T.'.lv.y, December 12, 1830. CI I ( )f. RBWT-ruoina tmd Ui"OS. l J- r e US assine KOH S.AT.J; rt KAPRST White Wewaprtn Paper i,,: wrappbw, r ether prp?. mnv he bo'ifrht ton inta a cot' :i long ai they lam, natty News FOK KENT H'J'.M tor xet. Phone 01, avj pi, AT TOR MINT Wallaea Blav Knnuire Fi.'RMfWiBD Anartmoatt ior'rent vu,)h MussdJlcm Otoocty, phone 18. ILAT for 'ant f-ir Toe-n". ;i" hr.th. tf and ?i'ton Phr- MS : jrj! RBNT 6-room hOMac wl Doth an At'ln Avenue. Pbor Mlr.ck 7. Modern house. . bat)). Apply Mut )H RUNT Clean well furntaht-.l modern ftpyUmnU. Patawr a. irNBMits. Phat Had 444. t f Tallest Cosy Two & Thm- Roomed Apartment of deetric light ami a i li'T Rentals IM" u fiomorim-i DVKIl APARTMENTS IRD AVI:. SITUATIONS WANTED New and Second-Hand Goods Bought, Sold or Exchanged W. H. Montgomery . . . ... in.. ii M9 3rd Avenue Phone Blue AUCTIONEER PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART We buy, srll or exchange any kind of furniture or household Roods, musical instruments machinery, etc. Oeneral repairs, crating, packing and shipping. Workmanship guaranteed. Just phone DlacK 120 and we will call. G. J. DAWES, Auctioneer Federal Ulock. " A Itylly News vranvad . will bring results. d Ads CHIROPRACTIC Sunshine and Red Kay Treatments Nervous. Female and Childrens' Ulseaxs Specially Treated W. C. ASI'INALI. (Chiropractor) Phone Green 241 0 it 7 Exchange Blk. tOpp. Orme's) j NOTICE TO CREDITORS in rut mrvm the istati o OBOBQff anaofr mrcAsxp alia- HOSTYS tKMAK UM JTJRKO RKl UK AUAB JUtWCO JBKIDHT. NOTICE V Ms h-av.au bote ftsea ht til per-cUlau against l kov .. law ox Ansb .. Uu.J b.rfivi - - rmerljr 01 'he City o:" Pri: re Rupert. tlio Pi"nc. : Br.l.th Columbia. 'ttuMto. wh'i lxl al Ancb reiie alorc- .i.n'.. mi -n i.k my i rtotwa; i. un : ,u lo ttnj par.loUlttJ-:) !if. ci il:' -Uf;4. t': Ibc undlr Sr.trt .n ur iw. r- 6tn Uuy of Jh iry. 1!1 Kf" which rt.il It wffl r:n" 0 I u nr!bi.:t '.li. i -icU ol uscaand dnr-in the pttz ns tntitlefi .Mtu. huv.n rnant only u nr clataM of which It kH tben have had boMm. . PMMM at Vannmr. BC- tbls Iftb Hay of oviibw. hp. 1M0 S14 Punier atreM Han. VaiiriiitMr, Adatnutntar r th btacr if atMM-mtntioncd Oeorgt Ektri iff. DoaMued wltBin rn" Pr-vinae ( Brltuh Columbia, oai rtt-io-n Nelson's Beauty Parlor Croftflfnok Permanent Ware Guaranteed $7.60 Skilled artiaU in all branches of PHoPitHTT Moalrs. Plata toirnl- bmitir etiltiue tt:rc mmB. J wuue. nwicizil Third Street rnonc uiue oi VitiVAlg stmogmplier. 516 tth AGENTS WANTED Wood and Coal Cheer upf The best was coming. Kn It's Here Try our new coal lust arrived " IcASEVS CARTAGE & FUEL CO. " V "M n- 5'turw Telephone - 308 a it. Mtnluture Golf Planning C-olf Company. 449 Church St Toronto. IHgyANU.ROOM BOARD and Beom. Pb4e U TOT. uuom and BamKL Phone Red 1 TRANSFERS i AMEROra Traasfar Phone 17 Dry Birch, Cedar and Jack Ptoe tf UhD'S TRANaVW. Cartage and Furniture Moving. Phone t. tf 8AI.VAUE ANP TOWING "If It's on or under the wat" ' T'ncificSSvageCo. Ltd. Kul'y BqulMMd lor Dlvmg and Oeneral Salvage Wark AenU for LAST1IOPE ENGINE BoaU and Scows of ail doacrtp- tinns for Charter Row Boats and Canoes lor Hire Bargains in Gas Enilnes Northern BX. Dlstrtoutor Coolldge Propcllfrs Bund and Gravel in any quantity delivered anywhere by water Phone. Day or Night S4 PO Hni 1R64 SECOND-HAND unALEUS MRS. JAMES CLARK . Palmistry and Crystal Reading White House XtS Setond Ave. TeIihone Z(H 1931 Wallpapers Now in stock SUVERSIDBS BROS. Third Avenue A guaranteed, hand painted enlargement from your own snapshot or photo. Frames, 25r; to 50s: lower prted than competitors. Phono or write. WESTERN SALES COMPANY P O Bx 158 Central Hotsjl TYPEWRITERS No thr valtif ariw.