lj, April 28, 1030. ODAK TIME IS HERE VY carry a full line of Brownies and Kodaks at prices to suit every purse from the Brownie to the Cine Kodak and Films to fit them all. Daily Photo Finishing Service fines lid. yfw Pioneer Druoeists ?D AVE. 0 SIXTH ST. - TELEPHONE 82 ,200 Three Graduate Pharmacists UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hailing from Prlnr KuiM-n ANi OT" VER, VICTORIA. Uutedale, A.ert Bay, etc. Tuesday 3 30 D.m U VAMOtAtK. VICfOHIi. Ilutednle. Aim lUu. He.. IWi. ..irim.hi toe Al.lt t A KM, A.MOX. HTKWAKT, Naa. Wwr. IKri HIuimul in. day, 8.00 p m. r-i VT SIMPSON and WALES ISLAND. Thursday p.m IM Jlid enue K. M SMITH stent Prince Kupcrt. li.C. Tl-uh lleaeU sold to (Irtuila anil beattle ud bacMte tbeiJtrd Ihioiuh to destination mm I d r rniCT I STEAMSHIPS B. C. Coast Steamship Service SAILINGS FROM riilXCE RUPERT I To Ketchiluin, Wrangell. Juneau, Skagway .pni , is, 3y. To Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle- April 2, 13. 23. Princess Mary Ocean Fall, etc., Vancouver and Vici uu, every Friday, 10 pjn Agents For All Steamship Lines I IV, C Orchard, General Agent, 3rd Ave, Prince Kupcrt, Phone 31 iiuwauw Ran ad ian National FTht Largefi Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sai. n?s from PRINCE RLPERT lor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE and intermediate points. Thursday & Sunday 10 p.m. l or ANYOX-atod STEWART eaclt tVrtfnesflay CSaturday at 4 p.m. for NORTH and SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Wednesdays at 10 p.m. K r SKLENA RIVER POINTS, Mondays. 8 ajn effective May 5. lor NAA RIVER POINTS. Tuesdays, 8 a.m.. effective May 6. I PASSENGER TRAIN'S LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DIONI)AY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 11:30 a.m. for PRINCE GEORGE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points East-cn Canada, United States. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines , it Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave, Prince Rupert Phone 2C0 GARDEN SUPPLIES )IS, RAKES, SPADES, WIIEE L-RARROWS, GARDEN SEEDS FORKS, TKOWLS, SHEARS. THOMPSON HARDWARE Co. Ltd. V1L.N DKIKI) SIMIITPK. CKDAK AND HUiUlAJWV I IMSIL CEILING, RUSTIC, MOULDINGS, ETC. Specialties Edge Grain Hoat Cedar. Kiln Dried Edge Grain Hemlock Flooring mi Kprui;e and Cedar Shlplap, Boards, Dimensions and Timbers g Roorsfr Windows, Shingles, Etc. Odd lots off-gradc material at reduced prices; BIG BAY LUMBER CO., LTD. g 'I'cr Manufacturers Prince Rupert, H.L. g aily News Want Ads. bring quick Results Local Items Dentist. Dr J. It. ftnsse. Vhnne 680. Rupert East Badfnintoft Finals tonight at 8 p,m." Refreshments. Admission 25c. 99 For higher prices and nromDt re turns" ship your raw furs to T. Pap-pas, Prince George, D.C. tf Schools reopened today after the Easter holiday for the last lap prior 10 tne long summer vacation which commences this year on June 27. Union steamer Catala, Capt. A. E. Dickson, arrived in port at 4.15 yesterday afternoon from the south and sailed at 8 p.m. for An-yox, Stewart and other northern points whence she will be back here southbound tomorrow after noons The vessel's northbound passenger 11st included many school teachers returning to their duties after having spent the Eas ter holidays In the south. Galvanized Iron, Pipe Fit tings, Belting, Etc. Pull line of now and used Oalv and Black Pips and Fittings; new Rubber i aclt. 1 to 12-Inch; alao Pyramid H..:r! Bolt, bnt Erurllah nuke, verv durable. iw Oorruatel Iron. 6, 8 and 10 ft sheets, always In itock; used flu' Oalv Sheet. SO-lnch by 10 ft. Full atock of Stool Split PuUeyi; Potato and Oraln