rhursday, October Py: oev “Hash Arrived - Fresh addUGrisp CHRISTIE «© AMARVEN'S Cafe Noir Jelly Wafers Lemon Snaps \est, Marshmallow Marsiunellow Fingers Royal Canadian Asst. lee Wafers Goeoarut Bar Cocoanut Bat Cocoamut Minwer . oanul Brittle 1B hinted Vanilla Chocobate Ginger Wafers x Bat i] Soadial’ Dea Ginger Mat bigs Bat Iced Atvimal SS Faney> Wane husks ‘ream s Sultanas «ede hl Bar Arrowrool Cc ainge eBar Asst. PrniteMandwie!) thoney dangers Abernethy U Apricot’ Wafers Acst, Biscuits Lemon Snaps Apple Blossom I hoyal® Milk Lunch Cherry Kings Chocolate Drops Popular’ Mixed Sultanas Speeial Applé Blossom Heney Fingers : Afternoon Tea T S SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Christie's Assorted) Tins; peretin............. $2.00 Cortetin’s GOES EO... wc et hace eee .65 Ramsay's Sodas, cartons .............. °3 for 1: Gcrocl GabPRE. eee ea’ 25 Christie’s Biscuits in packages:--*Arrowroot, Graham Wafer, Water Wafer,and Social DO is das ctmsvissrcckstecs 25 INDIVIDU IS THE MARK§ OF 5UC- CESSFUL BUSINESS AND ISSHOWN IN FOOTWEAR AS IN OTHER THINGS. You can-obtain. Individu- ality and distinction in the SHOES AT OUR STORE. You will be convinced by examining our stock. McARTHUR’S Shee Store THIRD AVE. ALITY! See ALBERT &. McCAFFERY before you purchase Anything in the’ Prince angers Spruce Co.’s Lumber Lime «Co Mill’s Fir “Plaster Nl ~Gement Brick Shingles sLaths— THE DAILY NEWS RAY COLLISHAW ~~ STILL ON DUTY Fiying “Near Crimea Peninsula Where He Has Many Adventures. | CHOT_OOWN HIS FIRST BOLSHEVIK MACHINE Confirms Reports of Atrocities and Says They Mutiiate Prisoners. Col Raymond Collishaw of Na halino 18. now doing duty with a isertish squadrom near the Orimen wt Southern Ressia, a friend in Tr follows “OU He writes to ronto im part a squadron is the British unit of this front and w are tha iti having some session. Durin: offensive operations by Denikine’s iny pilots wer i eredit (ren eral voluntee: full out army and most of the has been given to Oui squadron for the ‘groun: strafing’ and bombing shows entertained-them with. Again at we l our fellows showed them & few wicks and all our pilots were praised for their efforts against the Bolsheviks, Since ar- riving, they have given our fel- lows twenty-four decorations, “Yesterday | shot down first machine ever destroyed this “front. It~was a ptlot-in' a D5’ Atbatross. near K the on German He fell ~ on thé Volga River. Carried off Gun. A few days ago we were oul on a show. attacking a flock of Red cavalry and one of my ehaps named Elliott, THE FIRST King Albert of Bel. in the vatiways: The whole nation | was shot dow over the lines, tlying at 500 feet, n about six miles Neither he nor his just while the the travels around army railroad and ou tains, } cheerfully runs | | | manufactures | observer were hurt. The observer kept the Red cavalry off with the Lewis gun until the pilot set the machine on fire. Then, still tot- ing the Lewise@uny the two started away, keeping the Red cavalry at a respéettful distance. “Capt. Anderson, another Gana- dian, landed nearly amid all the enemy cavalry, he and his server scattening them with their machine guns. “Elliott and his observer then set_ off to join the second pair, clearing: the way with their Lewis. rhe Bolshevies immediately sur- mnded the burning machine just as six Copper bombs went off in it. ob- The Gas Tank. ‘In the ‘meantime a_ Bolshic bullet had punctured the gas tank of the rescue machine. So the observer ebimbed ont on a wing and -held both holes on each side with his thumbs, Elliott and his observer then got into the ma- chine and got: home safely. ‘Phat-was some stuff and must have shaken the Bolshie. But all my boys are some stuff. “We have ‘sixty-two flying of- flcers, fifty-three of whom ‘are Canadians. Three flights of single seater scouts and three flights of big two-seater .bombers of the best pattern. Ivam dnecharge of my own opevations. The volun- teer army Hheveweauple of flights. Frequently ‘machines from both sides lafid-oneenemymterritory to exchange ideas. “Ia the peas avhere there are no-vailways theeoppesimg armies seem to fratemmize. “The volun- Leer ‘army >is clothed entirely in khaki with British G. S. buttons, equipped-in.daect; with everything British except. ideas. - bargely Cossack. “The personnel of the velun- teer army is largely Cossack, with a sprinkhing of refugee Russian oficers,“who are really fine fel- the peper money to run it as they | need it. But they know