-h the ieelal UEUUILT UNDERWOOD 5 $75.00 Very trtirtu , All wr mukf trtmi SIS.w Hl NllMIUMl A11IM1 MACHINE United Typewriter Co. Ltd. VANcntiveit. r Singer Sewing . Machines On Easy Monthly Payment! As low as 3.00 per tnonth Cheaper to tuy than rent All makes of machines McRAE BROS. LTD. C. N..R. TRAINS From East-Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, a:ju pan. COMEDY IS For Bast MQnaay?, wc""".yj . B and Saturdays, 11:30 aXtil" DELIGRTFUL Continued from pajre one) solo and chorus numbers Just before the opening curtain last night, D. H. Hartness, principal of the High School, made a few remarks. He was deeply appreciative of the fine support that had been given by sueh a large audience. He .wisheq. to convey thanks Ur i Moose Order for donation of 'hall, to Walter HoWarth for sup-' plying the orchestra, to Earl Barrie for loaning furniture, to the parent for their assistance in connection with costumes and to the aud- lence which had turned out In such large numbers, Story of the Play "The Gypsy Rover" Is built around the .character of Rob, later known as Sir Gilbert Howe, taken by J. W. Plommer. Rob Is stolen dramatic talent, and these haveiwieri an Jniam, rjy nia nurse, Meg ; been takeri ood advantage pfftbyWMlss Eleanor Tite). -who later oe-ttie youthful players. 'V femes' theVtfe of Marto, a gypsj Mhw Molly Delaney makes a very' (Bob Moxieyj. kod grows w mau-capable accompanist for the many hood .ampng the gypsies believing Meg and Marto to be his parents It happens one day, while riding with her fiancee, Lord Craven (Billy Vance. Lady Constance Mar-tendale Miss Cathie Eastman) be come lost in' the 'woods. They wan-der to theeypsy camo whr? "t'- the stance and Rob meet and fall in the love at first iight. Craven object ! to Rob's attitude, but in a very funny comedy scene with Marto and Sinfo (Bert Cameron), he is made to tell Sir George iTom Marshall), who later comes in search of Constance, that Rob Is a charm- ; SInf o and Zara (Miss Edith Kergln ) . ing fellow. They plan to" elope, but i The First Act, set in a gypsy en-are overheard by Craven who in- xampment, was bright with the col-forms Sir Oeorge, and plans are j orful gypsy costumes of chorus and inade to capture Rob. This is sue- principals. Features of the act were ( cessf ully accomplished and Rob Is ! the rapid succession of bright chor-thrown into prison, iut later es- j uses and a scene in which Rob capes. 'cings the theme song! "Fairyland" Two years elapse andrRob cdn'tortheSypscHridrei?rt r'Ui."t!-i into his estates, his identity having , The second' act -inset? In ra rroom beep proven by Meg. lie becomes a successful composer, and a social Wheat is in Sir Oeorge Martendale's house. Principals and chorus appear in mfrk "pult. King! HELP OUR CANADIAN FARMERS DISPOSE OF 6,800,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT YEARLY . EAT TWO EDDE HEAT FACTS FTC2 Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert December 12, 1910 Dr. Spencer, C. W. Peck and O. Nadeo.wejre speakers in support let at a large meeting in the Empress Theatre. At noon t6day one of Lindsay lion. Constance has remained true i dress suited to the eurroundines. I Bros, heavy teams took fright and to her love for Rob and on hii re- The act is featured by a duet sung I baited along Third Avenue from turn to England, he woos and wins by Rob and Constance, a humorous ' p iltbn SUxct to the Junction where her for hi wife. As Rob says, "The good fairies have led me to the robbery scene" by Sinfo and Marto, i tiie horses were stopped by George and a sentimental meeting between i Bckprman of Lynch' Bros,' sUff. beautiful country after all, and our , Nina. Constance's sister, and Capt. story, Constance, can end in ithe Jerome. Minor parts are tajcen 6y proper way, They lived happily sir Toby Lyon (Earl G-brdori,), So ever after.'" ' PrancW McCorkle (Oscar Fulton) The comedy scenes are played by and the butler (Rupert Ross). Sinfo and Marto. Variety Is given The last act shows the return ol to the main story by the changing Rob, who has now recovered his lost fortunes of Nina (Miss May Jones), name and states, and his reunion and Jerome (Wizner Bryant), and with Constance. j A court, pf revision consisting of Mayor Stork, Aid. F. E. Mobley and ; Aid.- A. A. Mclntyre sat today to 'vorudtter the municipal voters' list r the civic election next month. Jv Vmiii Ads" bring Hasssm Biscuits each day and you will be reducing the surplus of Canadian Wheat Every part of the whole wheat grain is used in Shredded Wheat which, with milk, supplies all the elements that are needed by the human body. And besides helping our Canadian Farmers, you will be helping yourself to health at the cost of a few cents. 9,000,000 CANADIANS can help save Canada's largest industry The Canadian Shredded Wheat Co;j Ltd. Niagara Fails, Canada ( li jThg ygejjfuser of exclufivelyjOanadian Wheat among Cereal .Manufacturers-of MADE IN CANADA BY CANADIANS OF CANADIAN WHEAT ONLY i..'4 h m mil ii : II;