We recently secured the local agency for' Helena Rubinsteins Toilet Preparations and are now featuring a complete line of scientific YalaZe Beauty Treatments for every type of skin. Literature on request. MM IHV BUI Ml MM 114. 1 WAitlh. aty sits mcB.Aib'k&lMr 37? Pioneer THIRD AVL 6 SIXTH ST. Three Graduate UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Mailing' Irum Prime Rupert :r VAM'fll VKIC. VII TOM A. S.inn Ifcty, llutedale. Ocean lull Itn. rtt.. Tiieoilay, 1:3(1 p.m. rr V.tM'OlW.ll. Vlllnlilt. Iluied.il. Alert llay. ele.. Frldav midnight .r ALICE AllM. AXOX, BTHVAKT. Naa. Hirer. Port hup.oi sun-rtuy 8.00 p.m. Itt ind Avenue K M SMITH ent Prlnte Kupert. II. C. Itrouiri t'tketl old to VirtorU aixl Seattle .and tatcare-lbecked through to deMlnsttoii HS B. C. Coast B.C COAST I I STEAMSHIPS I SBucaufinl BHI tuni fg-. SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway ' larch 8. 10. 29. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle March 12. 23. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etej Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pjn. Agents For All Steamship Lines W I Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, Phone 31 Canadian National Qfo kirgtfl Kailway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TKAIN SERVICE Sailings from rilLNCE RUPERT for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and Intermediate po!nts, Thursday & Sunday 10 p.m. For ANYOX each Wednesday at 4 p.m. For STEWART each Wednesday and Saturday at 4 p.m. For North and South Queen Charlotte Islands fortnightly. P.USKNOKK TRAINS LEAVE MINCE KITfcKT MONDAY WKINI)IY anit StllltlUY -it 11:30 -". ir MIMT: .r:t)lt(ii:. tll.MONTON, UlNMI'tU, all w4ntt tilfni (Miiada. 1'iilted Milrk AOENCV A 1.1, OCEAN STEAMsllir LINEM City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, I'rinct Rupert I'hone 2GH COAL ! COAL ! PEMBINA EG U Delivered, per ton S12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD Jl ST ARRIVED, NEW SHIPMENT OF BIRCH AND JACK PINE MILL ENDS Per load $4.50 BOX CUTTINGS Per load 3.a0 HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 COAL I'uy the real Coal our famous Edson and Cassldy-Wellington in any quantities. Also Bulklcy Valley Hay, Grain and Robin Hood Flour. Pnnce Rupert Fe Cc I'UONES 58 AND 558 Dr Alexander piiosp, 7s' HRMN'F.H IILOf'K DENTIST r ' "gmaosaajyiaa Early Ad. Copy Druggists 'TELEPMONF.S 8?6 20C Pharmacists Alert Steamship Service i LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 69 Cartage, Warehousing, anu Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize In Plane ann Furniture Movlnir. i m'AMJ OK CHARGES TIip following is the scale of charges made for readimj notices: JL IlUtl, KnU.'UA TiOc. 1 r ill, ill 4 Csnls of Thnnk, $2. Funeral Notices $1. Funeral Flowers 10c per t.atne. 4 4 is appreciated Local Items 4 a Tnxl Phone 4, Big 4 Taxi, tf Glasses fitted Dy registered optometrist it Hcilbroncr's Store, (tf) Semi-final iiaskbaH garlics ill; at 750. x- Jg :' : 63 Mr. and Mrs. Alex Strang of An- yox are passengers aboard the Ca-Jtala this afternoon bound for a ; trip to Vancouver. ; R. Boyd -Young, well known Port j Simpson merchant, is a passenger (aboard the(.patala this afternoon 'bound for" a trip to Vancouver on i business. The Young People's Society of First United Church cancelled thei mpAHntr tihlph ftno. rheriii1ori fnr ' last evening. Next Monday evening, the society will visit Rupert East I Church to play badminton and the week after will have a regular meeting. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, delayed by having calls to make in the Naas River southbound arrived in port at 1.15 this afternoon from Anyox, Stewart and other northern; points and after loading frozen, fish from the Canadian Fish, & Cold Storage Co, sailed for Vancouver' and way-points. JudgeJ. McB. Young was en- j gaged this morning and again this afternoon In hearing of argument I ' as to the admissibility of an appeal entered by the crown against a dls-! .missal in city police court by Ma- glstrate McClymont of a charge ! against A. Richmond under the IrSam Aft W V. Fthpr l rnurtSAl for the crown while L. W. Patmore I Is acting on behalf of Richmond. ANNOUNCEMENTS ! Elks' baseball dance. Elks Home. . . . . ... rTiaay, Marcn 14. Pythian Sisters Tea at Mrs. Bhenton's, 530 Eighth Avenue West. Monday. March 17. , . St. Patrick's pay .concert. Moose Hall, March 17. Mooseheart Bridge, Whist and Dance, Friday, March 21. 