She TOMORROW'S TIDES "Boston Grill Tuesday, February 25, 1930 LA I tO K CABAKET mmm High 0.18 a.m. 16.9 ft. Special Dinner Thursdays and Baturdj 11.54 pjn. 18.9 ft. Oanrlos Every Saturday Klgbt, 9 to 11 Dine Ball for Hit Low 8.10 a.m. 10.1 ft. AooommodtUotu (or Private ParUea 18.38 p.m. 4.8 ft. NORTHERN AND CEJNTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PHONE 457 Vol XXL. No. 40. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, FEB. 24, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS NAVAL Outcome of Political Crisis in France Now n I r i n i ueiays Lonaon raney If New Administration in France Weathers Session Tomorrow, Resumption Set For Wednesday LONDON, Feb,24; The naval disarmament conference entered its fifth week today very much in the doldrums. Preparations are being made for a resumption of irtllfll WnrK nn WpflnfiKfLlV hilt fhnRn nrvmnrnti'nno ora omewhat indifferent for, unless the new French government weathers its first session in the Chambers of Depute at Paris tomorrow, the forced adjournment of last v, cek may have to be continued indefinitely. Meantime, the delegates of Great Britain, United .states, Italy and Japan can hold only informal meetings. NAMED WIRE CHIEF HERE Appointment of Oscar Landry of Vancouver to Succeed John Dore is Announced Announcement u made today of appointment of Osear Landry r Vancouver as district superintendent for the Oovcrnment Tele-rap!::-, here. He succeeds John 0. r who a transferred to the post at superintendent ofthe Vancouver' 1 -in ? division with headquarters iu 'Victoria. Mi Landry fpr years has been :'.; with the staff of the gen- ' lid -nmenaeni in vancouveivfi - - V.' i. hi will arrive here to assume I. -duties Is not stated but It r pci td it will be soon. Mr. Dore v ... leave for Victoria soon after 11: Landry's arrival. W.H. MOULT 0FANYOXD1ES Was Prospector and Kan as Candidate In Last Provincial Election "H.r. h nwtnri-ftri loat TMk In V - uvrr of William Herbert Miu; who formerly lived In Anyox Aucr Arm and who ran as an i; ! 'pendent candidate in Atlin t 1 : in the last provincial elec- Hi was 59 years of age and rrn,tjd overseas In the Oreat War Urn Canadian Forestry Corps. H f (Unwed the occupation of a rr: w:tor at Anyox and Alice Arm. WHEAT DOWN MORE TODAY A Determined Buying Movement Marked Close of Winnipeg Exchange Today WINN1PEO. Feb. 24: Wheat de-; Wncd to new low levels today. I Scattered hut. ritrminH huvin? lilted prices In the closing minutes about, one cent Jrom the low level j i oi the day but the market was 3 tJ 2; cents down on the day! May Closed at $1.11, July at $1.13 V closed at $1.11, July at $1.13,, HOCKEY SCORES National League SATUUDAY SCORES ' N Y. Americans 2, Canadlcns 0. Ottawa 1. Toronto O. Montreal 5, Pittsburgh 4. SUNDAY SCORES Detroit 2, Chicago 1. Boston 3. N.Y. Rangers 2. The family is one of nature's masterpieces. Santayana. Much of the early optimism of he conference has disappeared. Hope now looks to .limitation rather Jian reduction; to curbing the naval ambitions of the future rather than reducing the navies of the present. During the few weeks of the con ference's life old stumbling block)) Of the past were .removed only to give way to new difficulties. Prance submitted demands which would give her a navy of 724.479 tons by 19M. The French fleet as at January 1 last, Including ships actually in service, bulkHnf or authorised. Is given at 66L8M An Italian memorandum was then issued. Italy dees not go into figures. She wants reduction of armaments and recognition of her rlnht tn naHtv urith th navnl . innuiinn ill nnv f 11 nrr European continental nation. French Upset Tlve conference rose as a result of the defeat of the Tardieu Government of Prance and the consequent necessity of having a new French delegation appointed. Of whom will the new French delegation consist? That is the question all the conference delegates are eagerly asking. The French figures created dismay. It was plainly hinted that falling their reduction, the British and United States governments have to increase the)rs. Will the new delegation insist on the stand already taken or will It be willing to moderate its demands? In Paris lies the answer. EXTENDS TO THIS CITY Vancouver Papers Describe Iletting System With Which Archie Johnston Was Supposedly Connected In connection wilii the investigation of the shooting to death on February 15 of Archie Johnston, former police chief of Medicine Hat and erstwhile race track "bookie." Vancouver papers describe a sup- nosed immense system of race track rambling with which Johnston is in have been identified and which was disclosed ifllMwlpg . death. Savs Uie Vancouver Province: "Hundreds of thousands of dollars are bet every day In cities up and