PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS DEALERS There is Good Money in BOATS! People want boats; more and more they are taking their summer pleasure on the water, yet old-fashioned, expensive rule of-thumb methods of making and selling have stood in the way of the development of this business. BOEING WATERCRAFT Are standardized in all sizes and prices from $250 up. They suit every taste and purse, and can be sold on easy terms that make selling easy. SMALL STOCK NEEDED Dealers do not have to carry big stocks of boats and engines. Our Dealers' Reserve Stork is always ready for quick DEMAND Dr Alexander rilONE 578 HES.VF.B IlLOCR DENTIST PROFITABLE Here is offered clean business and good profits. Will you write and get full information on our proposition? BOEING AIRCRAFT of Canada, Limited Vancouver "PACIFIC COAST'S LARGEST PLEASURE ROAT BUILDERS" "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD " Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ritlNCE RUPERT, B.C. - t- CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OPERATING G. T. 1 .20,0 00-TON FLOATING DUYDOCK Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, lUarksmiths, Puttern Makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTKIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING Our Plant Is Equipped to Handle All Kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK PHONES 43 AND 385 COAL ! COAL ! PEMRINA EGG Delivered, per ton $12.00 ALBERTA EGG Delivered, per ton 12.50 ALBERTA LUMP Delivered, per ton 13.50 Special Prices On Your Winter Supply WOOD JUST ARRIVED, NEW SHIPMENT OF BIRCH AND JACK PINK MILL ENDS Per load $1.50 BOX CUTTINGS-Per load 3.51) HYDE TRANSFER-PHONE 580 PHONE 580 TELEPHONE 657 VALENTIN DAIRY FOR SKEENA r.ItANP Creamery Butter & Cottage Cheese FRESH PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM DAILY Early Delivery Throughout the City If you lose anything advertise for it. Try a Daily News Want Ad. MASTER OF SHIP ARTIST Captain of Roxen Paints Pictures With Which to Decorate His Quarters Low Freight Rate Is Taking Wheat In Order to Get! Home to Sweden After Ab- j sence of Two Years I Steamshlp Roxen which Is In port loading a cargo of grain, has ! a skipper, Capt. O. Dreillch, who Is I va artist as well as master of the' vessel. His suite of rooms is decor-j ated with pictures from his own I brush, including a fine portrait of his wife. There are also fine speci men's of landscape painting, hu man figures and architectural deign. Most of the work is In oils but jat least one picture shows equal ability In water colors. During his long voyages to different parts of the world Capt. Dreillch gets out his colors and pallette, and with most effective results. 1 The Roxen came from Australia in ballast expecting to get a cargo from San Francisco back to the oxen Is burning fuel oil Instead of oal both ways. She stops at Hono-ulu to fill up her tanks when outbound and, If necessary, calls there gain when returning but that Is not always necessary. She has large I While Captain DreUich guaran- j ?es delivery of his passengers at a H Swedish port, he does not yet know 1 chiorft ha tzrllt Vto'va tn an tn iafltiitv at Miss A. D. Harrison, Mrs. St. Clair Johnstone, D. H. Hartneas, Miss A. Oarnett, W. Plommer, Miss E. A. Mercer, Miss Jessie Rothwell. J. S. TERRIILE SUFFERING Mining Engineer Day And Night j lo Russa wim eczema ' Mn. Mirtln n. Giesbrwht, WlnlJer, Mii., writes: "I hays usei with good result for ef m. My t it and thoolden were tinplr eoTervd with llotchei of this, terrible diteaM. "Nothing did me any good until I took your medicine and it baa relieved me of the terrible tuffering I bad to go through day and night" Put up only by The T. HUburn Otx, limited, Toronto, Oat. Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Have Parade to Church may get away to the United King- j dom or Continent with a full cargo by Thursday. Man in the Mom When an irresistible force meets an immovable object what hap- This Is the time the family man Fights hard to muke the grade, So that his family bay not be Put wholly in the shade. St. Peter was lritervlewlna the Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haller- fair damsel at the pearly gate. "Did in ana iviuw Marv Kamnnne were nui h . a rfk k. P. E. Peterson, Well Known North, to Enter Soviet Government Service Twenty Years Ago In Prince Rupert District News TERRACE in P, E. Peterson, we'll known In this part of the province as consulting engineer for the Silver Crest Mines Ltd. and the Utility Mining & Finance Co., left Vancouver last week for New York en route to Turkestan where he will spend the next two years In charge of a silver-lead mining operation under contract to the Soviet government. Mr. Peterson is only one of many well known British Columbia mining men who will proceed to Russia shortly to enter the service of the Soviet government. John A. Swan-son, formerly mine superintendent for the Qranby Co. at Anyox, is another who is going. , AprU28, 1910 The Optimist newspaper is about First and Second companies of -tart nublishlne dallv Instead of toumern continent out, at the last " uukm na nrsi, oecona weekly as at present. (The Dally iioraent, the plans were changed and Third Troops of the Boy Sedute Maw. .urted out 1U lournalistlc ana uie owners 01 tne snip decided commemorated an. ueorges jjay mt M le Optimist.) ' 0 accept the low rate offered for with a parade yesterday morning to vneat rrom tms port in order to get ""t uniiea unarcn. ine musier poty, Wekh and Stewart have Uie ship back to Sweden for over- totalled some sixty girls and boys r ,Ten ne-A. steam shovels coming laui aiier an aDsence OI two years. " cnare 01 mr various jeauers. (mrn M.Hnn Ohio for use in heavy The rate of 19 shillings sixpence Is ; Re- Alfred Wilson addressed them roc worte around the long tunnel lot a remunerative one but it pays appropriately on 1 good deal of the cost of taking Preparedness the ship home. I Industrial conditions are worse In Australia than they are on this ;oast. Although there are huge coal posits In that country the cost of ine suojeci 01 Rt t!lc skeena Canyon and further NOW LOADING ROXEN Pouring of grain into the Swed- jroduclng It Is so high that it Is!111 k"n' Prince Rupert's cheaper to Import coal from Eng-'and. and this Is done tn a consid flrst grain ship of the season, star ted at the Alberta Wheat Pool's erable extent. The renult i. that the (Prince Rupert Elevator about 9: I t.t irk. . --I ast on railway construction work. L. Morrow & Co. are moving their meat market from Centre Street to Third Avenue. ,is wheat excepl that It will be One reason whf people do not 1 fhhf of Mrswve! in ingland. Ireland, France or Ger- (square up U because money Is round SJSStSS'rS ' nanv The xhin w under rhnrter hU .n Z 1..,,.. Prince Kupert, returned to Terrace . r mupo ana au vmujr. he Wheat Pool and they will set . . . he destination when they are ady. The accomodation on 'essel is excellent. The vessel nakes 11 or 12 knots, which is; than many of the freight ves-ls on the coast. The probability Is -hat "she will get away from here, pens? Just soarks. rveanesaay and expects to reach Europe 40 days later. Some women aretoor shots. That Mrs. France and her sister. Miss E. Moffatt spent a few days In Prmce Rupert, returning home Saturday with Miss P. Owyer. 2iSJS Xl'Sr-TlE m 10 M". Acroyd Friday morn- ...v v.iv.i uunmnuj uivuilic. I Ins u hri Viv rorv nl... ant day picnicking. Rev. A. W. Robinson accompanied them. Mrs. Sherwood was a delightful tea hostess Thursday afternoon to a number of friends. The Misses Orace and Btale Le Duke cf Prince Rupert, are the guests of Mies Barbara Sherwood. unong. local teacher, returning io & to B's H . weeks holWaylng at the the Catala sne nonw m wrs. ueo. u.pp. reiurn- city on yesterday af- drinkln or dancln?" ternoon after spending the Easter "No," she replied emphatically, holidays In the south. Most of them "Then why haven't you reported attended.the convention in Van- he.e sooner?" said St. Peter "You ouver- have been dead a long time."' Miss N. Ourvlch, who has spent ed to her home