1 Moose Whist Drive and Dance, 1 April 4. First United Church Easter Sale) April 10. Catholic Women's League Spring Sale, April 24. Ridley Home Bazaar May 8. Presbyterian Easter Sale April 3. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel DNIirit NEW M ANAOCMRNT Strom lleafd: Traveller' Sample Koqni; Hot and Cnld Wnjrr free 114 Meet All Train and linn i Rales $1.00 and Up SPECIAL MONTHLY KATLX C. R. BIGGART & A. DONALD Pm-rtetor 1 PHONE 51 Central Rust and John Barseth, city. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. PRUDHOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. ; Savoy S. P. Kennedy? Vancouver. New Royal Hotel It Zarrlll. I'top. the no n.i, oktii urn in Hut tt Cold Witter: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone 281 , ; Royal v ; Johannes Aolard, city; C.'li. Leslie, Vancouver; White Lunch Has Reopened UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT TOE DAILY NEWS Children Coughed Day and Night Mrs. Claud Bnyr&, Beny&rd, Sak., writes: "Tha children wer coughing day and sight. "A friend told me ale had used Ii' i '4-. 1 Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup and had received good remits, to I bought a bottle of it, and in a abort time the kiddle wers all over their cold and coughing. "I have so heiitatioa itt raying it ia the best I ha?e ever' used, and I will always keep a bottle of it on hand in ease of need." Pricer 35c. a bottle large family size 60c.; at all druggists and dealers; manufactured only, by The T. Milbura Co., Limited, Toronto, Out. - . 1 Dentist, Dr. J. U. Gosse, Phone 686, We write fire Insurance in best companies at lowest rates Ilelgerson. 59 Elks' Baseball dance Friday night March 14. Ladies 50c. Gentlemen 75c. Refreshments and 5 piece hot orchestra, ' . -ui Miss E. Frances Thompson, home economics expert of' Toronto, who has been lecturing here under the auspices of the Power Corporation nf Panarta nnH trip Canadian Gen- E,ectrlc Cq natd m tne Ca. thl3 afternoon for Vancouver. m-f r fl? I I E I is 1 I Y Jl J LiiLtJLsA L X FOR RUPERT Ivecommendatinn in Retard to Possible Local industries Made The Publicity Committee of the .Board of Trade consisting of f IL IJ.. F. F. uiien. cnaiqnan, rraiut bb'and J-W, McKniev.nasrepoi Ml lA'replyltf TS!. oe sei depa Mr. N. S. McGulre, Debartment of 'Colonization, Edmonton, Alberta, wear air: in repjy wja quewtign-aire from your department of the C. N. Railway as to business opportunities, In this district, we wjah t drw vouOpiUpn to.-ftecf that e rfem jLJfa. (nToYatjon, jpX Canada,., (s .constructing the fjrst unit of a M.ljeo, horsepower . hydro-electric plan near this city and will have an abundance of power to sell In the fall of this year. This suggests the con struction of mills and factories, particularly flour mills, pulp mills, rayon 3llk mills, shingle mills, Cottonwood veneer mills, railway car shops, sash and door factory. In addition there are possibilities for a tourist hotel, wholesale hardware, wholesale dry goods, wholesale stationer and paper supply: The development of coal areas not far away suggests the establishment of a gas works, smelter and possibly a plant for .the manufacture of coal products Th,e large demand for cans in conection with the fisheries would suggest the )rrttallatloiv,of a can f actiiry. Plants for the handling, of herring, cod, crab and other fish are la possibility especially in connec-, tlon with the recent demand for filleted fish. Retail businesses are already well represented but there Is probably room for businesses catering to the tourist trade, which promises to increase every year. There Is very little farm land within 100 miles of Prince Rupert, but there is good hunting and fishing within a rea-ionaoie radius. For quick results try a "want-ad" in the Dally News. PRINCE RUPERT Finnish and Steam Bths tuu c,arid.Mas.