\‘e THE DAILY NEWS PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. 8. F. PULLEN, MANAGING EbIToR. {SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail—Canada or Great Dritain, in advance, per year $6.00, To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50 TELEPHONE 98, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING — 75 cents per inch. Contract Rates on application. i919. Bl > og rhursday, Oct. 30, KOLCHAK GETS {CLUBSMOKER BIG CREDITS —- LAST NIGHT FROM BANKERS mombers of Prince Rupert Club Give Send-off to J. A. Thomp- J, F. Matheison. Great Britain Financed Russia in. on ape Immense Sums Since 1917; International Bankers Have Confidence in Admiral. DAILY EDITION, A smoking concert and at lrome was given by the members of the Prince Rupert Club to bid adicu ito two members, J. A. Thompson | and J. F. Matheison who are leay- | ing the city tonight to start in . business for themselves at Port- ‘lasd, Oregon. J | The club rooms were thronged LONDON, Oct. — 30; — Cecll with members and their friends Harmsworth, under Secretary T | and while many played cards and Seenign MS Oe ae | Billiards, music was nT by iah Wedgwood: in» the OT everyone. The members and vis- Commons said that Constantine cae were given a great treat in Nabokolf, who represented Rr *- the singing of George H. Eaton, sia at London, had received: frets | manager of the Cardiff Colfieri»s Great Britain between Mai! 4+ bamonton, who was in the cily 4017 and Maren 4949 when n° with W. Be Hinton atid Part. : ae as a fine bass voice, deep arid 000,000. Sabin, who succee full, and he sang a great many Nebase®, now, cooupwe me abit songs much to the delight of those bassey as representative of \\\- present. W. Vaughan Davies was miral Kolchak, A wireless at the piano.and among thé sin:- Sage eae wpe 1 om Ylers were T. H. Johnson, Geor-¢ states that international bank's \Woodiand, and J. G. Steen. The have advaneed Admiral Koleh vk Hawaiian trio played and sane -eredits amounting to $50,00°.- | ihpoughout the evening and their oe ailients Oct 30.—Wintor music was much enjoyed. eGo Ov — At the close the paity joined in moving southwards from the A “ no of Sieionnd sann lic regions, is now coming to t “They Are Jolly Good Fellows and “Auld Lang Syne.” aid pf the Bolshevik troops ‘1 Petrograd, and the ability of Ge . MANY UNACCOUNTED FOR. IN WRECK OF ‘MUKEGOY eral Yudenich to capture the f mer Russian capital, before c: .| weather put an end to hs ca MUSKEGON, Mich., Oct. 30. Twenty-one persons are unar- counted for today and fourtecno spaign seems doubtful. The Sovi.t are known to have lost their liv forces south of Petrograd app: to be in a position to prolong t 'in the wreck of the lake steam: “Muskegon.” defence of the city for an in: inite period, which fact seems !» ELECTORS FAVOR ANNEXATION have upset the plans of the Anti- PARIS, Oct. su-—Reports Bolshevik leaders. ceived here from Ffume regar- ing the election of members «f the new Communal Council 8° ow 6,688 votes for the straight an- 'nexationist ticket and only 186 for Professor Scanila, who broke with Gabriel d Annunzio. WINTER SEASON HELPS SOVIET IN PETROGR. (Special by G.T.P. Telegraphs.) 4 rs A very pleasant and enjoyable dance was given by the St. An- drew’s Society , aledonian Foot- ball Club) in the St. Andrew's ha!|! last night. The affair took tic) form of a Cinderella and was en-'! joyed by all those present. Kv- cellent music was as usual pro- vided by Harvey's orchestrn. T! affair broke up shortly after mic night. R. J. MeDonnel| returned froin up-river Tuesday evening. $400 GIVEN IN CASH PRIZE {st Prize $200 Cash. 2nd Prize $100 Cash. 3rd Prize $50 Cash. Special Prizes, $50 Cash. These prizes go to those who secure the largest number of new subseribers to the Daily News. The competition is deeide:! by points which are earned on new subseriptions as follows: City Circuiation. Out of Town Circulation. 