down the coast and, Indeed, all lover iiif uiuwu uvw- that twenty tiroes as It is probable much money is wagered on these Mexican races in cities outside of Mexico than inside the southern re public. Nineteen-twenueuis oi ,w business ll'done ovef the wires. The basis of the vast network of betting arrangements is worked out by a great syndicate with headquarters in San Diego and with friendly newspaper and other connections. is earried on A huge dally turnover Los Angeles to in every city from Prm Ruoert. An authorized news service is the backbone of the whole gamblln? system." WHEA T Sixteen Die as Wreckage c: Maddux i AT a:r Unci, which cradhe.. to carti) and CaUiornia killing fo'.itjeu pas'engeri uuU two pLoU. February So Far Very Wet Month Over Nine Inches of Rain (s Recorded So Far Vancouver and Victoria AlsoAVct February Is going to be a heavy month for rainfall tins year. Up to today, it was staled this morning by the Dominion meteorologist at Dig by Island, there has been M inches of precipitation and but ten hours of sunshine, not including today. In the south there has also been heavy rainfall this month. Vancouver has had over elpht inches and Victoria over five inches. Matriculation Examinations For Nurses Many Questions Heine Taken Up in Survey of P'ofcasion Hy Vancouver Professor TORONTO, Feb. 24 Special ma triculation for nurses wes advocated by Dr. George M. Wier, of the University of British Columbia, at a mass fleeting of registered nur ses. Dr. wier asxea we auenaance of the Toronto nurses in completing his survey of nursing education. Are examinations too easy?" Are nurses getting too long a train ing napped out with theory? Is the nrofession overcrowded? Would, state medicine and nursing solve the medical burdens of the middle class? Js the standard payment adequate?" The answers to these and. other questions are being sought In the survey. Intelligence teafs taken, the speaker with fl J.afthliril. teachers, .tenoaraohers. stenographers, etc. etc. i BRONFMAN STILL UP Retina Jury Disagrees and Wealthy Distiller Will Have to Face New Trial REQINA. Feb. 24: Following a disagreement on Saturday of the Jury in the case or iiarry uroni-i man, wealthy Montreal distiller, charged with tampering with wit- on the local exchange today nesses in a Moose Jaw liquor casej-r No. 1 Northern being quo-tn 1922, Bronfman must face a new ted at $1,07 5-8, a -new low trial on April 8. Today he was en record mark for the year, route to Montreal, having been . given his liberty on ball of $20,000. CONFERENCE WAS SATISFACTO Giant Air Liner Crashes to Ground ELEVEN KILLED IN TRAIN CRASH KENOSHA. Wig.. Feb. 34 Eleven were kfHcd and at . least one hundred were Injured when L" Chtaags-bound passenger tmin of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railway ! struck an automobile north i of Kenosha last night and I was derailed. New Yukon Plane Will Be Here Soon En Route to North Another new plane for the Yukon Airways & Exploration Co. will pass through Prince Rupert some time during the coming season en route north to replace the Queen of the Yukon II which was wrecked hMt, fall, killing Pilot Gerald Pat-tenon. The new plane, like the old one, will be a HsvtWlrougham monoplane with a Wright whirlwind engine. It will come from St. Louts. Mo. Manchester Case Man Who Has Not Slept Is Baffling MANCHESTER. Eng.. Feb. 24 An amasing record is claimed by E. t. Manor, of Heulon. Newcastle, who affirms he has not slept for 30 years, Recording to the Manchester Guardian. Mr. Maher who works as a store keeper in Newcastle, was known as. the battalion "caller up" inAtPr- Lancaster' Rriment Regiment during durin. the the I war. I He has undergone several opera-tions, but the doctors are tttll baffled. 1 i It is stated that they can neither explain the iff notion nor cure him. . 4, WIIEATJ PRICE STILL FALLS yANCOUVER. Feb. 24 The price of wheat continued its downward movement IS bv.nud near Oceansldc Telephoto reproduction. C.P.R. ILL SPEND LOT Twenty-One M'ilion Dollars ... Aprw?ri4ijoMHMich Lines and Improvements in West ' WINNIPEG, Feb. 21: The Canadian Pacific Railway will spend $21,000,090 in Western Canada this year, D. C. Cole man, vice-president In charge of western lines, announced today. Branch line construction and improvements designed to increase the capacity and efficiency of the lines now operating will absorb the entire appropriation. The sum of $11,000,000 will be spent on branch lines. El Cedro Chartered For Alaska Freight Fcrmer Massctt Timber Co. Ship to Carry Wharf Material to Dutch Harbor SEATTLE, Feb. 22: Chartering of the steamship El Cedro from James Orlffiths and Sons to carry tou.wu ieei ot ju timer i.uuo pues and iron work to rebuild the dock. at Dutch