$age Treatments . Excellent for colds arid Rheumatism Open 2 p.m. to 12 p.m. Cor. Second Ave. & Sixth St. Phone, Black 764 Ladles' Days Thursdays and Fridays Lady Attendant HHk jL'm BH& f&m J. S. McGOWAN, Manager of the Colonization and Agriculture Department of the Canadian National Railways in Western Canada, who has been appointed Assistant Director of the same department, with headquarters in Montreal. POLICY TO KEEP SEA HIGHWAY OPEN TRADE AND COMMERCE WORLD (Continued from page one) United Kingdom proposes that the general agreement should run till 1936 and that In 1935 a further conference should be called to re view tne situation In relation to world conditions. Governments will be asked at the present Confer ence to agree to make all adjust ments necessary In their programs and existing strengths by a date to be fixed before the end of 1936, and It wtll be suggested that the conference In 1933 should deal with the situation after 193li. With these considerations and alms in mind his Majesty's Gov eminent In the United Kingdom makes the following proposals for the consideration of the Confer ence: 1 It believes that an agree ment should not only be upon tota' ftonnage igobal tonnage), but n, the slae of Individual ships n the various recognized fleet cat .egojifis and the amount of ton- nosr which nations use In each of the categories capital ships aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroy ers ana suomaruies. 2' Within cruiser category only 't is proposed that transfer should bfl permitted out of , the 8-lnch claw into the 6-inch class on a percentage to be arranged. l Ills Majesty's Government In United Kingdom will be prepared o consider transfer of tonnage be tween these categories to take account of the special needs of the owers In question. (4) No -replacement of existing eapiii shio should take place be fore the next conference In 1935. and that m the meantime the whole question of capital ships. their number, sise and gun call bre should be the subject of nego- tiat'.on between the powers which have built them. 5 His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom consider. that the evolution of the aircraft vrlrr both In tonnage and In cal ibre of gun should be limited. The-government proposes that a inerai agreement should not chan.w the tonnage limit of 8-Inch "rubers orovlded for in the Wash- 'ngton Treaty, but fix that of the mailer v?3:ls of about 6,000 to 7.000 tons. i7 The government proposes that the limit of sice should be: for destroyer leaders 1.8S0 tons with 5-Inch guns (maximum) and 1.500 tons for destroyers, also with 5-Inch guns (maximum. (8) His Majeety's Government In the United Kingdom proposes t '.'j a bo. 1 tlon or the submarine, or wit" also propose to revive the Tpment signed at Washington ' n February 6. 1032, to regulate the attack of merchant ships by submarines. Daily News "Want Ads" bring ! mick result A Tonic and a Miihty hftne Beverage! Suowine OUnUtlon (ram mn niwl icitwl tOTUmaaui brr witntM to thm nmukMe hlt hbuildinf propeniM of Br. HkUon's 'iunio titvut and AJ. itaul it: I hiw trkj IV. Vnm'i Tonic Aleaotl I futj ll the hett tonic lhan mi taken. tleM en J me four pc kagn of Tonic Ale anj foue pacaagea of Stooi.H A 7So puraan tniin 3 niton of tliia di-iieioiM, hraldiiul and rrlnahinf bavor-Mr.Siiioa 18J7 Dr. WaUon'aTouieStout and Ait Laa been popular ia KagUad. Sold br I Ornir. Ud. i-i.nr.' Hupert. 1 Mint Co.. I.lmltel 13'Kl I'.lthnriN St.. Vaiiroaver. 11.C. as PKINCE RUPERT GETS VALUABLE PUBLICITY IN SPECIAL ARTICLE ON PEACE IN MCLEAN'S MAGAZINE. (Continued from page one) , the same. . spx. , Prince. . .Qeprge , In the case of Hazelton a greater length of new railway ; would' 'be required than if the last link of the i (P.O.E were built to Prince George and a line carried on from that point to the Peace. New construction necessary from Fort Fraser would be about the same as from j Quesnel via Prince George to Pouce ; Coupe. i ....... 