4 Moath, 750. ..... 75 point —_—_—— 6 Months, $4 ..... 450 points i Month, 50c. ...... 50 points 4 Foamy GO os ts 54 1,000 points | 6 Months, $3 ....... 350 points 2? Years, 606"... .... 2,000 points | 1 Year, $6 ........- 800 points Renewals, City or Outside. On every dollar collected, 50 pts. SPECIAL CASH BONUSES. Anyone turning in ten fully paid up new yearly subscriptions during the first week of entering the contest gels a starter’s bonus of $10. Anydne during the course of the contest securing 100 fully paid yearly subseriptions gets a Century Bonus of $100 in addition lo any prizes or commissions otherwise earned, Every competitor, whether the winner of the four big prizes or not stands to make a substantial sum, according to the amount collected. Nominations for the competition should be on the form here- with and its receipt at the office starts the competitor with 100 points. Nominate yourself or a friend, but each contestant can be nominated only once. The contest manager wil! be in the office only from 4:30 to 6 each afternoon, when every information will be given intending competitors. aah bed Me bERL Os Car Ka 8 sis aes bade bers 549s ! hereby nominate as a contestant in your Prize Competition: ee 6 ee Add ress RN Nr i ——————————————e— Tuk SUFFERED DAY AND NIGHT The Tortures of Dyspepsia Relieved By “Fruit-a-tives” Lorrie Baas D'or, C. 1 “T was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia and Constipation for years. I had pain after eating, belching ga., constant headachesand did not sleep wellat night. Finally, @ friend to/d me to try“ Frytt-a-tives”. In aweek, the Constipation was corrected and soon Iwas free of pain, headaches and that miserable feeling that accompanics Dyspepsia. I continued to take this splendid fruit medicine and now I am well, strong and vigorous’, ROBERT.NEWTON. SOc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruil.a-tives Limited, Ottawa, —=—_—_———<_[_—___=_——_—————___—_ NOTICE is hereby given that the reserve existing over Lots 1819 and 1820, Qucrn Charlotte District, by reason of a noticr iblished tn the B, C. Gazette of 271th 1907, ts eancelled. G. R. NADEN, Deputy Minister of Lands Department of Lands, 22nd September, 1919. “ember, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH) COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE HUGH MacPHERSON MARTIN, CEASED, INTESTATE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN of an order made by His Honour Judge Young, Local Judge, in the above matter on the 9th day of Ucto ber, 1919, as follows IT 18 ORDERED that J. H. MeMuliin, OMcial Administrator for a rtion of the County of Atlin, be allowed to swear & the death of Hugh MacPherson Martin as having occurred on the 4th day of August, 1919, one month from the date of the first publication of notice of this order unless in the meantime proof ts furnishec the District Registrar of this Court at Prince Rupert that the said Hugh MacPher- son Martin was living subsequently to the ith of August, 1919. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the said J. H. MeMullin publish notice of this wder in the Prince Rupert Daily News, a newspaper published at the City of Prince Rupert, B. C., onee a week for 6 oeriod of one month. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this torh lay of October, A. D. 1919, J_H. MeMULLIN. NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF an application for he issue of a fresh Certificate of Tittle t Lot Nine (9), Block Thirty-one (31 Section Seven (7), City of Prince Rupert, Men 923). NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that I) | my intention to issue after the expiration f ove (1) month from the first publica ton hereof, a fresh certificate of title to he above mentionet land« . the name of Esther McKenzie, which certifeate of title was issued the 22nd March, i911, and is numbered 427-1. H. F. MACLEOD, District Registrar of Tit'es and NRegisiry Office, Prince Rupert, B. C., 22nd day of September. 