111 February 24, 1030. T. The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company mncc, smelling ana Refining Department TRAIL, BRITISH COLUMBIA SHELTERS AND REFINERS ! liatcrs oX'Obld, Silver, Copper, Lead find Zinc Ores I'1' a..i.ow t Gold,-Silver, Copper, Pig Lead and Zinc r .Msmrs- TAUANAC. SPECIAL! 1 t r Klenzo Tooth Paste, 1 'Moritas Tooth CAi IVasli 70c Value "for vt 1 T:.i Mennei&'Talcum Powder, 1 Powder 9An fill T-50c mm for . .5 Wt i) Y PLATE AND CUP tm.es Il 7fw Pioneer TMinD AVE 0 SIXTH ST. Three Graduate UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Milling r ruin lrlnr It )i pert I Wifll VEK. VICTORIA. Hwuiim.ii ItJjr. Ilulnljle. Ocean lathi. Alert I 'lf TueMlay. l:3 p.m. I Vt .' lit W.H. Vlt'lllUU. Hiilfd.ile. Alert Itay. etc . Frld.iv inldnlfhl ft ttll't: AK1I. AN VOX. HTHWAKT, Naa. lUtrr. Pert Hlmtma. !un- tjtj. 8.00 p.m. I.i imi Atnue B M SMITH Kent Prince Buuert. II C Tiruuih Heket void to Victor Is and Heattle baetase theektd tbr n;h t" il-tlnllon Special Round Trip Excursion Rates Will Rc In Effect From EMHEU 25 AND GOOD UNTIL MAHCII 31 i urther Information Enquire At Local Office g$Sg?iSl B. C. Coast SAILINGS FROM PRINCE ItbriMtT To Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Bkagway : -$bruary 8th. 22nd. r"To VottrSBuver, Victoria and Seate Tcbruary 12th. 2th. Princess Mary Ocean Falls, etc., Vancouver and Victoria, every Friday, 10 pm. TRAIL SET 75c Druaetss TLLEPHONirS 8t20C Pharmacists Steamship Service National Miss Nora Rivett's name was omitted from the published list of performers on Saturday. She takes one of the important roles in "The Patsy" at Moose Hall tonight. William Balagno. former local violinist, is now located in Seattle where he is a member of the Symphony Orchestra, the leading musical organisation of the Puget Sound City. Incorporation of the Northern Drug Co., with capitalisation of $20,000 and headquarters in Stewart, is announced in the current issue of ,the British Columbia 3- zetlc, r? K Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in port at 3:18 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 8 p.m. for An-vnv nronmrt and other northern points, whence she will return here tomorrow morning ann sun oui at 1:30 p.m. The vessel brought north a rather light passenger list this trip Koand Trip Excursion tickets Prime Rupert-Vancouver and Victoria, $10.00. Agents For All Steamship Lines W" C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, Phone 31 jAnadian Qic Largeft Railway Syfttm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from PKINCE IHTEIIT for VANCOUVER. VICTORIA SEATTLE, and intermediate points, Thursday 10 pjn. I !! iiM OX and STEWART each Wednesday at 4 p.m. ' North and South Queen Charlotte Islands fortnightly. Kjund Trip Excursion Ticket Prince Rupert-Vancouver, and Victoria, 519.00 I'.sl AS:U timwh I.KAVE I'KIM'K IttU'KHT MOMMY. Ui;iN;!4)Y and sATlllllAV nt M:SO a.m. for ritlNfl: ' Oltur. IIIUIONTON. W1NNIPKU. all nliitr. Uisttm Curudu, United "-Ulev AtlF.NCY AM. tlt'EAN flTEAMIIir LlMRH rh.v Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 26i COAL Kuv Ihe real Coal our fa-J0 Irtson and Cassldy- llin-ton In any quantities. Hill-ley Valley Hay. 'lain and Robin Hood Flour. We Ruperl Feed Co 1 MfiNES 58 AND 858 oarsamscMj fxSIBQBrsssaaBaaVBSBsac9Bi jr. Alexander FIIONR 573 "KSNEH IILOCK DENTIST of Canada, Ltd. Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4, Dig 4 Taxi, tf Dentist, Ir. J. It. Gossc. Phone 086. Must clear out Jn three days. Bring 50c and see what you get. Mrs. W. A. King of Terrace is a visitor in the city lor a week or ten days, having arrived from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Praeer, who have Men visiting for some time in "the south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Ca tala yesterday afternoon. Union steamer Camosun will lie 1 coming north shortly relieving the Catala while the latter vessel is I withdrawn from service at Vancouver for two or three weeks for l annual overhaul. ! A. Snape of the Canadian National Steamships audit department in Vancouver arrived in the ; city on the Catala yesterday afternoon I from the south, being here on official business. H. D. Tee, chief operator at Dig-by Island wireless station, and Mrs.1 Tee returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Vancouver where they have been spending a two-week's holiday. i Capt. Harry Nedden of the CN.j !R. sttsunsr Prince Oeorge will, it; is understood, be one of the skippers who win go to England thUs , I spring to bring out one of the ' three new ships which are being , built at Birkenhead for the service of the company on this coast. Wlth Capt Harry Nedden In command. CNJt. steamer Prince George, which has been tied up for the winter in Vancouver, will arrive from the south Wednesday morning on regular schedule The Prince Rupert will be coming north Saturday morning and, after making a special sailing tram here for Victoria next Sunday at- tpmoon with a Oreat West Life THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TimEE Assumit conrenUqc ,'ifl4tffmwGhe Ootmty Court case of Green the prairies, will be withdrawn at land Ryan vs. the Marmot Consol-Vancouver for annual overhaul, idated Mining Co., set for hearing The Prince Charles will then take i today, was adjourned until the over the Prince Rupert's run. ar-! March court. The case Is one from riving here at the week-ends, for three trips. HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel I'Mltlt Nt:V VIANAUK.MENT Meom llenlrri: TmveJIern1 HumHr H4UMI1R: lli't und Cold Writer Vrrr l)u Meets All TrNiiM and llnulo Rates U.0A and Up . Hltl'IIL MONTHLY RATW ' 4 JOHN FRY and A. DONALD PruitrlHara PHONE 51 Central H. K. Cooper and J. O. Hartley, Cloyah Bay; J. P. Devlin, Toronto; A. McLeod. C.N.R.; P. Hutchison, Prince George. Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water in all rooms A. J. PRURIfOtMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth 8ts. Savoy Wan Soon. Vancouver; 8. Vassey and R. Smith, Houston. New Royal Hotel J. Ziirrlll. r lop. THE IIOTKI. vtourii whim; Hot Cold Water: Steam Heat 75c PER DAY AND UP Telephone SSI lt,fyal James Shaw, Vancouver, & WnrtH ren, Dlgby Island: J. Anderson and Y. Mori, city; J. H. Comer, Stewart. White Lunch Has Reopened UNI)F.t: NEW MANAGEMENT WEIGHED 163 LBS. N0W140 LBS. How one woman lost fat and gained heiiltff Many inpewto are. fullyiatrare of the health-giving proiwrties of Kruschen Salta have not yet heard of the wonderful effects these Salts have in reducing unhealthy, excess fat. My their gentle action on the liver, kidney and bowels Uiey urge theie organs to throw off the poisonous vaste matters, which, if allowed to accumulate, form fatty deposits in the body, Read how this woman losjt 'fat anil gained health t " I have taitett Kriisehen Salts every day? for nearly a 'year, and I liave not felt so well for many years. My weight has dropped from 103 lbs, to 140 lbs. All my acquaintances say how much younger and Letter I look. I feel bright and well, whereas Itefore I was always nervous and tired." Mrs. H. Try taking Kruschen Salts every mom-I ing in a glass of hot water before breakfast. Little by little the unhealthy accumulations of fat will slowly but surely disappear. A new feeling of health and vitality will follow the years will fall away as your form takes cut the slender lines of youth. FREE TRIAL OFFER If yoq hay, never tried Krasrhaitry It nrw our rtven. U hv. dtMrlUitrd gnu ITSL U'ANT- PMkMM which ntk. . MJr Xoo to prove svr cMu lor roemdf AjMw nigght fortfae .- qUkP'tS: XW. amM tl Mr reyaUr Tie. bottle tomlhrr P Ms-srtat loTiSiut C5?r J M SHt new. Tti It Wht emtd be fairer ? Stwiufvtared br E. OriStths IlachM, Ld.. MlBchnUj. Vntf (bub. I7M). Tmrx porutt: McOUirraj Una, iu, l womo. Prices lower than ever at Denny Allen Sale for next three days. Beats may be obtained for 'The Patsy" tonight at Moose Hall. Doors open at 7 JO. Lots of good seats left. 47 Thomas McMekin. returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a two weeks' business trip to Prince Oeorge and intermediate interior points. Hon. N. S. Lougheed, minister of public works, announced in the le gislature, in answer to questlonsxby T. P. Pattullo, that no contract had been let on the Summit Lake road, Fort George tllstrict, during 1929. !6twart. 