4 rl 1 m iHiivc iupctk vmiili It la nnt Jtnrnrisinc that the Prince Rupert people are strongly j In favor of having the Peace River railway built from either Hazelton or Fort Fraser, and eliminating the possibility of, grain being shipped by the P.G.E. to Squamlsh or by some alternative route to Vancou ver. It Is also perfectly natural that the residents of Prince George should staunchly oppose any route which would result In connections being made elsewhere than at their city and are consequently aligning themselves with the Vancouverltes in the dispute which Is raging over this vexed question of a Peace Riv er outlet Irrespective of what route ' is eventually selected as the one to connect the Peace River district ih h. . rnnntrv Hrh in lmhr onrt wnt.rnnm will be opened up, and In the case of most of the suggested lines con-, slderable grazing and agricultural! land will also be rendered available i for settlement. While the length of the haul and cost of construction will be Important factors In deciding the route eventually followed, attention will also be paid to the nature and wealth of the country through which the line will pass. One consideration Is the fact that one-way traffic Is not sufficient to keep a railway going and that return freight will have to be provided from whatever port Is chosen as the Pacific terminus Of the line. Closer to Orient "Prince Rupert being closer to the Orient than Vancouver, a line' from the fcrmer city connecting with eastern railways would be of considerable advantage In the silk trade,' as It is claimed that before a steamer' from the Orient could reach any southern port, silk landed at Prince Rupert would be on Its way from Edmonton to New York. On the other hand, Vancouver at present controls the great bulk of the Pacific trade, and It might be expensive and difficult to build up this trade at Prince Rupert and more expensive and difficult to build It up at Stewart." Galvanized Iron, Pipe Fit tings, Belting, Etc. J Pull line of new and used Oslr. and' Black Pipe and Fitting: new Rubber Bert. 1 to 13-lneh: als? Pyrsmld Hair Bolt, test Erllih mako. very durable: new Corrugated Irori. S, 8 and 10 It. sheet, almsys In stock; vued mt ; Oil. Sheet. 30-lnch by 10 it. fui: ' stock ot Steel Split Pulleys: Potato and ursin Bt"u: aurora wire; wire nope; Canvas; Doors: Windows; Roof-lug Pelt: Oarden sad Air Hom: Bonn Chains: Merchandise and Equipment ot all descriptions. Enquiries solicited. -133 roweii at. Vancouver. B.C. B..C. JI NK CO. PAGE TIIREI5 DISTRIBUTORS Mail Schedule For the East Mons.. Weds., & Sat3. 10:30 ajn. From the East Suns., Tues. & Thurs. 3:30 pjn. For Vancouver Sundays .4:30 p.m. ...Tuesdays .. 12:30-p.m. Thursdays 9 p.m. naays lx p m Mar. 12 and 23 pjn. from Vancouver Sundays J4 pjn. Vednesdays -.10:30 ajn. Fridays pjn. Saturdays 10:30 pjn; Mar. 19 ancf 29 , ajn. For Stewart and Premier- Sundays :...7 pjn. Wednesdays . 3 pjn. I". Saturdays rIav?'"1 and P"mier- w I L,114 Tuesdays 11:30 ajn. Thursdays .. . 8 pjn, To Naas River and Port Simpson-Sundays 7 pjn. From Naas River and Port Simpson-Tuesdays 11.30 ajn. To Queen Charlottes March 8 and 22 ajn. From Queen Charlottes-March 6 and 20 ajn. For Alaska March 19 and 29 .9 pjn. From Alaska March 12 and23 pjn. For Anyox and Alice Arm-Sundays P-m. Wednesdays ,3 pjn. From Anyox and Alice Arm . ucouajro a an. Thursdays .8 pjn. the best ifrilk for the best cooking. Twice as rich in cream as fresh milk. RECIPE BOOK FREE Use Coupon The Borden Co. Limited. Homer Arcade Bldg., Vancouver Dept.A73. Peasa tend ma true St. Churl Rcip Book. Name., Address. TJ TIT WANTED We want active distributors, to whom will be siven exclusive territory rights, to handle the Garles Gurd complete line of beverases. Eastern Canada knows the high ?uality of Gurd's Ginger Ales, linger Beer and other beveragesknows them through three generations of appreciative customers. The West Indies, South America, India these hot countries import Gurd's refreshing Dry Ginger Ale in large quantities. We now wish to distribute Gurd's across Canada. We need distributors who will put the same enthusiasm into selling our products as we put into their waiiuiatiuic. - CHARLES GURD 8c COMPANY LIMITED 1016 BLEURY STREET MONTREAL High Clou levaragai Establiihad 1863 Advertise in "The Daily News"