1919 IN PROBATE. 'N THE SUPREME COURT COLUMBIA. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTIHA TION ACT — end - 'N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE (F or J. DUNN, DECEASED INTES< TAKE NOTICE that in’ order of His Honour F. McB. Young, made the 17th da OF BRITISH of October, A. D. 1919, I was nte Administrator to the estate of Robert J and Service Dunn, deceased, and all parties having} ™ claims against the said estate are hereby o to eequired to furnish same, properly verified g to me, on or before the 17th day of No- vember, A.D. 1919, and all parties in- debted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. JOHN H. MeMULLIN, OMcial Administrator F. T. Bowness DATED this 17th day of October, 1919 MANAGER IN PROBATE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTHA TUN ACT —— and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GUSTAF ALBIN JOHNSON, DECEASED, INTESTATE, Honour F. McB. Young, made the 16th day of October, A. D. 1919, | was appointed Johnson, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are herebs required to furnish same, property verified, to me, on or before the 17th day of No vember, A. D. 1919, and all parties in debted to the estate are required to pa) the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. JOHN HH. McMULLIN, OMcial Administrator. Dated this 17th day of October, A. D. 1919. LAND AGT ee SKEENA LAND DISTRIGT—DISTRICT OF COAST, RANGE 4 TAKE NOTICE that Mark Smaby, of Ocean Falls, B. €., occupation ineeee, in ‘ends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: Commencing at 4 planted at the west end of 4 bay on the south shove of Swindle Island, and directly north ‘f Sandstone Reefs; thence east 40 chains; thence south 40 chains; thence west 46 ehains; thence north 40 chains to point of commencement, and containing 160 aei- more or less. MARK 8MA Nate, Juiy @4th, 1040. = LAND AOT Notice of Intention to Appi to Lampe Lande In Skeena Land Disinet. Recording Dis triet of Cassiar, and situate at Alice Arm, Take notice that we, H. R. Fowler and uM. F. Kergin, of Alice Arm, occupation mariners, intend to ly for permission fo ease the following described foreshore Commencing at a post plant o bank of Kiteault River: t eh chains; thence east 80 chains more or leas to Hilance River; thence north 20 chains more or less to lot 60, thence west follow- ing shoreline to point of commencement and containing 160 acres, more or less H. RB. FOWLER, H. F. KERGIN, Dated October itth, 1918. ~~ oF) TAKE NOTICE that in order of His Administrator to the estate of Gustaf Albin | DAILY NEWS . pe oe #88 OOH Bee eee *| MAIL SOHEDULE ° see ee eet eeeee ee ee For the East. ‘s Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat- urdays at 10 a.m, From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- days at 7 p.m. for Vancouver: Saturdays ...... cvdoces 2 p. m. Bundays ....+..s+0+.+. 10 p.m Tucedays gi s'vis ot clao os Ota wea Thursday® ........... 10 p.m From Vancouver Sundays .... ceeee 10 DP. mm. Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m. *ridays .... ; a. m. aturdays .......... 10:30 a. in. eee tener ener For Anyox: a re 10 p.m. Nednesdays ...... 10 p. m SORUPGIO ciccsvcicuvs 10 p.m. From Anyox: Tuesdays ......eee00000. De Mm. “hursdays ........+. cooest eM. GORENG +s oc wewd wae cone cs p. m. Tor Port Simpson and Arrandale, Mill Bay and Wales Isiand. TGS ac ccvcvceece’ . 