Sack; Barbed Wire: Wlr-Hope; Canvas: Oocra; Window; Roofing felt; (Hrdon and Air How; Boom Chains; Morehandlaa and Equipment of all doaerlptlo&B. Enqulrlos solicited. US Powell St. Vancouver, B.C. u. c. uxk co. hhboobcs GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! How about having your boy friend take you. for. a nice car ride? TeU him Drivurself Taxi Walker Motor Co., Ltd. Distributors of CHRYSLER and PLYMOUTH CARS BsKSEBKaSCfSSSS COMMODORE CAFE The latest thing in lunch counters just installed. Delicious Waffles ' Served by means of very latest Equipment Business Men's Lunches a Sjn-cialty Get the Commodore, Habit lain 1 uswiTir'tg"PM",C!1!"""anTa HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Hotel IIMIKH NEW MANtnEMENT SlMim .HmtPd: Traveller1 Huniplr ltmin; Il..t and Cold Wutrr Itr Ilu MrrU Train and It'Mt , Rates $1.09 and Up M'lXIAI, .MONTHLY KATES C. R. RIGGART & A. DONALD I'ropi Irtom PHONE 51 Savoy Hotel Prince Rupert's leading family hotel. Hot and cold water In all rooms A. J. ritUDIIOMME, Prop. Cor. of Fraser and Fifth Sts. Savoy V. Preston. J. M. Dann, G. Fraser, Knut Relte. Ole Recite and Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Nelson, city; Mr. and Mrs. S. Aasen, Saskatoon. New Royal Hotel J. Zurrlll, rop. THE HOTEL nOKTII tVIIILE . Hot As poJdWater: 6te&m--at TSc PER DAY AND UP Trlehone 2H1 Royal j George B. Dodge. Big Falls; O. ! Jacobsen, city; C. A. White, Van-j couver; Q. W. Eaglesham. Calgary; C. W. Jameson and A. Hudson, Port Edward; Mrs. II. Reld and child, Port Esaington; Mrs. N. Brew and j Mrs. A. Flewln. Haysiort; W. A.' Sanders. C.N.R.; Mrs. B. Colbachtnl and Mrs. C. MrDouRall, Terrace. DAILY NEWS THE PAGE THREE "In May arid June I was badly rundown and had faint spells until it was a drag to do my work. In July and August I didn't seem to pick up so I decided to try Lydia E. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound because I saw it advertised. I took two bottles arid now I am the picture of health. I feel fine, do all my work and milk two cows. If any woman writes, I will certainly answer her letter." Mrs. George R Gillespie, Punnkhy, John Dybhavn Mid on returned to the rky on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a ten day trip to Vancouver. W. C. Blanton. Stewart broker, who has been on a business trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, was a passenger aboard the Catala hut evening returning north. Miss E. Ormrod. Miss E. Henney. Miss O. IL Onsen wood, Miss II. L, Richards, D. J. 'Hartley and A. Vo- gee were among Anyox school in Vancouver. George Pearson, manager of the drug department of the Granby Stores at Anyox, arrived in the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Vancouver where he has been receiving treatment for his leg Glasses fitted by registered optometrist at Heilbroner's Store, (tf ) """" Try Mlnehead egg coal for kitchen use. Clean and hot. Phone 771 tf Boxing May 2. Benny Wendle vs. Henry Decth, Exhibition; Building. '.101 'Ask us what the fire; Insurance rate Is on your, property. Helgerson. '99 Benny Wendle. works out tonight at Empress Social Club Gym from 7 to 8 p.m. The public is cordially Invited to attend. 101 The current Issue of the B. C. Gazette announces the incorporation of the Old Empress Hotel Co. Ltd. of this city' with capitalization of $10,000. "Gold on the Charlottes," Is the title of an Interesting article in i the magazine section of this week's Vancouver Sunday Province. The 'author signs himself "Ye Sea Scribe. I Miss Jessie D. Mof fatt of -West- view School returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Hazelton where she spent the Easter holidays as the guest of Mrs. R. S. Sargent.. Bi? Dance given Iy the grain-boat steamship "Boxen" Wednesday evening, in Moose Hall from 9 to 1. Music by Premier Orchestra. Admission, Gents 75c. Ladies 25c. Everybody welcome. 