1 Rev. O. II. Walby of Winnipeg.' who is on a tour of the West or 1 ganixing the Norsemen's League of Canada, arrived in the city from the East on yesterday afternoon's tru'n and will sail tomorrow af nrnoon on the Catala for Bella Coola. Dr. E. B. Paul, "British Colum bia s grand old man of education,' celebrated his eightieth birthday In Victoria last week. He Is well known in Prince Rupert through a num ber of visits here. Dr. Paul's son is A. S. f Budge i Paul, a former resident of Prince Rupert. The Moose Lodge has decided t- cancel further Saturday night Cin derella dances. At the affair last, Saturday night there was but a small attendance. Music was by the Premier Orchestra, B. J. Bacon wa3 master df ceremonies and Tea Rorvlk presided at the door. ANNOUNCEMENTS Players Club staging the The Patsy," Peb. 34 and 26 at Moose Hall. C.N.R.A. Sixth Annual Ball. Auditorium. Friday. February 28. (IB) Welsh Tea, March 1. RoyalPoiiB Bridge. Wbtot and Dance at Elks Home, Thursday March 6. "The Rebellion of Youth," FJut United Church, March 7. Moose whist Drive and d Dance aarti) 7. V TOoneeiJh' WSfa, Hilt and Dance March 10. Pythian Slaters Tea at Mrs. Shenton's, 530 Eighth Avenue West, Monday. March 17. Mooaeheart BrlcH: WhW and Dance, Friday, Man h 21. Catholic Women's League Spring Sale, April 24. Glasses fitted by registered op- tometrist at Hcilbroner's Store, (tf) Plenty of. seats left for "The Patsy." Reserve your seats- now at Orme's. tf H';A. Durniel.madd!a;lShbment ttrU JLV. M1V3 illUIillllK ui iunjr tvuiiattCB ui a iWlnnipeg bird company. Just three more davs of the Den ny Alien Sale. Larger value still lnin yesterday afternoon's train Grab parcels for 50c. Reports reaching the city are to the effect that the Timmlns Inter ests of Toronto have dropped their bond, on .the Wrlnch property at i Owen Lake. r .'';..u II. Adams sailed Saturday night by the Prince John on hi retum to Massett after a brief visit in the city. Mrs. Adams Is remaining here to receive hospital treatment. T. D. Pattullo has enquired in the legislature If any work was done on the Summit Lake road in Fort George district during 1929, if so on what basts and what was the unit cost. W. H. Manuel. CNit. travelling auditor with headquarters in Win nipeg, arrived in the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train and will be here for the next ew days on official duties. A. M. Manson, MX..A. for Omin- eca, has asked a number of ques tions in the legislature with regard to amounts received by the provincial treasurey from various govern ment agents covering coroner's fees received by them. In answer to questions asked by T. D. Pattullo, Hon. N. S. Lougheed, ainl3ter of .public works, stated in tne legislature last week that a light truck had been supplied Road Foreman Gordon of Queen Charlotte City. Gordon drives the car when necessary, Mr. Lougheed stat ed, and at other times a driver is hired. In answer to questions by I. A. Mackenzie, North Vancouver, Hon N. S. Lougheed, minister of public works, stated. in the legislature that Frank Coons, W. Coons, Carman :iioyen aurmg 1929 in the Peace River district. They worked on the roads and received for their work SI 91 .25, $283.48. $5.50, $375 and $574. Hon. N. S. Lougheed, minister of public works, announced in the le gislature last week. In answer to questions by T. P. Pattullo. that a change had been made in the road route at Willow River in the Prince Oeorge district, an additional half utile of road being built in order to have better alignment and eliminate unnecessary curves, also reducing maintenance costs. The cost of the change was $1,888. Stomach So Bad She Lived on Malted Milk "My stomach was so bad I had i Mve or malted milk. Now. Umnl.s to Adlerika. I can eat anything I want,." Mary Decles Even the FiRST spoonful of Aci-'erika relieves gas on the stomach and removes astonishing amounts of old waste matter from the sys tem. Makes you enjoy your meals! and sleep better. No matter whuti you 'have tried tor your stoma -u I -vnd bowels. Adlerika will surprise you. Ormcs Ltd.. Drugs. I nuiLi) ii. c." By March st We want letters from mothers who have raised their babies on Pacific Milk and for the best letters prizes will be given. We would like these letters in by March 1. Following is Ihe list of prizes. ii . :.lst $26.00 Cash. . . . . ,nrt $10.00 Cash. . 