in-Prince Rupert on Sunday. The "Livewlre" Croup of the C. O. I. T. hiked to Remo under the , leadership of Mrs. A. W. llolmwood r-r JTmjlJ1J1, on Saturday and returned by train, WlttimyTmm.Xtf-l after visiting the. old Indian re- serves near Remo. Twentieth Anniversary of The Mussallem Grocery Company, Limited We commenced business In Prince Rupert In April, 1910, and consequently this marks our second decade. We wish to thank our many patrons for their valued support during these years, and on this occasion we will make treat reductions' for (heir benefit, for one week only. WHITE SUQAR BRAID'S BLUE LABEL TEA " n ioo-ib. sack PM3. OOC WHITE 8UGAR C0 QC BRAID'S BEST COFFEE (fn 50-lb. sack pej ip UilC BROWN SUQAR " C- Art FRESH GROUND COF- Q4 Of! 18-lb. sack yX.UUi FEE 3 lbs. for "sr-. ; rsmMc EVAPORATED MILK Off Off FRESH RHUBARB- All brands, per case PtJOtf , 0 lbs for DC FRESH MEATS, VEGETABLES, & FRUITS AT REDUCED PRICES Delivery free to all parts of the city The Mussallem Grocery Co, Ltd. 417 and 423 Fifth Ave. E. .... phones 18 and 81 Mrs. Fred Nash and her daughter, Jessie, returned from Prince Rupert on Saturday. Miss Nash went to Prince Rupert for medical j attention. 1 Miss Audrey Diggles was accompanied home on Thursday by Miss ,M. Kenney, after spending a few days at the home of Mrs. E. T. j Mrs. Thomas Brooks and her I granddaughter, Miss Loralne Ken-Iney, returned Saturday from Prince , Rupert where they spent the Easter i holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Smith from Prince Rupert arrived In town on Saturday's train. BURNS LAKE Sacumtha Pass, situated between Kimsqult on Dean Channel and Pondosy Arm of Eutsuk Lake, the lowest pass through the coast range wim tne exception of the Skeena, will be a great attraction to tourists and big game hunters In the very near future in the opinion of Douglas Lay, resident mining engineer. It is a wonderful scenic area replete with big game in abundance and splendid fishing, says Mr. Lay. The departments of mines and pub- n D g Singing Novelty Monday, April 23. I Mon., Tucs. & Wed. Two Shows 7&9p.m JOHN 'ARRYMORE In "General Crack" Qnc of the best, and partly Technicolor .Paramount Sound News ja Admission 20c & 65c 1 h iDCBtiaram uuira rci n tmrn k cnntBmiB j rn ra nn ,1 Our Mechanical Department Has been placed in charge of Fernand Kouscll Mr. Rouscll has been 24 years in the automobile trade, has had charge of some of the largest shops In Canada, Including The Legare Auto & Supplies Ltd., Montreal; Webbers Garage. Calgary; Pacific Nash Motors, San Francisco, UJS, and the past four years with Southard Motors, Vancouver. Realizing the pressing need for a man of this calibre In Prince Rupert and wishing to feel assured that our patrons will gt maximum service, has been the motive for placing Mr. Roiuell In charge of our shop. We solicit your patronage. Our prices are competitive. ROSS & MOORE LIMITED Chevrolet and Bulck Dealers MORE VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY . See the new Ford body lines and colors on view at our showrooms ' ' i .-v The Canadian Car." S. E. PARKER LTD. PRINCE RUPERT, U.C. He works are now engaged In bulld ing a trail Into the area. B. A. McKelvle and Gordon Smith of the provincial publicity department were here last week as ad' yanco agents for the Alaska hlah. wayyautomoblle corafanAricmdefybJrJ i-icmicr loimie, wnicn wm spena a night in Burns Lake In the course of its tour this summer. Samples taken by J. U. McLean from the tunnel on his Silver Olance mineral claim on Reld Creek, two miles south of Decker Lake, show values of .68 ounces of gold per tons as well as 3.6 sliver. 24 lead and 20.6 zinc or tptal value of $55.47. The tunnel on the Silver Glance was cxtendci! 50 f1 this spring by Mr. McLean nna M. Gerow and they are well satu fled with ore prospects. ; 4. : A SCALBi.iir CHARGES v . The following Is the " of charges made for rcadinf notices: Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. Dlrth Notices 60c. Funeral Notices $1- Funeral Flowers 10c Pcr lift mo 'IUO Ul A IMUiP V "