99 M. R. Bernlschke, well known Alice Arm mining man, was a passenger aboard the Catala yester day afternoon returning south af ter having spent the winter In Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Frank Morris, proprietor of the B. C. Undertakers, sailed last night on the Catala for Stewart, being called there on professional bus! teachers pasting through the city nebs. He is accompanied by Mrs, on the Catala yesterday afternoon Morris. They will return to the city returning to the smelter town after tomorrow morning. having spent the Easter holidays Dave Rutter of Massett is mak ing good recovery in the Prince Rupert General Hospital following a recent accident in an island logging camp where his leg was broken by a log being dragged over him. which was injured some time ago. Mrs. Absalom Freeman, mother He is now able to gel around with j of Norman L. Freeman, local re- the use of crutches. He will spend preventative of the International a few days here before proceeding , Fisheries Commission, sailed by n Anvox. ithe Prince Rupert last night on ; . her return to Vancouver after a n , l ten-day visit in the city. Durlne OOVEKVMKNT JUTRBVETI CHICKS I h . . Mf . the must coMMEitriAL HAtoHEltV h sh the guest of Mr under Dominion o veiinent approval and Mrs. James Farquhar, 417 Tile in British IrdlnduaUv lnapoe Col tolmibU. Every bird ct:d by Dominion 1:vsnunnt unpeoton.Vsrttriod R.O.P. tl-clw with yoar c.f ctVdlPf. produe cn and vitality. Wo oiar whte wyau ildrens Colds Checked withou "dosing." Rub cl W VapoRiir BsxwsBSBagnsmsss ! "BUILD n. C. PAYROLLS" Why Pacific Milk Is So Good A mother whose bab ffpm her afteo ei JvPoTr 13 s taken Id tells i W her j)!i,murec6lrmicnded PifcIflc'Mllk for Hie rpfjon.that Its quality Is so shijlar to mothers', milk. All food Specialists tell us that Evaporated Milk is the best substitute for mothers' milk. PACIFIC MILK Factory at Abbotsford, H.C. gnew Place. Incorporation Is announced In '-Me cMcm rr-m tM, huh'ot R.O.P fne u. c. oatette or the Morrison- "k2l cr.-vaa. &rrd B ck. w-.rdor. steward Motors Ltd.. of Nanalmo ! u ly barred, petia containing bona 2SS- , a Vii'd by m k frrm dams 960- j with capitalisation of $50,000. One! oo. ky c! r.!a?!ri Red hens from 9-, of the Drlnclpals of the new firm! ruA XZr John M. Morrison, formerly of! adiV5 by b c cm-erity moles from Alice Arm and Prince Rupert. Mr. I lrr-.cb'7.,.,!J,2.,riL.,l- h, ten In the automo-l diT t.r v mi n. '"See vvr or.i bile business at Nanalmo for the Rent Jsr SoMg. h? wUI g've y-.u fur. n,t vpnr "usllty rMck. Prlc.s . e re onablr for - his huh grade st cii.aet .r pamph- . .... ,.u11 ,,,-. Mrs- A,an Morklll. of Victoria let. ifi -ii nh to t-ii you eWythutg. Electric Hatchery, 37so Prmoe Edn-ard provincial commissioner of the Girl sr. Vancouver. Guides for British Columbia. left at the end of last week for Eng land where she will be one of the , Canadian delegates to the interna-I tlonal conference on girl guiding 'and girl scouting to be held in July. Mrs. Morklll's husband was I formerly manager of the Anyox branch of the Canadian Bank of : Commerce. i ANNOUNCEMENTS Anglican WA Spring Sale, May 1 Mooseheart Ladles' Children's Masquerade May 2.. Children and spectators 25c Ridley Home Bazaar May 8. Moose Minstrel Show May 8&7. Gyo&Hocd'dwri ' "Friday, May 9. ' ' AnditBrtm Lelf Erlskson Independence Day Banquet May 16. Eagles' Smokei. May 19. SITUATIONS WANTED EXPERIENCED hotel woman dls-l engaged. Call Mrs. Larson, Phone ; 177. 