3rd Fnil case Pacific Milk. 4th Half case Pacific Milk. For the next, six best letters chosen, 1 dozen cans each. Address: PACIFIC MILK Factory nt Ahlmtsford, Il.C. Curtain will rise' promptly at 8.15 tonight for "The Patsy." 47 Moose dance Saturday 9 to 12. Premier Orchestra. Admission 50c. Big surprise bundles of assorted merchandise for 50c at Dehhy Al- hpn len Rriln Sale fnr for nnvt next three: throe) rlflw days. Mrs. C. H. Hankinson and child arrived in tile city from Smithers J. Q. Johns returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a business trip to the interior. Dr. J. T. Mandy, resident mining engineer, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a trip to the Terrace district on official duties.' There was a good-sizca crowd in attendance at the Metropole Hall Saturday night for the Scandinavian dance given by Hanson St Far-stad's Orchestra. Motorship Belllngham, Capt. J. E. Anderson, arrived in port at 6 o'clock Saturday evening from Ketchikan with three carloads of frozen fish for transshipment East over the Canadian National Railways. I The League of Norsemen in Canada: O. H. Wally of Winnipeg,) secretary of the League, will give an illustrated lecture on Norway; tonight . in the St. Paul Lutheran Church. The lecture will be in t Norwegian. , In answer to questions by L, A. Hanna. MXA for Albeml, Hon. S. L. Howe, provincial secretary, announced in the legislature that, among stenographers who had been anoointed temnorarilv to the civil service without having first! passed the qualifying pxamlna- 1 tlons, were Mis. E. M. Dalby, Missj D. E. ROSS, MlSB J. K. Walters, MiSS' Allen ana wpnenstFor 0ccan Fas at Prince Rupert; Miss K. Powers, Miss M. Regagltati. Miss V. B. Tay lor, Miss E. R. Gaul, Miss D. Pooley, Miss C. Rothwell, Miss M. H. Kyle and Miss M. E. Edwards at Prince Oeorge, and Miss B. Chapman and Miss I. T. Mclntyre at Smithers. fTOO LATE TO CLASSIFY f UK 5 ALL, I TWO Show Cases, one 8 feet and1 one d feet long. Joe Brown. 47 ' 1 W ANTED Yo u n g man or woman for house to house canvassing. Must be of neat appearance. Free to travel. Ready for hard work. Guaranteed salary with chance of making big money. Apply immediately giving age, experience if any, and-Phone number. Apply Box 5, Daily News 47 Ijpltat has enjoyed enjoyed uality f j d wide fjgj WjMf popularity y for for 180 130 lrr,rint I W JS l f 1,1 - years. STaliltHtO If JOSEPH tr JOHN VICKERS If CO . Lt4 IONDON J750 IMCHNO Tins udverti cement is not Liquor Control Board British Had Bad Cold Tickling in Throat Coughed All Day Mrs. N. McAllister, Beaver Laka, B.C., .writes: "Some time ago I had a very bnd cold, and the tickling in .my throat caused .me. to congh.all day, and It seemed to get worse at night, and I became quite weak in time. "1 decided, to -try Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and the first half bottle gave me relief and when I had finished it my cough was all gone." Priee, 35c a bottle; large family size 60c., at all druggists and dealers. Put up in a yellow wrapper; three-pine trees the trade mark; manufactured only by The T. Milburn Co., Ltd, - Toronto, Out Steamship Movements ,'or Vancouver Tuesdays-ss. Catala ...1:30 pm. Thursdays ss. P. Rupert 10 nm. Fridays as. Prin. Mary 10 pjn. Fridays ss. Cardcna .. Midnight Feb. 26ss. Princess Norah DJn. From Vancouver Sundays es, Catala 4 p.m. Weds. ss. P. Rupert 10 JO ajn. Fridays ss. Cardena ....pjn. Fridays ss. Prin. Mary ....4 p.m. Feb. 22ss. Prin. Norah ...sun. For Naas R. and Port Simpson- Sundays ss. Catala .....8 pjn. From Naas It. and Port Simpson-Tuesdays ss. Catala 11:30 ajn. For Stewart and Anyox Sundays ss. Catala ,..8 pjn. Weds. ss. Pr. Rupert ...4 pjn. ?rom Stewart and Anyox Tuesdays sb. Catala 11:30 ajn. Thurs. ss. P. Rupert . 8 pan. From Ocean Falls . V.Tf.S ra a. 1A.A1 1 Fridnvn-wi narrlpna nm Tuesdays ss. Catala ...-.120 p.m. Thursdays ss. P. Rupert 10 pjn. Fridays ss. Prin. Mary IQ-pjn. For Queen Charlotte Islands ri Feb, 22ss. Prince John 10'Wm. From Queen Charlotte IslamlslU Feb. 20. ss. Prince John.;m! For Alaska Feb. a3 m. Princess Norah ajn. From Alaska Feb. 26ss. Princess Norah pjn. Never trust a man who (teaks well of everybody. Churton Col- nns. - - - - tsar s m i wiyS wOlCIS Bj!) Best treated without sPj dosing Just rub on 'jgs) fiC&Cf5 ow VapoRliS published or d;.s)t;ivi!d by the or by the Government ol Columbia.