Harbor. Alaska. Is an ! nounced here by the Alaska Com- The dock was wrecked rn a storm last fall. John Hlrsch Feldor, well known San Francisco engineer went norih in November to make a survey bf work needed, returning here on the Northwestern. The El Cedro will go on berth on March 17. Dutch Harbor is an Important port on the Aleutian peninsula and one of the few bases of supplies for seafaring men along the hundreds of 'miles of coast. It is open the year round. The El Cedro was formerly one of three shins which carried lumber 'from Buckley Bay, Massett Inlet, to Los Angeles. The vessel was purchased a year or so ago by the Coastwise Steamship St Barge Co. tjEngaged in Lumher Business of South For Half Century SEATTLE. Feb. 24: Edward O. English, aged 79, lumberman .of I Western Washington and British 'Columbia for 51 years, is dead. DOLDRUi Legislation Arranged To Assist Wheat Pool Finance 1929 Crop Joint Statement Issued By Manitoba. .Saskatchewan and Alberta Premiers Following Meeting REGINA, Feb. 24: Following a meeting here with officials of the three provincial wheat pools and their central selling agency, the premiers of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta issued a joint statement saying: "We encountered no difficulty whatever in arranging for uni- iorm legislation covering a guarantee to be given the banks for their advances to the, pool up to the present and to adequately finance the balance of the crop of 1929." The statement said that the governments were perfectly satisfied with the results of the conference. T0R0NT0ST0CKS (Courtesy 8. D. John ton Co.) Amulet. $1.37. $1.39. Dome. 7.85. 7.88. Faleonbrldga, 450. Hudson Bay, 12.35, 12.50. Hollinger, 5.67. 5.75. Internalonal Nickel, 37.60. 37.75. Imperial Oil. 23.20. 23.25. Mining Corporation. 3.01, 3.05. Manitoba Basin. .03. .03 Vi. Noranda, 39.10, 39,25. Sheritt-Qordon. 2.50, 255. Sudbury Basin, 2.90, 25. Teek HuRheV 6.10. 8.24). Treadwell Yukon, 8.00. 6.25. Ventures, 1.65, 1.66. Wright Hargraves, 1.84. 1.85. Lougheed Tells House of Local n 1 11 T 1 mon Koad Work IjZD , In nnanrav tr nn Aei-1 -in Vit P D. JUSL lLe?Z: ww ut iuussv nui iwt owbvu tit uiv legislature last week that some work was carried out on the Kalcn Island Highway during 1923. This work consisted of crushing, hauling and distributing material by 'day labor. No work was done by con- tract, wve for necessary mater- jaj purchased . J urusnea ixick. ana Hravei were spread on the road between Prince ing the year, Mr. Lougheed stated, ; the amount being 3.195 cubic yards at $1.75 per yard. The work was done by day labor In the interests of the public. No tenders were cal- i,j 1 AERIAL BASE AT PRINCE GEORGE Is One of Points on Northern Frontier of Canadian Civilization Where Station Will Be Established Prince George Is one of the points along the northern frontier of Canadian civilization where the Western Canada Airways LtcL plahs the establishment of a station from which prospectors desirous of going into the north can be served, it is stated by A. D. Cruickshank, British Columbia manager of Western Canada Airways. TIMEATHER Prince Rupert Clear, calm; temperature, 34. RY NEW FRENCH GOVERNMENT Two Members of Former Tardieu Cabinet Retained By Premier e.C'hautemps PARIS. Feb. 24: Among the principal members of the new tror- . . . ... ...1.1 iin. .vi tcmmcni or rremier uamiue unau- Aristlde Briand; Minister1 of FoV' cign Aiiairs. Jules Steeg, Minister of Justice. Albert S&rraut, Minister of Marine. Rene Bernard. Minister of War. Louis Loucheur, Minister of Labor. Both M. Brlend and M. Loucheur were in the late Tardieu cabinet. M. Steeg is a former minister and Resident-General of Morocco. M. Sarraut is" a former minister and Ambassador to Turkey. M. Bernard has been min,ter f ior and f colonies in former cabinets. Mabel Normand Died Yesterday Famous Screen Star Lost in Her 4 Long Fight Against Tubercolosis MONROVIA, Calif Feb. 24: Mabel Normand, famous screen actress, died yesterday. In hn institution here she lost In her long IU ...U U.l. T"l " eraI ner llfe nad been de" spf:;ed r . M Normand was one of 1U the outstanding stars of the old silent . 1 . . . . screen, rrooaoiy ner greciMet lea-ture success was the turf picture "Mickey." In which she played the leading role. She played in hundreds of c edies. Infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. MacKayDied The death occurred Saturday night In. the. Prince Rupert General Hospital of George Seattle Mac-Kay, six-weeks old son of Mr. and Mrs. James B. MacKay, 530 Sixth Avenue East. Funeral arrangements are in the hands of the B. C. Undertakers and interment will take place tomorrow. He that leavcth nothing to Chance will do few things ill, but he will do very few things. Hall- Ifax. d