104 THE SALVATION ARMY SELF DENIAL EFFORT May 1st to llth Building a better world;darkened homes again radiating happiness; wrong doers reformed; the abject, the outcast raised from the gloom, which .enffHlfs.thejm, Hundreds of. thousands of voluntary Salvationists are building a better world for you and yours. 1 The Army most earnestly appeals for your support to the Self Denial Appeal. Its work at home and throughout the Empire depends upon the success of this effort. It depends on you. GlVE LIBERALLY SE353S2SJBP1 The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Ltd. Office, Smelting and Refining Department TRAIL, BRITISH COLUMBIA SMELTERS AND REFINERS Purchasers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc Ores Producers of Gold, Silver, Copper, Pig Lead and Zinc TADANAC, TRAIL TilTilN 'i'lfggg 5HE3E.335iH33B8E T. J. Shenton, inspector of mines Mrs. C. L. Monroe sailed last left on this morning's train for a night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Houston on official duties, trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Jarvls McLeod left at the Foster Wills n sailed last nleht end of the week for a hoiday on the Prince Rupert for a business visit to Vancouver and elsewhere trip to Ocean Falls, in the south. Mrs. N. M. Traversey, after a Rev. J. H. Hanson, pastor of St. brief vlaft in the city, sailed by the Paul's Lutheran Church, conduc- Prtnoe Rupert Saturday afternoon ted service yesterday In the Prince on her return to Stewart. Rupert General Hospital. j ' Mr. and Mrs. i Julius Johnson, for drunkenness O. .K Nelson ar- was fined $25. with oDtlon of thlr. rived fn the city on yesterday a"f ty days' imprisonment, by Magls- ternoon's train from Prince George trate McClymont and are registered at the Savoy court this morning in city police Hotel. Mr. Nelson was formerly a , well known local barber. 1 C.P.R. freighter Princess Ena. Oapt. Albert Rlppon. arrived In Herbert Porter, well known fur port at 2.45 yesterday morning buyer, after spending several, from the south and, after dls-weeks in the city on business, sail-' charging 150 tons of structural ed by. the Prince Rupert last night steel for the Power Corporation of on his return to Vancouver. " Canada sailed at noon for Wrang Mr. and Mrs. e T. Applewalte, beck here again about May jp . ' last' with another steel cargo. , who were married In In the the city city week, sailed Saturday afternoon pn the Prince Rupert for Stewart where they will reside. ell and Skagway. The vessel will be Alex Davis of Taeoma. dtstrlet governor of the Gyro Club, has sent word that he will be unable Eleven local basketball players to be here to pay an official visit and fans sailed last night on the . to the local club this week as had Catala for Anyox where they will been planned. Accordingly, the play a return series from last, dinner dance which was to have1 week's games here this evening i been held Wednesday evenfng 'has and tomorrow, returning to the j been cancelled and there Will.' be,';! city Thursday night on the Prince , Instead, the regular open luiicheoni George. I on Wednesday at noon. alfiS Baby's milk is always safe if it is Carnation Milk. It is free from all bacteria, high in food value, and more digestible than milk in any other form. .y Write tor titty Bltke Cook Book CARNATION CO, LIMITED 1)4 AbbMt Sum, Vnounc, B.C. The Safeguarded MiJti "from Contented Cows" Treat at try itla Injury with oor antiseptic Zam-nak, This toe herbal balm prevents (ena rafactioo, allays lnfiimmslioo, removei all trsco of poison ao4 ensure quick, cleon healing mtp a nrY nit tau.ritk hantivi