how’-tovhave a good time. | Phey-have beautiful | orchestras in band stands all over! the country, and of the! finest food I have ever tasted | had here. Saw Atrocities. “T have seen plenty of atrocious things you have read of'and I can vouch for their truth. The Bol-! line up the civilians in hondreds, sheot and then mutilate them brutally. Another pretty little trick the Bolsheviks play is to strap a basin against a inan’s stomach with a rat imprisoned in the basin. The rat eats its way out. Oh, they.are nice little chaps! They have dropped pamph- lets at different points § telling what they are going to do to any British aviators they capture. Crucifixion is one of our threat- ened fates. But we are not worry- ing. “There being no telegraph sys-_ tem we have to carry messages! everywhere. 4 forced landing; means isolation, there is no/ means of getting from one place to another. Some of our boys) have been missing for as long as | three weeks.” some shevik as ' } } \civwerti-~e an the daite Newe DENTISTRY OFFICE HOURS: @ am: to 412} 4180 p. m. to 6:30 om OR. J. 8° BROWN DEnNTICY Smith Biock, Third Awenus Phone 464 PPP LIP PLO POO enh me } OMce: o —~re Be - KING TO VISIT AMERICA um. Tis Queen and Their Son, Steamship George Washingion, Which Brought the Roy: Page 3 Crown Piines Lcopold, on the ul Personages to ‘This Country. — ZEB wae cu 2 MRT OL AM AV -— p MAL ont AKA, eJve PHONE 134 Children Are Qur Boosters Young as they are they know that we have the best selection of Candy in town and nothing pleases us more than to see the smile of anticipation and satis- faction on their young faces. WE CARRY A SPECIAL LINE OF HARD BOILED CANDIES FOR CHILDREN The Prince Rupert Drug Co. FAMILY CHEMISTS Third Avenue, opposite Second Street. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention P.O. BOX 215 We sell lows. this*country is fighting everyone else. the everyone Little the 7 tte Albert & ‘McCaffery, ‘Ltd. = —————— ROTARY PUBLIC Royal Insurance Company, téimited. Northern As urance Co., Limited. London & Lancashire Fire insurance Co., Limited. Lendon @ Lancashire <@eeramtes' & Cire ale, one *-room house Accident Co. with bathroom, plastered, Jetity=Phenine fire ineurance Co. Cor. Second Avenueiand Second Steecet. hot and cold ‘ght, telephone, ete, and one 3-room house papered, block Price $1,700.00, half cash balance 6-12 months. WARING PON 'NSURANCE ¥ BLUE 69, WeeTHoL FIRE INSURANCE ——_ REAL ESTATE ME THEATRE BLOOK) FP. -OrBOXx 66. armies all over place, main three being Denikine’s in South Russia; Kolehak’s in East Russia, and Gregoroff’s in the vicinity of Odessa. Gregorolft used to be a Bolshevik colonel! and has changed his ideas three times al- ready. “New -he “is fighting the Bolsheviks, but-he is not with General: Denikine. ‘Outfits ‘known as the Green Guards also abound. bands ‘of oul- They are simply Frisbie-Engines Copeiianais rsedy to acoessibie in a few seconds. An opening directly Into combustion struction éffecte a gain of the friendly motor Frisbie Motors give long, uninterrupted service with practically no- repairs except occasional grinding of valves. Valves in cages; “all throughout, every part designed for hard work. chambers. Wo pockets or crevices to gather carbon, and waste fuel. This type of con- muscle” construction Overhead valves, laws ond belong life is sverth this country. merely civilians ferent parties. or yegulations about a to no side. One's dollar in “The Bolshies have no officers, direeting the dif- There are no laws The Russians So one can 15 to. 20 percent. more power than Is possible with L or T-Head designe. intake and exhaust manifoide are cast’ integral with the cylinder; miles ahead of the old, leaky, bolted-on manifoidse. Large valves insure full eharge on the intake and a complete, clean exhaust. . 1 to @ CYLINDERS—5 to 75 HORSEPOWER Prisbie Motore are made in following sizes: t-cyl., 6 and 7 H. P.; 2-oyl., 10 and 16 H.P.; 3 oyl., 18 and 26 H.P.; 4-oy!l,, 30 and 5 Horse Power, $450 7 10° 16 25 $600 ” ” $700 ” “9 $900 ” » $1400 actually drink petrol! imagine what happens when they wet well ‘lit up.’ rhe money of “the country They just go down 18 marvellous and 6” « 6", your hardest teste. money tender change Captured is perfectly No ene ever cellar and make it while you await Bolshevik legal fares good pays 40 H.P.; Goyl., 60 and 76 H.P.—Bore and Stroke, 494" « 5” For work or play, the Friebie will measure up to Ask the Man who has used one Lipsett Cunningham Co., Ltd.