10 p.m. From Pt. Simpson and Arrandale. Mill Bay and Wales Island. CUPOGEID Fs 6 ce Vici cue p. m. For Port Simpson and Naas River points: BOUFGS acs chavs aos 10 p. m. From Port Simpson and WNaas River Points: WAaPGNTS ocicios cst ees Queen Charlotte islands: For Massett, Port Clements and Upper Island poiats: October 23, November, 6, 20; Dee. 4, 18; Jan. 1, 4. p.m. ‘rom Masset, Port Clements aud Upper Island points: October 24, Nov. 7, 24; Dec. 3, 19; Jan. 2, p.m. for Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points: October 17, 31; Nov. 14, 28; Dec. 12 and 20. From Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Lower Island points—- ictober 14 and fortnightly there- after. For Skagway and the Yukon. Oetober 13 and every ten days thereafter. From Skagway and Yukon. ‘riday, October 17, and every 10 days thereafter. stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp Point. For—Wednesdays 12 noon. From—Thursdays p. m. When an invitation is sent it ‘should be on a natty card. We have the very latest in gild deckl« ‘dge just like they use in Ne York — Daily News Job Depart ment. For Comfort, Courtesy~ Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 a Hotel Prince Rupert EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 per day and up. FIRST-CLASS CAFE A La “arte. The “Garland” Boarding House 416 Sixth Avenue East Near Drydock Board by Month or Week. Phone Red 245 P.R.FEED Co. Hay, Grain, Feed Seeds and Fertilizer CHICKEN FERED a Specialty Mail Orders promptly attended to P. 0. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. Clearing Sale Millinery J VERY | ADY jp. tendiy y to pur- chase a hat will Save money by takin y by taking advantage of this sal ' ait, All HATS Will be Sold at cost Cr : rit whil me early, wt le the Parkin & Ward Electric Co, L Electric Eugineers aud Contractors We carry a full line of Electric Ranges, Wash Vacuum Cleaners, Tousters hstimates furnished on House wiring and Mot MARINE DEPARTMENT Ag Rega! Gasoline Caille Perfection Motors Mosler Spark Piug The Plug that was chos« Our service department will help you to plan yo Lighting Equipment. Storage Batteries, Sw Storage Batteries charged your battery is being charg Third Avenue Lamps, Searchlichts We make Lighting Sets to Suit Your Boat (opposite Post Office) IMITED Marl Hot Plates. Grills. [poy , and Fixtures ents for Engines for trolling Titan Storage Batterie on for the Transatlant A full line of Dy itch boards, Condu etc and repaired (no time lost while ed, we have one at y: ird 8 posal... PHONE 125 Por Stewart, October 29th, Nove Massett, and Port Clements, No Southern Queen Charlotte Island Passenger Monday, W*dnesday Prince George, Edmonton AGENCY ALL S.S. PRINCE KUPERT 5.8. THURSDAY and SUNDAY MIDNIGHT for SWANSON BAY, OCEAN FALLS, VANCOUVER, VICTORIA and SEATTLE. WEDNESDAY end SATURDAY MIDNIGHT FOR ANYOX. 8. 8. PRINCE JOHN and Winnipeg, all points east and south OCEAN STEAMSHIP For imformation and reservations apply | City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. or PRINCE GEORGE SAILING mber 12th and 261 vember 6th Points, (*« 13th a tobe Bist 6 a.m. for Smithers, connections fur and Gaturdey a; i! making direct LINES Pron 260 CANADIAN. PACIFIC RAILWAY — yd LSE PACIFIC Fur rates, reserva Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points via Steamer to Vancouver and the Canadian Pacific Railway Meals and Berth included on Steamer 6.8. PRINCESS ALICE 8.8. PRINCESS MARY For Vancouver Victoria and Seattle from Prince Rupert September 9, 19, 26; October 6, For Ketchikan, Juneau, Wrangell, Skagway, Alaska, from Prince Rupe’ September 4, 15, 22; October 2, CANADIAN PACIFIC OCEAN W. C. ORCHARD, Genera! Agent. 3rd Avenue and 4th Street 97 mie 17, 43, 33. strvices tions and seilings, apply | Prince Rupert, B.C. 586 - Phone - 586 The goods on our shelves are all priced in large plain figures to aid you in your shoppiné- LINZEY’S GROCERY Phone 524 National Motor Deiivery VEGETABLES A SPECIAL Cor. Fulton and sixth Grocery (0. prompt Attention a = Do Not Risk but place your orders now for REAL HOME MADE PUDDINGS AN The Smeeton Tea Rooms Disappointment ! CHRISTMAS CAKES