds; bantam 1 18 pounds; Jeather 128 pounds;; light 135 pounds; welter 147 Each country y make two entries in eaeh event, but only one mav fcomoete One1 reserve is al- pounds', middle 163 pounds; light lawn tennis, which includes singles heavy ltS, ahd heavyweight, over , and Roubles, and singles for boys 191 pounds. land girls under M, and bowling, The rowing events will be single including singles. SooU doubles EtullStf double sculls, coxless fours, and rinks. 4 1 .Ail -f ... . Maim fTTJA3fl Yd . I !itn&n A commemoration medal will be given to every competitor, and there are three . prizes, for, every long lowed 'for the sculling events, two medals. In team events-, each mem- theifor the fours and four for the ber of the winning team will re and heights. - Marine Events ThojEwlm-ojiig. vg4awni Jm event-'-gold. silver and bronze ceive a similar medal and also a diploma. LI3abb Robinson-aI . . this cityi - Men 100 yrd free style; 100 manager of the meet, is in Great yafd-batJrstrove; 280 yaamraat-tminnn -afpTgsgnt,- settling the stroket 400 y rds ftoe style; 1,500 yards free s'yle; diving from a springboard; ' lain high diving. Team race- -men's 800 yard re lay. Women 4M yard relay. Water polo team of seven men and four substitutes. In 'addition, there will be Association Football, rugby, football. preliminary details before the Invasion begins. From present indications, it would 'appear that at least 1.000 athletes, with numerous handlers, trainers, managers, and officials will meet here. His Majesty King George haj consented to be the patron -el, the games, and tH: honorary presidents ate the Prince ot Wales and His Excellency Lord Welllngdon. The great pleasure in life is do ing what people say you cannot, - do Bagehot. GlyVy Millions TN the quest for financial independence millions of people turn with confidence to Life Insurance . . . . the one investment which can provide an income for i - old age, a reserve fund for emergencies and a paid-up estate for loved ones. Its Sri important is this form of investment that today has been set aside as Life Insurance Day. It is a day when, In fairness to yourself and family, you should discuss wkh;your wife your future financial status. Ask Yourself These Questions lflyour earnings were cut off entirely what income wriljid be available from your present savings? Do you realize that $10,000 of Life Insur ance represents a yield of only about $500 Tlay March "NORTHERN Slicker Boot cAn all-rubber, light-weight overshoe. Just the thing for Fall and Spring Seasons. Furnished in Red, Blue, Green, Fawn or Grey colors, with Jersey Collar to match. 'A style for every shoe a rubber for every purpose" LOOK roX THE TRADE MARK A com plete range of 'Northern Kubberi and Siyl-Shut i on hand to meet your need. If you lose anything, try a classified ad. iHA . : , " . a - v. s of People Have Laid the Foundation for Success on this Sound Investment a year? Would you ask yout wife and children to live on that amount? ' What'invcstmcnt other than Life Insurance offers such a sense of security . . or is so helpful when"yo'ut financial need is the greatest? Life Insurance is Thrift Life Insurance encourages systematic savings . . . it is a sure means of thrift. Year after year your premiums increase the cash value, of your insurance while you live. Its value is unquestioned when you die, Call in a Life Insurance Representative today ... Let him plan an insurance program that will care for your future obligations and lay the foundation for your success and. happiness. ermce i